Research Rubric
Research Rubric
Research Rubric
____ points
Conclusion Excellent summary of Good summary of topic Basic summary of topic Lack of summary of
thesis argument with with clear concluding with some final topic.
concluding ideas that ideas. concluding ideas.
impact reader. Introduces no new Introduces no new
____ points
Introduces no new information. information.
Writing Writing is clear and Most ideas are stated Many ideas require Paper does not meet
relevant, with no clearly and are related clarification, are off- the criteria for the
grammatical and/or to the topic, with only topic or have little assignment (too short
spelling errors – polished minor grammatical relevance to the or incomplete, too
and professional. and/or spelling errors. assignment. Many long, and/or
Reference, citations and References, citations grammatical and/or completely off-topic).
images are properly and images are spelling errors; very Reference, citations
formatted. adequate. challenging to read, and images section is
poor writing flow. missing.
____ points Improper references
and/or citations section.
Total: _____/100