Action Plan On Reading Intervention For Struggling Readers 2018

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Mabalacat City
S.Y. 2022-2023
(A Whole year remedial reading program intended to make the struggling readers be proficient readers)

Phases of the Goals and Activities/Strategies Persons Resources Needed Time Frame Success
Institutionalization Objectives Involved Indicator
Phase I: To assess the Assessment of pupils’ Remedial Phil-Iri Materials September Reports on
Assessment reading level of reading level by Phil-iri Reading 2022 Reading
the pupils Teacher, Diagnosis
through Phil- and Pupils

Principal, Letter to Parents

SELECTION 2. To give 1. Selection and Teacher in Contact Number Level of
(Conceptualization orientation on Classification of pupils who English, September Support to the
of the Remedial the nature, will undergo on the whole Filipino 2022 Program
Reading and scope, and year Remedial Reading Grade __ Level of
ORIENTATION rationale of the Class Teachers, Acceptability
(Orientation and remedial 2. Information and
Introduction of the reading to dissemination and Remedial
one-week pupils and Orientation of parents and Reading
remedial reading parents for pupils through personal Teacher
program) familiarity and conversation.
to stimulate
pupils love for
Phase II:

CONDUCT Teach the Remedial flashcards/chart pupils can

(Actual pupils to Reading September hear and
Implementation of recognize, Teacher, 2022 recognize
the Remedial sound and and Pupils words with
Reading Program) form the 26 the same
letters of the Teach the four skills of initial sound
alphabet-upper Phonemic Awareness and words
and lower cases with the same
ending sound

To develop Remedial  Pupils can

social, motor - Rhyming Sounds Reading hear a word
and other Teacher, flashcards/chart and clap the
Readiness skills and October- number of
Learners December, syllables

To develop
phonemic - Blending Sounds Remedial
awareness Reading flashcards/chart October-
e.g. b-a-t Teacher, books December,
and Pupils 2022

-Matching Sounds

-Segmenting Sounds

To develop
skills in  Decode words by Remedial chart, flashcard,  Pupils can
decoding word families Reading big books, small sound, blend
- short vowel sounds Teacher, books and read
short e, a, i, o, u in and Pupils words in CVC,
CVC pattern CVCe , CVCC
- long vowel words January- pattern
with silent e ending February,
in CVCe pattern 2023 Pupils can
- words with vowel read phrases,
diphthongs ay, ai, sentences, a 3-
oa 5 sentence
- consonant digraphs story and
ch, sh answer
- consonant blends questions
(initial and final) about the
consonant clusters story

 Decode words  Pupils can

- Word sorting and Remedial sort and hunt
hunting Reading chart,flashcard,big words
- Reading/writing Teacher, books,small books
rhymes and Pupils  Pupils can
- Manipulation of read and write
onset/rime rhymes
Building words and March-
manipulating their May, 2023  Pupils can
beginning, middle and manipulate
ending phonemes using phonemes to
finger and blocks build words

To encourage a Embracing reading even at Parents, Maximum

sense of home with the guidance of Teacher, Participation
personal the parents, sisters, or Pupils, of the pupils
responsibility brothers, etc. Relatives
for one’s own

Phase III: Post- 1. To evaluate 1.Evaluation of pupils’ Remedial Furnish Post Test: June 2023 Report on
Implementation the reading level Reading Oral and Written Mean and
FINAL improvement Teacher and Reading Test Proficiency
EVALUATION of the pupils’ Pupils through Phil Iri Level
(Diagnosis) reading

Prepared by: AMIE S. SANCHEZ

Reading Coordinator


Head Teacher III

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