Family Planning 2 Lesson
Family Planning 2 Lesson
Family Planning 2 Lesson
Mahad Ali
Sheaths or coverings
Forms a barrier to prevent sperm and
egg from meeting
98% with correct and consistent use
Also protects against sexually
transmitted infections, including HIV
Male sterilization (vasectomy)
Permanent contraception to block or cut
the vas deferens tubes that carry sperm
from the testicle
Keeps sperm out of ejaculated semen
99% after 3 months semen evaluation
The percent with an unmet need for family
planning is the number of women with
unmet need for family planning expressed
as a percentage of women of reproductive
age who are married or in a union. Women
with unmet need are those who are fecund
and sexually active but are not using any
method of contraception, and report not
wanting any more children or wanting to
delay the birth of their next child.
Unmet need is especially high among
groups such as:
Urban slum dwellers
Women in the postpartum period
Meeting the need for family
planning is one of the most cost-
effective investments to alleviate
poverty and improve health.
Overall, 12 percent of currently
married women in Ethiopia have
an unmet need for family planning
services, 4 percent for spacing and
7 percent for limiting births
Proposed activities to address this unmet need:
Understanding the needs and perspectives
of these groups.
Testing interventions to expand access to
and use of family planning methods.
Norms, tools and guidelines
Developing appropriate indicators to
measure unmet need for family planning.
Developing or adapting guidelines on
family planning for different population
Country support and advocacy
Supporting country initiatives to address
the unmet need for family planning.
Introducing "best practices" addressing
unmet need, including integration and
linkages, and financing for sustainability.
Developing national capacity to strengthen
health information systems to monitor
trends and to evaluate programme efforts
to address the unmet need.
Global unmet need for contraception