C2070821 HB Mortar PDF
C2070821 HB Mortar PDF
C2070821 HB Mortar PDF
HB™ Mortar
Type Potassium silicate brick mortar Reference CES-358 ErgonArmor Specification for Brick Mortar
Description HB Mortar is a 2-component, halogen-free high
performance potassium silicate brick mortar used Installation HB Mortar is formulated for ideal handling at
to bond and bed acid brick in chemical 70°F (21°C). Do not use if temperature of mortar
environments. or components are below 50°F (10°C). If
temperatures are below 50°F (10°C), condition
components and substrate before application.
Uses • Butter industrial ceramics such as acid brick
• Brick linings in contact plant sulfuric acid
manufacturing process vessels Ratio 1.0 part solution: 2.5 parts powder by weight.
• Brick linings in industrial and thermal power
plant chimneys Powder loading may be adjusted slightly to suit
• Brick linings in demanding process vessel individual bricklayer handling preferences.
applications such as pressure leaching
Mixing Pour measured quantity of solution into clean,
dry mixing vessel. Slowly add measured quantity
Features • Unique catalyst system for enhanced of powder to solution and mix thoroughly until
performance fully blended.
• Creamy, buttery consistency
• High temperature resistance
• Resists strong oxidizing acids including nitric, Work Life 1-2 hours at 50°F (10°C)
chromic and sulfuric 30-60 minutes at 70°F (21°C)
• Low shrinkage 15-30 minutes at 90°F (32°C)
• High bond strength
• No acid washing required
• Fluoride-, sodium- and calcium-free, eliminates Cleanup Water
potential sulfation-hydration reactions
• Improved water wash-out and steam
resistance when compared to other potassium CURE TIME
silicate mortars
Temperature Initial Set Full Cure
Limitations • Not for use beyond its chemical resistance or 70°F (21°C) 5-8 hours 72-96 hours
thermal capabilities. Do not use in hydrofluoric
acid service or caustic environments. Consult
ErgonArmor with specific questions. SAFETY
Safety Mixes and applications of this product present a
number of hazards. Read and follow the hazard
information, precautions and first aid directions
on the individual product labels and safety data
sheets before using.
Rev 08/2021
Division of Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc. | P.O. Box 1639, Jackson, MS 39215-1639 | 601-933-3381 Fax | 601-933-3595 Phone | 877-98ARMOR Toll-Free | ergonarmor.com