DEM Microproject EE 4I

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Manav School of Polytechnic,Vyala,Akola


Academic Year: 2021-2022
Semester IV (EE 4I)
Digital Electronics and Mcrocontroller(DEM)
Submitted To M.S.B.T.E. In Partial Fulfilment of the
For The Diploma In Electrical Engineering.

Report on- “A Report on Single Phase Transformers ”

Submitted By
Mr. Avinash.N.Gajbhiye

Project Guide- Mr.Prachi.M.Tayade

Subject Teacher Head Of Department

Maharashtra State Board of
Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms…………………………………….
Roll No……………………….of Fourth Semester of Diploma in
Electrical.Engineering of Manav School of Polytechnic,Akola

(Code 6608) has completed the term work satisfactorily in course

Digital Electronics and Microcontroller (22421) for the Academic
Year 2021 to 2022 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place ………………. Enrollment No……………………

Date:…..................... Exam Seat No. ………………......

Course Teacher Head of the Department Principal


We feel proud to present our investigatory project in

Management on the topic “ Digital Electronics and Microcontroller ”
which shows how a large scale industry follow the management
principles according to their needs.
This project wouldn’t have been feasible without the proper and
rigorous guidance of my DEM mam Ms.Prachi.M.Tayade who guided
me throughout this project in every possible way an investigatory
project in every possible way an investigatory project involves Various
difficult lab experiment which have to be carried out by the student to
obtain the observation and conclude the report on a meaningful note
these experiment are Very critical and in the case of failure may result
in disastrous consequence thereby I would like to thank both
mam Ms.Prachi.M.Tayade for guiding me on a step by step basis and
ensuring that I completed all my experiment with ease.
Rigorous hard work has been put in this project to ensure that it
proves to be the best I hope the best I hope that this project will prove
to be a breeding ground for the next generation of student and will
guide them in every possible way.


Water level indicator electrical project explains about displaying information

of water level in the tank by using led lights. There are four led lights used in the
circuit when LED1 is on it means that water level is at ¼ of the tank and if LED 2
is displayed then water level is ½ of the tank and if LED 3 is displayed water
level is ¾ of the tank and if LED 4 is displayed water level is full. This project
uses IC Chip CD4066.



01 06

02 07

03 Working Principle 08

04 Circuit Diagram 09

05 10

06 11


What is water level indicator: Water level indicator is a device which is used
to measure the level of water or any other conductive liquid in a container. By
following a very simple circuit this device can be implemented . Along with
indicating the water level it will also give you a alarm when the tank becomes

How it works: This device works simply by closing the circuit with the
conductivity of liquid . As you see in below given circuit when the container
will be empty the circuit will be open hence the resistor implemented will
makes the switch open and hence LED will go off. Similarly when liquid will
comes up to the first installed probe it will close the circuit between base probe
and first probe so the LED will glow on indicating the water level.

Requirement : To implement this project you will require the

 a 6 V supply
 4 no. of LEDs
 4 no. of 330 ohm resistors
 4 no. of 180K resistors
 1 no. of 2.2K resistor
 4 no. of switches (IC CD4066)
 a piezoelectric buzzer
 a SPST on/off switch
 a Transistor BC148


Description Information:
The CD4066B is a quad bilateral switch intended for
the transmission or multiplexing of analog or digital signals. It is pin- for-pin
compatible with the CD4016B, but exhibits a much lower on-state resistance.
In addition, the on-state resistance is relatively constant over the full signal-
input range. The CD4066B consists of four bilateral switches, each with
independent controls. Both the p and the n devices in a given switch are
biased on or off simultaneously by the control signal. As shown in Figure 1,
the well of the n-channel device on each switch is tied to either the input
(when the switch is on) or to VSS (when the switch is off). This configuration
eliminates the variation of the switch-transistor threshold voltage with input
signal and, thus, keeps the on-state resistance low over the full operating-
signal range. The advantages over single-channel switches include peak input-
signal voltage swings equal to the full supply voltage and more constant
onstate impedance over the input-signal range. However, for sample-and-hold
applications, the CD4016B is recommended

One electrode probe is with 6V AC is placed at the bottom of tank.

Next probes are placed step by step above the bottom probe. When
the water/liquid comes in contact with the electrode tip, a conductive
path is established between the sense electrode and the tank
wall/reference electrode, which in turn makes the transistors conduct
to glow LED and indicate the level of water. The ends of probes are
connected to corresponding points in the circuit as shown in circuit
diagram. Insulated Aluminum wires with end insulation removed will
do for the probe. Arrange the probes in order on a PVC pipe according
to the depth and immerse it in the tank. AC voltage is use to prevent
electrolysis at the probes.

Circuit Diagram:


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