Matriarchy Laid Bare

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Preface pg.3
Jewish Polygamy and Prima Nocte, pg.5
Colluding Collectivists, pg.6
"Smart Enough to Be Useful But Dumb Enough to Be Used", pg.7
M.G.T.O.W vs. Feminism: Divide and Conquer, pg.9
Maternalism, pg.12
True Patriarchy, pg.13
Vater Recht, pg.14
The Formula For Any Future Political Praxis, pg.16
Steppenwolf, pg.16
Eastern Boys and Western Girls, pg.18
Material Girl in a Material World, pg.19
Sensitivity, pg.20
Telegony and DNA Teleportation, pg.22
The Fall of Man, pg.24
White Cuckold, pg.25
Christian Fags, pg.26
Generation and Degeneration in a Racial Context, pg.26
Feminine Aggression and the Masculinization of Females, pg.28
M.G.T.O.W vs. Feminism: Divide and Conquer, pg.29
Mediatrix of the Divine Masculine, pg.32
Gene Pool Cloaca Gentium, pg.33
Will to Power as Rationalism, pg.34
Will to Power as Irrationalism, pg.36
The Consequences of Will to Power as Irrationalism, pg.37
Cum-Passion, pg.38
Mutt Pups, pg.39
Macho Moron, pg.40
White Sharia Reconsidered, pg.42
"Life of the Party", Death of the Soul, pg.44
Celibacy: Involuntary and Voluntary, pg.45
The Role of Woman, pg.47
The Role of Man, pg.48
Matriarchy Laid Bare


The matriarchy of this world has failed itself in various garb throughout the ages, either concealing
itself behind the somber raiment of the patriarchal system of government, a monarchy, a Republic,
etc. or under the festive costume of a democratic-communitarian order with its pretense of boundless
liberty, in actuality only the libertinism of a hedonic lifestyle that serves as a soporific to pacify the
potentially restless masses.

In either case the actual presence of the police state may be the result regardless of the justification
and the matriarchy in either case rules from behind the multicolored veils, sometimes adopting the
funereal costume of Saturnian black as in the case of an Islamic caliphate or perhaps even in the case
of a fascist dictatorship, sometimes adopting the bright use of the pacifistic spiritual community such
as in a Hindu or Buddhist society and sometimes in that of a racy liberal democratic regime.

In all cases with a rule from behind the scenes, behind their front man puppets who portray the
regime in a certain light, creating a simulacral perception of virtue or vice and then, once these front
men have played their role are substituted for yet others in a continual Merry-go-round of different
faces, all of which are masks behind which females rule, ruling over men for personal and collective
power-as a woman, as a collective, a collectivist despotism run from the subterranean shadows on the
inside of reality, the un-manifest, the yin (black) concealing itself-or not-behind the yang or at least
behind various pawns be they of the rank of bishop; king or knight… But never queen.

Unless that is they had garnered for themselves total power, the power of the panoptic- slave prison
where they rule in their oligarchical hierarchy with visible or invisible ruler or rulers, and amorphous
power ungraspable and therefore not readily defeated by men. Until they can do away with men
altogether and it is through the agency of man having them to take themselves through usage of their
feminine wiles and charms, their perfumed costume and veils of seduction.

The following work purports to be a guide out of the labyrinth of matriarchy, to defeat the Minotaur or
rather multi-headed hydra of female power and to gain freedom from the totalitarian control of
matriarchy. It prescribes strategies for exit and analyzes the pitfalls of the matriarchy: how the
matriarchy exploits the weaknesses of those called 'men', of the anatomically male human, and how
to live life to avoid being the type of 'man' that is susceptible to these traps-how to identify them and
how to understand the motive of women-all women, universally, by virtue of their nature, of their
feminine essence-in her laying these traps-or playing her role in catching the male rats. She heals the
male rat so that they can continue to run in the wheel and provide her with her insatiable desires-with
offspring and much delicious cheese that she might advertise in the most ostentatious and public
way-for her ego and for her personal empowerment. And her personal empowerment means the
empowerment of all women, universally, as together they form the matriarchy, an amorphous power
working behind the scenes, ungraspable in any tangible form save in that of woman, the anatomical
female and her inextricable essence, feminine consciousness.

This work is designed for a certain type of man, what might be called a 'differentiated mad'-one
separate from the collective who is capable of transcending his low desire nature and thereby freeing
himself from the snares of the female, from the snare of the nuptials and the implied obligation to be

a 'provider' (of everything forever) to her as a petty tyrant and hen who rules the roost over her
henpecked capon of a husband, or on a macro-political scale a despot such as in the case of a
Princess Wu or one of the contemporary leaders of a liberalized form of matriarchal power.

Whether a Lady Macbeth driving Macbeth to murder his own best friend to sate her power madness
or a pouty housewife whose husband demonstrated a lack of willingness to work overtime to furnish
her with another vacation as a status object to display to her fellow females and as a source of
amusement to alleviate her ennui-in either case the woman employs, as a black widow spider in the
web of society, and its microcosm of the home or macrocosm of the state, her cunning wiles to
extract the life's blood from men either as tax slaves; soldiers; husbands or any other role she desires
them to play.

Her motive, that of an apparent individual, particular being, is the motive of all, is a mere
particularization of the universal feminine consciousness, that of what might be called the mother
goddess. Insofar all women are priestesses of the mother goddess and the mother goddess works
through them in her vampiric mode of operation, extracting the life force from men, draining them of
their life's blood, of their bioenergy which is then absorbed into themselves to empower themselves.

The passive displays of female coquetry amongst other such face are simply mechanisms, ploys and
strategies for power through the seduction of men as energetic source, human battery, a vessel of

This work discusses female power in its modalities encountered in daily life and these myriad
strategies with which to deal with it. Ultimately it end's with the solution to all of these games that the
black widow plays in her spider's web and that is: masculinism, the mode of life and conduct of the
differentiated man, a man who 'goes his own way', following his own proper destiny without relation
to woman as an essential element in the formula of his happiness and fulfilling life.

Throughout history geniuses have left no children and have avoided women understanding the nature
of the spider and her web. They have nevertheless left the offspring of their minds which have
indelibly impressed subsequent generations more than have monarchs and their menarchs who rule
behind them with all of the physical offspring of their countless mistresses.

The great work of man lies in the stars with the Divine masculine and not in the mire of mother Earth
gestating; propagating; and perpetuating the cycle of birth and death. Though it might be a
contribution to dysgenics to avoid the continuation of one's own kind, his family line, the countless
pitfalls placed before him by the matriarchy make it impossible to attain any normal life.

Society is no longer 'normal' nor traditional though women have always held sway behind the scenes
there were at least options in the past. Now however, the matriarchy has come out in full force and
the options of man to live a normal life in relation to woman are unworthy of the risk of exercise-the
meager rewards are vastly outweighed by the punishment of loss and excessive and unrealizable
demand upon the man and his brief span of years reducing his life, should he take the bait, to one
'nasty, brutish and short', and their lesson in the suffering of life.

For all women, universally, are the physical manifestation of desire-insatiable and wanton. They are
desired in the flesh and as George Michael said: "everything she wants is everything she needs, and

everything she wants is everything she sees". Hence matriarchy sustains itself through the desire of
man for the tangible form of desire that is woman which is endless desire and vampiric and is how
matriarchy has sustained itself through the ages.

Jewish Polygamy and Prima Nocte

Throughout his trek through the ages the Jew has consistently (and stereotypically as is his want
being incapable of modifying his behavior) employed the strategy of invading his host in the manner
of Dracula, with apparent consent intermixing his blood with that of his host.

One particular form of this vampiric hybridization protocol is to employ his money power to attract as
many females as he can and thereby to spread himself as widely amongst the population by polygamy
and prima nocte if he is able. This can be seen a case of England and Romania as well as in that of
the Negroes on his plantations in America and other colonies whereby mulattos were the result,
Jewish hybrids of a chaotic and twisted mind and behavior.

In the case of his colonialist exploits, his vampiric spread of his Jewish 'anti-race race', places and
regions once unrelated to such as the British Empire spawned generations of mulattos which still
resembled the original type though having a 'British appearance'-the results of this hybridization, e.g.
Kenya; Namibia and to some extent South Africa. In the case of German colonies this also was the
case (Tanzania). Of course this is the natural inclination of all groups or races to colonize others by
either killing or sterilizing or cucking the males and supplanting them with themselves as a gesture of
usurpation and will to power over the conquered.

Jew's specifically however in perpetuating themselves in this way create societies of entropy in which
their vampire blood drains the life force of their hybrid offspring rendering them not only vampires
themselves but defective and devitalized on this very basis, deprived of the life force and living
against life as a 'sickness unto death', a living dead zombie in the case of Aryanization of Others
(interbreeding between the non-white and Aryan) the life force, rather than being diminished is
amplified and augmented, the will to power increased and the hybrids are invigorated not by virtue of
their hybridity but by virtue of their Aryanity.

The degeneracy of Aryan nobility has the following causes:

1) Jewish intermixture; 2) non-white intermixture; 3) sexual exhaustion and excess through decadent
lifestyle; 4) lack of spiritual emphasis and 5) lack of external threat to the survival of the soul of the

In the case of prima nocte under Aryan influence (such as in the case of multiple mistresses or even
entire villages) it is sexual exhaustion and possibly even an inadequate quantity of diverse blood
which led to the relative degeneracy of the type. Even in spite of this (which could be rectified with
adequate diversity of ethnic stock) the aryanization of whites via being the offspring of the superior
nobility was the best outcome and created the highest stock, enabling the preservation of the blood
memory of the ancestral Divyas.

Whether other populations would, if they knew the truth of history 'welcome the stranger', the jew is
unlikely, given the trek of the Jew through the ages. As to whether they or some of their kind would
welcome Aryanization at least in certain regions of their territory with the aim of mutual aid and
interest is a question that only they can answer.

Colluding Collectivists

Female power and Jewish power are largely the same, Jews being of a female consciousness-
subterranean; covert; mendacious; devious cunning; megalomaniacal; biased in favor of themselves
in all cases; generally egotistical.

Hence the system controlled by jewry accommodates the inclusion of females owing to a sympathetic
resonance of types. Perhaps the Jew is even more female than females in spite of his machismo, his
overcompensatory display of a rough stereotyped masculinity. Or perhaps the Jew is simply
accommodating females as a mechanism of subversion, of the degradation of Aryan and other
'Gentile' nations?

Regardless females and Jews both operate as above characterized, with surreptitious sneakiness. This
functions optimally through collectivism, a mobbing and a herd protectiveness wherein the controlling
agent or agents who would seek control conceals him or herself (perhaps the feminine pronoun is the
only appropriate one) in the crowd as protection against the exceptional case, I guess that which is
'Other' to the collective and any observed to be 'Other' will be subjected to constant mobbing and
bullying as a means of violating the threatening 'Other'.

This is born (and appropriate term) of their neuroticism, their inner instability; lack of self-control and
consequent desire to obtain security. Such is the driving force and motive of this cabal of collectivists
whose behavior constitutes a despotism imposed upon all and having no tolerance for anything
outside of itself, a panoptic prison in which the female is the jailer and spy controlling the system
through concealment and secrecy behind the mob, the collective herd of 'humanity' (Bolshevik sub-

The system of collectivism operates on the basis of a spy network wherein all are obligated as a
conditio since qua non of participation within the system to perpetually witchhunt and spy on all to
maintain what they call 'security', i.e. the application of their neuroticism which manifests itself in the
form of control freakism.

'Live and let live' is not the creative modernity but rather 'live and let die' or rather cause to die, to kill
the 'Other' as enemy and this by virtue of their 'Otherness'. There is only the 'We' collective self and
the 'Other', that which is enemy as that which is condemned to death in se and this essentially.

Such a society can only have developed through the trajectory of the Jewish consciousness or soul
which is that of a neurotic female transmogrified into a macho-man chief of police. In a pre-Jewish
and of necessity a pre-Christian world, the world of tradition, the tolerance of the 'Other' was its
hallmark, however problematic if enabling the perpetuation of non-Aryan inclusion within its territory
(such as in the case of ancient Rome).

The cabal seeks a crystallized stasis of identity, of culture-monoculture-and this veiled under the
façade of multi-culture, which serves as a stimulacrum of this 'monoculture'. The collusion of the
collectivists perpetuates itself through: 1) assimilating yet more minions into itself or 2) ruthlessly
destroying all of those on unassimilable into itself and this under the veil of having no tolerance for
intolerance and under the guise of 'safety and security'.

"Smart Enough to Be Useful But Dumb Enough to Be Used"

The quotation which serves as a title to this discourse encapsulates the mentality of feminists but not
women as a collective or universally (this latter is the question however). It represents a certain
modality of consciousness which is a level so to speak of their mind, that which is most rooted in the
survivalistic instinctive consciousness elevated perhaps (a habitual tendency amongst most women) to
the level of a rational calculus, a reckoning and calculating of relative advantages and disadvantages,
one might say the natural inclination of all women, universally at his level of consciousness.

This isn't to say that such a level of consciousness cannot be overcome and a higher state of mind
attained by women often through the instrumentality of men (and perhaps typically), his nonetheless
a fundamental orientation point toward which everything gravitates as iron filings (thoughts; emotions
and actions) to a magnet-that of instinctive survivalism.

Within the context of a traditional world this is all well and good as this penchant towards survivalism
and its implied egocentrism is controlled and directed by wise men who ensure that the wayward
female does not stray outside of the prescribed limitations or parameters, prescribed by the wise man
through e.g. religion or rigorous and well articulated mores (the law code of Manu,eg.).

In a world gone mad, driven mad, by Jewish intrigue and subversion, the world of 'modernity', the
wayward female is granted a license to licentiousness, to their natural inclination, to sate the
insatiable desire which is embodied in themselves and is in a way equated with themselves.

Hence they are 'off the chain' and, like a rabid bitch, scamper about pursuing their instinctive and
base tendencies (the accumulation of profit, the partaking of the free rides on the cock carousel). This
is the situation that the white man confronts in a decaying and atrophying modernity and which you
must do his utmost to overcome as a means of salvaging the world of corruption in which he finds
himself as it is his allowance of females to gain power which has precipitated the down going of the
West ('der untergang des abenlades').

For the female her redemption lies in man, and her finding herself as an analog to man, a man of
superlative virtue in the classical and most definitely not in the Christian sense-the hero; the Virya, he
who represents the archetype of masculinity, of the divine masculine and who can eo ipso elevate the
female to conferring upon her is wisdom (wise counsel; guidance, and the fruits of prudent action not
necessarily manifesting intangible form).

He can empower her and she perhaps to some extent himself via the unio mystica of alchemical
transmutation, the alchemical wedding, conjunctiva oppositorum. This should be the state at which
man in his archetypal sense encounters woman in hers and they mutually elevate one another

transmuting their mutual primitive instincts to a higher state of being. Within the world of corruption
being off the chain and bound to all manner of selfish pursuits of egocentrism and sensualism have
detached themselves from their higher principle of being and have become who they are in their
lowest aspect, an earthbound soul unredeemed by the divine masculine and living only to please
themselves and amuse themselves without any direction or compass, lost in the world of beings
detached from Being.

Hence they become de-centered in their being and lacking anything permanent or substantial. This is
the state of egocentric desire that constitutes the low female, the crudely self-interested and
materialistic being of desire, a desire object for some and a desire subject for self forever choosing
the transient appearances of the world of maya such a type of female has as her only criterion of
value as regards her relationship to man: "Smart enough to be useful but dumb enough to be used."
She, in this low capacity of why-man-hood, the state of being of the survivalistic self-server, observes
men as mere utilities: sources of economy (libidinal or commercial) and sources of physical force
(workers; defenders; protectors or bodyguards).

In the case of utility of economy the matter represents a giver of gifts, a donor of benefits typically in
the form of the crude tangible, material status objects she desires and which serve as social signifiers
of value redounding to her social status amplification in the mind of her peers who she desires to
stare into their vanity mirror with jealousy, to inflate her ego upon observation of their jealous looks.
The man for her is "Smart enough to play the role of a use value" within her boundless ambition and
to facilitate the realization of these ambitions but not sufficiently wise and intelligent to perceive what
is being done as this would militate against the realization of these projects.

The man of wisdom, he who can penetrate the barrier of feminine deception; tear aside the veils
which she cloaks herself in and subjugate the chaotic presence that is woman transforming why-man
into womb-man and this in the most spiritual sense converting her into a vessel or medium of the
sacred feminine, performing the maiuetic function of the higher intuition, a transceiver of the divine
masculine, transmuting it and feeding it back to elevate and empower the divine masculine.

Such is the necessity of our times that the warrior priest must assert himself and employ wisdom and
understanding to ensure he saves those of lesser capacity or indeed to awaken their capacity to
develop themselves toward higher states of being, able to more effectively control and dominate their
would be suppressor and exploiter and this not in the crude sense of violent assault but in the sense
of reason and wise counsel.

Of course for those that have such to confer they must first have it themselves and this necessitates
its development, to avoid being limited in one state of being to that of a mere 'utility', "dumb enough
to be used". As the white man must assert himself, the hero within must be resurrected through a
rekindling of the blood memory, a reawakening of his consciousness toward a higher state elevated
above that of a brute laborer "dumb enough to be used".

The goal should never be to reduce oneself as a white man to a level "smart enough to be useful" as
a mere tool of industry without any higher purpose serving one's own destruction and the erosion of
his soul allowing it to be vampirize by the entities who control this world (the only real purpose of the
economy and its 'demonic nature', a perpetual grind or rat wheel of energy outpouring, of the

squandering of his life force on useless endeavors which have no correlation to his self-development
or attaining any state of greatness, of becoming who he is, a Virya, a hero, obtaining his proper
destiny and this necessarily in the form of opposition to the system of the Judeo-Masonic cabal and of
the Demiurge.

The role of man cannot be reduced to that of the role of 'man for why-man' or indeed for womb-man
as that is a debasement of the higher self and a means of tearing down the higher so that the lower
can run amok without any higher guidance or compass.

MGTOW vs. Feminism: Divide and Conquer

The next phase of the dialectic of the Jew world order: sex-gender war, the artificially generated
antagonism between the sexes both anatomical and spiritual. The initial phase of this dialectic was the
positing of the apparent antithesis of feminism over and against the thesis of masculinist patriarchy.
Then they were employed willingly as in the case of the upper caste and perhaps to a lesser extent as
in the case of the lower caste to play the role of martyr and 'struggling heroine' against the villainess
patriarchal imposition.

Various occultists who are subscribers to the mother goddess cult, those involved in Rosicrucianism were instrumental in the unravelling of this ball of feminist yarn from the pinnacle of patriarchal
hegemony down into the abyss of contemporary modernity. The devotees of the mother goddess
transformed themselves into eunuchs, self castrating in a devotional right to their female deity
embodied in the form of anatomical woman, fleshly Eve, before whom they prostrated themselves
and served up their masculine anatomy to be vampirized by the black widow spiders in the web of

The patriarchal figure (action figures), having been adherents to the effeminate religious philosophy
of Christianity had been softened up by the lunar-semitic creed of near Eastern pathos and
contemplative escapism that had crystallized in the form of Christian values and the spirit of
Christianity which has possessed the Aryan race for the entire Piscean age.

Hence the patriarchy could extol the virtues of 'patria potestas' at least in their mind without having
the actual potency to do so, as Christ-insanity constituted (and constitutes to this day in its function)
as a spermicide rendering the pater an impotent capon useful and exploitable as a tool of the occult

Though jewry was instrumental in the employment of feminism to castrate the white man yet further
beyond Christianity it succumbed to a degree to the influence of matriarchy and thus created a wedge
which was driven into the Jewish community, fragmenting to a degree its integrity and thus
introducing that same chaos of the sex-gender war that the rabbinate had presumably intended to
deploy as a weapon against Aryan society and from thence introducing the basilisk of feminism into all
Gentile societies.

Though jewry may not have been the initiator of feminism as an ideology, it nonetheless serves as a
vector of it, perhaps owing to the female lunar-semitic consciousness, the cthonic-dionysian nature of
jewry which is of a completely effeminate character: pacifistic-escapist, which manifests itself in the
prostration before 'the One' and a radically irrational, mutable and inconstant character possessing
the 'constancy of inconstancy', a purely lunar trait. Hence, though patriarchal and indeed in an over
compensatory sense of the swaggering machismo and control freakism or domineering character
(itself a paradoxically female trait) the jewish soul is email in essence.

As feminism manifested itself through this vector of the female-male (the jew) enabling and allowing
the male-female (feminist) to assert itself within the context of this dominionist praxis with the female
attempting to usurp power under the auspices of this Jehovahistic archetype (monotheistic
totalitarianism), Jehovah paradoxically having been in its origin a female semitic deity transformed
through whatever tension of development into a hyper-masculine rabbinical archetype, an angry old
Rabbi blessing and cursing by turns.

Hence feminism had its germ in the jewish revolutionary and jewish totalitarian spirit, subject to the
dialectical tensions of the exaggerated masculine and the masculinized feminine, the tribe having
embodied the archetype of Jehovah and expressed this in accordance with their respective sex-gender

The critique of the jewish soul propounded by Otto Weininger in his book "Sex and Character"
characterizing the jew as female illustrates the reason why that particular tribal group served as a
vector through which the mother goddess manifested itself, presumably if not in its origin at least
within the Kali Yuga.

Possibly the origin was Lemuria and bound to the Negro stock who emanated possibly from this
region. Regardless, its history has been a silver cord which has run through the ages and manifest
itself from the subterranean depths in the various nations which had become comparatively less Aryan
in nature, and this proportionally, the less Aryan the stock, the more hybridized with non-Aryans
(Negroes; Asiatics and various crossings), the more accommodative to the cthonic and pantheistic
ideology of the mother goddess.

Feminism is the avante garde of matriarchy and perhaps even only a blind or mask behind which it
conceals itself. It is a distraction, like a feather boa or other accoutrement that the female girds
herself in and employs as a distraction to take away from her more cold and calculating political
aspirations. The figures of Lady Macbeth and Princess Wu are examples of the nature of females once
'liberated' from their traditional role.

Indeed it may be speculated that the traditional role of females is matriarchy as some such as Herman
Wirth have propounded or J.J Bachofen in his "Das Mutterrecht" ("The Mother State" or rather the
nanny state). However this is an error as such as Evola have commented indicating that the presence
of matriarchy in Aryan societies signals a decline and fall, a weakening or laxity of the masculine
power and as a consequence the vacuum of power being filled with the feminine mystique, the
perfume of matriarchy.

The women have played a role in the state as some have alleged ruling behind the king as the queen,
ruling secretly through the king and constituting a de facto matriarchy ruling behind a patriarchy but
this is debatable and not likely to have been the typical case historically. True patriarchy manifested
itself especially in cases of expansion of Empire and defense of the nation and it is only in times of
weakness (especially in a culture of sexual licentiousness brought about by excess ease and leisure,
lack of challenge and external threat) that the patriarchy can assert itself and maintain itself.

The exceptional case exists in archetypal form in the Iliad of Homer with the female constituting the
point of dispute and war or in the case of Macbeth or Romeo and Juliet etc., the woman serving as a
stimulus for masculine aggression, serving her own aims in most cases behind the scenes, her own
aspirations to monopoly.

A true Aryan nation is always patriarchal in leadership and women play their role serving a tribal
collective under the auspices of the leader.

The influences aforementioned (christianity; jews; sexual excess and excess leisure as its womb) are
the crucible in which was formed the doctrine of feminism, a divisive creed designed with malice
aforethought by women themselves perhaps, mother goddess occult adherents foremost amongst
whom being Anglo-Saxons and jews, has served as an instrument, a jackhammer, of fragmentation to
create fissures in the foundation of Aryan Nations.

Feminism is often portrayed as the golden fishhook which is used by dark forces such as jews to hook
fish upon and to serve them up as a sacrificial sacred cow holocaust barbecue of the Aryan Nations
whether it is the case the females who have bought into feminism are mere dupes or co-conspirators
serving their own interests while accommodating those of jewry or if they themselves and perhaps
their mother goddess consorts (Lucifer-Baals, eg. freemasons) are the ultimate cause of feminism and
its agents who introduce it to sabotage patriarchy, accommodating the yet more sinister dark forces
of the earth is a question.

Feminism functions as a divisive and corrosive influence in the traditional patriarchal nation as a
typical female creed embodying an extreme and negative modality of female consciousness facilitating
the breakdown of this order and supplanted with at least provisionally a chaos reconciled if possible
with the pre-existing order, dialectically creating a tension of development whose outcome is a
synthesis of opposites, a more balanced order.

This at best and balanced under the auspices of a traditional Aryan leader, not a patriarch in the near
Eastern sense but a leader who enforces a universal order accommodative of both modalities of
consciousness and their physical-anatomical embodiments of men and women both playing their
traditional role and affirming the strictness of their sex-gender correlation through integrating their
opposite modality into themselves to the extent compatible with that anatomical sex, itself a
crystallization of the higher consciousness, the soul incarnate in matter.

As a reaction to this feminist extremism is posited (and this apparently a construct of jewry) the
ideology of 'M.G.T.O.W' ('men going their own way') which purports to be a reaction to feminism,
presumably designed by jewry and put forth as yet more poisoned bait for the purpose of dividing and
conquering. The ideology of M.G.T.O.W like so many of the other jewish created ideologies exploits

organic differences as a point of separation which allows them to drive their ideological wedges into
their enemy to tear them apart at the joints.

M.G.T.O.W Is a feminized brand of masculinism, an egocentric focus, inward-looking and hence

feminine, and absurdly claiming to have no concern or interest with women and yet paradoxically
woman being an indee fixe embodied in an ideology that makes this absurd claim.

However in terms of its ideological function it serves a political purpose of safeguarding the interests
of the male sex as feminism did to some extent in its origins. The appeal of these ideologies for both
sexes was a lure which hooked them in and this against their overall better interests which they
eventually came to understand to be more of a negative than positive influence.

The eventual and inevitable dialectical reconciliation of these anti-thetical tendencies will reveal the
respective imbalances and both will serve to keep the other in check. In the end result there will be a
victory for the Fuhrer Princip (the leadership principle) invested in a wise man and his inner circle or it
will be valhalla and the submersion of this world into the mire of the cloaca gentium.


The creative program of woman is maternalism. It is an expression of their will to power manifesting
itself through themselves as a being whose fundamental essence is desire. Like Tantalus grasping for
the forbidden fruit their reach is forever exceeding their grasp and their grasping nature is habitual
and can be curtailed only through the influence of the wise man.

Should the man lack wisdom or suffer a fall from grace to a debased state of consciousness, he
enables women to attain more than they desire and in doing so precipitates the fall of the chain of
dominoes which had its true origin's in his own inner fallibility which itself primordially was a result of
the 'fall of man' and involution of the Divyas through vivaparous mixture with the anthropoids. It was
a deliberate choice on the part of the higher beings to salvage the souls of the anthropoids from the
eternal return, from the cycles of time and to liberate them from the Demiurge.

His desire in subsequent periods for the flesh of the female (for sense gratification and pleasure)
allowing himself to be governed by the passions brought about a subsequent fall and in his place the
ascendancy of matriarchy, the political form of female consciousness, the nanny state (Das

Maternalism, the ideology of the female, manifested itself through the power vacuum of male
degeneration, his fixation upon or obsession with desire and detaching himself thereby from the
higher state of consciousness which governed his action and thought when he was relatively purer in
biological form. The more mixed and more impure he got the more he gravitated toward desire. Such
must be considered as the acceleration of the 'fall of man' and this is a logarithmic downward spiral
into the abyss.

Maternalism is the macrocosm politically of the microcosm in the form of the nuclear family, the
essential nuclear unit of the larger social organism amplified into a larger organism though having the
same form albeit of a more complex nature. Hence the matriarchal society is a family unit on a grand

scale governed by the ideology of maternalism which is a crystallization of feminine consciousness as
an ideological formula for the babes of the nursery, the 'citizens of society.

The 'citizens' must abide by the micromanaging control freakism of the female once the female
manages to attain a certain form of social organization through the expansion of the home: from
home to household; to lands and Estates; to tribal units; to civilization. It is an ever-expanding control
structure or web in which are caught the flies from whom women derive their life force as the black
widow spiders' of the web.

Perhaps it may be speculated, that the non-physical or trans-dimensional entities which plague this
planet are working through women and this through their naturally (biologically) insatiable nature, as
a desiring subject serving as a vehicle of their control on the earth plane. Through this means the cult
of the mother goddess is born and through this means their will is manifest on the earth creating a
slave matrix called 'civilization' that is utilized to trap within itself the desiring men who have bound
themselves to craving and thus have been seduced by the mother Goddess by way of her proxies the
material female (Eve) and her beguiling nature, seeking to shift the attentional focus of men from the
Divine (and inner Lilith) toward the outer coarse instrument of the phallus and their trap the female
genitals and indeed all of the aesthetic instruments which trend downward, earthwards toward the pit
of tellurism, toward the sowing of the material seed for the generation of the material forms and not
its transferrance toward higher states, toward the generation of the noumenal forms of mind.

True Patriarchy

True patriarchy can only be attained by way of the wise man. Only he who has overcome desire and
made of himself an instrument of the super (supra)-cultural organism, what has conventionally and
erroneously been deemed the 'collective consciousness' of his race or tribe, is capable of transcending
his ego and its perpetual craving (for attention; for power; status and material sensualism) can be a
true leader of his race.

Such a figure as the Ayatollah or Adolf Hitler constitutes the archetype of the wise man who is
simultaneously leader of the nation. He transcends passion and overcomes the lust of the flesh and
concern for the limited and transient goals and purposes of the mundane. Adolf Hitler never learned
how to drive a vehicle and this exemplifies the elevation of the avatar, of he who is possessed by the
higher forces and which elevate him to the pinnacle of power, guiding him toward a prudent course of
action given their higher consciousness and knowledge of higher planes beyond the third dimension.

Accordingly, he the leader is removed from the involvement with the flesh attitudes himself thereby to
higher states of consciousness, making of himself a suitable vehicle (avatar) of these forces and their
supreme wisdom. Thus he can serve as a suitable leader of his race and indeed of 'humanity' as a
whole depending on the purity and elevation of his consciousness.

Figures such as Adolf Hitler need not be religious leaders like an Ayatollah though they may also be
this. What matters is not the external form of dogma, of rites and ceremonies and particular texts of
literalist religious limitation but rather the soul of the being, how pure and towards what trajectory it
is directed, away from the mundane and grossly material and toward the heights of spiritual elevation

or in some other form of intermediary distraction, the rational calculus of scientism or the mundane
projects of worldly ambition.

Only he was purified himself in his Temple (the body-mind) will make of himself a suitable avatar
through which to establish himself as a vehicle for the will of the gods and to attain a state of greater
elevation for his people as a collective, not as merely a visual or aesthetic exemplar of proper conduct
in lifestyle but as a vehicle for the spiritualization of the supra organism for which he serves as the
figurehead attracting to his race the necessary spiritual forces for the elevation of his kind, creating a
harmonious and powerful race of superior population.

Patriarchy in this sense can never be attained through those in the lower consciousness inordinately
attached to matter and is only available to the pure (pure in race as well as in spirit though perhaps
exceptions to the rule apply, the ease of attaining and gravitating towards a more pure consciousness
is available as a potentiality with the white race to a greater degree than others owing to their
proximity to the Divyas and their consequent higher spiritual state of being.

The false patriarchy of christianism and other putative or quasi-patriarchal structures (possibly
freemasonry) incorporative of all manner of jewish elements and open to all without regard to racial
distinctions, proves its failure in the chaos of modernity which now threatens to erase any of the pure
and indeed all those spiritually advanced of all kinds on this earth and is a mere simulacral patriarchy,
mere Baal's or Lucifer's who are consorts of the mother goddess and who subserve the matriarchy
and its connection with the dark forces of this earth.

Vater Recht

Solar versus Lunar, Aryan versus Jew-this is the power dynamic of today and of yesterday and has
been perennially as it is an expression of two divergent and warring species who vie with one another
for power and for supremacy over the earth and indeed over the universe, the distinction between
order as reflected in the Solar tradition of the Aryan race and chaos as reflected in the shadow of the
solar, the lunar consciousness of jewry.

The latter, being Lunar is necessarily a 'Mutterrecht', a mother right, which is concealed behind an
external patriarchal façade and the former, the father right, which is only overlaid and superimposed
upon by a matriarchal facade under the conditions of semitization (e.g. under the Christian despotism
and its earlier variants which laid waste the primordial Atlantean-Aryan Solar-Tradition in its
subsequent manifestations throughout history).

'Mother right' as presented in Bachofen is justly critiqued by Evola as a sign of decadence, of the
corruption of higher spiritual forces being subordinated to an oligarchy of matriarchs and their
consorts embodied in the form of the mother goddess cult with its castrated eunuch priests and their
dionysian ecstasies, vile rites of tellurism.

The downward spiral of father right is initiated through the counter initiation of the mother goddess'
presentation of desire as a vampiric vortex of masculine force, attempting to pull down the Divine
masculine into the sacre-carnal feminine and reduce the higher Spirit to the earthly soul of feminine

consciousness in its lowest octave, the debased Venusian quality of the male was lost his first estate
through desire and through his incapacity to live in the higher states of consciousness, allowing
himself to be pulled down to the level of the brute.

The history of the world is a history of degradation and devolution through the involution of the
Divyas and their mixture with the savage beast men of Lemuria and the consequent lowering public
consciousness of the Aryan, is ever greater immersion in the waters of samsara and his detachment
from the higher planes, becoming an earthbound soul.

On this basis she becomes the soul captive by the female and becomes bound to the state of a mere
'nest slave', bound to tellurian motives which he has taken on through the penetration of his
consciousness by the imagos and egregores introduced by the devious female and her motivation
toward the usurpation of man as an instrument to save her own lust for power, boundless desire for
any and everything forever-so long as it provides her with the means to pay her devotions to the
pleasure principle, the phallic totem which is the idol of her worship.

This metaphysically as an external source of pleasure and power but in actuality she derives her
greatest pleasure through her vanity mirror, reflecting her reflection as a reflection of the Solar light
which vampirically absorbs the bioenergy of men not only in the coarsely material form of Bindu, of
the 'Satanic explosion' of the petite mort but through the energetic transference of masculine devotion
and all of its earthly delights.

This is the downward spiral of desire that is initiated by men who have succumbed to the desire
consciousness and have eo ipso enabled woman (woe-man; womb-man) to usurp control through
their naturally soulish propensity, their mutable Lunar consciousness serving to beguile men in all of
their paradoxicality of 'passive-action', of 'acting without acting', exerting influence on men by their
magnetic attraction. Hence the man being of Iron he is drawn to the magnet ordine geometrico and
binds himself to her with the strength of his desire, being unable to extricate himself from her
presence in thought or inaction, actions being a mere shadow of the original thoughts. 'Having her
forever in his thoughts', he is forever enslaved and this by himself.

A re-ascension of patriarchy in its true and sustainable form not a matriarchy in its concealed form
hiding behind his simulacral patriarchy can only be attained by men who are wise men beyond the
influence of females and this because beyond the influence of the female consciousness in his lowest
octave, that of desire and its motivation toward gratification, the gradual downward spiral of, in
contemporary scientistic terms a 'hyper-dopaminergic' process leading toward a 'hypo-dopaminergic'
state through burn-out and its consequences bio-spiritually (adrenal fatigue; nervous exhaustion,
etc.), The gradual attachment to all things carnal, phenomenal and transient and concomitant
detachment from all things spiritual and eternal.

Thus one not only loses his place in Eternity but leaves the world down a winding path toward the
abyss through a despiritualization of the nation and it's ever coarsening state of consciousness,
fragmenting the spiritual unity of the state into millions of shards through a culture of self-service and
self stimulation over and against the prior unity begotten through self-sacrifice and through adhering
to the archetypes put forth through the spiritual leadership.

The wise men alone can solve the problems of this world and, given his comparatively limited power
he can have only so much influence but his influence is nonetheless necessary in order for any
changes to occur which will shift things against the current of disintegration.

The Formula For Any Future Political Praxis

'Patria Potestas', and this starting with the elevation of the mind of the Aryan and his detachment
from the baseborne pursuits of the contemporary heterosexual white male, the tool and instrument of
a female and woman as a whole (hole) who he caters to as a simpering slave doing her dog work
either in the form of the C.E.O or politician or in that of the laboring grunt scraping and scratching in
the dust.

The influence of matriarchy as a politicized form of female consciousness is insatiable and relentless in
its power madness, the archetype being Lady Macbeth who applies her pressure upon the white man
to go to any and all lengths of immorality (or beyond the limitations of his otherwise higher
aspirations and inclinations) to carry out her whims, just as in the household he serves her as a cash
cow and as a laborer either through his labour in the office or the worksite.

Hence the white man must simply disconnect himself from society and devote himself to undermining
it in the most legal way possible; withdrawing himself, exposing and opposing the influence of the
matriarchy and all of its variants and permutations that it conceals itself behind. A failure to do so
announced to his allowing the noose to tighten around his neck and this as the natural tendency of
matriarchy is to perpetually work without limitation towards the realization of the complete
strangulation of man and they being transformed into a castrated cuckold, hen-pecked and reduced to
the level of beasts of burden without any higher mind.

The gradual diminution of the cultural level of Aryan societies as well as the ascendancy of entartete
kultur, of a sexualized and feminized culture, is a necessary consequence of this laxity of the white
man, reducing himself to a mere white nigger and inevitable, should he continue along this trajectory,
transformation into a mongrelized wigger, having allowed himself to be reduced to the lowest
common denominator, a mere brute under the yoke of his mistress.


The novel of Hermann Hesse "Steppenwolf", is a Luciferian allegory which describes the alchemical
process of the conjunctiva oppositorum, the reconciliation of opposites merged into the God-man
Lucifer who becomes who he is through that process, through an overcoming of dualistic
consciousness, attaining unity consciousness through the unio mystica with the divine within, a
merger of the masculine and feminine modality of consciousness into the complete soul.

Within the context of the story this is posited as an integration of opposites through homosexuality
and this by way of a participation in sexual acts with a young woman who is a gateway to this state.
However this is just the literal interpretation, the meaning is allegorical but it is the Jew and his black
magician cohorts who participate in the literal act of that homosexual union.

Whether Hesse was himself one of these black magicians and like his contemporary Karl Gustav Jung
a Freemason, the writer cannot say, but the work "Steppenwolf" suggests a subtle deviance (and
indeed overt deviance of the sexual variety) which suggests that Hesse's revelation of the mysteries
may in fact have been of this variety.

Regardless, it stands as an interesting allegory of the alchemical transmutative process and gives
insight into the character of the 'Steppenwolf' figure, the inner chaotic and irrational being given
toward lower forms of savagery and his relationship to the mundane, rational quotidianne man who
attempts and owing to this wolfish aspect of his nature futilely, to suppress and control the inner wolf.

Though these aesthetic and reflective properties of consciousness are posited initially in the story as
antithetical and oppositional they are posited as reconciled in a higher synthesis through the Tantric
alchemical process which elevates them both into a luciferian synthesis, the god-man transcending
the antipodes of reason and passion through a higher gnosis which elevates both faculties to a higher
form of consciousness.

At the lower octaves of consciousness, the two oppositional modalities of consciousness, the aesthetic
and reflective, the tension between the two, leads to the dialectic between the aesthetic (the wolf or
Steppenwolf or 'the passions') and the reflective (the bourgeois intellectual Harry Haller, the
protagonist of the story, 'reason') and these two modalities of consciousness dialectically vacillate
back and forth putting him in a state of constant tension, a 'malaise of modernity' or 'existential crisis',
and this creates a drive toward finding solutions to this problem through the morose self-reflection
and wandering about in the dead of night of 'the Steppenwolf', the desire of Harry Haller in his mode
of seeking that which must of necessity exist within the shadows, on 'the night side of Eden' so to

Haller eventually in his self-reflection enters in via recollection (of his past lives and possible
trajectories of his choices in life) to a "magic theater", a fictional imaginal space of his own
construction in which myriad rooms exist through which he can view the paths of life he did not take
but could have taken and the consequences of such choices. At this stage he understands the law of
consequence and what must be, and the choice he had made and on this basis that there exist
alternatives to his prior limitations and his consciousness thus expands apropos of these choices.

He then understands in his self reflection that the concrete physical woman (Eve) is not the direction
in which to head but rather the sacred feminine (Lilith) who is the completion of his incomplete soul,
the aspect of his consciousness necessitating integration and thus eventually discovers, through the
Tantric alchemical process, through becoming acquainted with a young woman who, presumably in
her comparative purity and callowness is a suitable vehicle for this alchemical working and, in spite of
his inhibitions and neuroses a result of his life of bourgeois rationalism, she persuades him by her
influence to partake of the forbidden apple and to undergo the transmutation of his conscious mind.

The negative element of Hesse's work lies in the fact of its flirtation with 'the Other' as a means of
consciousness expansion and trending downward to the level of the Jewish black magician. In the
case of Pablo, a character who represents presumably the lower aesthetic type, the figure of a dark
South American, he involves himself does Harry Haller with this figure in homosexual acts and this as

a furtherance of his initial participation with his young woman who represents the sacred feminine
aspect of consciousness.

This prescribes a homosexual path and accordingly is of a black magic nature especially such an act
with a beast-man. The drugs partaken of, though possibly having a transformative effect on
consciousness simultaneously have a degenerative effect on the body-mind and thus are no
'springboard to the divine' but a diving board into the lake of fire. Thus Hesse's work may be
considered an exercise in black magic prescription with redeemable elements and thus must be taken
cum grano salis.

Hesse, whether Freemason or no, was apparently known to Miguel Serrano or else known to a degree
and Serrano being a luciferian in a way contra to the distorted black magic of Jewry may well suggest
a redeemability in Hesse's work. Serrano's work especially that of the alchemical "NOS: Book of the
Resurrection" has parallels with "Steppenwolf" in that it portrays in fictional or allegorical form, the
alchemical process of transmutation.

The idle reader such as the writer of these words, can make no claim to full comprehension of these
works but simply must "look through a glass darkly"and attempt to read between the lines. Such
works are revelations of the method on the part of the white magicians, of the Aryan (at least in the
case of Serrano's work) and had to veil themselves behind fictional works as means of getting out
their message.

One indication that Hesse's works were not black magic hinting of their Judeo-Masonic process is in
Hesse's work "Narciss and Goldmund", in which the life of hedonistic abandon adopted by Goldmund,
a youth, is eventually the path leading to his dissipation, the fracturing (in a negative way) of his
consciousness and the supercession of that fractured mind by Narcissus, the monk who devoted
himself to a life of ascetic deus contemplativa, a devotion to his higher self and a self-abnegation, a
rising above the phenomenal plane of existence.

However this path itself is an error and leads only to the stagnation of the limited consciousness. The
path of "Steppenwolf" qualified in light of the work of Serrano is the way toward true immortality not
a 'being with God' through the dissipation of the soul, rather through its integration in the diamond

Eastern Boys and Western Girls

The song which was introduced in the 80s by the cabal for the purposes of pushing the miscegenation
agenda was yet another propaganda vehicle that attempted to drive thin ends of wedges into the
white society as a means of breaking it up in a 'death through thousand cuts' manner. To instill in the
consciousness of the white woman, arguably the more impressionable of the two and given to
emotional states of consciousness, a desire for 'foreign flesh', for the mysterious stranger from the
East, the somewhat reserved and polite and at the same time somewhat effeminate male Oriental.

Perhaps the song had an influence but it was nothing in comparison to the Negroidation of culture
and the appeal of the beast-man Negro to the white female. This and other of the darker meat of
'foreign flesh' whose animalistic appendages no doubt had their appeal to the females given as they
are to a cthonic-tellurian orientation of consciousness.

The converse in fact was the outcome in terms of orientations of whites to nonwhite sexes with,
rather than white females partaking so much of the oriental foreign flesh, white males being
participants in the orientalization protocol of their consciousness by jewry, instilling by way of such
'entertainment vehicles' as animated video games the culture of the Oriental 'Other' and making it
appealing to the white male, especially the more effeminate nerdy types who were and presumably
are too pusillanimous to approach white women with the latter's more aggressive and quasi-masculine

Accordingly, the partakers of foreign flesh here are the white male who re-enacted his Juvenile and
fantasies involving himself in martial arts and the related Oriental 'entertainment culture' served up by
way of such media superstars as Bruce Lee and Others and as a more adult extension of these
fantasies of Asiaticism partaking of the forbidden fruit of the peaches of the Oriental-monkey creating
havoc in heaven, defiling the differentiated order of God ("Monkey Creating Havoc in Heaven" being a
child's book in which the cunning monkey partakes of peaches against the will of the gods defiling the
Aryan race through blasphemy against the flesh. The song "I think I'm turning Japanese" also applies
in this context).

The mystique of the East had been ushered in by the Jew in their media by way of the mysticism and
'magic' of taoism and Buddhism and their concrete expressions, oriental symbolism and knick-knacks
as well as tai chi and related martial arts disciplines. From hence a greater popularization occurred
with Japanese animated from the 1950s and 60s Astro boy to more violent and sexually charged
vehicles of Orientalism and thus had appealed especially to the more intellectual 'nerdy' youth of
society who, being introverts for more inclined to live 'in imaginatio' gravitated towards these
forbidden fruits. Thus the cabal targeted this 'demographic' with their propaganda in conjunction with
their Eastern affiliates and 'the serpent beguiled [him] and [he] did eat', at first of the cartoons and
eventually of the peaches of the Orient as a monkey creating havoc in heaven and on earth.

Material Girl in a Material World

Female psychology is oriented toward mundane concerns and the accumulation of matter (mother
matter): this in the form of money and all the earthly goods it can buy, all that conducive to status
and the comforts of life which served to feather the nest of the female if not with golden feathers
than with silver, if not with silver than with bronze and down the line.

Hence their orientation is materialism and the metaphysical archetype of Prakriti (matter or the
material/substantial) is conventionally associated with them as this is what they are the embodiment
of on the material 'worldly' plane of existence. The song which is the title of this discourse well
illustrates the nature of females and their cthonic-tellurian tendencies.

The additional song "I'm a Barbie girl" is also applicable in characterizing females at least in their
lowest aspect of being, that of a status seeking, money-grubbing exploiter who is content (if at all)
only with the best of all possible worlds. Such is the nature of nature (natura naturans) and the motor
of evolution finds traction on the material plane via the vehicle of prakriti with purusha as driver (the
masculine principle).

Without Purusha, the rational/intellectual principle of consciousness, there is no direction for prakriti
who then careens wildly around with abandon and without any focus of her aspirations save a
fruitless and meaningless competition against all and sundry for personal advantage and egotism,
living for herself and at most for her biological imperative, for the conception of children and for those
same as a biological extrapolation of her essence ('genetic photocopies').

However this function is not only limited as it restricts all aspirations to merely material existence but
retards the motor of evolution, congesting it with the oil of materialism that is the fuel upon which
females operate when divorced from any masculine influence, being stuck in the mud of matter as
they spin their wheels in comparatively fruitless pursuits (self and collective oriented but always
trending downward toward the cthonic-material).

Hence the masculine principle of purusha is imperative in order to pull up the vehicle and give it wings
the soar toward the heavens above, towards Deity and to fulfill the Divine Will. However, without
prakriti to give substance to the 'quest for fire' of man, of the divine masculine principle embodied in
an earthy clay there is merely a detached spirit floating in the empyrean without any substantial
weight or directional focus within the material plane.

Hence, without prakriti and life on this plane there is merely a transcendent flight from reality, a 'flight
of the alone to the alone' and this in the form of an ascetic self-flagellation or involvement in the war
everlasting of all against all, a transcendence via self immolation as the end of the life in the material
plane, a life lived against life.

Thus an equilibrium must be maintained in order for material existence to prosper neither and
escapism from the material plane in self-destructive dynamism nor an immersion therein in inertia.
Though both paths lead to God neither alone leads to godhood and hence they must be equilibrized in
order for divinity to manifest on earth as it is in heaven in the form of a God man (God-manas, divine
mind in miniature).


The ability to be receptive to sensory information, to sense reality at any dimension is clearly radically
distinct amongst the different species commonly referred to as 'human'. To illustrate: the white man
being a higher consciousness has the capacity to sense more of Being/'God'/Reality than the non-
white and this can only be understood by him and by way of inference can be inferred on the base of
his sensitivity to stimuli.

The sensitivity does not of course imply a cowardice or incapacity to endure hardship rather the
converse is again borne out by the evidence of the white man alone can stand against the hordes of
beast-man unaffected and can endure greater hardship than any while still being more affected than
any, which not only testifies to his superlative consciousness but to his superlative power of will to
overcome the assault against him.

The heroism of the white race throughout the ages has proven its capacity to endure greater hardship
than any from the Roman legions to the French foreign Legion-all are prime examples of toughness
and strength in the face of overwhelming odds (and countless other examples could be instantiated).

The Orientals which incorporate the stock of mongrel Amerindians called 'Native Americans', Mexicans
and often South American stocks have a great capacity to endure pain simply because he cannot have
a higher consciousness necessary to feel pain and thus what appears initially to the superficial eye as
'power' and 'strength' is in reality simply enervation, a lack of capacity to feel or experience stimuli at
any deep level of their being perhaps simply because they have no deeper level to their being? Having
no depth they can of course not be affected to as great an extent. This may explain their predilection
toward more extreme forms of sensationalistic activity-as they are not as heightened in their
consciousness and thus require a more forceful stimuli in order to sense things.

Hence the rampant drug use in Asia as a habitual cultural practice from tea drinking (caffeine being
an adrenal stimulant) to China white and Opium-all facilitate the ability of an Oriental to feel what
otherwise would perhaps not be as habitual a state of mind. Their prodigality also testifies to their
need for greater stimulation and natural tendency toward thrill-seeking and incapacity to transcend
the coarser drives. As a typical case the Oriental can be seen in his habitat in the following forms of
relatively low-level intensity of energetic output: laundry mat; grocery store; convenience store;
restaurant owner; computer programmer; factory assembly line worker.

Thus on this basis of behavior the inner being of the Oriental can be inferred and his comparative lack
of sensitivity. The cases of Asiatic torture are legend throughout history and so too in the case of
those not so customarily associated with the Orient the Amerindian and his violent cruelty (scalping
and torturing of whites etc.; Aztec sacrifices, etc.).

The Negro, last and certainly least on this spectrum of sensitivity may be observed in his habitual
thrill-seeking; prodigality; drug use; cannibal rights and various other practices which underscore his
complete lack of empathy for others even his own and complete coarseness of mind. Thus can be
seen the complete contrast between the white man, a child of God, an embodiment of the divine
spark and the non-white savage beastman and their capacity to feel the higher dimensions of spirit, to
dwell therein and yet to know and understand the Other sentient beings on the earth and to work
toward a harmonious world order with the white race, they alone who can understand 'God', ensuring
that his presence will continue 'on earth as it is in heaven'.

Telegony and DNA Teleportation

The fact of DNA teleportation through water vapor discussed by Tulio Simoncini is a factor that many
are unaware of. What is not understood in light of this fact is the maxim "the company you keep
determines who you are" has a greater significance than mere 'psychology', mere ideas and thoughts
that are 'pictures in the mind' generated sui generis out of one's own personal corner of reality that
can be substituted for any other at any time if only there is a sufficient willingness. Rather the
meaning of the maxim is of an ontological one, i.e. having objective substantial Reality.

The DNA or life force energetic structures exhaled by others mingle with one's own and thus lead to a
contamination of the body and soul of the respirer of that water vapor exhaled by the other party
thereby leading to a modification of one's nature or structure, taking into himself elements from
others and thus modifying his own nature. Thus on a micro-cosmal level and on a macro-cosmal level
societally the exhalations of the 'Other' and of one's own modify and contaminate his own essence
and thereby modify it, to whatever degree varying with the power of the person and their capacity to
overcome the virus of 'Otherness' which the non-white Other dissipates into the ether in his
topological space and thus it is as a war between conflicting forces that manifest themselves and
induce whatever change.

This more subtle fact of structural modification explains why both married couples and pet owners
and their pets end up looking like when another-by virtue of the co-mingling of their subtle
emanations which are exuded and imbibed through proximity and thus create a modification of the
being. This is why as yet another maxim states: "One shakes hands with a chimney sweep and the
soot rubs off on oneself", meaning of course that "the company you keep influences who you are",
i.e. what is changed by relations to others.

So too one is changed by relations to oneself and one's own kind and, as nothing exists in a vacuum,
the result of existence is change and modification depending on the degree of intensity and type of
quality of the thing one exists in relation to and the nature of the relation being a contextual
agglomeration of the sum total of all factors at a given point in 'space-time' within this material plane
of existence.

Thus the national Socialists were right in viewing foreign culture, the culture of the 'Other' as a
deviation and distortion of their own and thus a contamination and thus something that only experts
capable of detachment and with a sufficiently strong sense of identity (healthy consciousness) are
able to deal with as a noxious bacillus or unknown bacterium or biological micro-organism which must
be handled with prophylactic treatment as means of securing the nation of which one is a part from
the potentiality of viral spread and the infection of the host.

Regarding telegony, the absorption of DNA into the female by route of the seminal fluid of male
sexual partners the consequence is of a similar nature that of contamination or the strengthening but
in all cases a modification of one's own organic structure. Thus it is how the organism is modified or
maintained in its identity that matters and since such is an inevitable outcome the consequence of any
form of action in this world necessitates the wise selection of one's company and to never affiliate
oneself with they who are of an inferior sort or who decrease one's power and strength lest one

wishes to endeavor to elevate others pedagogically by virtue of their influence. The danger course lies
in a contamination by the inferior and thus one zone ruination.

With regards to female in males in sexual conduct the ancient laws of all traditional societies were
that the healthiest and most fertile females conceived children at the earliest ages conducive to the
optimal health of the offspring and thus ensured the most healthy offspring for the improvement of
the larger society. The women were virgin and had never had contact with the men of other kinds (ie.
'races') and even of their own thus ensuring that they were purer in terms of their blood and could
thus ensure that they could play a role eugenic only in the upgrade and improvement of their kind
through the Race and its leaders prudent arrangement of marriages and this to ensure an optimal
state of the nation.

Telegony thus has been intuitively understood and known throughout the ages and encoded in the
tradition of Aryan mankind throughout his wanderings over the earth. It is only with the advent of
modernity under the evil influence of jewry which has brought about the de-stabilization of the order
of society and thus precipitated a cascade of dominoes that have led to the near total collapse of the
system through this advocacy and propagandizing for the promiscuous mixture of foreign stocks and
of divergent types who, in a traditional society, would have maintained separation and thus preserved
harmonious order.

The advocacy of such chaotic mixture by jewry implies the understanding of its chaotic nature on the
part of the emissary of chaos the jew in his genocidal plans for a world order in which he will be
supreme. The example of snow white applies when the wicked Queen, the jew, looks into the mirror
and asks "who is the fairest of them all" and the mirror answers "Snow White"-thereby eliciting
further jealousy and hostility toward snow white who the Queen seeks to destroy.

The mechanism of destruction is to bring snow white out of existence with the dwarves, the
anthropoid beast-man and prior to this point to level the castes rendering the nobility (noble in the
sense of noble metal, gold, unalloyed) ennobled by mixture with the merchants. This tears them down
to the lowest level over the generations and amidst the revolutions; wars and assassinations of Aryan
leaders they have carved out a path to power for themselves. Telegony thus is perhaps the greatest
danger in the survival of the white race as it is of a more subtle and underhanded and thereby less
detectable nature.

Thus understanding the consequences of blood poisoning via mongrelization the outcome is a formula
for genocide and is the most significant issue in ensuring white survival for those who, out of the
misguided or malevolent 'humanitarian altruism' toward untermenschen and beast-men allow the
latter to fester and elevate themselves beyond their natural capacity and thus be placed in a position
to contaminate the race of the Aryan.

This is the thin end of the wedge protocol of jewry for tearing apart their enemy and they
understanding the viral nature of blood poisoning and foreign contamination, employ this cultural
insertion of the 'Other' into Aryan society as mechanism of sabotage and destruction. Thus all
previous mixture and foreign engagement or participation in foreign culture must be stopped else it
will lead to contamination and destruction through a slippery slope of ill consequence into the abyss.

The Fall of Man

Those who are inclined toward the 'foreign flesh' are by nature defective, gravitating toward the lower
orders of non-white species in order to gratify their crude lust with the beast folk. This is the natural
inclination of those of a spiritually degenerated nature who have a willingness to forsake their first
estate as means of partaking of the forbidden fruit of Otherness and to get themselves kicked out of
the spiritual paradise that is their proper state of being.

What would be the cause of this fall? It is either of the following:

1) ancestral blood contamination and/or

2) contamination of the otherwise paradise environment that the non-white has debased through
infiltration or through imitation.

What led the white man to allow the non-white to enter in the first place? The answer is curiosity, and
imagination that led the white man-a fundamental aspect of his higher mind-to seek that which is
beyond himself and to investigate it and to attempt to use it as a mechanism of creation. Thus in the
form of allowing non-whites to enter into his environment in the first place or to make use of the non-
white for his enterprising project of Empire and of the creation of a nobler world.

This is the reason why non-whites were allowed in as they serve as an expedient and sufficient but
not necessary means of achieving things beyond the state of stagnation, a means of achieving
greatness and developing the world into a paradise on earth on the more sophisticated and
harmonious nature. In many cases the 'fall of man' was the ego of the white man whose enterprising
inclinations led him to serve his own selfish interests. Nonetheless, this is still part and parcel of all
creation as it is part and parcel of all creators. There is no putting aside the ego in the case of the
creator as the creator and his ego are one and accordingly egotism is not only desirable but necessary
should any creation exist, else there is nothing, an inevitable stagnation and death, the inevitable
result of the cessation of creative endeavor.

The childish dream of the fantasy Eden world of 'Nature' without invention is laughable as even
teepees or rude grass huts are technology of a sort and there is no 'pristine state of nature' in any
Rousseauan sense. Thus it is either expansion and life under the will and skill of genius and this
implies the genius of Aryan man especially (the zenith of humanity) else it is contraction and death as
the inevitable end state of atrophy and holding oneself back.

Will to power is expansion and achievement and allowing oneself to be disempowered is stagnation
and death. Historically it has been Christianity which has been the biggest threat in terms of white
power-the mental illness of holding oneself back without any cause save the hatred for greatness
owing to the built-in principle of the veneration of weakness which Christianity bestows. Christianity is
a symptom of decadence and degeneracy and takes hold of the mind of those who thrive on hatred
and jealousy towards those better than themselves. As such it is a creed of slaves and enables the
slave to deposit himself as a 'hero' in the anti-heroic sense. Christianity is a jew-made religion that
drags down all toward the lowest depth.

It is ideology such as this which has torn down and destroyed civilization and has opened up the
floodgates to the third world beast-man, 'the rising tide of color against white world supremacy'. The
white man has become debased to the level of a wigger (white nigger) and this via the influence of
the gutter religions of christ-insanity and communism which are in reality two sides of the same coin
of the chandala, the jewish pest and their poisonous creeds of slaves.

White cuckold

The blood of the white man is the gold trafficked in by all-"more precious than rubies". Throughout
history the non-whites have done their utmost to acquire for themselves this blood and this either
through appealing to the baser tendency of the white man, in a moment of weakness or through
presenting before him a curiosity-that of foreign flesh-else the non-white is attempted to take by
mean force when he craves, i.e. by rapine of the white women and the consequent genetico-spiritual
admixture of the baser with the nobler blood. Such is a twofold means through which the non-white
enable themselves at the expense of whites debasing the latter, tearing down the holy blood and
casting it into the mire.

Those whites who have allowed their own debasement are of course blameworthy and demonstrate
their defective nature, allowing themselves to gravitate from whatever mainspring of action and
motivation toward the blood contamination with the non-white. They have demonstrated that they
have a defective mind being inclined toward the foreign flesh.

The beguilement of the white race by non-whites through their course animalism has been the
characteristic strategy in what are usually considered 'times of peace'. However the race war against
whites is unending and the white race owing to its susceptibility to manipulation on the part of the
cunning non-white allows his blood to be contaminated continually and seemingly with no end in

Therefore it is especially important for whites to detach themselves from all foreign cultural forms and
to, on that basis, purify their mind of the foreign and deleterious impressions which are imposed upon
them through the beguilement of foreign ideas. Especially to partake of foreign culture out of idle
curiosity or for 'mere entertainment' without a proper understanding of the consequences of such self
indoctrination or exposure, to attempt to investigate 'culture' without adequate mental sanitation is to
render oneself susceptible of contamination of the mind which in turn leads toward a contamination of
the blood by a mixture, for to partake of foreign thought forms and ideas is to embrace foreignness,
that which is 'Other' to oneself and thus leads toward and inclination toward foreign flesh an blood

The white cuckolds partaken of 'foreign flesh' and the white females who have allowed themselves to
be polluted with the seed of the beast-man are ruined for posterity as are the males whose soul is
contaminated with the energy of the brute. Accordingly it is either a path of purification of the blood
or contamination of the blood which must be followed to the end.

Christian Fags

The christian is a homosexual. Why? Let me count the ways: the christian venerates jewish men (or
rather males) most of whom were almost certainly homosexuals or poly-sexual themselves like all
jews who, by virtue of their savage nature, are genetico-spiritually predisposed toward the lowest
forms of debauchery; the christian's worldview is based upon a pacifistic behavior, thoroughly
feminine and thus characterizing them as an effeminate male, i.e. a homosexual if only behaviorally
and mentally just not taking things to their extreme form of a homosexual act. "Turn the other
cheek"; "Judge the not", etc. The christards are also inclined toward what might be called
'fornication', i.e. race mixing, the involvement with the beast-man as a caregiver or nurturer of the
non-white and thus they are again effeminate as they allow themselves to prostrate themselves
before the non-white as means of inflating their egos. Accordingly they are effeminate and are
cuckolds who sell out their race and allow foreign elements to poison their blood in the name of the
creed "all men are brothers".

The christians, being worshippers of jews and having an incessant desire to cater to the winds and
the Jews, are fags for this reason also as they are the servants of Jewry who lords over them as de
facto slaves.

The aforementioned reasons why christians are fags may explain their morbid obsession with sexual
activity, especially in the form of faggotry and pedophilia which has always been rampant in the
Catholic Church and all Protestant denominations. This oppressive nature of christianity in terms of its
suppression of the sex drive (inhibition; neuroses) may also be an explanatory factor in the
homosexual (and therefore deviant) sexual expression of christians and their hyper-obsession with the
castigation of such behavior.

Generation and Degeneration in a Racial Context

Telegony is defined as the transmission of the seed (genetics; blood; the germ plasm from out of
which the being develops) into the physical form (vaginal canal; womb) of the female by the male.
This is not a purely physical thing but instead is a spiritual thing (fact; process) and hence could
properly be called 'genetico-spiritual' transmission, transmutation of the Other by the being-a
modification of the 'Other' (patient) by the being (the agent) who imposes upon the other his soul,
genetico-spiritual essence.

Telegony is a necessary consequence of any form of fornication and indeed any form of relation
between the being and another being both of whom modify each other and are modified in turn by
one another. The simple proximity of diverse groups to one another entails a transference of soul
essence and at lower levels in the phenomenal plane of gentico-spiritual plasm (water vapor being
exhaled through breath being imbibed by others through respiration and thereby modifying their DNA
as the mainstream scientist's philosophy, aka. Scientists, Tulio Simoncini has proven with his research
into 'DNA teleportation').

Hence the presence of diverse groups leads directly to distortion or modification of their being, of
their organic nature and accordingly leads to destruction by this process of degeneration if and only a
they are white being subjected to the transference of the soul essence from non-whites whereas the
converse would be generative and a sense of rectification of the area and archetype latent within

Hence the consequences of mixture are in either direction: Negrification or orientalization or

Aryanization. Whether the moralists decide this is good, bad or indifferent as a result of their own
programming and consequent mental state. The person who is capable of Truth (of possessing 'the
Truth', the 'treal'-true and real-) must acknowledge the consequences of such unions as relationships
and accordingly will follow the proper, evolutionary path toward godhood through racial rectification.

Generation in this context of racial reality is Aryanization, the breeding out of the beast in man and
orienting oneself, indeed all, toward godhood by the gate of the Aryan race. Corruption entails for all
negrification or orientalization. The practices of the Negroes and the Orientals are atavistic and harken
back to the world of primitive times, of Lemurian culture which has been elevated by mixing of stocks
between the Aryan and non-white and thus are practices tied in with all manner of voodooistic

It is a fair presumption that those practices habitually partaken of by the non-whites are indeed
means and mechanisms of trafficking with lower astral entities with whom a quid pro quo relationship
exists the consideration given by the practitioner being blood, the life force of victims of sacrifice be
they animal or 'human' in most cases and which practices lead to demonic possession or obsession.
Hence the practices are taboo at least in relation to standards of higher principles, being cthonic and
leading downward, toward the abyss and away from the higher states of being, along the yellow brick
road toward the Emerald City of 'Oz' (the strength of God), the alchemical path upwards along the

The jewish manipulators' plan is to tear down and destroy the purity of the white race and this may
be called the process of degeneration via mongrelization protocol that the Jews intend to be their
Frankenstein formula for the erasure of their enemy the white race.

The elite (self-proclaimed) who have affiliated themselves with jewry are facilitators of this agenda
and are 'hell-bent' on dragging all into the pit under the guise of the standard issue lies of 'peace';'
love';' unity';' equality';' human rights', etc. which simply serve as a specious pretext for total power
for themselves and themselves alone ruling over all and sundry as a vast multitude of drone slaves
who are kept in spiritual darkness while they alone possess the counterfeit keys of the mysteries they
have duplicated a distorted copy of for their own personal violation of the sacred temple into which
they force their way so impudently.

The real path toward generation in a spiritual sense is one not incompatible but wholly compatible
(and necessarily so) with racial purity and rectification in the sense here meant. To fail to support
racial purity is a recipe for the destruction of one's own kind if white and of the white race in itself
over time leading toward the exponential acceleration of the degenerative process having the non-
whites rot on the vine of life culturally and genetico-spiritually, not having the divine spark of the gods
which flows through the veins of the white population.

Hence should the white race cease to exist so too would the non-white population of all kinds over
time and place and this would lead to the extinction of spiritual life on Terra. The behavior of the jew
is clearly a recipe for destruction and even bears its name 'creative destruction', which is the only
formula of creative action he may manifest in his praxis. This path is not the 'yellow brick road' to the
'emerald city' of Oz but rather the tar mat to hell along which he blazes his trail with his luxury auto
playing the role of the crash test dummy smashing into his leaden cubus of Saturn.

Feminine Aggression and the Masculinization of Females

The protocols of the Elders of Zion must have addenda not known to the average goy as the cultural
chaos generated via cultural marxism serves as a testament to. Feminism specifically is a
weaponization of female desire, the female trieb or to will to power, the boundless desire of females
for attention manifest in the form of political elevation or preferment.

This political trajectory of female will to power is a necessary consequence of the desire nature of the
female who would if she were allowed to fully exit the limitations of her Pandora's box and if she
could acquire adequate power, seek to rule the stars in the firmament so that she might see herself in
the vanity mirror of her ego.

The cultural marxist dialectic ushers in the chaos by opening up this Pandora's box and allowing the
female ego to clothe itself in the raiment of power and, as a necessary consequence to manifest an
aggressive will to power as her political praxis.

Such is the masculinization of the female (the feminine consciousness) which is perhaps not fully
intentional and deliberately undergone with cold-blooded calculation by jewry to visit upon the non-
Jewish host nations this problem but rather a natural, instinctive manifestation of Jewish psycho-
politics, and instinctive desire and intention to do violence to the host upon which they feed. This and
the natural tendancy of jewish consciousness, which is of a dark feminine quality, a subterranean
subtlety born of their neurotic world-fear as a naturally weak and defective being.

Regardless of motivation, the Pandora's box was opened, the masculine serpent was awakened in its
most cthonic form and the female Pandora allowed to escape her former traditional role. As a
consequence violence issued forth from this box as Kali Ma was unleashed upon the traditional society
which led to devastation in its wake.

Through its neuroticism, the neuroticism (neural-eroticism) of females, the entire society was dragged
downward from the heights of the Divine, from the heavens to the earth and the shift of
consciousness was in part deliberate on the part of jewry understanding as he does the natural
inclination of all females (and the modality of feminine consciousness in general) toward an implosion
of all things into themselves, a vampiric absorption of Otherness into themselves and, through this
process, a feminization of all of that which was prior to this point not feminine, the threatening
masculine 'Other' converted into a usufructus.

Hence the phrase: "the future is female" so often (ubiquitously, pantheistically) bandied about in its
promiscuous nature amongst the democratized mass of the feminized goyim whose consciousness has
been dragged down to the depths of the emotionally unbalanced animal mind forever pursuing its
natural trajectory of momentary pleasure and the languid ennui of domesticity. Simultaneously being
driven by the desiring flow of the sexual secretions of feminine consciousness.

The form of what is conventionally considered manliness and the masculine in contemporary society is
an effeminate, emotionally driven machismo which is reminiscent of a female under the menses, an
aggressive and irrational form of behaviour. Such is what the Divine masculine under the
contemporary world order has been reduced to, and this reductio ad absurdum is reflected in the
culture of modernity with all of its stimulating and sensory bombardment of the consciousness, it's
stimulation of the base drives, it's sexualization of all previously existent higher culture-art; theatre;
philosophy; etc. These thought forms themselves were lunar reflections of the solar masculine forms
of primordial action and hence themselves products of the Kali Yuga.

Only the form of this sex is tellurically feminine and otherwise crudely masculine in the sense of the
swaggering macho man with his crude monosyllabic grunting and his bestial tendency toward
aggression as the outcome of dualistic consciousness and a rationalistic left brain will to power over
the 'Other', intellectual one up-manship and infantile self-assertion. The traditional man or Man of
Tradition has been defiled and distorted into a simulacral perversion of his former self reflected
through the vanity mirror of feminine consciousness.

The modern man's inability to transcend his ego is largely at the root of this as is his incapacity for
self-control and on this basis a devolution to the mire of the matriarchy, subordinating himself to the
female archetype both in Mente and in actua. Ultimately it is this inner weakness for the flesh, for the
carnal delights that brought about the fall of man and the degeneration of the Aryan to the level of
negrified America.

M.G.T.O.W vs. Feminism: Divide and Conquer

The next phase of the dialectic of the Jew world order: sex-gender war, the artificially generated
antagonism between the sexes both anatomical and spiritual. The initial phase of this dialectic was the
positing of the apparent anti-thesis of feminism over and against the thesis of masculinist patriarchy.

Women were employed willingly as in the case of the upper caste and perhaps to a lesser extent as in
the case of the lower caste to play the role of martyr and 'struggling heroine' against the villainous
patriarchal imposition. Various occultists who were (are) subscribers to the mother goddess cult,
those involved in Rosicrucianism were instrumental in the unravelling of this ball of feminist yarn
from the pinnacle of patriarchal hegemony down into the abyss of contemporary modernity.

The devotees of the mother goddess transformed themselves into eunuchs self castrating in a
devotional right to their female deity embodied in the form of anatomical woman, fleshly Eve, before
whom they prostrated themselves and served up their masculine anatomy to be Vampirized by the
black widow spiders in the web of matriarchy.

The patriarchal figure (action figures), having been adherents to the effeminate religious philosophy
of christianity had been softened up by the Lunar-semitic creed of near Eastern pathos and
contemplative escapism that had crystallized in the form of christian values and the spirit of
christianity which has possessed the Aryan race for the entirety of the Piscean age.

Hence the patriarchy could extol the virtues of 'patria potestas' at least in their mind without having
the actual potency to do so as christ-insanity constituted (and constitutes to this day in its function) a
spermicide rendering the Pater an impotent capon useful and exploitable as a tool of the occult elite.

Though jewry was instrumental in the employment of feminism to castrate the white man yet further
beyond Christianity it succumbed to a degree to the influence of matriarchy which created a wedge
that was driven into the jewish community fragmenting to a degree its integrity and thus introducing
that same chaos of the sex-gender war that the rabbinate had presumably intended to deploy as a
weapon against Aryan society. Though jewry introduced the bacillus of feminism as an ideology it
nonetheless served as it's vector and this perhaps owing to the female lunar-semitic consciousness,
the chthonic-dionysian nature of Jewry which is of a completely effeminate character:

Pacifistic and escapist which manifests itself in the prostration before 'the One' and erratically
irrational, a mutable and inconstant character possessing the constancy of inconstancy, a purely lunar
trait. Hence, though patriarchal and indeed in an over-compensatory sense of a swaggering machismo
and control freakism or domineering character (itself a paradoxically female trait), the Jewish soul is
female in essence.

Hence feminism manifested itself through the vector of the female male enabling and allowing the
male-female to assert herself within the context of their dominionist praxis with the female attempted
to usurp power under the auspices of this Jehovistic architect (monotheistic totalitarianism), 'Jehovah'
paradoxically having been in its origin a female semitic deity transformed through whatever tension of
development into a hyper masculine rabbinical archetype, an angry old Rabbi blessing and cursing by

Hence feminism had its germ in the Jewish revolutionary and Jewish totalitarian spirit, subject to the
dialectical tensions of the exaggerated masculine and the masculinized feminine, the tribe having
embodied the archetype of Jehovah and expressed it in accordance with their respective sex-gender

The critique of the Jewish soul propounded by Otto Weininger in his book "Sex and Character"
characterizing the Jew as female illustrates the reason why that particular tribal group served as a
vector through which the mother goddess manifested itself, presumably if not in its origin at least
within the Kali Yuga. Possibly the origin was Lemurian and down to the negro stock who emanated
possibly from this region, regardless its history has been a silver cord that has run through the ages
and manifested itself from the subterranean depths in the various nations which had become
comparatively less Aryan in nature, and this proportionally, the less Aryan the stock, the more
hybridized with non-Aryans (negroes; Asiatics and various crossings) the more accommodative to the
chthonic and pantheistic ideology of the mother goddess.

Feminism is the avant-garde of matriarchy and perhaps only a blind or mask behind which it conceals
itself. It is a distraction like a feather boa or other accoutrements that the female garbs herself in and
employs as a distraction to shift attention away from her more cold and calculating political
aspirations. The figures of Lady Macbeth and Princess Wu are examples of the nature of females once
'liberated' from their traditional role. Indeed it may be speculated that the traditional role of females is
matriarchy as some such as Herman Wirth have propounded or J.J Bachofen in his "Das Mutterrecht"
("The Mother State", or rather the nanny state).

However this is an error as such as Evola have commented, indicating that the presence of matriarchy
in Aryan societies signals a decline and fall, a weakening or laxity of the masculine power and as a
consequence the vacuum of power being filled with the feminine mystique, the perfume of

Though women have played a role in the state as some have alleged, ruling behind the king as the
queen, ruling secretly through the king and constituting a de facto matriarchy veiled behind a
patriarchy this is debatable and not likely to have been the typical case historically. True patriarchy
manifested itself especially in cases of expansion of empire and defense of the nation and it is only in
times of weakness (especially in a culture of sexual licentiousness brought about by excess ease and
leisure, lack of challenge and external threat) that the patriarchy can assert itself and maintain itself.

The exceptional case exists in archetypal form in "The Iliad" of Homer, with the female constituting
the point of dispute and war as in the case of Macbeth or Romeo and Juliet etc., the woman serving
as a stimulus for masculine aggression, serving her own aims in most cases behind the scenes, her
own aspirations toward monopoly.

A true Aryan nation is always patriarchal in his leadership and women play their role serving the tribal
collective under the auspices of the leader. The influences aforementioned (christianity; Jews; sexual
excess and excess leisure as its womb) are the crucible in which was formed the doctrine of feminism,
a divisive creed designed with malice aforethought by women themselves perhaps, mother goddess
cult adherents foremost amongst whom being Anglo-Saxons and Jews, has served as an instrument, a
jackhammer, of fragmentation to create fissures in the foundation of Aryan nations.

Feminism is often portrayed as a golden fish-hook which is used by dark forces such as jews to hook
fish upon and to serve them up as a sacrificial sacred cow at their Holocaust barbecue of the Aryan
nations, whatever the case the females who have bought into feminism are mere dupes or co-
conspirators serving their own interests while accommodating those of jewry. Either this or they
themselves and perhaps their mother goddess consorts (Lucifer-Baals) are the ultimate cause of
feminism and its agents who introduce it to sabotage patriarchy, accommodating the yet more sinister
dark forces of the earth is a question.

Feminism functions as a divisive and corrosive influence in the traditional patriarchal nation and as a
typical female creed embodying an extreme and negative modality of female consciousness facilitates
the breakdown of this order and supplants it with at least provisionally a chaos reconciled if possible
with the pre-existing order, dialectically creating a tension of development whose outcome is a
synthesis of opposites, a more balanced order.

This at best and balanced under the auspices of a traditional Aryan leader, not a patriarch in the near
eastern sense but a leader who enforces a universal order accommodative of both modalities of
consciousness and their physico-anatomical embodiments in men and women both playing their
traditional role and affirming the strictness of the sex-gender correlation. This was and can still be
achieved through integrating their opposite modality into themselves to the extent compatible with
their anatomical sex, a crystallization of the higher consciousness, the soul incarnate in matter.

As a reaction to this feminist extremism is posited (and this apparently a construct of jewry) the
ideology of M.G.T.O.W' ('men going their own way') a reaction to feminism, presumably designed by
jewry and put forth as yet more poisoned bait for the purpose of dividing and conquering. The
ideology of M.G.T.O.W like so many of the other jewish created ideologies, exploits organic
differences as a point of separation which allows them to drive their ideological wedges into their
enemy to tear them apart at the joints. M.G.T.O.W is a feminized brand of masculinism, an egocentric
focus, inward looking and hence feminine, and absurdly claiming to have no concern or interest with
women and yet paradoxically woman being an idee fixee embodied in an ideology that makes this its
central focus while simultaneously denying it.

However in terms of its ideological function it serves a political purpose of safeguarding the interests
of the male sex against feminism just as feminism did to some extent in its origins against (at least to
all appearances against) patriarchy. The appeal of these ideologies for both sexes was the hook which
hooked them in and this against their overall better interests which they eventually came to
understand are more of a negative than positive influence.

The eventual and inevitable dialectical reconciliation of these antithetical tendencies will reveal the
respective imbalances and both will serve to keep the other in check. In the end result it will be a
victory for the Fuhrerprincip (the leadership principle) invested in a wise man and his inner circle or it
will be Valhalla and the submersion of this world into the mire of the cloaca gentium.

Women by themselves, women qua women, women 'liberated' from the auspices of the wise man, will
inevitably and happily to the point where it is too late for redemption, drag the entirety of civilization
into this morass and subvert their own higher potentiality, sacrificing their higher self, that of the
sacred feminine, on the altar of the lower self, this self-serving chthonic-tellurian woman, the power-
mad feminist who thinks that she alone can rule and for herself alone, for "woman as a whole", a hole
that invaginates all into itself vampirically.

Mediatrix of the Divine Masculine

Females are mediators of the divine masculine, they are passive ciphers of masculine force, of the fire
of Allfather, the rays of the sun reflected by the moon, Luna. Women are also for that reason empty
of inner light and dark mirrors of the solar masculine energies disseminated from the divine masculine
and mediated through themselves.

This is why their priestess function was always that of the medium never that of an active conferrers
of power. They being a medium were necessarily passive and served at most a transmutation function
alchemically, facilitating as the Absolute Woman, the Absolute Man's transmutation toward a higher

state of being, becoming a God-Man, a 'Sonnenmensch' a son that who better radiated the solar force
of the divine masculine through himself.

This spiritual function of woman is stepped down in profane relations to the traditional roles of
females playing the role of a medium through which the Superman is born at least in potentia and if
not through which a suitable genetic product is born which can uphold the state or nation in whatever
caste-related capacity to facilitate the birth of the Superman at higher levels.

The woman's role is thus necessarily subordinate in function to man, and her best form is as a
support for the divine masculine, performing the 'maieutic function' of gestation through works
conducive to developing a superior type and state into which that type is born again at least in

The mother and wife are the forms of the Absolute Woman, the supportive role and companion to a
man within the context of monogamous relationship and perhaps even a polygamist one with the
women being a multitude of mediators of the superlatively divine masculine force, the more potent
and powerful the more vessels of which a man may partake as mediatrix dei, the mediators of his
solar radiance manifesting itself in the form of children of a eugenic readjusted kind enough good
works which he creates that elevate empower the state of which he is a member-however low he may
be in the hierarchy.

The duty of woman to man is to perform this function and the duty of man to woman is to bathe the
woman in his solar light, to warm them in his protective radiance, being a protector and defender of
his kind, extensions of himself who is also an extension of them, united at a soul level and under his
auspices. Should he fail in his duty the family unit falls and with it the state. Should she fail in hers
and he be unable to rectify her failing the state falls and the chaos that is the abortion of their failed
union brings down the higher.

However it is the principle or state idea, the divine particularized in action or concrete manifestation
and the Idea Principially preceding this that supports the lower levels of this hierarchical form which is
the duty of the wise man or man who is the God-Man or God-Man who upholds the state. Their
corruption and atrophy precipitates the fall of all subordinate levels.

Gene Pool Cloaca Gentium

The intended insult on the part of the average every day 'genetic success' levelled against their
enemy 'Other', the marginal or outcast, who by definition is 'genetically unsuccessful' is to speak of
him as he is, which is to say an 'Other', a marginal or outcast who is 'genetically unsuccessful' or likely
to be unsuccessful and who has "removed himself from the gene pool".

Of course what they don't understand is that though not strictly implied he has at least the
potentiality to elevate himself from the cloaca gentium or sewer that is this 'gene pool' of poisoned
blood. Hence he not only gains a true victory through transcending the animal-man's pursuit of carnal
delights and its entailed obligation to transform himself into a beast of burden, a hamster in a nine to

five rat wheel chasing after mundane and temporal pleasures to cater to his female master who has
enslaved him to this fate through his lusting after the flesh.

The differentiated man seeks escape from the cycles of time of the Demiurge and this through
avoiding this mire of quicksand into which he must of necessity fall should he wish to pursue the life
of fleshly orientation, being vampirically absorbed into the pit through coitus, having his life force
drained away and converting himself into a dogsbody who must drudge throughout his life so that he
has nothing in terms of vital substance remaining after he has expended his life force in catering to a
vampiric being, his female slave master.

The question of why the animal man seeks to involve himself in the sewer of the nations gene pool
can be answered simply with the phrase: "going the way of all flesh" through partaking of that illusory
appearance of the desire object, desire pursuing desire like a dog chasing its tail, a dog who has
inverted himself from a potential God as means of gratifying his animal lusts.

The man of tradition can no longer find a place in a society of anti-tradition and must simply follow his
own path in isolation or work against the system to the extent he is able to reintroduce traditional
forms of life and culture into it and possibly society as a whole and thereby to destabilize the Tower of
Babel society that is the direct result of the pursuit of the flesh by the fallen Aryan.

Indeed this is the key to the mystery of degeneration, that being a loss of one's first estate through
the pursuit of flesh, through allowing the desire nature to overcome one, to have a lack of self-
control, a weekend and disempowered soul which, through its own inner weakness and the laxity of
inner tension accommodates paths and behaviors dictated by desire by the inferior nature which
pursues lower pursuits as a necessary consequence.

The gene pool of today's world, the genetico-physical substance from which the races emanate as
smaller pools related to it at best, which are the few remaining sources for the Aryan race to
perpetuate itself on this earth and they are becoming increasingly muddied with the mod blood of
Lemuria. Soon however this won't matter even in spite of all efforts either on the part of the white
man and his willingness to create more soul food for the Demiurge in the form of progeny or on the
part of the prodigal beast man and their naturalistic orientation, their willingness to perpetuate
themselves as a gesture of conquest over the Aryan.

Soon the world will either be rectified through return of the final Battalion of the national Socialists or
it will fall into irrevocable ruins owing to the egotistical greed and tellurism of the beast-man both in
the form of the wigger and the nigger. They Aryan will have at such point flown from the earth
toward the stars leaving the remnants of the cloaca gentium to swim in the sewage of their own
iniquity. The Aryan will win by losing in either case and the beast man will lose regardless of how
much he wishes to drape himself in the luxuries of the world.

Will to Power as Rationalism

The will to power manifests itself in myriad ways. This might be considered the Divine Will mediating
itself through mundane agents of various assortment. In the case of the introvert and indeed of the
extrovertive cerebral 'man of reason', will to power mediates itself through him in the form of what
might be called 'male dominator consciousness', a left brain logical tendency toward dominance and
an aggressive antagonism toward the 'Other' who is pitted against himself in a dualistic relationship of
'self' (ego) versus 'Other' (alter ego).

The dualistic modality of left brain consciousness as a result of the man ('manas' in Sanskrit, for
'mind') whose incapacity of transcending his limited ego and whose relationship to the 'Other' is one
of adversariality as it is a purely egoic modality of consciousness that governs this relationship. All
actions and omissions trend toward self augmentation of one's temporal power. Such a mentality
(limited to the purely rational and logical modalities of consciousness) leads toward a world governed
by the principle of 'Might is right' which pits individuals against other individuals without regard for
that which transcends them as the transcendent is forsaken for the sake of the purely mundane, the
materialistic seeking of advantages of party versus party in factional warfare and indeed individualistic

To deny the existence of cultural Super Organisms which one mistakingly construed in Jungian terms
as the collective unconscious (an inversion of reality viewed from frog perspective not sub species
aeternitatis, from an eternal point of view) is to restrict oneself to a false understanding of reality
either in the case of the materialist reducing everything to mere mass and matter or, on the other,
positing an absurd equality without any actual equality in the mundane world as in the case of the
christian institutionalized pseudo-spirituality.

In either case the rationalist will to power based upon egotism and upon an atavistic and dualistic
worldview (individualism, egotism) negates the awareness of the Super Organism and defeats itself
through fragmentation amongst endless units vying with one another for power and control against
the cohesion that attachment to the Super Organism would entail and a consequent disempowerment
of oneself and empowerment of one's enemies.

To play games with language and attempt to reduce everything to simple concepts and quantity is an
analytical assertion of dominance over the 'Other' attempting to reduce the 'Other' to a knowledge
object and thereby to hold power over it, be that object a person; place; ideology; Word; symbol or
other meaningful object that is 'Other' to themselves and not assimilated into themselves as an
energy source through which to empower themselves through exerting this act of dominance over it.

'Knowledge' thus becomes in Foucaultian terms 'power' and these power/knowledge relations are
those of the left brain dominator type who attempts to impose himself upon the "Other" as means of
subjugating; enslaving and destroying the 'Other'. Hence the ultimate motive of the rational man is
power over others and indeed perhaps over himself within purely phenomenal limitations, but the
rational man cannot supersede them and attain a superior state of being or understanding of truth as
his worldly orientation is concerned exclusively with the phenomenal world and its causality which he
seeks to harness and use for his own purposes in a perverse imitation of God (the Demiurge).

Hence his consciousness can be spoken of as 'Demiurgic' or oriented toward a control freakish
limitation and personal empowerment and its outcome is the modern world with its telluric baseness
and reductio ad absurdam to the lowest common culture and ego gratification, from living in Eternity
to living in the moment of sensory stimulation.

Will to Power as Irrationalism

The will to power manifests itself as irrationalism just as it does rationalism. Thus one might call it the
female will to power, or the will to power of the feminine consciousness, a desire to disintegrate
opposition, invaginated and absorb it into itself. In terms of discourse between parties this will to
power entails a passive nonresponsiveness or introduction of total irrelevancies into the discourse
such that any rational dialogue leading to any meeting of the minds is derailed and on this basis
allows a pyrrhic or perhaps the term functional 'victory' for the female to neutralize any contradictions
of her stance or position, 'whatever she wants being whatever she needs' as George Michael said.

Her ability to gain a victory is achieved through this obfuscation tactic which operates effectively as
she is herself unaware of truth and logic and thus can with a clear conscience work toward this
objective (assuming of course that she has what is called a 'conscience', a Self or self questioning in
relation to conventional moral standards let alone in relation to standards of a higher order, cosmic
law, which females have little comprehension of living for cake alone and worldliness).

This evaluation applies equally to effeminate males as to anatomical females but applies universally to
the latter and only generally to anatomical males, but a generalization to about ninety plus percent in
the modern world, a contradistinction to the reverse in a world of tradition.

The presence of the irrational was followed by this transition of type: from the masculine to the
feminine over the course of millennia and centuries with the increasing material density of the Aeon,
with the advent of the Kali Yuga and Prakriti superseding Purusha, the earthly mundane feminine
superseding the supra-mundane, transcendent masculine, the father having the mother castrate him
with the scythe of Saturn and her siren call beguiling him into her spiders web to be drained of his life
force in coitus, in the nuptials.

The powermadness of females (both anatomical males and females) manifests itself through
insatiable desire-a desire for advantage, for stimulation (excitement, the endless pursuit of satiety of
the desire, the pursuit itself being the goal only concealed behind the veil of particular objects or
externals that the female seeks: money; power; control; pleasure; material advantages conducing in
its reduced to pleasure and activating so to speak the pleasure principle as the condition conditio sine
qua non female nature).

The pursuit of desire (pursuit of pursuit, or simply 'pursuit' as a fundamental valence of the female
soul, that of the vampire forever thirsting for blood) is a will to power of female nature manifesting
itself within the mundane plane of being, her natural playground. This will to power is the vampiric
absorption or vortextual implosion of the energy of the Other into herself of the male.

Of course how this is made efficacious is through the male 'stooping to conquer', giving of himself to
the female for his own satiation of desire, becoming consumed with desire for the carnal object of the
female Eve and forsaking the Lilith within himself, pursuing that feminine form without and rejecting
the sacred feminine within and beyond this permitting his own vampirization of the life force via coitus
and worldly pursuits, and forsaking his chance at Eternity through achieving an alchemical wedding
over that of the nuptials with or without a female Eve(-elle).

The will to power of females is indeed eve-elle, the earthly feminine vampiric absorption of the divine
masculine, crystallizing his light into the material child, rather than the creation of a child of light,
through the alchemical wedding, and then giving of himself and the woman of herself, finding herself
in him through her submission to his Divine Spark, his masculine force, elevating herself to the stars
through the agency of Adam become Lucifer. He must of course have sufficient power as a magnet
(magnetism) to draw her to him in order to achieve this union.

The Consequences of Will to Power as Irrationalism

With a matriarchal society or even with a jewish patriarchal society, the consequence is a world of
ruination whose higher culture becomes reduced to simplest form, to a purely materialistic culture in
which the standards are only material, reduce to the base drives and to accumulation of profit. This as
irrationalism lacks any higher form, and is a state of consciousness akin to the brute primitive, a lower
cthonic state of impassioned (cum-passionate) chaos of mind and concommitent behavior.

This is no 'sacred feminine' but a desecration of the sacred feminine, a sacre-lization ('sacre' in the
sense of carnal) of the feminine, dragging it down to the level of the beast whose concerns are the
four 'Fs': fight; flight; fornicate; feed.

With beasts running a society (jews; prostitutes; fags; niggers) the society plunges into a state of
ruination within a short time as the society has no ability to sustain itself owing to its entropic nature,
it's cyclical downward spiral tendency toward destruction.

In order for society to sustain itself it must operate on higher spiritual principles of universal order,
must acknowledge they exist and incorporate them as its basis or rather incorporate itself into them
as based upon them and depending from them as its principal. A society based upon the divine
masculine (Spirit) alone is sustainable, a society based upon the purely cthonic is unsustainable and
therefore like a brown paper bag full of faecal matter falls apart within a short period.

In terms of human interrelationships, the irrational will to power of so-called human agents, creates a
society based upon momentary states of consciousness, of desiring flows in the sense of Guatarri and
Deleuze, a valence of consciousness directed at the pleasure principle as telos, an insatiable and
unattainable state of maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain.

Of course this is unattainable and the personality of this type, the female, the irrational, can be
likened to Tantalus grasping for the forbidden fruit forever out of reach of his desperate grasp and,
after a time exhausts himself in this abandonment to desire, submerging himself in the tepid waters
of samsara, drowning himself in the perfumed waters of worldliness.

Once exhausted he has dispensed with the 'Other' who, as Baltasar Gracian has commented is as the
appeal of an orange discarded from the silverplate once the fruit has been in by, masticated and
absorbed. The consequence of a society based upon irrationalism as its trieb, it's Weltanschuaang and
will to power is out of the vampire consuming all 'Other' to itself, seeking to slake his thirst for blood
in all cases forever, until it either expires through lack of sources or bursts with excess, unable to
contain all of the rotten fruits of its rapacious greed. Those who become worldly pawns in this society
and even and perhaps especially corrupt and which are not corrupt: bishops; kings and most
especially queens, go the way of all flesh and pursue their down going following the downward spiral
of the cycles of time, round the Demiurgic clock, nine to five Monday to Sunday pursuing the desire
who's unattainability leads toward their disintegration in the acid waters of samsara, their soul
absorbed into the Demiurge and into his legions of demonic forms.


Liberalism's calling card, it's justification of its egotism, lies in what is called 'compassion', a certain
mental state of emotional excitation, of the female secretion of emotion over and token 'victim' (those
considered to be comparatively weak; stupid and defective)-this is merely a contemporary station of
Christian values, the values of slave morality which serves as a more effective chain enslaving the
slave caste-under the guise of helping and hypocritical altruism.

This gesture or display of altruism is of course undergone by Christians and liberals alike for the
purposes of:

1) a pretense or fate of help rendered to the 'Other' as a means of controlling the Other and

2) a mechanism of ego and self positing, a display or gesture of one's power and a reflexive self
reference as a means of implying one's superiority over the 'Other'.

The infantile state of consciousness which is typically labeled 'compassion' with all of its correlative
behaviors is the default tendency of the 'modern'(i.e. Judeo-Christian are Judeo liberal or Freemason-
all properly spoken of as 'Judeos').

The 'Judeo' or 'modern' is perpetually in a state of emotional outpouring outside of their hyper-
rationalistic control-freakism (accountancy; reductio ad quanta-a reduction of all meaning to a
rationalistic calculus of means and ends; instrumental reasoning-what could itself be reduced to the
'Demiurgic consciousness', a micro-cosmal instantiation of the macro-cosmic Demiurge).

This emotional state the writer will here deem 'cum-passion' as is correlated with the base drives only
perhaps elevated to a higher degree than a pure animalistic rutting and then projected or rather
ejaculated into the 'victim' perhaps not only as a sensualist stick transmission of one's will (of the
cum-passionate) but as a psychic or phenomenological rapine of the 'Other', a willingness to impose
upon the other one's own 'special sauce' as a gesture of ownership and dominance (sociopolitical or
phenomenological bukkake).

As the meaning of the term 'cum-passion' far from being anything lofty or desirable is rather an
instance of a lower state of consciousness even its highest level of being, a purely animal state of

consciousness either in the form of love (a positive relation toward the 'Other' reduced in most all
cases to the brute sexual) or the form of power (an act of feral dominance; 'vulgar display of power',
the display of power of the Judeo-Christian Jesu Ben Pantera is covert will to power concealing itself
behind the mask of Christian charity, etc.).

Perhaps it might be speculated, there are genuine people out there who truly and sincerely 'believe' in
the goodness of their deeds and have the purest of motives. They, those hypothetical legitimate
altruists might very well exist but their belief in their purity of motive is largely delusional as they,
however lofty of mind they might be, are an organism who selectively targets certain 'victim' groups
typically based upon popular opinion (largely orchestrated by jewry by their media and Judeo-
Christian church propaganda) and hence motivated by social pressure and/or social recognition, in
either case by self-serving egotism and hence not without the taint of impurity, hence in no way pure
and therefore ignoble rather than noble.

To say to make oneself feel happy through the act of a conferrence upon others of some putative
benefit is a egoic act as it is a causally related mechanism of a certain feeling state which, through the
socially recognized and established mores of the society has become established as a correlated term
or fact correlated with that form of behavior. Hence, ultimately in 'cum-passion' the pleasure principle
is the Ultima ratio of 'cum-passion', hence the term.

Mutt Pups

Kalergi kids, the newest trend in the Judeo system. Those hybridized chilluns might also be called
'mutt pups' which term illustrates well their nature-a product in most all cases of bestial ruttings
between die-verse groups of so-called 'humans'.

The classic cases exist in that of the white male cuckold who has sold out his race to procure for
himself Peking duck (Peking 'f*ck') for his repast and that of the 'mud shark' or white prostitute
female who rubs bellies with the negro male.

Their fruits are rotten and barren it must be acknowledge, bereft of spirit and hence a lower life form,
a mutt who is a union between pure breeds. For this to be a general policy is an unfortunate and
surely devolutionary practice however in certain exceptional instances is perhaps even a necessity not
only in the case of individual lives and motives but even that of collectives.

As an example someone who is persecuted in their country who is white might find an escape into
another race and region of the earth as means of continuing to preserve his own poor flesh, but might
also assist his own kind from afar and indeed that of the host nation of which is a member.

He might even, as did Baron von Ungern-Sternberg in Mongolia, rise to the summit of power and gain
mastery over others not for the sake of reducing them to slavery but for the sake of attempting to
render them assistance (assuming what he believed to be of assistance was actually an assistance
whether his host nation wanted it or not). Hence the forming of a mixed mongrel union might have
been a necessity in order to achieve a greater objective, such as the formation of political or business
ties and the facilitation of power for his own or his host nation or both mutually.

The deleterious consequences of the creation of mutts especially those of radically divergent or
distinct groups (black and white, etc.) are perhaps the sad necessary rotten fruits of such a union
though perhaps even under these conditions they would be not without value. Regardless, the
negative consequences must be borne in mind and one must suffer them should the greater goal
require the sacrifice of incurring them.

In the case of white males this is more tolerable than in that of white females and for the following
reason: that white males (and males generally) can conceive more offspring and with divergent
groups and are hence not bound to the host nation of necessity (though this is a matter of loyalty)
especially as females concern themselves more with their offspring as a genetico-spiritual
extrapolation of their nature than with their husbands or sperm donors and under certain conditions
the sperm donor father is an irrelevancy ("it takes a village").

In the case of white females their wombs are forever modified or tainted via microchemerism and
telegony and this constitutes yet another dimmunition of the stock of whites ruling out the female in
question for all time as a source for offspring should this be necessary or desirable. In such cases as
Savitri Devi and her Indian husband, given that she had presumably decided to confine herrself to
celibacy or at the least to not conceiving children this was a permissible tie to forge with the
subcontinent as a source of white power and safe space for national Socialists.

Even should they have had mutt pups it would have had no impact upon whites as a collective in any
negative way save in the case of white females attempting to mimic her and given her publicized
celibacy would have had minimal impact on white women. In the end one can only say "judge them
by their fruits" and the harvest impacts upon the sower karmically. The furrow into which certain
seeds are sown should bear good fruit's even in the case of bastard unions if only politically and for
the two collective groups' mutual advantage

Macho Moron

The type of person who is valued by the system is the macho moron, he who is a useful tool of the
system. As a phrase of women has it "smart enough to be useful but dumb enough to be used". Such
a macho man leads from the front and is led by his balls as his natural tendency is toward outward
action without sufficient inward focus, oriented toward his objectives which are situated in the
external world.

His 'yang imbalance' if such it maybe called Leads him to operate in the modality of consciousness of
engagement with that which is Other to himself not to dominate the Other by making it an object to
assimilate into his consciousness but simply fly at with aggressive force and a total lack of
premeditation or an adequate mustering of forces. Of course this characterizes the extreme type
however we are living in a time of extremes and the commonality of the type testifies to the times as
a sign of the times.

The superficialization of the masses by the mass mind control system (virtual and actual hive mind
collective consciousness generated via E.L.F and satellite arrays globally as well as an in tandem with
the deterioration of the higher consciousness by a dysgenic poisoning of the aether and elements:

earth; air; water, etc.), has created a perfect climate in which the macho man moron can be released
into the world as a beast out of its cage and utilized to generate chaos and to facilitate the agenda of
the cabal who wish to decimate the current world order (to all appearances) and eliminate anyone
who might be able to break out of the matrix they have engineered to trap people and their
consciousness within.

The macho moron, being inordinately predisposed toward outward action is utilized by females as a
tool of industry as:

1) not only is his energy easily channeled into outward pursuits and his labor is a form of this action
that can convert them into a human battery and

2) he can be used as their nest slave to facilitate the turning of the wheel of the Demiurge, of the
eternal return of incarnation creating more bodies for souls to incarnate in and to feed the machine
with their life force in vivo and postmortem.

The macho moron as a tool of industry can be shifted in his industrial capacity to the military-
industrial complex as a soul-dier, a soldier who soul is cannibalized by the Demiurge through
immolation in war and revolution, a sacrifice to jehovah the jewish thought form egregore.

Anyone who attempts to 'step out of line', any intelligent wise man who perceives the corruption of
the system and potential solutions thereto is targeted as an 'enemy of the system' by whatever name,
a 'terrorist' or 'deviant' or 'mentally ill' person just as Galileo was and burnt at the stake in whatever
particular form of neutralization (forced institutionalization; jail; assassination; marginalization and
ostracism via frame ups and slander campaigns, etc.).

The macho man type is deployed to 'quell potential unrest' and to suppress the expression of what
the systems controllers qualify as 'pre-crime', which is to say aberrant behavior (anything 'Other' to
itself not receiving kosher approval by the puppet masters of the cabal).

Without the macho man and his limited intelligence and lack of wisdom, the controllers would not be
able to achieve their purposes. This is why they create a certain type from the beginning of their lives-
typically generationally-for the militards and poo-lice, a certain character type with a yang imbalance
that can serve as a useful idiot to suppress and stifle any opposition to the system.

The macho moron type serves a system whether he subscribes to any of its kosher certified
ideologies: left; right; center; liberal; christian; new Age, etc. as long as the basic fundamental
principles of the system are upheld the macho moron serves the system even and especially if he
believes otherwise. It is his belief (his mind control programming) that motivates him to 'attack' when,
given the go-ahead by his puppet masters he is mobilized to: arrest; detain; search; seize;
assassinate; destroy the 'target' ('enemy of the system', etc.). Anyone violating these principles is
placed into the crosshairs and dealt with according to its criteria: egalitarian globalism; 'Oneness';
pacifism; suicide ideology.

The solution for the macho man, those currently in this state, is to attempt to develop higher faculties
emphasizing an integration of opposite modalities of consciousness and enhancing their supra-rational
intuition ('intellection' as it was called by the medieval philosophers) and the simultaneous

strengthening of their rational faculty without the latter being given a greater focus. To follow a
stoical and indeed buddhistic path of asceticism, detaching oneself from sensory affect, transcending
the assaults against his consciousness and employing self-control as a necessary curtailment of his
yang propensity. In other words to augment the yin and to restrain and control the yang, having an
outward focus subordinate to the inner will.

The macho man can be a danger to the system as the examples of the German Freikorps and Italian
Blackshirts has revealed historically and thus the system's controllers are forever keen in their
micromanagement to constitute a certain form of mind or consciousness that can be used for their
agenda, to standardize the hive mind of their 'iron heel enforcers'.

This is done typically through the standard issue tactics of mind control: emotion and repetition,
which conditions the consciousness to perceive reality (certain phenomenal objects; soundbites, etc.)
In certain ways and to serve their purposes: hating or loving (having an emotional valence towards)
certain groups; individuals are types.

Creation of false as simulated identities which are put forth to be consumed and adopted by the
macho man (and indeed all types) is a tactic of the cabal and comes with an entire constellation of
related objects; scripts; narratives; back stories (fictional even when represented as non-fiction) and
considerable objects and paraphernalia and practices.

This constitutes a culture, an 'identity' which then monopolizes the self understanding of the type and
reinforces itself through intensity and extensity of exposure. This is yet another example of the
'practical idealism' of the jew and their reification of the Idea: creating an Idea (thought form,
egregore) and presenting it as a bait before the 'Goyim' who then consume it and are inebriated with
its perfume and neurotoxic influence to undergo its functional programming of their thought and

This is the real fight in the Kali Yuga: to overcome the controllers and their programming as means of
obtaining a liberation from their slave matrix and this is the greatest challenge not simply to rectify
one's own self but to rectify others, "straightening out the white man's thinking" and orienting oneself
toward a being (existing) outside of those bonds of the Demiurge, his electronic cybernetic control

Ultimately the control system requires unplugging and this requires the macho man to have overcome
the macho moron state and to have elevated himself beyond this state via an increase in Yin
consciousness and inward focus of the yang elements of his being as 'love is the law, love under will'.

White Sharia Reconsidered

The White sharia conception as implemented by such as Andrew Anglin and other disinformation
agents the writer has critiqued in another place but he now has come to the realization that the
position taken in that critique is admittedly faulty as it labors under the delusion of white knighting.
For the mass but not for the exception the sharia law has its place. It applies most appropriately to

what Julius Evola has called 'negrified america', to the more bestial type requiring sterner regulation in
terms of conduct as unable to control their impulses.

Hence they the masses being of a wiggerized and negrified disposition have need of external as
possessed of no internal control. The sharia law is a subject the writer is unfortunately unacquainted
with but he might venture a guess or two as to its nature, that being a ruthless restraint and
persecution of anyone stepping outside of the limitations it lays down. For example thieves are
subject to having their hands cut off and women who commit adultery are subject to honor killings. In
the former case the punishment relates to the crime and in a ruthless way without remedy or
remediation for the perpetrator who, if caught, must submit to the will of Allah and accept his fate.

The exemplary nature of this form of punishment whose visceral nature can be observed in public at
all times is that reminiscent of the middle ages of Europe with the slitting of the nose or other such
punishments. Such a form of punishment is a product of the mentality of the near easterner whose
more barbarous Constitution orients them toward such coarse forms of punishment. They nonetheless
have their deterrent character and thus have sweetness intermingled with the bitter.

As to the execution of the woman in honor killings the woman who has committed adultery is
blameworthy for her own act and thus the punishment attaches to herself and, given the near
sacrality of virginity or chastity within the context of the nuptials [that the woman has involved herself
in a monogamous relationship with a man not her husband and hence a contamination genetico-
spiritually of her body as a vehicle of posterity, hence a dysgenic practice creating not only genetically
but spiritually potentially defective offspring-a different male and one who introduces foreign
substance (blood ) into her as vehicle of posterity] has jeopardized the sanctity thereof and thus is
subject to punishment. However the punishment, as in the case of the theft, is excessive and not
appropriate to any who would qualify as a developed human being.

The take-home points of course are that sharia law has justice within it through being inappropriate at
this the in history and thus can at best be modified in its forms of punishment to the principles of
what constitutes a crime are sound as far as the writer understands.

In the case of sexual relations and marriage the woman is nearly invariably to blame especially in
cases of infidelity to which she acquiesces or initiates through her natural tendency toward
coquettishness. At the present time the principle which can be extracted from sharia law as regards
divorce and sexual infidelity is that the blame must attach to the perpetrator and, given the wayward
nature of females and their capriciousness, such as in the case of divorce or 'adultery' they are to be
assumed guilty until proven innocent. However such considerations are moot at this time as no
society can be orchestrated or arranged to serve this purpose and as there are not any in a position to
implement the formation of a society independent of the current system.

"Life of the Party", Death of the Soul

The popular status of today's world wherein a Jupiterian and even Venusian excess constitute the
standard of value is that of the 'party animal', the loud and proud indulgent type who proclaims
himself King based upon being in a position to squander and waste his excess, a bukkake display of
self-importance, bestowing his 'false gifts' over the broad masses.

By such displays of excess he thereby demonstrates (Q.E.D) his importance and accrues to himself
social capital. The social norm of being a 'party animal' is established by the dark forces as means of
reducing the population to the level of the brute, a debased hedonist making boastful displays of his
material status in the most public way possible, a form of braggadocio in which he can exalt his ego
and condemn the relatively socioeconomically lower type and this either in word and/or in deed.

Beyond this motivation for the accumulation of social capital the 'party animal' type with his blustery
and arrogant temperament lives to absorb the attention of others and thus the louder and more
ostentatious his displays of himself the more he can vampirize the energy of others to empower
himself as an energetic vampire.

This may have its benefit in energy accumulation for himself, however the cost entailed in the
excessive yang spiritual or rather behavioral orientation can expend more energy than it can
accumulate and thus leads to the overall impoverishment of the soul as a deficit is inevitable result of
the energy investment in attempting to absorb energy into himself. Thus as a blowhard windbag his
squandering of energy conduces to a deficit that facilitates the expenditure of his life force over time
and intensity, the intensity of his exertions necessarily yielding diminishing returns if at all yielding

The prerequisite of being 'the life of the party' necessitates as an analog the consumption of copious
quantities of liquor, the universal lubricant of sociality under the corrupt fallen world of the Kali Yuga.
This alcohol fueled windbag must needs destroy his soul through self pollution in order to establish
himself and to maintain himself if only for a vain hour, and the position of the 'life of the party', the
alpha hero around whom all circumambulate and whose motivation is control and power accumulation
through being the center of attention.

In so far as he participates in the center he absorbs energy and yet insofar he must continue to pay
the cost of the perpetual expenditure of energy of his own (a garrulous babbler and entertainer) and
imbiber of the 'spirit' of king alcohol while he destroys his soul in the process and goes the way of all
flesh. At least he can say he has followed in the footsteps of the pharaohs of old embalming his
tissues with alcohol, attempting to attain the immortality of the flesh and trapping his soul within.

However such an enterprise is a failure ab initio and he finds out his fate when he is old and senile,
suffering organ failure and realizing that a life lived as a party animal as only the consequence of a
beastialization of the soul, if of course he has not become too senile to have preserved his memory of
the past and is sufficiently intelligent to understand the relationship between cause and effect. To be
the 'life of the party' is to incur the death of the soul, the fragmentation of one's being which is why
Seneca advised to "avoid the festive hatted crowd" who are at the forefront of the current of

Celibacy: Involuntary and Voluntary

Today's world has been engineered to create conditions that render it nearly impossible for certain
types to involve themselves in normal sexual relations, with specifically certain types of males (boys
and men) being obstructed through multifarious means from involving themselves with the opposite
sex (girls and women respectively).

The assault against white men and boys (their precursor who develop into white men) is a malevolent
design of the cabal of evil that controls the world as the cabal rightly perceives white men to be the
greatest threats to their hegemony. This is because of the superlative intelligence of the white man,
their creative genius and will to power, their desire to be free to create and invent without fetters and
to free others from the bonds of the system that designs their destruction.

The cabal, led by jewry and comprised of white race traitor freemasons; christians; liberals; low
women and non-whites all, consciously or no and with the rarest of exceptions in the latter four cases,
work with one another to frame; blame; psychologically abuse; weakened; disempower; demoralize;
confuse; deceive and ultimately sabotage and murder the white man, their greatest threat for total
power, in their respective minds, for their own self enrichment (which at the same time entails an
enrichment of jewry though unbeknownst to most save jewry, the freemasons and their christian

With all of the means of assaulting the white man (spiritual; chemical; physical; psychological;
economic; ideological and informational) the latter is placed into a set of circumstances in which he
can only act within extremely restrictive limitations of his being and thus is unable to live a normal life
in any traditional way with a family of his own and an occupation correspondent with his nature that
would serve as a vehicle of his will to power and manifest destiny. Hence he is displaced from the
traditional caste system and typically (should he not be a jew or bourgeois with copious connections
and classist advantage) demoted in the hierarchy such that he suffers a fall from grace not only in his
own self perception should he value any involvement in society or social status but in the eyes of the
opposite sex.

Hence he is painted by all of these limitations into a corner and thus driven into a state of either:

1) working in a comparatively meaningless occupation that is a defilement and destruction of his

higher potentiality to be or;

2) finds means to avoid this fate while in both cases being largely excluded from society and from any
proper vehicle through which to manifest his destiny.

Hence he is shut out and denied a means to do what is appropriate for him while simultaneously
being able to attract to himself (if such be his goal) any member of the opposite sex who is mentally;
physically and spiritually his equal.

Hence should he have a lack of integrity and is being he will gravitate toward those who are
accessible, they being the following: females not correspondent in essence with his nature (those of a
lower quality again in all respects-mentally; physically; spiritually); non-white females (conventionally
considered and ontologically being of a discordant sort ceteris paribus); or failing that the even

greater deviations of sexual promiscuity i.e. fags; prostitutes or other perversions (not perversions so
much ethically as spiritually, as a defilement of his being).

Hence the recourse in terms of any non-celibacy, i.e. 'sexual action' is restricted in large part to such
categories that could only be spoken of as 'Satanic' or adversarial to the Divine Will and thus to
pursue them would be a violation not only of one's own nature but of that of the divine and this owing
to that fact. Hence in relation to 'sexual action' he must either violate the integrity of his being or
avoid 'sexual action' with other sentient beings or indeed with himself altogether.

This opens up the possibility of the spiritual value of celibacy and, rather than having to live a
mundane life devoted to sense gratification he has created for himself in not choosing to 'go the way
of all flesh', an opportunity by making such a choice to follow a higher path, that of transcendence
through ascetic action.

The cabal has forced him into a corner and thus has transformed him from a jack horny to a jack of
spades, a mercurial figure who has bucked the system by artifice if only in potentia and has enabled
himself to escape from the matrix prison of Zion. Assuming he has the strength to find a way out of
the trap and willingness to overcome his baser inclinations to converting himself from a God (if only
an potentia) to a beast, playing the two back beast with whatever fellow beast he can buy with his
socio-economic status, the lucre he uses to catch the fleshly fish as a fisher of (woe) man or beast
men or fag-men.

The cabal's plan to exclude white man from society and thereby to gain some sort of victory,
transforming the white man, a wise man in potentia and in actua, into a beast of burden, has
backfired on them as their driving the white man out of society has simply eventuated in the white
man's increased desire to rebel against the system which seeks his death, the death of his true self
through extinction in brow sweat, "earning his bread to the sweat of his brow" and sweating like a
beast of burden for his masters.

He has if he is a wise man properly so-called, chosen to rebel and does so for the sake not only for
the realization of his proper destiny but for the liberation of the earth from the Demiurgic prison that
the cabal administers. He turns his creative will against the system and not for it; he undermines it at
every turn he is able and this by exposing it and providing others the key to employ their powers to
fulfill their own duty to their race and to the greater good, to spiritualize the earth and to cast out the
devious hypocrites who have created the prison like conditions for all which he has managed to
discover a key to.

His life force or vital impulses, rather than being wasted and squandered on serving the system are
used against it and rather than squandering them devoted to the flesh and the momentary thrills he
may derive therefrom (thrills which take him on a dopamine roller coaster ride, a downward spiral into
the abyss of depression and nervous exhaustion) he transmits these energies toward higher purposes
which pay dividends in the coin of the realm of heaven, philosophical gold, not the fools gold of the
realm of the Demiurge and all the coarse vulgarity that it may purchase.

Hence he must, should he have any integrity in this Kali Yuga and not be blessed by fortune (or even
if he is; if this accords with his destiny) follow the incel path which he transforms into a path
voluntarily taken, that of celibacy and ascetic detachment from the path of the flesh. Should he have
the means to avail himself of a fleshly Soror Mystica he may avail himself thereof and if not he stays
the course in either case, upward and forward to the mountaintop and out of the mire of the
demiurge and his minions.

The Role of Woman

The Traditional role of women in Aryan societies differ greatly from that of the societies of nonwhites.
In the Orient women had their feet bound; in the near East the Jews shaved the heads of women and
spoke ill of them in their talmud, debasing them to the level of a soulless creature. This applied (and
indeed applies to this day) in Islamic culture as well and indeed the general treatment of non-white
females by their males was of a harsh and bestial nature.

Regardless, it serve their purposes of maintaining an orderly state and preserving to whatever degree
they were able the status quo of their culture (in spite of 'their' culture, like themselves being hybrids,
'crepuscular remnants' of prior ancient Aryan cultures in large part, according to Evola).

The treatment of women in Aryan cultures globally was of a more harmonious nature and
accommodated the presence of women in roles largely oriented toward the homestead and served a
supportive function and perhaps one overly accommodative, enabling women to rule behind the male
titulary monarch or cheiftain.

Hence the role of women societally the came disrupted through excessively doting males, they who
are insufficiently strict in preventing women from monopolizing power through their indirect means
and thus eventually leading to the displacement of patriarchy with the more overt and ubiquitous
matriachy. This destabilization of the dynamic of power created an imbalance and consequent chaotic
state which led along the downward spiral of the Kali Yuga to the present state of modernity.

What its origins were if it had any and was not a fundamental trait of Aryan man to be overly
accommodating to woman, is a mystery but indeed the problem lay with men allowing his own fall
from grace thereby creating an inversion of roles with the 'woman on top' in the hierarchy of power.

The traditional role of women thus must be maintained and women encouraged to affirm the stricture
of their sex-gender correlation and society reflecting this as it did in Fascist Italy or National Socialist
Germany. However, perhaps this is no longer a consideration at this point in the Kali Yuga as things
have spiraled down beyond the point of the maintenance of any social system that can be sustained.
Hence the only path forward for a woman is to cultivate the Lilith within, to develop herrself spiritually
and this necessarily in conjunction with man as the soror mystica finding her proper destiny in serving
her soul-mate while cultivating her own inner talents and capacities and directing them in the
appropriate way, toward the spiritualization of the earth and herself and first and foremost her hero

The Role of Man

The modern world has rendered the caste system of previous times regressed and distorted so that
the role played by a certain type is no longer available and certain types become displaced from their
proper place. Within the context of modernity the lower type is able, by cunning and guile and undue
advantage conferred upon him by the system of regression (wherein "the last will be first and the first
will be last"), to elevate himself to a level inappropriate for himself and to supplant the deserving
whose merit and talent make him a suitable candidate for such a position.

Hence the man of today's world (he who qualifies as a 'man' by virtue of having a 'mind', in Sanskrit,
this being designated by the term 'manas') is not in a fortunate set of circumstances and thus he is
unable to play his proper role according to his proper nature; the society in which he lives not being a
meritocracy but a system of inversion and hence of injustice that favors any and all who are not white
man and especially those white man not favored by Fortune, so-called 'fortunate sons'.

Thus the white man lacking fortunate circumstances or conditions is unable to play his proper role
according to his proper nature and to achieve his proper destiny. Hence the role he has imposed upon
him by the system is either one of a disjunctive choice: either meaningless slavery or poverty and
probable homelessness or death. Hence the 'role of men' today is indeed 'the role of beastman' that
of the pashu and he the poor white man must suffer this indignity, this fall from grace of his former
height in order to be considered by the inverted social orders' constituency as 'playing his role' happily
shouldering the burden of his lot in life.

This or he could break away from society and disregard its evaluation of his character, investing no
value in the judgment of those who are wholly 'Other' to himself. These are the options which
confront the white man who, regardless of pedigree, does not exist within the aureole of the
bourgeois caste and its cultural degradation.

Traditionally the role of man was possible to manifest in suitable action with each receiving their
proper place within the caste system of their racial collective and evaluated with their own population
under the aegis of the gods by their own folk rather then as now being trampled upon by his own
race especially the mercenary bourgeois caste whose self interested egotism inclines them to tread
upon their own with iron heels to sate their lust for blood on the socially acceptable scapegoat of the
white man.

Hence the white man properly so-called, he who possesses 'mind' and is a mediator of the Divine
Mind, a fragment of the Divine Spark, cannot with any integrity allow himself to be defiled by being
harnessed as an animal to the cart of the slave system. He will not acknowledge nor will he support
his own defilement and debasement to the level of a beast of burden at the cost of his proper destiny
and the development of the higher mind. He will not live the life of the beast as a means of receiving
social approval, rather he will sacrifice all in order to continue to live his life as a 'man' in the proper
sense, that of one possessed of the Divine Spark.

With respect to his relationship to the opposite sex he will do his utmost to avoid any unworthy
specimen who might potentially view him as a suitable 'partner', for he has no stock in trade with the
usurious gold-diggers of the inverted world. Neither will he allow himself to be converted into a slave

to serve on unworthy or even one worthy so far as he has no means to obtain a dignified occupations
suitable to himself.

The role of men with respect to women within the mundane conditions of a traditional society is that
of a provider of financial advantage, of protection of children, and most importantly social status, this
viewed from her perspective. Of course there is most important aspect of the spiritual relationship
with the opposite sex and indeed this should be but typically isn't the concern of women as well as
men, those whose consciousness remains at a purely mundane level.

Those more elevated types seek a higher spiritual relationship and this itself is a near impossibility at
this time in the nadir of the Kali Yuga for the following reasons:

1) the women are invariably comparatively privileged having a greater socio-economic status than
men of their ordinarily equivalent type (given the demotion of the white man in the hierarchy of the
inverted society) and thus will not deal with their equal owing to this unjust elevation over and above
their otherwise equal;

2) they are given (as are the males) towards a life of coarse materialism and insofar they have
divorced themselves from any spiritual height. Insofar the discovery or attainment of any higher state
of relationship eludes the grasp of the white man and thus other than in exceptional cases he is
unable to obtain what would otherwise be of great value in his personal development.

Hence the only role of the sexes with one another in the main (in the average and even above
average case) is that of crude promiscuity or complete reservation, either purely platonic else
nonexistent relationship. The latter is the fate of most after they have experienced the wasted time
investment of involvement with women, especially assuming they could even get to that stage of

Hence the inevitable conclusion given the chaos of this world and the degradation of society is that
attempting to have any dealings with women at all is an investment unworthy of the cost as:

1) either one will waste inordinate time/money and effort seeking in securing the participation of a
woman in a relationship and

2) the inevitable result will be either divorce and child support for eternity or reducing oneself to
slavery before a female as a castrated capon after she vampirizes his germplasm and subsequently for
his life force in the form of wage slavery.

The role of men in today's world, assuming he could ever find a soror mystica may factor in the
presence of a woman, but to conceive children is to simply perpetuate the misery of this world of
Demiurgic slavery and any relationship with a woman can only be redeemed through Amor (magic
love, Tantric Maithuna) in the sense of Miguel Serrano.

To pursue the path of the mundane, fornicating and propagating and reducing oneself to a 'nest slave'
is the height of folly and thus would be a defilement of the Spirit, of the soul, and negation of oneself
as a 'man' ('manas', mind) and a conversion of oneself into a beast-man, a beast of burden who has
exchanged his mind for the pleasures of the flesh and a petty life of domesticity (dumb-ass-ticity).

The 'man' properly so-called pursues a higher calling than that of the brute and raises his eyes away
from the fields toward the heights. His path is not to draw water and hew wood and till the fields for a
female but rather to ascend the mountain and attain a higher state of being available only to the
Aryan, not the wigger or the mundane pedestrian endowed only with the kama manas (brute mind) of
coarse instrumental reasoning.


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