Pagariya HVAC System Lify Cycle Cost Analysis-R2

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Corporate Office Project of M/s Pagariya Group at Nagpur

Sl No Load Summary Load in TR

1 Pagariya Corporate Office Phase-1 208

TOTAL 208.0
Subject : Chiller System Comparison
System Proposal
SR. NO DESCRIPTION Hybrid Chiller system screw chillers With CPVS Air cooled screw chillers Air cooled screw chillers
With CPVS Pump Pump With VP Pump With VP Pump

A Total Hotel Load

Comfort Load 200 TR
Critical Load NA
Total Building Load 200 TR

B System
System Hybrid System Air cooled Chillers Air cooled Chillers Air cooled Chillers
140 TR x 1 - WC
Configuration 140 TR x 2 - AC 140 TR x 2 - AC 100 TR x 2 - AC
140 TR x 1 - AC

C Cooling Towers
Induced Draft Counter Flow
Type of Cooling Towers
/ Cross Flow

D Condenser Pumps
Type of Pumping Constant Flow NA NA NA

E Primary Pumps
Type of Pumping Constant Flow Constant Flow Variable Flow Variable Flow

F Secondary Pumps
Type of Pumping Variable Flow Variable Flow NA NA

G Plate Heat Exchanger NA NA NA NA

Note: Below points are considered based on the client input.

1 All chiller configuration are made with 70% capacity of the total peak demand load, except option 4.
2 All chillers are working. No standby chiller considered.

210 TR
210 TR

265 HP




Corporate Office Project of M/s Pagariya Group at Nagpur
Subject : Chiller System Comparison


OPTION II- Air cooled screw OPTION V
Hybrid Chiller system With Air cooled screw chillers Air cooled screw chillers
chillers With CPVS Pump VRF
CPVS Pump With VP Pump With VP Pump

Total Load 200TR 200TR 200TR 200TR 265 HP
Selected Chiller Capacity 280TR(140x2) 280TR(140x2) 280TR(140x2) 200TR(100x2)
Water Cooled Chillers
Capacity 140 TR NA NA NA NA
Capital Cost - 1 No. 2940000 NA NA NA NA
Lifting / Shifting of Chillers 40000 NA NA NA NA
Total Cost 2980000 NA NA NA NA
Nos. of Chillers 1 NA NA NA NA
Total Capital Cost 2980000 0 0 0 0 ###
Air Cooled Chillers
Capacity 140 TR 140 TR 140 TR 100 TR NA
Capital Cost - 1 No. 3220000 3220000 3220000 2300000 NA
Lifting / Shifting of Chillers 40000 40000 40000 40000 NA
Total Cost 3260000 3260000 3260000 2340000 NA
Nos. of Chillers 1 2 2 2 NA
Total Capital Cost 3260000 6520000 6520000 4680000 0 ###
Cooling Towers
Capacity 175 TR NA NA NA NA
Capital Cost - 1 No. 525000 NA NA NA NA
Lifting / Shifting of Cooling Towers 50000 NA NA NA NA
Total Cost 575000 NA NA NA NA
Nos. of Cooling Towers 1 NA NA NA NA
Total Capital Cost 575000 0 0 0 ###
Condenser Pumps
Capacity 420 GPM NA NA NA NA
Capital Cost - 1 No 150000 NA NA NA NA
Lifting / Shifting of Pumps 5000 NA NA NA NA
Total Cost 155000 NA NA NA NA
Nos. of Condenser Pumps 2 NA NA NA NA
Total Capital Cost 310000 0 0 0 0 ###
Primary Pumps (Constant)
Capacity 280 GPM 280 GPM NA NA
Capital Cost - 1 No. 150000 150000 NA NA
Lifting / Shifting of Pumps 5000 5000 NA NA
Total Cost 155000 155000 NA NA
Nos. of Primary Pumps 2 2 NA NA
Total Capital Cost 310000 310000 0 0 ###
Primary Pumps (Variable)
Capacity NA NA 280 GPM 200 GPM NA
Capital Cost - 1 No. NA NA 210000 200000 NA
Lifting / Shifting of Pumps NA NA 5000 5000 NA
Total Cost NA NA 215000 205000 NA
Nos. of Primary Pumps 2 2 NA
Total Capital Cost 430000 410000 ###
PLC (Including CPM) 950000 950000 950000 950000
Total Capital Cost 950000 950000 950000 950000 0 ###
Secondary Pumps (Variable)
Capacity 280 GPM 280 GPM NA NA
Capital Cost - 1 No. 170000 170000 NA NA
Lifting / Shifting of Pumps 5000 5000 NA NA
Total Cost 175000 175000 NA NA
Nos. of Primary Pumps 2 2 NA NA
Total Capital Cost 350000 350000 0 0 ###
Condensed Water Piping & Accessories
Approximate Rmts 90 NA
Capital Cost (Rs. 9000 / Rmt) 810000 0 0 0 NA ###
Chilled Water Piping
Approximate Rmts
Capital Cost 2340000 2340000 2340000 2340000 0 ###
AHUs and Valve Accessories
AHUs-10 3000000 3000000 3000000 3000000
VRF System
ODU Capacity 26 HP X10 ###
Cost of ODU 4940000
Customized VRF based AHUs 4000000
Copper Piping (Considering ODU
@ each floor)


Total System Cost in Lakhs 148.85 134.7 132.4 113.8 104.1 ###
* For VRF option, air distribution has been considered with the customized VRF based CSU.
Corporate Office Project of M/s Pagariya Group at Nagpur
Subject : Chiller System Comparison
Hybrid Chiller cooled screw Air cooled screw Air cooled screw OPTION V
system With CPVS chillers With CPVS chillers With VP chillers With VP VRF
Pump Pump Pump Pump
Total Load 200 TR 200 TR 200 TR 200 TR 265 HP
Selected Chiller Capacity 140TR(140x2) 140TR(140x2) 140TR(140x2) 100TR(100x2)
Chillers Power Consumption LT
Water Cooled Chiller - Kw/ TR @ 70% 0.50
Air Cooled Chiller - Kw/ TR @ 70% 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
VRF System -kW/TR 0.90
Total WC Power Consumption 50
Total AC Power Consumption 105.00 210.00 210.00 210.00
Total VRF Power Consumption 238.5
Total System Power Consumption per Annum 404550 548100 548100 548100 622485
Cooling Tower Power Consumption
Cooling Tower - Kw/ TR 0.036
Total CT Power Consumption 6.3
Condenser Pumps
Capacity - GPM 300
Head in feet 32.8
Power Consumption 2.65
No. of Pumps Working 1
Total Condenser Pump power consumption 2.65
Primary Pumps - (Constant)
Capacity - GPM 200 200
Head in feet 32.8 32.8
Power Consumption 1.8 1.8
No. of Pumps Working 2 2
Total Pump power consumption 3.54 3.54
Primary Pumps - (Variable)
Capacity - GPM 200 200
Head in feet 82 82
Power Consumption 4.4 4.4
No. of Pumps Working 2 2
Total Primary Pump power consumption 8.84 8.84
Secondary Pumps - (Variable)
Capacity - GPM 200 200
Head in feet 49.2 49.2
Power Consumption 2.5 2.5
No. of Pumps Working 2 2
Total Pump power consumption 4.95 4.95
Fan Power 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00
Total Power consumption NA NA 238.5
Total Power consumption per Hour 92.44 83.48 83.84 83.84 75.00
Hours of usage in a day for 10 10 10 10 10
Annual run Days chiller 261 261 261 261 261
Annual run Days only using Two stage cooling
Unit cost of Electricity (Assumed ) 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Diversity on the total working hours 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Annual cost for Power 4649806 5515153.37 5521796.42 5521796.42 5891292.00
Water Treatment Cost for HVAC purpose
Water requirement for cooling Tower at peak load
- CM/D (24 hrs.)
Water requirement for 1600 hours of adiabatic
cooling system operation during peak summer 1600000 1600000 1600000
and warmer months. (In Ltr)
Annual cost of water @ Rs. 0.1 / Ltr 313200 160000 160000 160000
Water Treatment Cost 315000

System Cost Per 5278005.89 5675153.37 5681796.42 5681796.42 5891292.00

Total Annual Running Cost in Lakhs 53 57 57 57 59

1. All the chiller OPEX has been calculated based on the total cooling demand ( Not on the chiller rating).
Project : Corporate Office Project of M/s Pagariya Group at Nagpur
Date : 01.02.2021
Subject : HVAC System Options Comparison
cooled screw Air cooled screw Air cooled screw OPTION V
Sl.No. Technical Parameters Hybrid Chiller system
chillers With CPVS chillers With VP chillers With VP VRF
With CPVS Pump
Pump Pump Pump

1.0 Capital Cost

2.1 System Cost 149 135 132 114 104
Total Chiller system cost 149 135 132 114 104

2.0 Running Cost

Operational Cost
Operational Cost 52.78 56.75 56.82 56.82 58.91

Total Energy Cost / Annum 53 57 57 57 59

Energy Cost for 2nd year 55 60 60 60 62
Energy Cost for 3rd year 58 63 63 63 65
Energy Cost for 4th year 61 66 66 66 68
Energy Cost for 5th year 64 69 69 69 72
Energy Cost for 6th year 67 72 73 73 75
Energy Cost for 7th year 71 76 76 76 79
Energy Cost for 8th year 74 80 80 80 83
Energy Cost for 9th year 78 84 84 84 87
Energy Cost for 10th year 82 88 88 88 91
Energy Cost for 11th year 86 92 93 93 59
Energy Cost for 12th year 90 97 97 97 62
Energy Cost for 13th year 95 102 102 102 65
Energy Cost for 14th year 100 107 107 107 68
Energy Cost for 15th year 105 112 112 112 72
Energy Cost for 16th year 110 118 118 118 75
Energy Cost for 17th year 115 124 124 124 79
Energy Cost for 18th year 121 130 130 130 83
Energy Cost for 19th year 127 137 137 137 87
Energy Cost for 20th year 133 143 144 144 91
Total Energy Cost for 20 years 1,745 1,877 1,879 1,879 1,482

3.0 Maintenance Cost

a HVAC Plant Maintenance cost / annum 490,000 420,000 420,000 420,000 583,000
b Maintenance cost - Softener for STP recycled water 30,000
c Maintenance cost - descaling 50,000 40,000 40,000 40,000
Considering the water quality, the life of the
cooling tower fills is only 4yrs after which, the
fills will have to be replaced. The cooling tower
CT Fills replacement cost every 4 yrs 39,375 fills replacement cost is 30% of the cooling
tower initial cost

VRF ODU Replacement after 10yrs

Total Maintenance Cost / Annum in lacs 6.09 4.60 4.60 4.60 5.83
The life of the VRF ODU is 10yrs only. After
which, the ODU units will have to be replaced.
The replaced units can serve for an additional
Life Expectancy of system 20 20 20 20 20* 10yrs. Thus the life of VRF system is considered
as 20.

Total Maintenance Cost for Life Time - 20 Years 122 92 92 92 117

4.0 Life cycle cost

4.1 Capital Cost 149 135 132 114 208
4.2 HVAC Plant Maintenance cost for 20 years 122 92 92 92 117
4.3 HVAC Energy cost for 20 years 1,745 1,877 1,879 1,879 1,482
4.4 Water Cost for 20 Years 63 -
4.5 Average Equipment life in years 20 20 20 20 20
Total Life cycle cost
2,079 2,103 2,103 2,085 1,807
(Capex+Maintenance+Energy cost)

Prepared by Lead 05/09/2023 Page 5

System Comparison
Description Chiller System VRF
1 Space
The proposed chiller system with combination of water
cooled and air cooled chillers shall be located at the VRF ODU to be located at each floor level or at Terrace
1.1 Plant room space
terrace along with associated accessories like cooling level
towers and pumps
1.2 Covered space Required for water cooled chillers only Not required
1.3 Area required 175 sqmts @ terrace level VRF ODU:10sqmt/each floor/or at terrace level
CSU / Cassette or hi wall unit shall be proposed based on
1.4 Air side distribution Additional floor space required for AHU
the interior.
1.5 Filtration Levels Not a concern Restriction due to low static of standard units.
2 Future Expansion Modular and easy to expand Additional ODU space to be considered for future
Piping lengths are limited. Long pipes are yield to the
3 Piping Piping lengths are not limited. Less chance for leakages as chance of leakages and drop in the refrigerant pressure in
all the pipes are welded.
the pipe.
Challenges in meeting this requirements due to long
4 ASHRAE Standard 15 Compliance Complies the requirements length of refrigerant pipes and volume of refrigerant
charged in the system.

Since ODUs are located at each floor level More ODU are
required to meet the demand and the equipment to
5 Equipment required for 300 TR Less and limited to maximum of 3 units. oversized to meet the air flow rate and duration in cooling
capacity is high to high ambient conditions ( Hyderabad)
Approximately 2 to 3 ODUs / floor.

Considered part of chiller system and can be met without Capacities to enhanced to meet the air volume for critical
6 Cooling for critical rooms
increasing the capacity room requirements.

7 Diversity Diversity has been considered as per ASHRAE 90.1 office Limited and no diversity can be applied with customised
schedule. CSU or AHU.
8 Maintenance
8.1 Quality of maintenance required Easy to maintain Expensive to maintain due to refrigerant leaks.
8.2 Frequency of maintenance required Periodic maintenance is required Periodic maintenance is required
9 Redundancy and reliability Available as the chillers are with Twin Compressor. Critical Less compared to the Chiller System.
loads can be served by one compressor.
10 Chemical Treatment Required for water cooled chillers only Not required
11 Make-up Water requirements Required for water cooled chillers only Not required
12 Connected Power Less High
13 Overall Life Expectancy Longer life expectancy (typically 20 to 25 years). Average (typically 10 to 12 years)
14 Efficiency Higher Moderate
15 Refrigerant Leakage Low and limited to chiller only. High and results in major breakdown and loss of cooling to
the entire floor.
Restricted to AHU and condensate water leakage will be a Condensate water leakage will be concern if CSU are
concern if CSU are opted opted.
16 Water Leakage Potential threat of refrigerant leakage and the units to be
Potential threat to false ceiling if chilled water fed CSU is selected to meet the ASHRAE Std 15 compliance. Higher
volume refrigerant leaks can harm human beings.
17 Management Easy to manage and interface with BMS Limited access for management and interface with BMS

Prepared by Lead 05/09/2023 Page 6

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