Cross Site Scripting (Portswigger Apprentice Manual)
Cross Site Scripting (Portswigger Apprentice Manual)
Cross Site Scripting (Portswigger Apprentice Manual)
Vulnerability Labs(Apprentice):
o The programming language to do XSS on the site will be JavaScript.
o When the lab is accessed, a site related to blogs will appear.
o It will have a text field where the user can search for certain blogs.
o Click on view post of any blog and go to the comment section of it.
o Enter the script in the comment section. Do not leave any field empty as it’s a requirement
from the browser side.
o The script is:
o Once the comment is posted the necessary changes will occur in the browser and the lab
will be solved.
3. DOM XSS in document.write sink using source
Refer for theory:
This lab contains a DOM-based cross-site scripting vulnerability in the search query tracking
functionality. It uses the JavaScript document.write function, which writes data out to the page.
The document.write function is called with data from, which you can control using
the website URL.
To solve this lab, perform a cross-site scripting attack that calls the alert function.
o The lab contains a website on blogging.
o The Document Object Model (DOM) is a web browser's hierarchical representation of
the elements on the page. Websites can use JavaScript to manipulate the nodes and
objects of the DOM, as well as their properties.
o DOM manipulation in itself is not a problem. In fact, it is an integral part of how modern
websites work. However, JavaScript that handles data insecurely can enable various
o DOM-based vulnerabilities arise when a website contains JavaScript that takes an
attacker-controllable value, known as a source, and passes it into a dangerous function,
known as a sink.
o The first two character “> is to escape the current html tag.
o When you reference <img src=x, this causes an error because the application is unable
to find the resource x. This is intentionally done to make use of the onerror event handler.
o Prompt is similar to alert which acts as a proof of concept that the script ran.
o Try document.cookie and you should be able to see your current session cookie.
5. DOM XSS in jQuery anchor href attribute sink using source.
This lab contains a DOM-based cross-site scripting vulnerability in the submit feedback page. It
uses the jQuery library's $ selector function to find an anchor element, and changes its href
attribute using data from
To solve this lab, make the "back" link alert document.cookie.
o To solve the lab you need to change returnPath parameter in the url to:
o Cookies are data, stored in small text files, on your computer. When a web server has
sent a web page to a browser, the connection is shut down, and the server forgets
everything about the user. Cookies were invented to solve the problem "how to
remember information about the user":
o When a user visits a web page, his/her name can be stored in a cookie. Next time the
user visits the page, the cookie "remembers" his/her name.
6. DOM XSS in jQuery selector sink using a hashchange event.
This lab contains a DOM-based cross-site scripting vulnerability on the home page. It uses
jQuery's $() selector function to auto-scroll to a given post, whose title is passed via the
location.hash property.
To solve the lab, deliver an exploit to the victim that calls the print() function in their browser.
o To solve this lab we need to use a custom exploitation tool that portswigger has built for
o To access this tool click on the exploit server option that is provided on the top of the
lab site.
o Type in the following command in the body section of the exploit server.
<iframe src="" onload="this.src+='<img
src=x onerror=print()>'"></iframe>
o Edit the command by writing in your lab id into the snippet. The part where to change
is highlighted in red above.
o Once the changes are made, click store. This will store the changes so that they will
be shown again incase the server shuts down.
o You can click on ‘View exploit’ to see how the hack would work.
o Click on ‘Deliver exploit to victim’ to send the data to the lab and it should be solved.
7. Reflected XSS into attribute with angle brackets HTML-encoded.
This lab contains a reflected cross-site scripting vulnerability in the search blog functionality
where angle brackets are HTML-encoded. To solve this lab, perform a cross-site scripting attack
that injects an attribute and calls the alert function.
o The following command needs to be input in the search bar:
o The onmouseover event in JavaScript gets activated when the mouse cursor moves over
an HTML element. This event gets activated when the mouse cursor hovers over an
element. The onmouseover event does not activate when the user clicks an element, or
the cursor leaves an element. For example, an onmouseover event can be used to
highlight a hyperlink whenever the user hovers the mouse over it.
8. Stored XSS into anchor href attribute with double quotes HTML-encoded.
This lab contains a stored cross-site scripting vulnerability in the comment functionality. To solve
this lab, submit a comment that calls the alert function when the comment author name is clicked.
o Type the following command in the website field of the feedback form:
o This function will display text in a dialog box that pops up on the screen. Before this
function can work, we must first call the showAlert() function. JavaScript functions are
called in response to events.