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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-10 Issue-4, April 2021

A Study on IoT Based Flood Detection

Management System
C.K. Gomathy, G.G.Lasya Priya, Hemanth Kumar K.N
 IoT Enabled Water Monitoring System IEEE Explore In
Abstract: Over the past few years we can see there is an this paper proposed an IoT based water monitoring system
occurrence of floods at different parts of the world almost every that measure water level in real time. The prototype is based
year. The technical advancements in recent years have made it
easier to get a solution for these natural disasters. One of such
on idea that the level of water can be very important
technologies which takes us much closer to the internet is the parameter when it comes to the flood occurrences especially
“Internet of Things”. This paper consists of flood detection and in disaster prone area. A water level sensor is used to detect
avoidance system using the iot technology. The sensors present in the desired parameter and if the water level reaches the
this are used to estimate the water levels, humidity, and parameter the signal will be freed in real time to social
temperature and send the real-time data to the cloud and the users
network like Twitter. A cloud server was configured as data
can access the data via the mobile app. This model is widely used
to alarm the people before a flood occurs and necessary repository. The measurement of water level is displayed in
precautions could be taken. remote dashboard. The proposed solution with integrated
Keywords: NODEMCU, Ultrasonic sensor, Buzzer, Dht11, sensory system that allows inner monitoring of water quality.
Jumper wires. Alerts and relevant data are transmitted over the internet to a
cloud server and can be received by user terminal owned by
I. INTRODUCTION consumer. The outcome of water measurement is displayed
Due to an increase in the pollution and also the greenhouse in web based remote dashboard. Syed NazmusSakib ;
gases there has been a huge increase in the occurrence of TanjeaAne ; NafisaMatin ; M. Shamim Kaiser This paper
natural calamities like Earthquake, floods, tsunami etc., sensor network. The distributed sensor nodes use IEEE
across different parts of the world. At some places like USA 802.15.4 protocol, also called low rate wireless personal area
due to the advanced technology they could reduce the network, to collect the sensor information such as water level
casualties. But in countries which are technically and data from the river, rainfall, wind speed and air pressure data
economically backward countries could not do this. But the from a selected site. In order to validate the proposed flood
current situations demand for a costly equipment. This model monitoring system, Chadpur, a flood prone district of
therefore solves the problem and supports in minimal cost Bangladesh, has been considered as selected site. The sensors
with limited computational power and high reliability which information is sent to the distributed alert center via Arduino
helps in detecting the arriving flood with the help of sensor microcontroller and the XBee Transceivers. At the
networks. This is where IOT plays a major role as it is the distributed alert center, XBee Transceiver and a Raspberry Pi
most efficient approach. It is actually the network system of microcomputer are used to generate flood alert based on
embedded electronics, software and sensors which send and sensor information and two decade flood data and these data
receive the data remotely via the internet. are stored in a database. Sensor information is analyzed by
the intelligent neuro-fuzzy controller used in Raspberry Pi
II. LITERATURE SURVEY microcomputer to announce the flood alerts. The wireless
sensor network is connected as mesh topology which can
Thinagaran Perumal, MdNasir Suleiman, C. Y. Leong.
send signals over far distance. The performance evaluation
reveals that the proposed system accurately detects flood
Manuscript received on April 05, 2021. alert compared to the existing flood alert system.
Revised Manuscript received on April 15, 2021.
Manuscript published on April 30, 2021. III. PROPOSED SYSTEM & FUNCTIONALITY
* Correspondence Author METHODS
Dr. C.K.Gomathy*, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE,
SCSVMV Deemed to be University, Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu), An IOT early flood detection and alert system using
India. the Arduino is thus, a proposed solution to this problem. The
Ms. G G Lasya Priya, UG Scholar CSE Department, SCSVMV system consists of various sensors which are temperature,
Deemed to be University, Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu), India. humidity, water level, flow and ultrasonic sensors and also
Mr. Hemanth Kumar K N, UG Scholar CSE Department,
includes an Arduino controller, a Wi-Fi module, an LCD, an
CSVMV Deemed to be University, Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu),
India. IoT remote server-based platform and an android application
with constructed user friendly GUI relaying all the vital
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and information involved in the picture in a visual format.
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijeat.D24070410421 Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijeat.D2407.0410421 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijeat.org & Sciences Publication
130 © Copyright: All Rights Reserved
A Study on IoT Based Flood Detection Management System

This model set up the NODEMCU board near the dam and NODEMCU: It is a microcontroller board on which all the
DHT sensor and ultrasonic sensor, float sensor are connected sensors are connected with built-in Wi-Fi module.
to it.DHT sensor gives the Humidity and Temperature in the Ultrasonic sensor: It measures the water quantity in the dam.
air and Ultrasonic sensor gives the water level. Based on this Dht11 sensor: It measures the humidity and the temperature
and some other parameters we may decide if the flood is going in the area.
to occur or not. We connect them to the cloud from where we Float Sensor: It acts like a switch, when the water level hits
connect this to the mobile application and we can see the the float sensor it sends an alarming signal.
output in our application too.

Fig 3 : Flood Detection System Using IOT

 When Water is High

Fig 1: System Architecture

The systems have given connections in breadboard as
follows, are will fix DHT11 and Buzzer on Breadboard and
we will give connections, We will give connection DHT11,
Buzzer and Ultrasonic Sensor to NODEMCU.

Fig 4 : Filled with Water

Here We have Fully Filled the Tank with Water and fixed
Ultrasonic Sensor Near the Tank and we got Alaram Through
Buzzer and we can see the Result of the Project as shown in
the Below Fig.

When Water level is High we will get this output and

Humidity and Temperature are Constant.

Fig 2: Working Functionality System

First of all the sensors connected to nodemcu controller
will get the humidity, temperature and Water level of the dam.
Our code will collect all these values and upload it to Things
peak cloud which we initialized before using WiFi module
and from there our data will be retrieved into the mobile
application created using MIT App inventor.
 When Water is Medium

Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijeat.D24070410421 Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijeat.D2407.0410421 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijeat.org & Sciences Publication
131 © Copyright: All Rights Reserved
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-10 Issue-4, April 2021

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system can later be used to provide solutions to real-life AUTHORS PROFILE
challenges, thereby bringing relief to people in communities
Dr C. K. Gomathy, is Assistant Professor in CSE at
ravaged by persistent flood occurrences. Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa
Mahavidyalaya deemed to be
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT university,Enathur,Kanchipuram,India. Her area of
Intrest is Software Engineering Web Services,
The researcher would like to express the profound sense Knowledge Management and IOT.
of appreciation to Computer Science Engineering Department
at Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Vishwa
Mahavidyalaya Deemed to be university,Kanchipuram,
Tamilnadu, India : for their valuable Support and constructive

Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijeat.D24070410421 Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijeat.D2407.0410421 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijeat.org & Sciences Publication
132 © Copyright: All Rights Reserved
A Study on IoT Based Flood Detection Management System

Hemanth Kumar K.N, student, B.E. Computer

Science and Engineering, Sri Chandrasekharendra
SaraswathiViswa Mahavidyalaya Demmed to be
University ,Enathur,Kanchipuram,India.
His are of Interest in IOT and System Software.

G G Lasya Priya, student, B.E. Computer Science and

Engineering, Sri Chandrasekharendra
SaraswathiViswa Mahavidyalaya deemed to be
university,Enathur,Kanchipuram,India Her Area of
Interest in IoT and System Software.

Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijeat.D24070410421 Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijeat.D2407.0410421 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijeat.org & Sciences Publication
133 © Copyright: All Rights Reserved

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