Whispering Through DDoS Attack - 2016 - Perspectives in Science
Whispering Through DDoS Attack - 2016 - Perspectives in Science
Whispering Through DDoS Attack - 2016 - Perspectives in Science
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
KEYWORDS Summary Denial of service (DoS) attack is an attempt of the attacker to disable victim’s
DDoS; machine by depleting network or computing resources. If this attack is performed with more
Covert channel; than one machine, it is called distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. Covert channels
SIP; are those channels which are used for information transmission even though they are neither
Network designed nor intended to transfer information at all. In this article, we investigated the possibil-
steganography ity of using of DDoS attack for purposes of hiding data or concealing the existing covert channel.
In addition, in this paper we analyzed the possibility of detection of such covert communication
with the well-known statistical method. Also, we proposed the coordination mechanisms of the
attack which may be used. A lot of research has been done in order to describe and prevent
DDoS attacks, yet research on steganography on this field is still scarce.
© 2016 Published by Elsevier GmbH. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
2213-0209/© 2016 Published by Elsevier GmbH. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
96 M. Mehic et al.
Figure 1 The figure show the number of packets received with a given delay during the experiment which is explained in Berk
et al. (2005). The horizontal axis shows the inter-arrival time in seconds, and the vertical axis shows the number of packets received.
Left image — two spikes show that a covert channel communication is in place, right image — represents normal communication.
information encoding in traffic behavior. The first type is a ordinary data since many IDS/IPS systems are simply not
well-known technique that emerged from old Xmas packets. efficient enough to process huge amounts of data in real-
These packets with every single option set for used protocol time.
are included in a well-known nmap network scanning tool, 3. It is recommended to hide smaller amounts of data in the
and they were named Xmas packets because they look like ordinary data flow and deliver it frequently rather hide
bright bulbs on a Christmas tree. These packets can be eas- large amounts of data and deliver it sporadically. If the
ily detected by intrusion-detection systems (IDS), or more amount of the hidden data in a package, one can assume
advanced firewalls (Mazurczyk and Szczypiorski, 2008). The that those data are just simple coincidence, or that they
second type, encoding information in traffic behavior, was are just a random behavior of the network. If those values
first presented in 2005 (Berk et al., 2005). This idea was are quite large, there is a considerable probability they
further modified in 2008 by Mazurczyk and presented as lost will be intercepted by firewalls or IDS somewhere in the
audio packets steganography (LACK) solution (Mazurczyk network before reaching its destination.
and Szczypiorski, 2008) for VoIP communication.
Covert channels were first observed and defined in the
In one of the first papers on this subject (Berk et al.,
mid-1980s as a result of the rapid development of com-
2005), an approach to statistical detection of covert chan-
munication networks. Lampson classified communication
nel embedded in network packet delays is presented. This
channels into three categories: storage, legitimate, and
simple technique implies the existence of clear differences
covert. He also gave the first definition of covert channels
between the packet delay and it is based on the probability
stating that covert channels are those channels which are
of the existence of covert channel, which is calculated as
used for information transmission even though they are nei-
ther designed nor intended to transfer information at all
(Lampson, 1973). In the last 10 years, a large number of C
covert channels have been introduced, and a great develop- PCovChan = 1 − (1)
ment of new techniques in the following years is expected.
All these techniques can significantly affect the level of
where Cu is the packet count at the mean and Cmax is the
security and reputation that certain communication solu-
maximum packet-count of the histogram which is shown in
tions offer. Viewed from the client’s side, it is reasonable to
Fig. 1.
doubt the safety and quality of a particular communication
The difference between a binary covert channel (left
solution which has weak points in the system that can be
image) and regular traffic (right image in Fig. 1) is evident.
used for the undetected leak of confidential data. Because
The author used the calculation of the sample mean (aver-
of that, covert channels are under close supervision of gov-
age) value of the presented values and calculation of packet
ernments and security companies that aim to prevent these
count in the histogram at that point. For covert-packet, that
value should be a very low while, for normal traffic pattern,
Based on existing techniques we can define certain rules
the mean value should be in the center of the highest spike.
which apply to the hiding data with network steganography
Therefore, the probability of having converted channel is
inversely proportional to the ratio C /Cmax . If the ratio is
smaller, the probability expressed with Eq. (1) is higher.
1. Selected information carrier should be frequently used, In this paper, we analyze situations where the proposed
which makes detection considerably difficult. If one method of detection can be unsuccessful. We suggest the
wants to hide information in a rarely used protocol, there circumstances in which this situation can happen and we try
is a big probability that network firewalls or IDS (intruder to explain the ways they occurred.
detection system) will raise an alarm. In the following chapters, the organization and usage of
2. Selected carrier must create a lot of network data (i.e. DDoS attacks to hide date are discussed, continuing with
VoIP traffic, IPTV or similar). This will decrease the prob- the discussion of the proposed detection method and the
ability of detecting information that is hidden inside the conclusion in the last section.
Whispering through DDoS attack 97
Specifications Values
Figure 3 Result of DDoS attack; left — asterisk’s response after 35.34 s. It is important to notice an ERROR 2605 message which
states that asterisk is not able to create socket to process incoming message.
is too big and host should decrease its traffic rate. Other- UDP applications on the hosts are set to be run with dif-
wise, the arrival of feedback message from victim means ferent intensities, so each host sends a different amount of
that the rate of the attack is acceptable for the victim. With- data to the victim. To maintain maximum throughput, each
out compromising generality, this mechanism is very easy to host every second increases the intensity of UDP flow for
be mapped to TCP communication since TCP is connection 100 kbits. Victim measures the number of received bits on
oriented protocol (Fig. 4). UDP socket and decides whether the received number of bits
is lower than the maximum receiver buffer size of the socket
Covert channel within DDoS attack (RcvBufSize). If the number of received bits is higher than
RcvBufSize value, the socket needs to drop the packet since
the upper OSI/ISO layer did not process it within time and
For the purpose of testing we performed a simulation in
well-known network simulator ns-3 which is a discrete-event
network simulator for Internet systems, targeted primar-
ily for research and educational use. ns-3 is free software,
licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and is publicly avail-
able for research, development, and use (Stoffers and Riley,
The simulation, as shown in Fig. 5, consists of 10 nodes
which are connected in a star topology with the peer-to-
peer links. At node 5 UDP sink application was installed while
on other nodes1 UDP client application was installed. In this
experiment, we assumed that the attacker wanted to utilize
type of service (TOS) value in the header of internet proto-
col (IP) packets to create a covert channel. Traditionally,
the first three IP precedence (RFC 791) bits were supposed
to be used in TOS Application Routing (RFC 1583). The TOS
field has then been redefined as the Differentiated Services
Code Point (RFC 2474) which consists of the first 6 bits and
2 bits used for a TCP mechanism called explicit congestion
notification (ECN) defined in RFC 3168 (Table 2).
For the purposes of experiment, we used following nota-
tion in covert communication. If the packet with decimal
TOS value 48 is sent, it encodes binary ‘‘0’’; if the packet
with decimal TOS value 160 is sent it encodes binary ‘‘1’’
in covert communication. All other TOS values were used
to mask the covert channel and to make confusion to the Figure 4 The feedback about the data intensity; Case a (up)
detection algorithm. — sends INVITE message and the arrival of feedback message
(200 OK) from the victim means that the rate of the attack
is acceptable. Otherwise, if there is no feedback message, it
1 In this paragraph, all nodes except the node 5 are called ‘‘host’’ means that the intensity of the attack from that host is too
nodes while node 5 is called ‘‘victim’’ node. large and host should decrease its traffic rate (case b — down).
Whispering through DDoS attack 99
Node 0 0 0x00 —
Node 1 12 0x0C —
Node 2 32 0x20 —
Node 3 48 0x30 Value ‘‘0’’
Node 4 112 0x70 —
Node 6 136 0x88 —
Node 7 144 0x90 —
Node 8 152 0x98 —
Node 9 160 0xA0 Value ‘‘1’’
Figure 6 The figure show the number of packets received with a given TOS values in the header of IPv4 packet during the
experiment. The horizontal axis shows the TOS values which were used, and the vertical axis shows the number of packets received.
100 M. Mehic et al.
Conclusion References
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Conflict of interest — Attack Analysis in the Context of the Israeli-Hamas Conflict,
Available at: http://www.arbornetworks.com/asert/2014/08/
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. israeli-hamas-conflict/ (accessed 15.11.14).
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Results achieved in this research received funding from the pp. 61—67.
Moravian-Silesian Region within the project VSB-Technical Szczypiorski, K., 2003. Steganography in TCP/IP Networks. State of
University of Ostrava activities with China and partially was the Art and a Proposal of a New System — HICCUPS. Institute of
supported by the grant SGS reg. no. SP2015/82 conducted Telecommunications’ Seminar, Warsaw University of Technology,
at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. Poland.