EY Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness June2015-2016-912-0031-01-E

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Issue 44

Renewable energy country attractiveness index June 2015

Empowering the Mediterranean

A group of industry experts explores how the Mediterranean
region can use a strategic focus on energy to secure its own future
and why investment in renewables is about so much more than just
keeping the lights on.

Storage: Just another energy asset?

With energy storage still often talked about in either vague or
overly-technical terms, it’s difficult for investors to get a clear
view of the opportunities. The focus therefore needs to be on
making this “game changer” just another revenue-generating
energy asset.

Feeling positive
This issue sees mainly upward score movements, with
predominantly positive developments across the global renewables
market in recent months. Governments in particular have been
proactive in setting targets and auctioning capacity.
June Chief
2015 Editor’s
Renewable energy country attractiveness index
Ben Warren, RECAI Chief Editor

1 At a glance ... There is no business as usual. Structural reform in the classic

utilities sector is inevitable, as is structural change in the capital
2 Summary
markets that serve it. The cost-effectiveness and dispatchability of
4 Feature: Empowering the Mediterranean renewables cannot be ignored by even the most ardent deniers,
12 Key developments whatever their agenda. New technologies and new ways of buying and
selling power are changing everything.
14 Our index
Policymakers must now focus on enablement rather than intervention
16 Global view and energy providers can no longer simply pick sides. Conventional and
18 Feature: Storage: A new frontier or just renewables both have a role to play, prompting an increasing number
another energy asset? of corporate restructurings, spin-offs and joint ventures (JVs). At the
same time, previously niche funding vehicles such as yieldcos and
26 Country focus
green bonds are now mainstream, putting the emphasis on aggregating
26 Germany assets, driving down transaction costs and drawing in new pools of
28 UK capital through innovative conduits.
30 Egypt
The sector must also adapt to a more consumer-centric power offtake
32 Glossary model, as rooftop solar and other off-grid generation solutions provide
33 Methodology greater energy security, cost savings and even revenues for both
residential and commercial end-users. This also includes a more
34 Our other publications geographically diverse customer base as new markets open up.
35 What we do Meanwhile, solutions enabling greater renewable energy penetration,
36 EY global contacts such as storage, grid interconnections, energy efficiency and demand
management are also quickly becoming investable assets in
themselves. This issue highlights, in particular, the attractive
opportunities presented by energy storage and smart street lighting.
The decoupling of supply and demand that arises from the flexibility
offered by such solutions, combined with a more empowered
consumer, should increasingly force the energy sector to ask what is
required, why, when and by whom when constructing the investment
for new projects. Our feature on unlocking the potential of the
Mediterranean region highlights the opportunity for a more strategic
focus on energy security to be a catalyst for broader economic and
societal benefits.
Business as usual is no longer an option. Survival in the energy market
of tomorrow requires new thinking and perhaps most critically, a more
Visit ey.com/recai diligent focus on the needs of customers.

Editorial contacts
Klair White Phil Dominy
RECAI Editor RECAI Senior Advisor
+44 161 333 2734 +44 139 228 4499
[email protected] [email protected]
Ben Warren
Ben Warren Matt Rennie Global Power & Utilities Corporate Finance Leader
RECAI Chief Editor RECAI Leadership Sponsor
+44 20 7951 6024 +61 7 3011 3239
[email protected] [email protected]
At a glance ...
An energy security imperative could help to unlock the investment potential of
the Mediterranean region, while energy storage solutions are providing investors
with new opportunities to generate secure long-term predictable returns.

Key index movements ( ) = Previous ranking



South Africa






4 (5) 5 (4) 13 (15) 17 (18) 19 (20) 20 (22) 25 (27) 26 (28) 34 (35) 37 (39)

Empowering the Strategy




Europe 53%
Union developments
energy imports

Domestic €1t
demand growth Private sector
“hot" ...
Med. yment €
plo India
unem Dev
31% En
sa rgy
Cashes in
vin k
€ Morocco
€ Completes

South Africa
Storage: Utility death
Ramps up
A new frontier ? ? ?
or just another
energy asset?
... and



$ Renewables

Agrees … for now

:]f]Õlk Backtracks
US$ Japan
130b Moves the goalposts

An overview of this issue

Unlocking the The diversity of markets making up

Storage: Just
the Mediterranean region also
potential of the creates opportunities for cross- another energy
Mediterranean border integration to achieve a more
efficient allocation of energy
With many countries in the resources, and enable both supply The widespread commercial
Mediterranean basin continuing to and demand solutions. Our SGF application of energy storage
suffer in the wake of the global energy sessions highlighted, in technologies is often described as a
financial crisis and the social and particular, the potential for energy- game changer. And it is. However,
political unrest of the Arab Spring, efficient street lighting to drive with many storage technologies
the recent EY Strategic Growth significant cost and energy savings already proven and costs falling fast,
Forum® (SGF) in Rome explored for municipalities, as well as provide it’s not about waiting for the game to
whether the region can use energy to a range of other benefits. change. It already has, and business
secure its own future. Our feature as usual is no longer an option. It is
However, it is also acknowledged
outlines the key findings of a panel now time therefore, to focus on
that using energy security as a
discussion with some of the developing a clearer view of the
catalyst for broader job creation and
industry’s key players. investment opportunity, the
economic growth requires a more
The potential of renewable energy business models and the most
strategic alignment of interests
deployment was identified as an suitable markets.
across governments, industry and
increasingly cost-effective way to civil society, creating responsibilities Though the storage value chain is not
tackle energy security issues, as well for different stakeholders. dissimilar to a typical energy
as create job-heavy industries and infrastructure asset, the various
For policymakers this is a shift from
economic growth through more challenges that storage is trying to
intervention to enablement, creating
sustainable and competitive energy address will determine the most
a level playing field across different
markets. This is particularly the case relevant technology, applications and
energy sources and removing
where distributed generation revenue drivers that, in turn, define
barriers to competition. For industry,
becomes a critical means of the business models that can be
it is prioritizing cost reductions and
overcoming the challenge of aging or applied. We explore three such
flexible business models as a means
absent transmission infrastructure. models: (i) generation, (ii) grid
of driving sustainable and
support; and (iii) behind the meter.
competitive energy markets. And for
investors, it is critical to develop Each brings its own unique
innovative financing solutions that challenges and opportunities,
enable new sources of capital to including, for example, the potential
enter the market and address the for end-user price arbitrage,
need to fund projects at different compensation for benefits stacking
scales and levels of risk. and determining the stakeholders
best placed to own or operate the
The very clear message for all
storage assets.
stakeholders, however, is that
empowering the Mediterranean is In all cases, however, the focus
about much more than just keeping should remain on creating an
the lights on. investable asset class that delivers
the necessary returns to generate
the funding required to make this
game changer just another
energy asset.

Getting strategic the country’s clean energy
transformation. The Indian
Deal activity in the first half of the Government is also looking to
year suggests a far more strategic increase the renewables obligations
approach to bolstering market on large energy distributors and use
positions, with an increasing currency hedging to make solar even
number of JVs, particularly more cost-competitive.
focusing on emerging markets.
Large corporations are also Capacity confidence
increasingly seeking opportunities
Meanwhile, the success of South
to lower energy costs, while
Africa’s national procurement
simultaneously providing attractive
program has prompted a 6.3GW
investment portfolios.
expansion, providing developers with
Index optimism greater certainty over future demand
for capacity and helping the country
The last few months have generally move up to 13th place.
been encouraging for the global
The release of an ambitious action
energy sector, with most movements
plan targeting 61GW of renewables
in the rankings reflecting positive
capacity by 2023 takes Turkey up to
market developments.
17th place, while Mexico’s emission
China retains the top spot given the reduction commitment and
continuing speed and scale of its investment in new wind capacity
is engaging with the market to
renewable energy deployment, likely takes it to 20th place.
determine the optimal support
to be boosted further by efforts to
In Africa, the financial close of structure.
open up its market to private and
Morocco’s mega-scale CSP projects
foreign investors as it publishes its
first detailed energy reform plan in
and Kenya’s rapidly increasingly Wait and see
project pipeline help these markets
over a decade. Elsewhere in Europe, it’s likely to be
move up the index to 25th and 33rd
an interesting year for both Germany
India’s jump into fourth place ahead place respectively. Egypt is the real
and the UK. While neither
of Japan takes the spotlight in the star, however, climbing two places to
experienced a shift in the rankings
top ten, having received more than 37th after re-entering the index last
this issue, our focus articles highlight
266GW of commitments to support issue and reflecting the phenomenal
the mixed responses to Germany’s
pace of growth as developers flock
first competitive auction, while a
to build gigawatts of capacity in
surprising election outcome in the
this increasingly attractive and
UK has unsettled the renewables
stable market.
sector yet represents a window of
In Eastern Europe meanwhile, Poland opportunity for policymakers.
and Romania are starting to show
Meanwhile, Japan’s renewable
signs of recovery after experiencing
ambitions appear to be wavering in
almost two years of investment
light of a less-than-ambitious
stalemate prompted by policy delays
emissions reduction target, a
and U-turns.
potential return to nuclear and slow
Poland’s pending tender program progress in liberalizing the energy
is giving developers greater certainty market, contributing to its slip down
over future demand while Romania to fourth place.

Empowering the
April saw more than 600 CEOs, policymakers, investors and entrepreneurs
convene in Rome for EY’s Strategic Growth Forum (SGF), focused on
unlocking the potential of the Mediterranean region. Joined by a group of
high-profile panelists, our Global Power & Utilities Leader, Alison Kay and
Global Power & Utilities Corporate Finance Leader, Ben Warren explored
whether the region can use energy as a way of securing its own future.
Most of the countries of the Mediterranean basin share at least two become almost synonymous with maintaining social order given its
things in common — unsustainably high unemployment and a lack importance in driving economic development, making energy a top
of secure affordable energy. The real question is whether the priority no matter who is in government.
second can help to solve the first.
Unsustainable models
With both the northern and southern shores of the region
continuing to suffer in the wake of the global financial crisis, and Most MENA governments have also realized that it is no longer
parts of North Africa still recovering from the political and social financially sustainable to continue with the standard practice of
unrest of the Arab Spring, high domestic unemployment and the intensive fossil fuel energy consumption at highly subsidized prices.
loss of talent to other markets are exacerbating economic recovery In his SGF energy keynote speech, Massimo Mondazzi, CFO of
and vice versa. The Mediterranean’s youth unemployment rate is Italian oil and gas giant Eni, also reinforced the role of renewables
particularly concerning, averaging 31% compared with a global in helping to address the unsustainability of the region’s current gas
average of around 12%. As a result, the region risks generations’ export model. North Africa is the third largest supplier of natural
worth of lost economic development, or at the extreme, failing gas to the EU after Russia and Norway, with Algeria, Libya and
to recover at all. Egypt accounting for 15% of the EU’s total gas imports in 2013.
However, Mondazzi notes that subsidized prices have resulted in
Top of the agenda reduced gas production and investment in new capacity, at the
same time as domestic demand in North Africa is increasing.
At the same time, the region is facing an energy crisis. In the north
(Southern Europe and Turkey), the stark reality of Europe’s Both result in reduced availability of gas for export (and therefore
vulnerability as a net energy importer and the pending closure of a lower revenues), at a time when gas is also becoming increasingly
large number of aging conventional power plants has reignited talk important in Europe as a means of balancing the increasing
of an EU-wide energy market and reinforced the need for penetration of renewable energy, and addressing supply gaps as
aggressive renewable energy targets. The EU imports more than more coal and nuclear plants are retired. Mondazzi therefore
53% of its energy, while an estimated 138GW of new thermal concludes that, while conventional sources such as oil and gas
capacity will be required over the next 11 years to maintain should remain firmly in the picture as a means of meeting demand
system adequacy. and providing baseload power, accelerated renewables deployment
Meanwhile, population growth and improved living standards are
driving average annual energy demand growth of up to 6% in the
southern and eastern Mediterranean countries, i.e., the Middle East
and North Africa (MENA) region for this purpose. Although this part Accelerated renewables in
of the Mediterranean region is currently a net exporter of fossil MENA is needed to
fuels on aggregate, the pressure to meet this surging energy
demand is jeopardizing export revenues and prompting a focus on
improve trade balances
diversification. and revenues by freeing up
The goal of energy security has therefore risen rapidly to the top of conventional energy
both political and boardroom agendas across the entire region. In resources for export.
less mature MENA markets in particular, keeping the lights on has
Massimo Mondazzi, Eni

in MENA is needed to improve trade balances and revenues As a long-term goal, policymakers should be looking to shift from
by freeing up conventional energy resources for export, intervention to enablement, creating market conditions that allow
as well as boosting domestic energy security and driving business to sell the energy goods and services that customers
domestic job creation. demand and that reflect the true cost (and value) of energy.

The renewables engine

The increasing scalability and affordability of renewables positions Jordan has transitioned
the sector as a potential engine for both economic growth (as from a market heavily
cheaper energy results in higher disposal income), and sustainable
jobs, with opportunities emerging across the whole energy value
distorted by subsidies
chain. This includes support functions such as technical, financial to one in which the
and legal services, as well as more industrial manufacturing, private sector is driving
construction and operations activity.
affordable energy.
Expansion of the distributed renewable generation market in
particular, can also overcome the challenge of aging or absent Khaled Irani, E2E
transmission infrastructure. Renewables currently account for
around 25% of the EU’s electricity supply but this is forecast to rise
to 50% by 2030. Meanwhile, MENA is targeting 75GW of To a large degree this involves negative enablement. According to
renewables by 2030, from minimal installed capacity today. Carmelo Scalone, Vice President of Business Development at EDF
Énergies Nouvelles, governments simply need to remove all
Getting strategic artificial barriers that prevent energy sources competing on a level
playing field, such that neither conventional nor renewable energy
The significant potential to generate economic and societal benefits
receive any kind of special treatment.
from the creation of job-heavy domestic energy industries should
therefore trigger a more strategic alignment of interests across Avoiding distortions
governments, the private sector and civil society.
Electricity price subsidies in particular, can also have an unintended
Investment in domestic energy infrastructure can tackle detrimental societal impact, typically benefiting the highest income
unemployment as well as secure domestic energy needs. The new groups as the largest energy consumers, rather than the lowest
energy sector (i.e., renewables, storage, energy services and data) income groups, the supposed beneficiaries. It is estimated that the
is drawing in some of the world’s best talent and importantly, has EU alone can spend up to €140b (US$160b) per year directly or
the attributes to be well-aligned to education through R&D, indirectly on consumption, fossil fuel and renewables subsidies.
providing the potential for greater talent retention in the region. Failure to enable cost-reflective tariffs will also typically act as a
disincentive to the most efficient allocation of resources and
prevent further investment in energy capacity or infrastructure, as
Governments simply need well as putting a strain on public budgets.
to remove all artificial Khaled Irani, CEO of clean energy solutions company E2E, points to
barriers that prevent Jordan as an example of the successful transition from a market
energy sources competing heavily distorted by energy consumption subsidies and reliant on
imports for 96% of its oil and gas (representing around 20% of
on a level playing field. GDP), to one in which market pricing and private sector
participation is accelerating the deployment of increasingly
Carmelo Scalone, EDF
affordable domestic renewable energy. Irani also notes that
Énergies Nouvelles policy can act as a barrier between customers and the market;
the commercial solar rooftop market in Turkey, for example, is
being hindered by restrictions on the direct sale of electricity
Leaving the market alone to end-users.
At a policy-level, this means implementing policies that help, or at Harry Boyd-Carpenter, Senior Banker for Power and Energy
least do not hinder, businesses to create jobs. However, a change in Utilities at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
mindset is also required. In the wake of energy market distortions (EBRD) also notes that a competitive market with price signals is
resulting from a prolonged period of subsidies and intervention important for determining and internalizing the economics of
across many parts of the region, and as renewables in particular different generation sources, including the cost of carbon and,
become increasingly cost-competitive, it is arguably time for the looking further ahead, the arbitrage value of emerging
market to be left alone. storage technologies.

Competitive foundations
Policymakers arguably therefore have a responsibility to remove The interest of large
legislative barriers to competition and establish a stable utilities and oil and gas
environment in which it can flourish. Specific enablement measures
might include, for example, the creation of an independent
companies in renewables
regulator; removing foreign ownership restrictions; unbundling or as a core part of their
reforming state-owned utilities; removing restrictions on energy business model is a
trading or the ability of incumbent utilities to offer multiple
services; supporting technology transfer; and enabling the value of genuine game changer.
power supply or grid reliability and flexibility to be reflected in
Marco Perona, RES Group
network tariffs. As decentralized generation becomes more
mainstream, effective market design must also enable signaling
and pricing for off-grid applications.
The next industrial revolution?
Marco Perona, EMEIA Commercial Director at RES Group, also
A key part of sharing this responsibility is for industry to resist the
highlights the importance of policy enablement relating to project
temptation of “subsidy shopping” and instead focus on creating
development, including the need to reduce complexities around
sustainable business and project models that attract and retain
land rights, planning, environmental requirements and grid
talent, and spur future opportunities through a self-reinforcing
connections, and creating standardized processes and documents
GDP-energy growth cycle
to help reduce transaction and due diligence costs.
Massimo Derchi, Managing Director of ERG Renew sees the
Learning lessons renewables industry in particular experiencing a period of
However, the success of both short-term and long-term enablement Darwinian selection as it matures into a fully fledged infrastructure
measures also requires learning from the past. While the damaging sector. Project developers wanting to stay around for the next 5 to
repercussions of setting overly generous or unchecked renewables 10 years will need to challenge themselves on how they can drive
tariffs, as happened in Spain, Italy and other European markets, is down costs to remain competitive, particularly small or mid-size
now well documented and requires little further commentary, the players. According to Derchi, ERG Renew is, for example, in the
real lesson is arguably more about the importance of monitoring process of internalizing operating and maintenance functions in
the net economic and social impact of policy measures, in order to order to avoid the profit margin incurred by outsourcing such
avoid boom-bust cycles. services, as well as establishing closer ties with manufacturers.
There should also be concerted effort across the sector to reduce
At the same time, our panelists agreed that it should be recognized soft costs, such as financing and transaction costs.
that the call for a shift away from relatively blunt policy tools such
as feed-in tariffs (FITs), toward a suite of enablement measures, Perona agrees that competitive pressures will alter the operating
also makes the work of a policymaker more complex and model of businesses in the sector, predicting a shift from market
sophisticated in the context of the current energy transformation. pricing to cost-plus margin pricing. He also notes that, although the
Particularly when demand-side measures are also considered. energy sector has been described as being at a “tipping point” for a
Energy and investor communities must therefore exercise some while now, the interest of large utilities and oil and gas giants such
degree of empathy and patience with policymakers, as well as as EON and Eni in renewables deployment as a core part of their
participating in dialogue to help identify and execute constructive business models is a genuine game changer for the sector.
legislative reform. However, he also admits that larger players are better equipped to
manage country risk through geographical and technological
diversification, while this remains a barrier for small and mid-size
players expanding into new markets. Giving Egypt as an example,
where project attractiveness is relatively high but shareholders
The renewables sector is perceive a high degree of country risk, Perona calls on the sector to
experiencing a period of be more proactive in differentiating between real and perceived
country risks, seeking ways to break down the former and dispel
Darwinian selection — the latter to avoid otherwise attractive projects getting stalled in
developers will need to investment committees.
drive down costs to remain It is also recognized that the rise of the “prosumer” (producer-
competitive. consumer), combined with aging transmission networks in Europe
and a lack of infrastructure in MENA, have significantly increased
Massimo Derchi, ERG Renew the opportunities for decentralized renewables generation,
microgrids and behind-the-meter services. This consumer-centric

focus is already generating new business models such as leasing, A new investor class
crowdfunding, net metering, pay-as-you-go schemes and data
management solutions. In the call for new sources of capital and funding vehicles, Scalone
observes that it is also encouraging that large energy consumers
Invest and aggregate such as Apple and Google are putting their money on the table by
investing in renewables. While this has mainly been in the US to
However, policy enablement and a more competitive energy
date, it is a model that should easily be replicable.
industry will only have limited success driving a sustainable
job market without the capital to fund this energy sector While Scalone believes that utilities, institutional investors and the
transformation. renewables arm of infrastructure funds will remain the main capital
providers for energy deals in Europe in the short term, large energy
This rapid growth of off-grid generation such as residential or
consumers will become a more prominent investor group in the
commercial rooftop solar, for example, introduces scope for more
medium and long term as grid parity makes corporations indifferent
innovative funding models and sources of capital as the finance
between conventional and renewable energy. This will in turn open
community gets increasingly comfortable with asset aggregation as
up more opportunities for onsite generation or direct power offtake
a means of creating investments of sufficient scale. This can also
models for project developers and independent power producers
reduce high transaction and financing costs that may otherwise
(IPPs). In 2014, corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) in
make smaller-scale projects uneconomical. This is particularly
the US represented 23% of all wind power contracts, with
helpful for capital providers with limited in-house sector-specific
expectations that corporates will represent at least 25% of all US
expertise, as is the case for many institutional investors.
solar and wind purchases in 2015.
Such aggregation is also the foundation of the yieldco model. While
However, it should perhaps also trigger a call to action for
mainly a US and UK phenomenon to date, a recent announcement
governments and energy providers to use energy cost savings and
by SunEdison could catapult this particular funding vehicle into
reliability of supply to lure new businesses into markets where these
emerging markets such as the MENA region. The US solar giant
are sufficiently high to create attractive operations models for
plans to raise as much as US$700m through an initial public
potential entrants. This would have the dual effect of creating
offering of TerraForm Global Inc., a traded subsidiary with 757MW
job opportunities across both energy providers and corporate
of renewables assets in developing nations and rights to buy further
energy offtakers.
projects totaling 1.9GW of capacity.
However, Derchi warns that while the yieldco concept is a good idea The green sukuk: Untapped potential?
given it allows developers to release assets from the balance sheet To encourage the participation of more private sector small and
to enable investment in new projects, it also risks becoming like a medium enterprises across the energy value chain — in the MENA
wild animal that needs to be constantly fed, potentially raising the region particularly — investors should also into take account of a
price of assets as they increasingly become linked to the country’s track record for large-scale infrastructure deals when
expectation of future gains. setting terms, even if the precedent for renewable energy deals
specifically is more limited. Saudi Arabia’s substantial track record
Putting development banks out of business
of IPPs, for example, has made local banks more familiar and
Developers will likely continue to rely on national and multilateral comfortable with financing the energy sector. Saudi is also home to
development banks to fund large-scale power projects in the the world’s first international 30-year sukuk — a US$1b issuance by
immediate term. But Boyd-Carpenter also identifies renewables as Saudi Electricity Company in April 2013. While green bonds have
a route to greater private sector investment, commenting that now become relatively mainstream, eyes are turning to the largely
paradoxically, development banks such as EBRD are actually trying untapped green sukuk market, tradable Islamic finance instruments
to find ways to put themselves out of business by creating the right that are compliant with the principles of Shari’ah (prohibiting
market conditions for private sector investors to step in. investment in certain industries).
According to Boyd-Carpenter, the EBRD remit is to support the
transition from command to market economies, and from
unsustainable to sustainable markets that are much less reliant on
Development banks
hydrocarbons. He makes the point that development banks don’t can’t stay in markets
have the resources to meet the huge scale of investment needed. indefinitely — setting
Therefore, setting robust and sustainable foundations for private
sector investment is critical. The investment community itself must sustainable foundations
also recognize this to avoid prolonged overreliance on such funds for private sector
or the misperception that private funding is being crowded out.
investment is critical.
Harry Boyd-Carpenter, ERBD

While often described as Islamic bonds, some types of sukuk have Cost savings in the spotlight
equity-type risk-sharing structures, though all will typically be
asset-backed and entail a profit sharing feature. Although there are Although the initial upfront cost of street lighting upgrades can still
few examples of renewable energy-specific sukuk to date, more be relatively high, savings arise from reduced operating,
than 800 issuances totaling US$65b were issued between 2001 maintenance and replacement costs, in addition to lower energy
and 2012 to finance infrastructure projects, including conventional consumption, making the switch almost or fully cost neutral.
power assets. Total sukuk issuances reached an estimated Light-emitting diode (LED) lamps, for example, typically last for 20
US$130b in 2014 alone, and access to a growing Islamic liquidity to 25 years, compared with 3 to 6 years for conventional lighting.
pool (with assets surpassing US$2t in 2014) in addition to the Verhaar also notes the significant potential to couple street lighting
conventional investor base, creates significant potential for the with solar PV cells to generate additional energy and cost
creation of a green sukuk market. efficiencies, particularly as distributed solar technology advances
and removes the need to put cables in the ground.
Illuminating the road to energy efficiency
Research by McKinsey concludes that the cost of low-energy street
The quest for energy security is about more than just attracting
lighting has been dropping by around 30% per year and that by
investment to increase supply. With demand reduction arguably the
2020, the energy saving compared to today’s conventional lighting
quickest way to instantly reduce exposure to energy risks, this puts
is expected to reach 90%.
the spotlight on the potential for energy efficiency measures across
the region, yet another source of job creation. Beyond the light
In a global energy productivity survey undertaken by Philips, it was However, Dr. Steven Fawkes, CEO of EnergyPro Ltd., comments
found that of all the energy we consume globally, only 2% is being that while energy efficiency was previously sold on energy savings
used for the service it was meant for while the other 98% is wasted. alone, that is no longer sufficient to spur the required interest and
According to the report, making energy efficiency improvements investment. The co-benefits of smart lighting need to be better
could create 6 million jobs by 2020 (1.2 million in Europe alone), highlighted, including for example, hosting mobile phone boosters,
reduce import dependence on fossil fuels by 35% and boost average wifi, electric vehicle charging points, internet-enabled cameras,
GDP growth by 1.5%. sound detectors (e.g., gunshot detectors in the US), or sensors to
Gregor Paterson-Jones, Managing Director for Energy Efficiency at help with congestion management, identify overcrowding or trigger
the UK Green Investment Bank observes that the European waste collection alerts.
financial crisis, although difficult, has put some much-needed The creation of intelligent central management systems with the
pressure on local authorities and governments to address the fact ability to remotely monitor and control lighting functions relative to
they don’t have the budgets to cover high energy costs anymore. the needs of a particular area, also generate the potential for
This has prompted the public sector to start putting tools in additional energy and cost savings. Existing legacy systems only
place to help the private sector create business plans for energy enable lights to be on or off, while LED lights can be controlled with
efficiency projects. high precision, dimmed rapidly and adjusted continuously to create
According to Harry Verhaar, Head of Global Public & Government the level of visibility and sense of safety required, while reducing
Affairs at Philips Lighting, smart street lighting is one of the most wasted energy.
simple and cost-effective ways to generate energy and cost savings
Getting smart
given lighting can represent around half of a city’s energy bill.
Philips estimate the installation of new street lighting solutions can Intelligent street lighting is also a critical foundation for broader
save up to €10b (US$11b) in global energy costs per year, almost a smart city ambitions. Once data starts to flow in an open way
third in Europe alone. between traditionally closed or proprietary city infrastructure such
as public lighting, traffic and parking systems, waste and water
management and even advertising displays, it will be possible to
create additional operational savings or revenues from more
Smart street lighting is efficient or enhanced service offerings, as well as improving the
quality of living for urban residents.
one of the most simple
Navigant Research forecasts that the number of smart cities
ways to generate energy worldwide will quadruple, with at least 88 cities by 2025. The
and cost savings — lighting global smart city technology market is predicted to be worth more
can make up around half of than US$27.5b annually by 2023, compared with US$8.8b in
2014. Fawkes takes the view that while around 80% of the smart
a city’s energy bill. cities agenda is over-hyped, at least 20% is based on very real
technologies and benefits that can be rolled out now, with a large
Harry Verhaar, Philips Lighting
majority of this around lighting.

Making it happen
While the economic and environmental case for energy-efficient We need to create more of
street lighting is compelling, investment to date remains relatively a market for energy
low. According to Paterson-Jones, the main barrier to increased
deployment of energy efficiency measures such as smart street
efficiency that turns it into
lighting isn’t really about lack of available capital. It’s much more an asset class that debt
about the lack of resources, particularly in the public sector, to and equity markets can
translate a technical case into a business case and reach a state
where it will attract third parties to convert the available funding really engage with.
into a reality. In short, investors need creditworthy counterparties
Steven Fawkes, EnergyPro Ltd
and credible business propositions.
For Fawkes, standardization of processes, procurements and
documentation is also a major issue, commenting that it is difficult As a result, we need to create more of a market for energy
to calculate cost savings and have confidence in the results if efficiency to turn it into an asset class that debt and equity markets
everyone is doing something different. Lack of standardization also can really engage with. According to Fawkes, the day you can buy
increases transaction costs and makes it harder to aggregate an energy-efficient PPA the same way you can buy a gas or wind
projects, which is important for large investment propositions. PPA, it becomes an investable asset class.
However, he notes that initiatives such as the Investor Confidence Verhaar concludes that, while energy efficiency is half of the
Project Europe, are working to develop a common set of procedures equation to putting us on path to a sustainable energy equilibrium,
and standards for energy efficiency and building refurbishments. we still need to get it much more into the minds of policymakers
The potential for benefits stacking from the various applications of before the Paris COP21 climate change talks in December. This can
smart street lighting should also be captured in any business case be achieved by demonstrating that energy efficiency is also key to
by finding ways to quantify and monetize the benefits. unlocking economic and job growth, and can generate benefits for
voters beyond just energy savings.
Piecing together an investable asset class
Notwithstanding, a number of energy-efficient street lighting An efficient allocation of resources
programs and projects have already been rolled out across the In trying to unlock the supply and demand benefits of greater
Mediterranean region, including in Egypt, Turkey, Morocco and energy security, many now believe self-sufficiency at a national
Spain, while Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine all have National level is no longer sensible or efficient. The Mediterranean region in
Energy Efficiency Action Plans. particular offers a range of opportunities for cross-border
However, Fawkes notes that the current state of the energy integration to achieve a more efficient allocation of energy
efficiency transformation in the region is like a jigsaw puzzle. resources, both between and across the Europe and MENA regions.
Everyone is focused on making their piece perfect but there is still a Greater regional cooperation also has the potential to create
need to bring all the pieces together. In particular, he comments, competitive energy markets more quickly as knowledge and R&D is
we need to move away from the view that energy efficiency and shared, synergies exploited, broader capital markets tapped and
smart lighting is only about government-led projects. Even if we deployment of new infrastructure scaled up. Physical
say it should be a public expenditure, there’s simply not enough interconnections in particular will not only create immediate job
money to fund it. opportunities, but also reduce power prices for end-users given a
more effective flow of power from where it is produced most
cheaply to where demand is highest. Despite the fact that
wholesale prices are falling, European post-tax household electricity
prices are now around 40% above those in the US.

The main barrier is lack of A more efficient allocation of resources across borders should also
help reduce the risk of overcapacity, which has pushed down
resources to translate a margins in recent years. According to a World Economic Forum
technical case into a report released in January 2015, suboptimal deployment is
business case, and convert estimated to have cost the EU around US$1b more than if each
country had invested in the most efficient capacity relative to its
the available capital into natural resource, with the potential for a further US$40b saving
projects. had this approach been applied across borders (with the relevant
physical interconnections).
Gregor Paterson-Jones, GIB

Map illustrating renewables as a proportion of total electricity, net Uniting targets
energy imports and fossil fuel reserves
The case for regional integration has arguably never been stronger.
MENA will need to deploy a significant amount of new capacity in
Renewable electricity(excl. hydro)
as proportion of total electricity response to surging energy demand while Europe imports 53% of
47% 79% «*(Yf\4*-
its energy — a large proportion from Russia — and is due to retire
«-Yf\4)( «*-Yf\4+( almost 50% of its electricity capacity in the coming decades.
78% Increased flexibility over the shifting of supply and demand across
«)(Yf\4)- «+(
61% «)-Yf\4*( af[dm\af_`q\jg the whole region will also help accommodate variable power flows
(where different)
resulting from an increasing penetration of renewables as it
(12) 73% ]phgjlk!$g^mk] becomes increasingly cost-effective.
21% This prompted the announcement of plans for an EU “Energy
(10) ;gYdj]k]jn]k Union” in February 2015. The European Commission estimates
FYlmjYd_Yk that at least €1.0t (US$1.1t) needs to be invested in Europe’s
(15) (9) (16) j]k]jn]k
energy sector by 2020 to improve reliability and competitiveness,
(2) including €140b (US$149b) in storage and high-voltage
96% (248%) (132%) transmission capacity.
(14%) (4) (222%)
86% 96%
February’s announcements were also used to reinforce the EU
requirement for each Member State to be able to export at least
Note: Fossil fuel reserve icons shown only for those countries featuring within the top 20
10% of its generating output by 2020, with 12 states currently
reserves globally per source, with the respective rankings provided in brackets.
Sources: Various (multiple publicly available sources) below this target and therefore likely to be isolated from the
proposed internal electricity market. More strategic regional
deployment of new generating capacity will also likely be critical to
Onshore wind speed map and forecast additional GW capacity achieving the EU’s 2030 target of 27% final energy consumption
2015–18 from renewables, applied to the region as a whole rather than as
binding targets on individual Member States.
3.0 m/s Derchi commends the Energy Union proposal as the first document
0.3 1.5
3.6 m/s to set out comprehensively all the different factors impacting
4.2 m/s energy integration, noting the absurdity of having more than 28
4.8 m/s different energy policies across the region. However, he concedes
5.4 m/s that its success will heavily depend on the willingness of Member
4.2 6.0 m/s State governments to transfer some of their sovereignty over
6.6 m/s energy policymaking.
7.2 m/s
0.2 0.2 Getting connected
7.8 m/s
8.4 m/s Steps toward greater regional integration are, however, already
1.0 0.2
1.0 9.0 m/s underway, including the North-Western Europe day-ahead price
0.1 0.6 coupling project launched in 2014 and a growing number of
bilateral interconnections. The Santa Llogaia-Baixas link, for
example, will double the electricity interconnection capacity
Sources: 3TIER (Global wind dataset 5km onshore wind speed at 80m height); between France and Spain to 2.8GW. Until now, it covered only
EY analysis based on multiple market forecast and project pipeline datasets 3% of peak demand in the Iberian Peninsula, preventing
some companies from participating in the EU’s energy markets.

Solar PV irradiation map and forecast additional GW capacity Outside of Europe, the “Eight Countries Electric Interconnection
2015–18 Project” is starting to connect the electricity networks of Egypt,
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Syria and Turkey, while the
77.9574 W/m2
Maghreb regional interconnection was initiated in the 1950s to
1.0 1.5 connect Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. In late 2014, a tender for
124.892 W/m2
2.0 the Egypt-Saudi Arabia electricity interconnection project was
1.8 145.328 W/m2
launched, the first to rely on direct current instead of the
160.063 W/m2
alternating current that both countries currently depend on. A
172.654 W/m2
30km subsea cable running across the Gibraltar Strait between
184.423 W/m2
0.2 0.6 Spain and Morocco remains the only transmission link connecting
196.192 W/m2
Europe and MENA, although feasibility studies have been carried
206.783 W/m2 out on a number of other potential cross-region interconnections.
0.5 236.519 W/m2
283.954 W/m2
In addition to a growing number of physical interconnections, there
are also various organizations acting as platforms for public-private
0.3 368.164 W/m 2

- 1.5 dialogue and cooperation across the region to exploit synergies

0.4 0.5 and knowledge transfer. These include the Union for the
Mediterranean, a multilateral partnership comprising 43 countries
Sources: 3TIER (Global solar dataset 3km height); EY analysis based on multiple market that was also responsible for launching the 20GW Mediterranean
forecast and project pipeline datasets Solar Plan in 2008.

Desirable but unachievable? different energy sources, removing barriers to market
competition and aligning R&D and education with industry.
However, while our panelists agreed that greater regional energy
market integration is desirable, there was also general consensus • Industry itself needs to prioritize cost reduction to make energy
that the complexities, cost and political barriers associated with this more affordable, and supply chain and infrastructure projects
mean we are unlikely to see any major results in the near term. The more bankable. More sustainable and flexible business models
challenges faced by high-profile regional integration initiatives such are also required to adapt to a changing generation mix and a
as DESERTEC — which went from a goal of developing 100GW of more empowered consumer.
renewables in MENA for both domestic use and export to Europe, to • The investment community should continue to develop
being a service provider and consulting arm for its three remaining innovative financing solutions and build on successes to date
shareholders — also throw into sharp focus the question of whether around aggregation, including for example, yieldco, leasing and
such ambitious and far-reaching regional energy integration is bonds (e.g. green sukuk). Private sector investors must also be
possible at all. proactive in stepping in to complement development banks in
Further, the case for regional integration as a means of emerging markets, while large energy users and corporations
shifting power to address supply and demand imbalances will should be welcomed as a new source of capital.
increasingly find itself in competition with storage applications and • Opportunities for energy efficient infrastructure upgrades in
off-grid generation. cities, including smart street lighting, should be converted into
an investable asset class based on credible business cases that
As such, while it is undoubtedly worth continuing to pursue regional
quantify the significant potential for broader societal benefits as
integration in its various forms, the focus should always remain on
well as energy and cost savings.
achieving the most efficient allocation of resources, rather than
integration for integration’s own sake. As a result, the most likely The Mediterranean’s quest for secure, affordable and sustainable
outcome is a corridor-by-corridor approach that exploits more energy should therefore not just be about keeping the lights on, but
localized opportunities for cooperation or cross-border trading. rather about creating a strategically important sector that can drive
economic growth, attract and retain the best talent, and create
The energy imperative competitive and long-term markets for manufacturing, generation
The Mediterranean is facing an energy security imperative that will and investment.
require the sector to transform itself over the next decade. In short, empowering the Mediterranean simply requires powering
Resources are inefficiently allocated both within and across the Mediterranean.
countries; mixed policy experiences have created market
distortions; a significant amount of energy is being wasted at the
same time that the closure of aging power plants and surging
energy demand growth in Europe and MENA respectively are
creating greater capacity needs; and the domestic renewable
resources best placed to fill this gap will continue to face
intermittency challenges in the immediate term.
And yet the potential rewards from tackling these issues go far
beyond energy security alone. Cost savings from energy efficiency
measures such as smart street lighting; the deployment of
increasingly cost-competitive renewable energy; greater use of
distributed generation that reduces the need for expensive
transmission upgrades; and cheaper electricity from cross-border
supply shifting are all within the region’s grasp. But critically, all of
these things also bring the potential for local industry and job
creation across the energy value chain, as well as opportunities for
policy and investment communities.

Empowering the Mediterranean

Key to achieving this will be greater engagement and cooperation
between governments, private sector and civil society. Our SGF
debate revealing the following key actions for stakeholders across
the region:
• Energy policy must be about enablement rather than
intervention, focusing on creating a level playing field across

Key developments
Country-specific highlights

Hot India cashes in. Delhi’s inaugural RE-Invest conference in February saw 293 companies
submit Green Energy Commitments representing a staggering 266GW of capacity, while 27 banks
committed financing for 72GW of projects. The Export-Import Bank of India has already kick-
started fundraising for the country’s elevated renewable ambitions, selling India’s first green dollar
bonds in a 2.75%-yield US$500m issue in March. The Ministry for New and Renewable Energy is
also considering hedging on long-term dollar-rupee exchange rates for solar projects, reducing
currency exposure but lowering tariffs to almost at par with conventional thermal plants.

Morocco completes. May saw the Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN) reach
financial close in record time on the second phase of its Ouarzazate CSP project, raising US$2b for
the 200MW Noor II and 150MW Noor III projects. Combined with the Noor I 160MW site, the Noor
CSP complex will be the largest in the world. The close came just two months after MASEN signed
25-year PPAs for the two sites with a consortium led by ACWA, locking in some of the world’s
lowest thermo-solar tariffs. In March, MASEN also launched the first 50–70MW phase of PV
tenders under the Noor solar program, which aims to develop a total 2GW solar by 2020.

South Africa ramps up. The success of South Africa’s national procurement program
in securing 5.2GW of renewables capacity worth an estimated US$14b of investment has
prompted the Government to propose a 6.3GW expansion of the project. The April announcement
coincided with the Department of Energy naming preferred bidders for contracts to build 13 clean
energy projects totaling 1.1GW under Round 4. The expansion is also undoubtedly largely driven
by the country’s rolling load-shedding, with public utility Eskom forced to cut power again in April
for the longest period in two months to avert a collapse of the national grid.

Australia agrees … for now. The Australian Government has finally reached
agreement with the opposition to reduce the country’s Renewable Energy Target (RET) to 33TWh
by 2020, down from 41TWh. However, there is speculation this won’t end the policy uncertainty
that has plagued the renewables market over the past 12 months, since a scheduled RET review in
2016 could open the door to further changes. New investment in renewables has already dropped
90% in the 12 months to March 2015, and is expected to fall a further 29% under the new target.
Such negativity at a national level also overshadows more positive state-level developments
(see our Global view on page 17).

France backtracks. Just as the renewables sector was regaining some momentum as
the long-awaited French energy transition bill finally made its way through Parliament, a proposed
amendment to double the exclusion zone around houses and other areas earmarked for future
wind development to 1,000 meters could grind projects to a halt and jeopardize the country’s
2020 renewables targets. Another amendment dilutes the bill’s attempt to reduce the share of
nuclear in the energy mix to 50% by removing the proposed 2025 deadline.

Japan moves the goalposts. April’s pledge to cut emissions 26% by 2030 has been
criticized as insufficient to catalyze a genuine shift toward clean energy. The reduction is based on

Not a 2013 baseline, when Japan recorded its second-highest emissions ever as it burned more fossil
fuels to replace lost nuclear power, making the percentage target seem more ambitious than in
absolute terms and prompting some in the market to describe it as “almost cheating.” Combined
with a May government report concluding that nuclear is Japan’s cheapest energy source,
speculation is growing about its long-term renewables ambitions.

Deal, investment and policy highlights

Joining forces. The theory that “two heads are better than one” seems to New clean energy investment
be driving an increasing number of JVs, as companies seek strategic alliances to
increase their purchasing power or bolster positions in new markets. Mainstream worldwide, Q1 2015
and Actis have recently formed Lekela Power, a US$1.9b 40:60 JV to develop up Global clean energy investment of US$50.5b in Q1
to 900MW of solar and wind in Africa by 2018, focusing initially on South Africa, 2015 represented a sharp drop on the US$67.6b of the
Ghana and Egypt. In Europe, Havgul Clean Energy and Triventus Wind Power previous quarter. However, Q1 investment is typically more
will create a pan-Nordic entity to oversee a 1.6GW wind portfolio across Finland, subdued following the year-end rush to beat tariff cuts or
Norway and Sweden, requiring US$3.5b of investment. Meanwhile, March saw policy changes. The quarter’s lower figure also reflected
the launch of Adwen, an offshore wind JV between Areva and Gamesa, with a 15% strengthening of the US dollar against a basket of
2.8GW of projects under development and the goal of controlling 20% of the currencies during the last year and 29% against the euro,
European market by 2020. making it difficult to match the equivalent dollar value in
In the Americas, Abengoa and EIG will invest US$2.5b in a JV to acquire more the same period last year. Last year also benefited from
than US$9.2b of new clean-power projects being developed by Abengoa in the fundraising for a number of high-value offshore wind
US, Mexico, Brazil and Chile. US solar giants First Solar Inc. and SunPower Corp. projects. Regional performance was somewhat mixed in Q1
are also planning a JV to own and operate their power plants, while Mexico’s 2015, with investment in Europe and China dropping 30%
CEMEX has agreed a venture with Pattern Energy to develop at least 1GW of and 24% respectively on the same period last year, while the
renewable energy projects in the country over the next five years. Looking east, US saw a modest 2% increase. South Africa was the shining
Enel Green Power and Marubeni Corporation are jointly evaluating potential star, however, with investment surging to US$3.1b from
renewables opportunities in southeast Asia. almost nothing a year earlier, in large due to the project
pipeline emerging under its national procurement program.
Corporates get in on the act. Large corporations are also getting
strategic, increasingly viewing renewable energy projects as both attractive 80
investment opportunities and a means of reducing energy costs. February saw
Apple unveil the largest ever non-utility corporate solar procurement deal, a 70
25-year, 130MW agreement with First Solar worth almost US$850m. Meanwhile,
New clean energy investment (US$b)

Apple’s manufacturing partner Foxconn Technology Group is in talks with UK 60

investors to raise US$1.7b for ”green initiatives” designed to save energy.
February also saw Google surpass its previous renewable energy investment 50
record when it injected almost US$300m into SolarCity’s US$750m fund for
residential solar projects. 40
Even carbon-heavy industry has begun to embrace renewables, with Dow
Chemical signing a 15-year off-take agreement in March to use 200MW of wind 30
capacity to supply at least 10% of the power at its chemical manufacturing site
in Texas — the largest in the western hemisphere. It is estimated that as early as 20
2025, US companies alone could procure at least 60GW of new off-site capacity,
compared to just 5GW to date. 10

Yielding to the market. Yieldco enthusiasm shows no signs of waning, 0

with SunEdison’s proposed US$700m TerraForm Global IPO — scheduled for Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
mid-2015 and focusing on emerging markets such as Brazil, China and India — 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015
signaling the growing maturity of a financing vehicle that has mainly featured in Asia Pac Americas EMEA
Western markets to date. In the East, China’s Jinko Solar is planning to float its New build asset Õnance (renewables)
Jinko Power unit as a publicly traded yieldco during 2015, while Trina Solar is to
spin off its fast-growing downstream business via an IPO in the US, Hong Kong Source: BNEF project database and Global trends in clean energy
or Mainland China. However, the Western yieldco market also remains buoyant, investment — Q1 2015 fact pack, BNEF, April 2015.
Values include BNEF estimates for undisclosed deals.
with Spanish construction giant Grupo ACS floating shares in its renewables
Asia-Pacific includes India
yieldco, Saeta Yield, in February. Canadian Solar is planning a yieldco to host its
expanded asset base following the acquisition of Recurrent Energy, while Enel
is also putting the final touches to a yieldco for its US-based renewable assets,
although it will not seek to publicly list the company.

Our index
RECAI scores and rankings at June 2015
(See page 33 an overview of the RECAI methodology).

Technology-specific indices rankings

Previous RECAI Onshore Offshore Solar Solar
Rank ranking Market score wind wind PV CSP Biomass Geothermal Hydro Marine

1 (1) China 75.8 1 2 1 3 1 13 1 16

2 (2) US 73.4 2 8 2 1 2 1 3 9
3 (3) Germany 66.5 3 3 5 27* 8 8 10 27
4 (5) India 64.1 5 16 4 5 15 14 6 11
5 (4) Japan 63.0 14 9 3 26 3 3 4 10
6 (6) Canada 60.4 4 12 11 23 13 18 5 6
7 (7) France 59.0 9 7 7 27* 9 15 15 5
8 (8) UK 58.2 11 1 13 27* 5 20 25 2
9 (9) Brazil 57.0 6 25 10 8 4 32 2 24
10 (10) Australia 56.2 19 19 9 9 20 11 24 12
11 (11) Chile 55.6 25 22 6 2 21 10 17 14
12 (13) Netherlands 54.3 12 4 23 27* 10 24 32 30
13 (15) South Africa 54.0 18 28 8 4 33 35* 18 19
14 (14) Belgium 53.6 26 5 19 27* 11 21 29 31*
15 (12) South Korea 52.3 23 14 12 24 12 28 16 3
16 (16) Italy 52.1 24 21 15 11 14 7 14 23
17 (18) Turkey 52.0 10 24 26 14 34 6 9 20
18 (17) Denmark 51.8 13 6 32 27* 16 35* 36 17
19 (20) Sweden 51.4 8 11 36 27* 7 26 12 13
20 (22) Mexico 50.6 17 30 16 18 31 9 30 21
21 (19) Portugal 50.5 22 20 25 19 24 17 20 7
22 (21) Thailand 49.8 32 39 14 25 17 29 35 29
23 (23) Taiwan 49.3 30 17 17 22 25 19 21 26
24 (24) Spain 49.2 28 26 21 10 27 34 34 15
25 (27) Morocco 48.3 27 34 20 6 38 35* 39 31*
26 (28) Poland 47.9 20 18 33 27* 19 16 23 31*
27 (25) Austria 47.5 21 39 28 27* 18 22 13 31*
28 (26) Peru 46.4 37 27 22 17 29 12 7 31*
29 (29) Israel 46.0 39 37 18 7 37 35* 28 22
30 (30) Ireland 45.9 7 13 39 27* 22 33 31 1
31 (32) Philippines 45.6 34 29 29 20 26 5 19 4
32 (31) Norway 45.4 16 15 38 27* 28 27 8 8
33 (34) Kenya 45.2 31 33 31 16 30 4 26 28
34 (35) Romania 44.9 29 31 35 27* 32 25 27 31*
35 (33) Greece 44.5 35 35 27 15 35 23 38 31*
36 (36) Finland 44.4 15 10 40 27* 6 35* 33 31*
37 (39) Egypt 43.6 33 36 34 12 40 35* 37 31*
38 (37) Saudi Arabia 43.5 36 38 24 13 39 30 40 31*
39 (38) Indonesia 42.1 40 32 30 21 23 2 11 18
40 (40) Russia 41.2 38 23 37 27* 36 31 22 25

*joint ranking

Index highlights

While China’s number one position prevents a rise up the rankings, additional capacity over the next four years, while the Government is
recent positive developments are still worthy of note. Particularly as currently planning a new support system for offshore wind, likely to
March saw the Government publish the first detailed plan on comprise a mixture of direct subsidies and state aid for grid
electricity market reform in over a decade, seeking to liberalize the connections, as in neighboring Denmark.
sector, encourage more private investment and introduce the
compulsory purchase of renewable energy. The latest forecasts Mexico jumps up to 20th place, being the first developing country to
project more than 100GW of additional onshore wind capacity over submit an emissions reduction pledge ahead of the UN’s 31 March
the next four years, while the Government has also increased the 2015 deadline. The country has committed to curb the growth of
solar capacity eligible for subsidies in 2015 from 15GW to 17.8GW, pollutants 25% from its current trajectory by 2030. The Government
requesting detailed action plans to achieve this from 26 provinces. has also announced that it will move ahead with US$3.5b of
investment in new wind capacity over the next three years, despite
India continues its climb up the index, replacing Japan in fourth place. falling oil revenues putting pressure on budgets. The latest forecasts
The latest forecasts estimate around 13GW and 10GW of new wind estimate up to 4.5GW of additional wind capacity will be installed over
and solar capacity respectively over the next four years alone, while the next four years.
policy targeting 1GW of geothermal capacity by 2022 is currently
being drafted as the first phase of a potential 10GW plan. The The financial close of Morocco’s mega scale CSP projects (see Key
Government also plans to increase the renewable purchase obligation developments on page 12) puts it firmly on track to meet its 2020
of large power distributors from 3% by 2022 to 8% by 2019. 2GW solar target and helps it climb to 25th place. Ongoing solar PV
and onshore wind tenders are also laying the foundations for a strong
While Japan remains an attractive market, evidence by Goldman project pipeline.
Sachs recently setting a US$1b goal for clean power bonds in the
country, the relatively weak emissions reduction goal (see Key Poland’s new legislation shifting to auction-awarded FITs and
developments on page 12) and push to restart nuclear reactors risk premiums from 1 January 2016 was finally signed into law in March,
slowing the momentum of the renewables. The country is also making providing the market with a greater degree of policy stability. While
slow progress in liberalizing the power markets by 2016, while new the latest wind forecasts of 1.5GW to 2.3GW new capacity in the
curtailment rules issued earlier this year in response to an coming years will inevitably assume a rush to secure green
overwhelming number of solar applications may in fact give regional certificates, the figures are still encouraging for a market previously
utilities even more power to refuse new capacity. paralyzed by policy uncertainty. Further, amendments to the new law
that would have curbed subsidies to small-scale renewables projects
While both the UK and Australia are currently operating in were successfully voted against.
less-than favorable conditions (see our Key developments on page 12
and UK article on page 28), the forward-looking nature of the Kenya jumps up to 33rd place to reflect a growing project pipeline, as
RECAI has already taken account of these developments in previous the Government identifies 19 high-priority renewable energy projects
issues, leaving both rankings unchanged this issue. that will be fast-tracked in the next five years, requiring an estimated
US$8.7b of investment. Construction of the 60.8MW US$150m
The announcement that the capacity to be awarded under Kinangop Wind Park project is also back on track after local
South Africa’s national renewable energy procurement program will landowners opposed to its development signed a revised agreement
be increased by 6.3GW (see Key developments on page 12), has with developers in February.
helped move it up to 13th place given the degree of comfort and
stability this provides over future project potential. Plans by Public Reports that Romania’s cabinet is in talks with the energy market
Investment Corp, Africa’s biggest money manager, to invest US$1.8b regulator and private sector to determine possible changes to the
for 20% stakes in two solar-power plants in the country also indicates support program that would make renewables investments
an increasingly buoyant investment climate. “profitable again” suggest a more positive outlook for the market.
While market analysts remain divided on the outlook, with near- to
The release of Turkey’s national renewable energy action plan, mid-term onshore wind forecasts ranging between 600MW and
targeting 61GW of renewables capacity by 2023, almost half from 2,100MW and additional solar ranging between 300MW and 500MW,
non-hydro sources, has provided greater long-term visibility over these are still relatively encouraging figures given the recent
demand in the country and prompted a jump to 17th place. It was investment stalemate in the country.
also revealed in May that more than 42GW of applications had been
received for the 3GW of pre-licensed wind energy projects on offer in Egypt has moved up to 37th place following its re-entry in Issue 43,
the country’s latest auction process. reflecting its stable and attractive support regime and rapidly growing
project pipeline. Developers have barely paused for breath since the
With Sweden responsible for producing the additional 2TWh of country unveiled its 4.3GW renewables program last September.
renewable energy under the revised Sweden-Norway joint 2020 The Government has also signed agreements with four international
target announced in March, new capacity potential takes it up to 19th consortia in recent months to develop a further 9GW of
place. The latest onshore wind forecasts also project a solid 3GW of renewables capacity.

Global view
Recent months have seen mainly positive developments across the
global renewables market, with governments in particular being
proactive in setting targets, auctioning capacity and upgrading grids.

RECAI countries covered in this issue’s Global view

Non-RECAI countries covered in this issue’s Global view

North America
• March saw US President Barack Obama
sign an executive order to reduce the
US federal government’s emissions 40%
by 2025 from 2008 levels, a move that
will boost its electricity consumption
from renewable sources to 30%.

• Meanwhile, the US Internal Revenue

Service has issued new production tax
credit (PTC) guidance that confirms
wind projects under construction prior
to 2015 now have until the end of 2016
to become operational and be eligible
for the credit, a year later than
originally drafted.

• Figures show that in 2014, California

became the first US state to generate
more than 5% of its electricity from
renewable sources. California is also
seeking to increase its renewable
portfolio standard (RPS) obligation to
50% by 2030, up from 33% by 2020. At
the other extreme, however, West
Virginia became the first state to
South America
completely eliminate previously passed • In Brazil, the Government is to create a
standards, reportedly finding it US$6.5b fund to finance up to 8GW of
uneconomical. new wind and solar capacity in the
country’s northeast region, as
• In April, Canadian province Ontario
energy-intensive industries look to
announced it would join Quebec’s
renewables to power their factories. It
carbon cap and trade scheme. While the
has also eased net metering rules and
timeframe is yet to be confirmed, initial
eliminated various taxes on rooftop
government and third-party estimates
solar to encourage the deployment of
indicate it could raise as much as C$2b
small-scale renewables by homes and
(US$1.6) annually. • In Colombia, local wind developer
Jemeiwaa Ka’i is looking to build
• Meanwhile, March saw Ontario’s 474MW of onshore wind capacity
• Chile is to install an additional 580km of
independent Electricity System across three sites, with the aid of
transmission lines by 2017 at a cost of
Operator request proposals for 565MW European capital.
around US$1b, in order to connect the
of renewables capacity, including
country’s two power grids and existing
300MW of wind and 140MW of solar. • Costa Rica has proposed a minimum
3,000km transmission network and
It’s the first of three auction rounds to floor price of US£75.1/MWh and ceiling
better integrate renewable energy
meet Ontario’s goal of 10.7GW price of US$179.4/MWh for new
projects being developed in the north of
non-hydro renewable energy grid-connected solar PV plants less than
the country particularly.
capacity by 2021. 20MW.

• US technology giant Apple is seeking • The EU has agreed to provide support • The UK’s National Grid and Norway’s
proposals from Ireland’s renewable to Portugal to develop marine counterpart Statnett have signed an
project developers in a €400m demonstration projects totaling 50MW, ownership agreement for a 1.4GW
(US$435m) bid to power its new generating energy from wave, tidal and power link between the two countries.
Galway data center. The company innovative offshore wind technologies. At 730km, the €2b (US$2.2b) link will
needs around 300MW and is therefore be the world’s longest subsea
• Russia is considering improving terms interconnector. Statnett has also agreed
seeking a minimum of six projects
for bidders in June’s renewable energy with KfW IPEX-Bank and TenneT Holding
up to 50MW each.
auction, including allowing higher to build a 1.4GW power link with
• In April, Spain’s Government capital spending and looser local- Germany, requiring a similar
announced plans to tender 500MW of sourcing requirements for wind investment.
wind power, covering both re-powering projects. This is in response to a slump
and new projects. However, the Spanish in the Russian ruble currency that has • For Germany and the UK see
Wind Power Association has criticized raised import costs risks and deterred our articles on page 26 and 28,
that this is well below the 4.5GW to investors. Russia was also one of the respectively.
6.5GW of wind power the Energy relatively few countries to submit an
Ministry believes is necessary by emissions reduction pledge by the UN’s
2020 and does not resolve the 31 March deadline, committing to limit
judicial uncertainty of the current greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 to a Asia-Pacific
regulatory situation. maximum of 75% of 1990 levels.
• The Australian state of Victoria is
planning to halve its turbine-to-
household distance requirement to 1km
to boost onshore wind deployment
potential. Meanwhile, Australian Capital
Territory has awarded 20-year FIT
contracts to three onshore projects with
cumulative capacity of 200MW, and
Toowoomba Regional Council has
approved plans for the A$1b
(US$780m) 2GW Bulli Creek solar park,
the country’s largest.

• Also in Australia, the Clean Energy

Regulator announced it will write
multiyear contracts worth A$660.5m
(US$510.4 m) with 43 providers of
carbon offsets following the inaugural
Emissions Reduction Fund auction.
This is part of the Government’s
new A$2.55b (US$1.97b).
Middle East Direct Action policy.

and Africa • Researchers affiliated with China’s

central bank have proposed creating a
• South Africa’s biggest gold producer, • Nigeria’s federal government has China Ecological Development Bank
Sibanye Gold, plans to invest around signed a memorandum of with at least CNY100b (US$16b) in
US$260m to develop a 150MW solar understanding with three firms to add capital as part of a broad plan to boost
PV facility, in order to reduce its reliance 1.7GW of solar capacity to the national green finance.
on expensive and unreliable power from grid, with the projects to be self-funded
state-owned power utility Eskom. by the companies. They will also • Japan’s Ministry of the Environment
contribute toward the Government’s has launched an initiative to investigate
• The World Bank has agreed to provide target to meet 30% of its electricity the potential to install up to 1.45GW
around US$150m in loans to help generation from renewables by 2020. of offshore wind at four sites across
finance three solar PV plants with the country.
capacity totaling 75MW in Morocco. • April saw the Dubai Electricity and
Water Authority (DEWA) initiate the • Indonesia’s state-owned energy
• Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa has third phase of its iconic 3GW company Pertamina has signed a
granted US$777k to JCM Capital Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum cooperation agreement with Akuo
toward project development costs for a Solar Park, tendering an additional Energy of France to develop a
72MW PV project in Cameroon, touted 800MW of capacity. This comes just a renewables portfolio totaling 560MW by
to be one of the continent’s largest few months after DEWA tripled Dubai’s 2020, covering solar, wind and ocean
solar projects renewables target to 15% of the total thermal technologies. Pertamina has
energy mix by 2030 from the previous also recently announced plans to more
• In Ghana, Home Energy Africa is than double geothermal capacity in the
planning to build a 100MW solar project 5%, while also introducing an interim
2020 target of 7%. country to 1,057MW by 2020.
costing around US$200m, while the
Climate Investment Fund is providing • Meanwhile, a recent IRENA report • In Vietnam, the U.S. Trade and
US$40m to support the installation of estimates the UAE as a whole could Development Agency has awarded
renewable energy minigrids and PV save up to US$1.9b per year by 2030 grant money to private domestic
systems. The Government hopes the by increasing the share of renewables in developer Cong Ly Company Ltd. to
investment will help it increase total the energy mix to 10% study the feasibility of a 300MW third
electricity generation from the current phase of the Bac Lieu Wind Farm in the
2GW to 5GW by the end of 2015. • For Egypt see our article on page 30. shallow waters of the Mekong Delta.

Storage: A new frontier
or just another energy asset?
It is rare these days to see the word “storage” without also seeing phrases
such as “game changing” or “disruptive.” But with energy storage still often
talked about in either vague or overly technical terms, it’s difficult for
investors to get a clear view of the investment opportunity, the business
models and the outlook. So let’s keep it simple …
Although energy storage is widely hailed as a means of achieving Three such business models have been identified:
greater energy security while simultaneously enabling increased
• Generation support
penetration of renewable energy, what investors really want to
know is how storage can deliver a return on capital invested. The • Grid support
simple answer is that storage is providing new services to electricity • Consumer support (behind-the-meter)
generators and consumers, thus tapping into new revenue streams.
The more complex answer requires quantification of the discrete Each of these models — illustrated on the following page — are
needs that are being met by storage in financial terms rather than driven by the problems that the proposed solution is addressing,
technical terms, varying by application, business model and market namely the various combinations of energy security, energy
characteristics. savings or revenue generation. However, in all cases, the first step
is the technology.
Just like the development, construction and operational phases of a
typical energy generation or transmission asset, the storage Technology choices
infrastructure life cycle (illustrated below) presents a range of
Technology providers will typically have the option to sell the
investment entry points depending on the nature of the capital
technology in isolation, e.g., the battery alone, or as a packaged
required, the risk-return profile and the exit timeframe.
“solution” that includes broader system services such as the
However, the specific investment opportunity at each stage of the inverter, software, installation, interconnection and operation.
life cycle, and the resulting revenues, will also largely depend on the They may also specialize in products of a particular scale that are
business model(s) that best reflect the needs of the market and the more suitable for say, behind-the-meter consumer-related
target customers. applications, compared to larger-scale solutions that may be more
appropriate for generators or transmission system operators.

Energy storage infrastructure life cycle

Develop Construct Operate

Technology Asset/solution Service

• Technology provider • Developer/IPP/utility • Utility/distributor/


network operator

• Private equity
• Venture capital
• Bank Õnance • Infrastructure fund

• Bank Õnance
• Institutional debt/equity • Institutional investor
• institutional debt/equity
• Infrastructure fund

Energy storage applications and business models

Technology provider

• Technology only
• Full system solution

Generation support Grid support Consumer support
e.g., alongside plant e.g., substation e.g., distributed solar

Sale/lease of:
Option to “buy” solution from a third
party or become a solution provider • Storage system only
alongside generation/transmission • Storage + generation (e.g.,
activities rooftop solar/micro wind
Direct sale
• Technology solution provider • Technology solution provider
• Asset developer • IPP
• IPP • Utility
• Utility • Energy Service Co.

Residential Commercial
S S energy user energy user
Sale of baseload Flexible supply
power management
• Use energy
• Export energy

Energy user Revenue-driving


• Energy balancing/
Revenue-driving Ideal market Revenue-driving Ideal market • Peak shaving
applications characteristics applications characteristics
• Time-of-use
• Ramping support • Kmhhdq\]Õ[al • Power reliability • Transmission
constraints • Demand charge
• Energy time-shift • Import overreliance • Energy time-shift management
(arbitrage) • High renewables (arbitrage) • High renewables
• Supply shifting penetration • Supply shifting penetration
• =^Õ[a]f[q • Negative pricing • T&D upgrade deferral • Need for fast-
responding ancillary Ideal market
optimization • Transmission
services characteristics
• Capacity deferral congestion relief
• Maintenance • Ancillary services • Expensive
peaking plants • Unstable energy
management supplies
• High electricity prices
• Concentration of large
• High solar irradiation

Ancillary services — key terms explained

• Frequency regulation: balance continuously shifting supply and demand under normal circumstances, usually
automatic on a minute-to-minute basis
• Load following:[gflafmgmk]d][lja[alqZYdYf[af_^gddgoaf_^j]im]f[qj]_mdYlagfkqkl]eÖm[lmYlagfk$lqha[Yddq
between 15 minutes and 24 hours
• Voltage support: inject or absorb reactive power to maintain voltage in the T&D system under normal conditions, Infrastructure life cycle
usually with discharge duration of less than a minute
• Reactive power: the difference between working power (kW) and total power consumed (kVA), generating the T Technology
• Spinning/non-spinning reserve: compensate for rapid or unexpected loss in generation: spinning = responses A Asset/solution
<15 minutes; non-spinning = responses >15 minutes
• Black start: to manage rare situation where the power system collapse and other ancillary mechanisms have S Service
failed — allows electricity supply resources to restart without pulling electricity from the grid

While a detailed analysis of individual technologies is beyond the weaknesses and relative to the opportunity cost. Cost reductions
scope of this article, there does seem to be general consensus that will likely also be spurred by increased supply, with Tesla and Alevo
electro-chemical batteries will become the most popular solution in already blazing a trail with multibillion-dollar gigawatt-scale
the decades ahead to meet medium- to long-term energy needs, manufacturing facilities in the US.
given the increasing versatility and scalability across a range of
applications. Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries in particular are scaling Forecast lowest current and projected battery cell price
up rapidly, although alternative solutions that meet slightly by type for utility-scale applications
different needs and have different benefits are also coming to the
fore, such as vanadium redox batteries.
700 680

Battle of the batteries 600

550535 550550 535
488 500 500
Few could have missed the launch of Tesla’s Li-ion-based energy 500 465
storage products in May 2015, sparking speculation that

400 350
mainstream storage systems have now arrived. At a glance, the 300
7kWh and 10kWh “Powerwall Home Battery” offerings for 200
residential consumers and small businesses, and its 100kWh 200

“Powerpack” unit for larger operations, certainly sound compelling. 100

Particularly when compared to alternatives, given the additional 0
benefits such as a 10-year guarantee. 2014 2017f 2020f

However, some market analysts have cautioned that the Tesla Flow batteries Advanced lead-acid Li-ion
Sodium sulphur Sodium metal halide
figures, while encouraging and putting storage firmly in the
headlines, only quote for the battery itself, excluding broader Source: Advanced Batteries for Utility-Scale Energy Storage, Navigant
system costs. It is the total cost of a storage system and any onsite Research, 2014
generation, if any, that must be cost-competitive with other flexible
energy system options available, such as energy efficiency Beyond the grid
measures, demand response controls, increased grid access and
Behind-the-meter solutions, including tying storage into the
other forms of storage and generation. Navigant Research projects
residential solar PV market or the onsite generation assets of large
that the majority of cost reductions in each technology will come
energy-users, are expected to create business models around
from developments in the systems integration element of the
microgrids, asset aggregation, shared savings and asset leasing,
storage value chain rather than the battery. The levelized cost of
similar to those across the solar industry. Both the increasing
storage across the whole system is therefore the key metric that
participation of end-users in the energy market and the
should be used to assess the competitiveness of different solutions.
aggregation of smaller projects into larger pools have been a major
Cost: the only way is down stimulus for the renewable energy industry in recent years.
Investors have gotten increasingly comfortable with the concept of
However, battery costs as a significant system component are still portfolio-based underwriting and the related long-term revenues.
expected to fall dramatically, following a similar cost trajectory to Applying a similar model to storage systems to aggregate
solar modules given that this now relatively proven storage contracted and predictable cashflows also opens up the potential
technique has rapidly scaled up in response to growing demand. for alternative financing instruments, such as project finance,
Li-ion battery costs, for example, are predicted to drop from the project bonds or finance leases.
current US$500–700/kWh to US$200–300/kWh by the end of the
decade. The cost of flow batteries is also forecast to almost half by In addition to increased energy security, energy users also stand to
2020, as illustrated below. benefit from cost savings and even generate trading revenues, by
physically separating electricity supply from electricity demand.
However, it must be remembered that that different battery types Being able to store electricity at times when either market prices
boast different response times, discharge times, power ratings, are low or when onsite generation is surplus to requirements will
efficiencies and degradation rates, making each more or less give consumers an option to subsequently discharge this electricity
suitable for specific applications. Cost trends should therefore be for self-consumption or export to the grid when prices are high.
assessed within the context of a technology’s strengths and This is a paradigm shift for the electricity industry.

Distributing the benefits consumers in the immediate term, with other uses to follow as
batteries become cheaper. It is estimated that some 45% of the US
The most attractive markets for end-user storage systems will storage market will be behind the meter by 2019, compared to less
therefore be those with relatively unstable energy markets, high than 10% of new capacity in 2014.
retail prices and strong solar resource generating more consistent
storable energy for use on demand or export into the grid. For the The incumbent utility: Friend or foe?
latter, appropriate regulatory frameworks that facilitate the sale of
The potential for storage deployment at the consumer-level does
excess power in return for revenue or credits will also be beneficial.
pose a threat to the status quo for utilities, however. The logic that
Given the potential multiple benefits for end-users who use storage an increasingly decentralized electricity market, exacerbated
as a complementary technology alongside distributed generation further by storage technologies will increase the charge for a
systems such as rooftop PV, the scale of the opportunity for storage utility’s remaining customer base as grid costs become shared
developers and investors is arguably commensurate with the scale among fewer users and encourage even greater self-consumption,
of the opportunity for the distributed technology itself. As results in the so-called “utility death spiral.”
illustrated below, for example, additional annual global distributed
The call for utilities to rapidly evolve their business models in order
solar PV capacity alone is estimated to reach around 42GW by
to respond to an energy market in transformation is nothing new,
2020, almost double the capacity added in 2014 and indicating
but the growing storage market — and in particular its potential to
huge growth potential for residential and commercial storage
add value across multiple platforms including ancillary services —
as a dual product.
should once again prompt utilities to consider how they can
Forecast annual distributed solar PV installed capacity participate. Purchasing storage solutions to increase the flexibility
of their energy offerings or becoming solution providers
and revenue
themselves, are both options. The consumer-level storage market
45 100 itself may also be a good fit for utilities, particularly if it can be
40 90 woven in with other programs such as smart metering. Dramatic or
35 80 not, one thing is for sure — there is no more business are usual for
70 the incumbent energy provider.
25 Stacking the benefits

40 Indeed, the multiple applications of storage solutions under the
30 larger-scale generation and grid support models can create a
10 20 relatively compelling economic case given the potential for benefits
5 10 stacking, provided the value of these applications can be quantified.
0 0 The monetary value of bulk energy services such as time-shift
arbitrage and supply capacity shifting can typically be more easily










identified given the ability to compare price differentials or the

Solar PV annual installed capacity Revenue avoided cost of balancing capacity from a peaking plant or
alternative source.
Source: Community, Residential and Commercial Energy Storage,
Navigant Research, 2014 This will be most lucrative in markets with a high or increasing
penetration of renewables. While most energy systems can deal
However, the potential for price arbitrage at an end-user level must with a proportion of variable generation up to around 20% to 40%,
be assessed on a market-by-market basis. In the US, for example, levels beyond this are increasingly resulting in oversupply and
residential electricity rates do not presently offer significant price undersupply scenarios, requiring a different market model and a
arbitrage opportunities. Yet at a business customer level, energy stronger transmission network. Negative pricing is already
storage solution providers are able to propose services to reduce happening in certain regions around the world where renewable
the so-called “demand charge” levied by utilities to pay for their energy is sometimes surplus to demand, driving down wholesale
readiness to generate and release power to meet customer needs. prices to zero and even negative, thus forcing baseload plants to
This charge can reportedly make up 50% of a monthly bill where a ramp down accordingly. While this is great for consumers, it’s less
business customer’s energy needs vary greatly throughout the day so for existing conventional plant owners.
or from one day to the next. Such cost mitigation will likely be the
main application of storage for commercial and industrial

With the cost of negative pricing still typically socialized among Forecast installed energy storage capacity by
ratepayers, or high curtailment rates resulting in wasted electricity, application 2014-2024
energy providers and policymakers are coming under increasing
pressure to resolve the imbalances by aligning supply with demand 25
and thus storing excess energy generation for periods of peak
demand. Such storage also enables more effective price arbitrage Electric supply reserve capacity
between peak and off-peak tariffs, albeit eroded over time 20 Frequency regulation
as supply and demand imbalances — and therefore price Grid asset optimization
differentials — are reduced. Load following
15 Spinning reserve
Compensation conundrum GW
T&D upgrade deferral
However, other benefits are less easy to quantify and will rely on Utility-scale solar integration
the market determining either the avoided cost or the deemed Utility-scale wind integration
value of a specific application: for example, T&D investment Voltage support
deferral, net metering, congestion relief, avoided capacity buildout
and improved shutdown and maintenance management. Though
typically less lucrative than bulk energy services, the value of
ancillary services provided by some storage solutions should also
be compensated.










However, such price signals are often currently lacking, or the
applications span different parts of the energy system, making it
Source: Energy Storage for the Grid and Ancillary Services,
difficult to monetize individual benefits or isolate the stakeholder(s) Navigant Research, 2014
accruing the benefits to the overall system.
Determining reflective compensation schemes for storage can be The question of who should — and can — own and operate energy
particularly tricky where certain stakeholders are part of the storage assets is also a critical issue in building an investment case.
regulated market (e.g., transmission or distribution system Distribution network operators (DNOs) are often seen as the best
operators) and others are part of the deregulated market home for large-scale battery storage because it offers an
(e.g., producers or end customers). As a result, the revenues alternative to building new substations, installing transformers or
generated for putting storage systems in places are not yet fully erecting new overhead lines to reinforce the grid. However, DNOs
reflective of the benefits, although policy provisions are starting to are not always keen to own storage assets themselves given their
address this. The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulated and limited capital budgets, and inability to move as fast
(FERC), for example, has made significant amendments to market as private developers.
rules and tariff structures after finding compensation in most Policy can also impact the ability of such stakeholders to
ancillary markets inadequate. FERC Order 755 and 784 in participate. For example, DNOs are typically not allowed to own
particular require transmission organizations and independent storage assets in Europe, resulting in no obvious owner for an
system operators to adopt a capacity payment and a market-based energy storage system for curtailment applications. In the UK,
performance payment to reward solutions providing faster ramping. storage is still classified as generation, a potential sticking point for
DNOs given their trading activity is limited to a maximum of 2.5%
Model optimization of turnover by the regulator Ofgem.
The availability and terms of PPAs, whether policy- or market-
For large-scale solutions, the traditional IPP model may be more
driven, may also determine the most relevant business model for
ideal, where the private sector can develop, build, own and operate
larger-scale storage applications. For example, the demands or
the assets, assuming appropriate return on their investment.
incentives for developers, generators or grid operators to shape
However, even here there can be challenges. Under current
generation to meet demand will influence the investment case and
regulations in Germany, for example, renewable generators are paid
target market for technology providers.
a fee once curtailment reaches a certain level and so have reduced
incentive to own storage assets directly. If on the other hand, the
storage unit is charged with grid-delivered electricity, certain
network and renewable levies have to be paid when charging and
again when discharging.

First-mover markets Some countries are already emerging as potentially attractive
storage markets thanks to policy-based incentives (see the graphic
Notwithstanding the emphasis on cost reduction and policy below) or other fundamental drivers such as increasing renewable
measures that remove market distortions and encourage the most energy penetration.
efficient allocation of resources, energy storage solutions will be, or
already are, more commercially viable in markets with certain Setting records
characteristics, as indicated in the graphic on page 19. The merit
order of displacement will also likely determine the relative Precedent projects are also helping to put certain markets on the
cost-competitiveness of storage depending on the opportunity cost, map. Europe’s largest commercial battery plant was switched on in
i.e., solar-storage hybrid solutions displacing a gas-peaking plant Germany in September 2014 by domestic utility WEMAG AG. The
compared to the displacement of a diesel generator. In some parts 5MW facility, costing €6m (US$8m) and comprising around 26,000
of Australia, for example, solar solutions with Li-ion batteries are Li-ion batteries, is reported to provide the same control power as a
already at grid parity where remote communities or mining sites conventional 50MW turbine. Unveiled in the same month, the 8MW
are heavily reliant on diesel generation. Tehachapi project in California is currently North America’s largest

Key policy measures in selected markets

US Canada UK Germany
California The Ontario Power Authority is Energy storage projects are eligible Germany’s development bank KfW
The state’s three largest procuring 50MW of energy to bid into capacity market tenders awards subsidies of €660
investor-owned utilities (IOUs) must storage. Phase 1 totaling 35MW under the UK’s Electricity Market (US$740) per kW for storage
collectively add 1,325MW of was secured by July 2014, J]^gjehjg_jYe&L`]ÕjklYm[lagf systems supporting residential
energy storage capacity to the grid providing ancillary and other grid was held in December 2014, solar PV projects <30kW. The
by 2020, with individual services. The remaining 15MW is although only a single existing subsidy is worth 30% of the cost of
transmission-level, distribution- expected to be awarded in Q3 pumped hydro storage plant was the system up to maximum of
level and behind-the-meter targets 2015 and will mainly focus on allocated capacity payments. €3,000 (US$3,500) per customer,
that increase every two years. IOUs capacity services. and eligible battery systems must
cannot own more than 50% of the include a minimum seven year
storage projects counting toward warranty. The subsidy total was
their mandate. capped at €25m (US$28m) in
2013 and then increased to €50m
The state’s “Self Generation
(US$59m) until the end of 2015.
Incentive Program” has also been
KfW also offers low-interest loans
systems, offering around
cost of battery storage systems
(excl. VAT).
New York
A subsidy totaling US$10m has
been allocated for behind the Japan
meter storage systems >50kW, A funding program launched in
with bonus incentives for those 2012 and renewed in 2014 has
>500kW. The rates for peak allocated a total of ¥30b
demand reduction are (US$300m) to cover two-thirds of
US$2,600/kW and US$2,100/kW the cost of new Li-ion battery
for thermal and battery storage systems. Subsidy payouts are
systems respectively. Projects must capped at ¥1m (US10k) for
be operational by June 2015 and individuals and at ¥100m
incentives will be capped at 50% of Hawaii Puerto Rico
(US$100k) for businesses, both for
the project cost. Hawaii Electric Co. launched a Technical requirements for new systems larger than 1kW.
requests for proposals for systems renewable energy projects
able to store 60MW to 200MW of eYf\Yl]km^Õ[a]flklgjY_]lg
capacity for up to 30 minutes. It smooth 45% of a plant’s maximum
received more than 60 proposals generation capacity over the
Yf\Yffgmf[]\l`]l`j]]ÕfYdaklk course of one minute and meet
in September 2014, with projects 30% of its rated capacity for
to be brought online by Q1 2017. approximately 10 minutes or less.

battery facility and is part of a US$54m two-year test project to Market forecasts are also encouraging. Lux Research projects a
collect power generated by 5,000 turbines using more than US$10.5b grid storage market by 2017, up from just US$200m in
600,000 Li-ion battery cells. 2012, while in capacity terms, BNEF estimates that total installed
energy storage capacity will reach 11.3GW by 2020, a tenfold
However, Asia has already set the bar high, with the 2011 Zhangbei
increase on 2013 levels. Looking further ahead, the Boston
National Energy Storage and Transmission Demonstration Project,
Consulting Group forecasts a cumulative global energy storage
the world’s first to integrate utility-scale wind and solar capacity
market of US$370b by 2030.
(totaling 140MW) with BYD’s large-scale 20MW to 36MW Li-ion
battery systems. Japan’s NGK also has more than 200MW of However, the investment case for storage can also be complex
sodium-sulfur batteries installed worldwide, including a 34MW given the numerous technologies, applications, customers and
storage plant integrated with the 51MW Rokkasho-Futamata wind market drivers. The costs and benefits therefore need to be better
farm. Hot on its heels, Tohoku Electric Power Co.’s 40MW pilot understood, development and operating risks mitigated, new
project in Sendai, Japan, will be the largest of its kind when business models explored, regulatory frameworks developed and
complete this year. market distortions reduced, such that ownership and revenue
streams can be more easily identified, procured, traded and priced
However, it is unlikely to hold the record for long. November 2014,
by the market. The cost-competitiveness of storage relative to
saw AES Energy Storage selected to build a 100MW system under
other flexible system options such as energy efficiency, demand
Southern California Edison’s 250MW storage procurement
response, transmission expansion, grid connectivity and capacity
program, adding to AES’s 200MW+ of capacity already in
markets will always need to be considered.
operation, construction or late-stage development and establishing
it as the US’s largest grid-scale energy storage provider. Viewing storage as just another energy asset that generates
long-term predictable revenues and needs competitive and
Forecast cumulative installed energy storage capacity appropriate construction capital solutions is key. The fact that
by country storage can provide incremental revenue streams for multiple
stakeholders is an added benefit.
12 11.3
Rest of world In short, with a number of storage technologies already proven and
10 Canada costs falling fast, we must stop thinking about storage as something
Italy that will arrive tomorrow. It arrived yesterday, the game is already
changing and investors need to ask themselves, how they can use
7.1 the technology to secure the necessary returns in the future.

Germany 4.8

4 South Korea 3.6

US 2.6
1.5 To find out how EY can support your energy
storage transactions, please contact:
2013 2014f 2015f 2016f 2017f 2018f 2019f 2020f
Barry O’Flynn
Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance/EY proprietary data
Breaking down the breakthrough Energy Corporate Finance
+ 353 1 221 1688
The academic case for energy storage is robust and the commercial [email protected]
case is improving. Increased grid interconnection will always be an
option to reduce curtailment in the case of over-supply of
renewable energy; however, from a consumer perspective, the Thomas Christiansen
ability to separate supply and demand and the increased energy
security that storage can bring, is likely to compensate for this. Associate Director
+ 49 711 9881 14464
[email protected]



Setting a precedent. The first half of 2015

witnessed the first phase of one of the potentially most
fundamental shifts under Germany’s Renewable Energy
• Early 2015 saw Germany hold its first solar Act (EEG) to date, namely a transition from FITs to
auction, paving the way for future tenders tenders. April’s debut auction for ground-based solar
covering a range of technologies. projects less than 10MW represents the first of a series
• Critics claim the total solar capacity being of pilot tenders between 2015 and 2017 that could pave
tendered is insufficient to reach the country’s the way for future auctions covering other technologies
2020 targets. if successful.

• The first offshore tenders could be held as early Mixed results. While some have hailed April’s auction
as September 2016, with the sector regaining a success, attracting 170 bids totaling around 700MW for
momentum thanks to legislation passed in 2014. the 150MW of capacity on offer, the results are arguably
also a bit mixed. While the average price of €91.7/MWh
• A proposed levy on fossil fuel plants to spur (US$100.9) was significantly below the ceiling price of
emissions reduction efforts has attracted €112.9/MWh (US$124.2), it was still higher than the FIT
significant criticism. developers can currently secure for ground-based PV
• Increased local powers to test underground arrays up to 10MW, failing to support the Government’s
transmission cables could overcome grid claim that tenders would lead to lower electricity prices.
expansion challenges.
Falling short. The German Solar Industry Association
(BSW-Solar) and others also claim that the 1.2GW of solar
capacity to be tendered over the next three years is
insufficient to reach the EEG targets. The April tender is
Local office contacts: to be followed by a 150MW auction in August, a 200MW
Frank J. Matzen tender in December, and then 400MW and 300MW
[email protected] allocations in 2016 and 2017 respectively. However, this
follows a somewhat sluggish 2014, where, after several
Thomas Christiansen
[email protected] years of falling support, additions of 1.9GW were far
below the Government’s 2.4GW to 2.6GW annual target
corridor. The slower expansion has already prompted a
reduction in the monthly FIT degression rate to 0.25% for
the period April 2015 to June 2015. It is arguably
therefore too early to assess whether April’s auction can
be called a success and whether it was able to support
the participation of a range of players, with the exact
details of the winning bids yet to be disclosed.

Getting squeezed. However, some in the market,

including the Germany Wind Energy Association (BWE),
are fearful that the tenders will limit participation to large
utilities and investors, squeezing out the smaller players
and community-based investors that have historically
been the foundation of investment in Germany’s
Rankings snapshot

Issue 44

Issue 43

As a barometer for Europe’s
Onshore wind 3 3 renewables market, all eyes will
be on Germany in the year
Offshore wind 3 3
Solar PV 5 4

Solar CSP 27* 27*
Biomass 8 8
Geothermal 8 8
Hydro 10 10
Marine 27 27

renewables market, given many won’t have the financial Heavy levy. Notwithstanding the rationale for the
strength to compete effectively. Although a timetable for shift toward a tendering system currently being piloted
potential onshore wind auctions has not yet been and the introduction of caps on new wind and solar
announced, BWE is already intensifying its opposition in additions — largely an attempt to lower electricity
anticipation of increased bureaucracy and the unclear prices — there is speculation that the EEG reforms
role of repowering in future auctions. Particularly given potentially endanger Germany’s ability to achieve its
the Government’s own projections that new onshore wind 2020 targets, including reducing emissions by 40% on
installations will fall between 2017 and 2019, and then 1990 levels. This prompted Energy Minister Sigmar
be increasingly based on repowering. Gabriel to propose earlier this year a climate levy on old
fossil fuel-fired power plants to reduce CO2 levels by
Offshore optimism. The offshore wind sector has
an additional 22 million tonnes, triggering penalty
been given a little more clarity, however, with the first
payments on plants that generate emissions above a
tenders planned as early as September 2016. While
certain threshold.
many German offshore projects have suffered significant
delays and cost overruns in recent years, there is Watering down. However, the proposal has sparked
optimism that new legislation introduced in 2014 significant opposition from utilities, trade unions and
addressing grid connection and liability issues should even Chancellor Merkel’s own Christian Democratic Union
alleviate some of the problems, with the industry party. As a result, Gabriel has watered down the proposal
expecting as many as five financial closes in 2015. to an additional 16 million tonnes of CO2, though this
With just over 1GW of grid-connected offshore capacity continues to attract criticism. In a departure from the
at the end of 2014, that figure is expected to increase original proposal, it is also now envisaged that the
to 3GW in 2015. climate levy will be linked to the electricity price and
Further, while offshore wind ambitions have been lowered indexed to the European emissions trading system.
to 6.5GW by 2020 and 15GW by 2030, down from 10GW Going under. Gabriel enjoyed greater policy support in
and 25GW respectively, the likelihood of these revised March, however, when the cabinet approved measures to
targets being achieved is much higher, boosting give local authorities more options to test underground
confidence in the sector. The consensus among lenders, transmission cables, and enable greater community
for example, is that pricing for offshore projects, participation in grid planning processes. While the
previously around 265bps + Euribor, will move toward Government has long championed new transmission
mid-200bps + Euribor margins and below through 2015. highways to transport power from strong wind sites in the
Studying lessons learned. Similarly, while a north to high demand centers in the south, such grid
recent study of eight German offshore wind farms by the expansions have attracted opposition in some states. The
Hertie School of Governance reveals average cost new legislation should help catalyze alternative
overruns of 20% and time delays of 13 months per transmission solutions.
project, it also concludes these are lower than might be Center of attention. Germany has long enjoyed the
expected for some projects given historical grid issues, status of being Europe’s renewable energy powerhouse,
and that such risks will become more manageable as the boasting consistent growth and stable policy regimes,
industry matures. even in the midst of major legislative changes. As a
Revoke risk. However, while most offshore result, renewable energy now represents around 28% of
participants have been dealing relatively comfortably the country’s total electricity. However, the success of the
with the recent switch from a voluntary to mandatory EEG amendments in simultaneously driving down
direct selling system based on premiums rather than FITs, consumer electricity prices and meeting the country’s
there are some concerns over a further switch to a 2020 targets now looks less certain, while fault lines are
tendering system. The main issue is uncertainty over also starting to appear within the coalition government.
whether the Government could revoke licenses already As a barometer for Europe’s renewables market, all eyes
granted to 40 projects representing around 12GW of will therefore be on Germany in the year ahead.
capacity at various stages of development, in order to
tender out the areas under the new regime.



The sharp edge. The Conservative Party surprise

victory in May’s election is something of a double-edged
sword for the energy sector. Pre-election policy
• The Conservative Party election victory brings uncertainty is now gone and the end of a coalition
some political stability but also contradictions government should mean less political wrangling and
between energy policy rhetoric and actions. greater expediency in the legislative process. Utilities are
• The Government appears to be favoring more also likely to be relieved to escape the potentially more
expensive energy sources, such as nuclear, over draconian energy market reforms proposed by the
more cost-effective renewable sources such as opposing Labour Party, including price freezes and
onshore wind and solar PV, despite market tighter regulation. However, the Conservatives’ manifesto
signals. is also painful reading for the renewables sector, no
longer able to rely on the challenge posed by the Liberal
• The withdrawal of two of five solar projects from Democrats to add a splash of green to the Government’s
the first CfD tender round indicates prematurely energy agenda.
accelerating competition could hinder sustainable
cost reductions. A bad day. The Government’s pledge to scrap all
subsidies for new onshore wind projects and devolve
• A proposed EU referendum is fueling further decision-making powers on planning applications to local
uncertainty over future UK energy policy.
authorities has left the wind sector perplexed, and cast a
shadow over the estimated 7GW of projects in the
pipeline. Meanwhile, the complete omission of solar from
the Conservative’s manifesto has left this previously
Local office contacts: burgeoning market with little visibility on whether it will
have a starring role in the UK’s future energy mix, or be
Ben Warren
nothing more than a footnote, despite experiencing
[email protected]
record growth in 2014, as installations increased 79%
Klair White to almost 5GW.
[email protected]
Not picking winners. The frustration of both sectors
arguably stems from a fundamental inconsistency
between the Government’s rhetoric and its actions.
Despite championing a liberalized and market-driven
energy sector, generation mix technology choices are
clearly being made, though apparently ignoring market
signals that onshore wind and solar PV can deliver
affordable and dispatchable energy.

Rankings snapshot

Issue 44

Issue 43

The election outcome offers the
Onshore wind 11 8 Government a unique window of
opportunity to reconcile its
Offshore wind 1 1
Solar PV 13 10

contradictory energy objectives.

Solar CSP 27* 27*
Biomass 5 5
Geothermal 19 19
Hydro 24 24
Marine 2 2

Market signals. This is even more confusing given Small is beautiful. The Government does, however,
strong evidence that costs have further to fall. A recent seem to advocate smaller-scale solar projects (increasing
report from the UK’s Onshore Wind Cost Reduction the permitted development threshold for commercial
Taskforce, backed by major industry players, estimates an rooftop solar panels installations from 50kW to 1MW) and
average reduction of 22% on today’s costs if certain community-based schemes. These sub-sectors have
recommendations around consenting processes and grid merit, but the shift of focus away from large-scale
connection are implemented, taking onshore wind costs renewables raises questions about this Government’s
below those of combined-cycle gas generation. view on the real role renewables has to play in the
UK energy mix.
Contradictions. Quickly becoming one of the
country’s cheapest sources of energy, the Government’s Climate change champion. It’s not all doom and
intention to withdraw support for onshore wind therefore gloom, however. The Government has reaffirmed its
contradicts its pledge to reduce emissions at least cost. commitment to the Climate Change Act and a strong
Energy prices could actually be pushed up as more global pact in Paris this December. Many have also hailed
expensive sources, such as offshore wind, are used to fill the appointment of Amber Rudd as Secretary of State for
the capacity gap as onshore wind projects fall away. The Energy and Climate Change to be a positive sign given
manifesto justification that “onshore windfarms often fail she has historically championed a low-carbon economy
to win public support” is also at odds with the and supported rooftop solar. However, both Rudd and
Government’s own recent surveys showing support at newly appointed DECC Minister Andrea Leadsom have
68% (and 74% for offshore wind). On the flip side, surveys also been vocal in their opposition to onshore wind farms.
by the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) Further, the Government is continuing to show fierce
have repeatedly shown that the public generally oppose opposition to setting a 2030 decarbonization target,
fracking and nuclear power, two of the Government’s which many claim would provide the sector with the
big energy bets. long-term certainty it requires to spur investment.

CfD distortions. Even the Electricity Market Reform EU uncertainty The new Government’s pledge to hold
(EMR) Contracts for Difference (CfD) auction process a referendum on UK membership of the EU within the
appears to be increasingly turning into a quasi-public/ next two years has also prompted some nervousness
private partnership. Again, contrary to a market-based around long-term investment and could see energy
approach in being overly prescriptive on technology companies developing contingency plans in the event of
categories and allocating a budget that many believe is an “out” vote. Saying that, few in the market seem to
too weak to support sufficient capacity to achieve foresee appetite to undo the current EMR program, one
genuine market-driven energy security. The Government of the Government’s flagship policies.
appears to be backing more expensive projects while
prematurely accelerating competition for cheaper So where now? What is clear is that the
sources in a way that risks making projects unviable or Conservatives won’t be winning the award for “greenest
fails to achieve sustainable market-based cost reductions. government ever” any time soon. However, this election
outcome should provide some much-needed political
Bidding goodbye. In February’s debut CfD round, for stability, and offers the Government a unique window of
example, solar PV was awarded just 72MW of the 2GW of opportunity to reconcile its somewhat contradictory
capacity contracted, with 1.2GW and 749MW going to energy objectives, assess the questionable success of the
offshore and onshore wind respectively. However, two of EMR and address the conflict between its liberalized
the five solar projects have since withdrawn from the CfD market rhetoric and policy that is clearly picking winners
register, deemed to be undeliverable at the awarded and losers regardless of market signals. Only time will tell
strike price of £50/MWh(US$77), being close to the retail whether it seizes that opportunity, and realizes that
spot price of around £44/MWh (US$68). This could spur simultaneously chasing a climate change target while
calls for a bid bond mechanism to mitigate the risk of abandoning the most cost-competitive renewable energy
developers bidding too low and then dropping out, technologies is somewhat absurd.
though regardless, means that few new large-scale solar
projects will be brought online in the UK until after 2016.



In the news. Since launching its FIT program in

September 2014 and announcing plans to procure
4.3GW of wind and solar power by 2017 as the first step
• Tender of 4.3GW of wind and solar capacity to securing 20% of the country’s energy from renewable
attracts more than 180 bidders. sources, Egypt has barely been out of the headlines.
• The Government is being pragmatic in relaxing While there are still challenges to be overcome, few can
the threshold for capacity per bidder. deny that the Government has sent a very clear signal to
the market of its commitment to transform Egypt’s
• Currency risk and land allocation are prompting energy market — and the market has responded in kind.
some concerns over project bankability.
Out to tender. More than 180 companies and
• Outside of the tender process, the Government consortia responded to the Government’s call for tenders
has signed more than 9GW of wind and solar in late 2014, with 110 qualifying bidders announced in
deals with international consortia. January this year. These comprise 69 bidders with solar
• Bids are finally called for the much-awaited PV projects above 20MW, 13 for PV less than 20MW and
250MW West Gulf of Suez wind project. 28 bidders for wind projects. With 2.3GW of solar
capacity on offer, 2GW of which was allocated to
• The Government has initiated energy market larger-scale projects between 500kW and 50MW, and the
unbundling to increase competition. remaining 300MW for rooftop solar projects less than
500kW, the volume of bids represented significant
oversubscription. Meanwhile, qualifying bids for wind
projects fell 20% short of the 2GW of capacity on offer,
with the Government floating the possibility of re-opening
Local office contact:
the tender for a second round with the same tariff of
Stephen Smith US$0.12/kWh on a sliding scale.
[email protected]
Relaxing the rules. However, this capacity gap, and
the expectation that some projects will drop out of the
process, has already prompted the Government to be
more flexible on the 50MW cap for individual developers,
formally increasing the threshold to 100MW per substation
in guidance released in April. Since there will be four
separate solar project substations and five separate wind
project substations, this means a single qualified developer
could theoretically hold up to 400MW and 500MW worth
of solar and wind projects in the program respectively.
Although the guidelines state each individual project is to
remain capped at 50MW, a memorandum of
understanding signed in late April between UAE-based
Access Power and Egypt’s Ministry of Electricity and
Renewable Energy (MERE) to develop a 65MW PV project
suggests this may have also been relaxed.

Rankings snapshot

Issue 44

Issue 43

The FIT regime, a structured
Onshore wind 33 35 tender process and specific
goals, all demonstrate a strong
Offshore wind 36 36
Solar PV 34 36

political commitment to
Solar CSP 12 13
Biomass 40 40

renewable energy.
Geothermal 35* 35*
Hydro 36 37
Marine 31* 31*

Setting requirements. Regulations published in Long time coming. Meanwhile in April, NERA finally
March also relaxed the capital requirement for the welcomed bids for the 250MW West Gulf of Suez wind
incorporation of special purpose vehicles (SPVs) to an farm from four international consortia, six years after
initial 10% of the total, being a prerequisite for bidders to initial expressions of interest were called. The process
sign a land “usufruct” agreement with MERE’s New & was pushed back several times, mainly due to the unrest
Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), though few have in the country during the Arab Spring. Notwithstanding
yet reached the land allocation stage. But, as per the the long-drawn-out tendering process, a relatively swift
original guidance, each prequalified consortium is preferred bidder announcement is expected, potentially
required to hold at least 51% of the equity of the project by the end of June. This will represent the third major
for at least two years following commercial operations, wind project to be progressed in 2015, following
while the lead consortium member — who must be a local February’s contract awards to Spain’s Gamesa for two
company — will be required to hold at least 25% of the plants in the Gabal el-Zeit area with capacity of 220MW
project equity for that period. and 120MW.

Currency challenges. Some prospective developers Market unbundling. Reforms to liberalize the energy
are reportedly still struggling to secure the necessary sector more broadly are also underway and send strong
funds, in part due to currency risk prompting PPA signals of the Government’s desire to create a more
bankability concerns. FITs are set in dollars but paid in competitive and transparent market. In February, Egypt’s
Egyptian pounds, with only 15% convertible at a fixed cabinet approved legislation separating production,
government-guaranteed rate of EGP7.15 to the US dollar distribution and transmission activities, and limiting the
and the remainder subject to the prevailing market rate. state’s role to regulating and monitoring the electricity
Other issues include potentially more complex JV sector as opposed to managing it directly. This follows
negotiations, given the rules generally do not allow steps taken to address the country’s budgetary imbalance
projects to be sold or transferred entirely, and land through the gradual liberalization of electricity prices,
availability. Allocations of land are to be made on a with the Government slashing energy and electricity
first-come, first-served basis, with the top ranked project subsidies in mid-2014.
sites to be awarded to the first bidders to conclude
project documents. Stacking the columns. Despite a lengthy period of
political turmoil only just behind it, Egypt has rapidly
Beyond the auction. However, Egypt’s rapidly emerged to become one of the most promising renewable
growing project pipeline goes beyond the capacity energy markets in the MENA region. While some social
awarded under the FIT and auction regime. At the unrest remains, the military rule re-established in 2013
Egypt Economic Development Conference in March, the and signs of economic recovery are creating a reasonable
Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) inked major degree of stability in the country. At the same time, the
wind and solar deals with four major consortia introduction of the FIT regime, a structured tender
representing more than 9GW of new capacity. An process and specific goals, demonstrate a strong political
agreement to develop 3GW of solar was made with commitment to renewable energy as a means of meeting
Canadian group SkyPower, and a further 2GW with the country’s surging energy demand. Unbundling efforts
Bahrain-based Terra Sola, which also committed to also signal a broader long-term commitment to a
construct a 200MW module factory. On the wind side, competitive energy market. Combine this with
Germany’s Siemens signed a binding agreement to build exceptional wind and solar resources, and the media
2GW of capacity and a new wind rotor blade factory, coverage dedicated to Egypt’s energy transformation
while a consortium including Saudi developer ACWA suddenly doesn’t seem so surprising.
Power and Abu Dhabi’s Masdar, committed to develop
500MW of wind power and 1.5GW of solar.


Abbreviation Definition

b Billion
BNEF Bloomberg New Energy Finance
CfD Contract for difference
CSP Concentrated solar power
DECC Department of Energy & Climate Change (UK)
DEWA Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
DNO Distribution network operator
EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EEG Renewable Energy Act (Germany)
EMR Electricity Market Reform (UK)
EU European Union
FDI Foreign direct investment
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
GW Gigawatt
IPP Independent power producer
JV Joint venture
kWh Kilowatt hour
LED Light-emitting diode
Li-ion Lithium-ion
m Million
MASEN Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy
MENA Middle East and North Africa
MERE Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (Egypt)
MW Megawatt
MWh Megawatt hour
NREA New & Renewable Energy Authority (Egypt)
PPA Power purchase agreement
PTC Production tax credit
PV Photovoltaic
R&D Research and development
RET Renewable energy target (Australia)
RPS Renewable portfolio standard
SGF Strategic Growth Forum
t Trillion
T&D Transmission and distribution
TSO Transmission service operator

What makes a market attractive?


Macro Energy market Technology-

drivers drivers kh][aÔ[\jan]jk
3 drivers

5 sub- Investor climate

Prioritization Bankability of Project
Macro stability (ease of doing
drivers of renewables renewables attractiveness

Cost and
Energy supply Strength of
Economic stability availability
16 and demand
natural resource
Level of political Power offtake
Political stability infrastructure
support attractiveness
and ability to
renewable energy
Competitiveness Technology
of renewables maturity
53 Energy market
Importance of Forecast growth
decarbonization and pipeline
Liquidity of

Strength of local
supply chain

Each parameter above comprises a series of up to 10 datasets, depending on the breadth or complexity of that particular
parameter. These datasets are converted into a score of one through five and weighted to generate parameter scores, which are
then weighted again to produce driver scores and the overall RECAI score and ranking. Weightings are based on our assessment of
the relative importance of each dataset and parameter in driving investment and deployment decisions. Each technology is also
allocated a weighting based on its share of historical and projected investment. Datasets are based on either publicly available
or purchased data, EY analysis or adjustments to third-party data.
The technology-specific indices rankings on page 14 reflect a weighted average score across the macro, energy market
and technology-specific parameters, as some markets can be highly attractive for specific technologies but face other major
barriers to entry.
We are unable to publicly disclose the underlying datasets or weightings used to produce the indices. However, if you would like
to discuss how our RECAI analysis could assist your business decisions or transactions, please contact the editor, Klair White.


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complexity and disruption are expansion.
defining the new M&A market.

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utilities sector. diversified energy strategy. This

Global P&U deal value by region (US$b, Q1 2013 to Q1 2015)


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Q1 2015 saw both deal value 10

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Matt Rennie ]^Õ[a]f[a]kYf\af[j]Yk]\afn]kle]fl$
Global TAS Power & (To learn more about energy reform and
look set to open up their energy sectors to
Utilities Leader unbundling, please visit www.ey.com/
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EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of

the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a
separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited
by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information
about our organization, please visit ey.com.

© 2015 EYGM Limited.

All Rights Reserved.

EYG no. DX0323

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This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to
be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for
specific advice.

The views of third parties set out in this publication are not necessarily the views of the global EY
organization or its member firms. Moreover, they should be seen in the context of the time they
were made.


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