Malacasjezalyn ERP

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Jezalyn Malacas



ERP Software Pros Cons

SAP (System SAP ERP is a software = Simplicity = Periodic system update
Application and that allows companies The interface is very intuitive and, Need a periodic system update
Products) to integrate different although its use can become more every few years. And this entails
operations within a complex with the addition of an economic cost that may be
single program. modules and new functions, it is difficult to assume for some. In
= A software that not necessary to have the in-depth addition, with each upgrade
allows combining technical knowledge to understand there are changes in functions,
production, logistics, and enjoy the tool. some disappear, others are
inventory, accounting, = Flexibility added, and it can be confusing.
and human resources The flexibility offered by this = High Costs
operations in the same system allows companies to create SAP system can generate, it must
program. rules in the SAP system. This will be taken into account that in
make it possible to channel order to apply this system it is
possible errors and mistakes. In necessary to acquire the software
companies, it is possible to decide and hardware to run the
which employees have access to programs in the company and, in
the data handled by the SAP addition, the cost of hiring
system. employees who are responsible
for using this technology.
Oracle Oracle ERP is a cloud- = Oracle ERP provides better = Oracle ERP requires
based software that security & governance customization
helps manage the daily Oracle ERP stores all the data in The customization process takes
business operation of advanced data centers with top- plenty of time and effort. It has
an enterprise. It notch security measures. Their need someone who has expert
integrates all the cloud storage is in compliance with knowledge. Although it would be
information and data protection regulations as well. just a one-time thing, you would
business processes = Oracle ERP is much easier to need to keep your budget flexible
that help increase deploy because it also requires spending
efficiency and have Oracle ERP is much easier and some money.
better collaboration faster. Only need is an internet = Oracle ERP requires employee
among different connection for installation and training
departments. updates. Maintenance and updates Oracle ERP effectively need
of security patches are also much learning and training sessions for
faster without any downtime. your employees. This again would
= Oracle ERP is very cost-effective require more budget allocation
Oracle ERP very cost-effective. You for employee training and
also get to save a lot of cost in consumes a lot of time.
terms of security, support, and = Oracle ERP adaptation takes
maintenance because they will time
take care of all these things . Shifting or Oracle ERP can be a big
= Oracle ERP offers automatic transformation from the traditional
updates system for your business but more
for employees. This is one of the
Oracle ERP as it is managed by
biggest reasons why businesses fail
Oracle itself. All the updates are
to transform into new systems.
done automatically, and your = Oracle ERP needs improved
system would be secure with the
latest functionalities. documentation
= Oracle ERP provides high Although the users do need training,
scalability & availability but good documentation is a must.
For some people, the dashboard of
As opposed to on-premises Oracle
Oracle ERP might be okay but not for
ERP ensure 100% availability with
everyone, and users usually have a
minimum to no downtime. High hard time navigating.
availability and scalability are one
of the biggest advantages of Oracle Oracle ERP takes time to give
ERP. positive results
Oracle ERP for short-term and instant
results, then it’s not meant for your
organization. It is rewarding in the
long run and you need to have the
patience to see the positive results.
Customization, implementation,
adaptation, and training take time, so
it won’t show you positive results
SAP Oracle

Cloud-based or on-premises Only cloud-based offered

Standard and advanced features

Standard features such as accounts
covering accounts payable to asset
payable (A/P), accounts receivable
Accounting management retirement and
(A/R)and fixed asset management

Basic budgeting features for Advanced tools including asset

managing and executing general lifecycle management in addition to
planning standard budgeting features

Pricing tools can match market,

Straightforward pricing tools to currency, exchange rate and
Pricing manage product pricing calculate profit margins, rebates
and discounts

Human Well-designed employee portal,

payroll and e-recruiting functionality Good reporting capabilities
Resources to help with both retention and including visual representations
employee turnover

Integrates marketing, sales and

finance to create a whole story of Good marketing support but few
CRM customers to help with contextual other CRM tools


Role-based views and

dashboards, barcode

scanning and project quote

Acumatica solutions management

Sales analysis, goods in

transit system and charge-
Syspr companies back management

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