Construction and Building Materials: Christoph Czaderski, Moslem Shahverdi, Julien Michels
Construction and Building Materials: Christoph Czaderski, Moslem Shahverdi, Julien Michels
Construction and Building Materials: Christoph Czaderski, Moslem Shahverdi, Julien Michels
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Considerable age of a very high number of bridges conjointly with a steadily increasing amount of traffic
Received 17 August 2020 and changes in design philosophy (e.g. earthquake engineering) have made maintenance needed and ret-
Received in revised form 5 November 2020 rofitting become more and more important over the years. Retrofitting can become necessary both for
Accepted 20 November 2020
flexure or shear enhancements. Existing steel solutions for shear strengthening are very laborious and
Available online 6 December 2020
complex, and the durability of the steel construction is questionable. As an alternative to steel solutions,
carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets or strips are used for shear strengthening of reinforced
concrete beams. But, prestressing of CFRP sheets or strips is hardly applicable. However, a prestressing
Shear strengthening
Reinforced concrete
of a shear strengthening has the advantages that the width of existing shear cracks can be reduced
Shape memory alloys and the stresses in the internal steel stirrups are reduced.
Prestressed strengthening Therefore, in this study, a new iron-based shape memory alloy (‘memory-steel’) in the form of U-
Digital image correlation shaped (stirrups) ribbed bars with a nominal diameter of 12 mm were used in combination with sprayed
Shear cracks mortar for shear strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The memory-steel bars were acti-
vated with electric resistive heating. The activation resulted in a prestress of about 300 N/mm2 in the
memory-steel reinforcement and consequently in vertical compressive stresses in the web of the RC
beams. Large-scale experiments on T-beams with a height of 0.75 m and a total length of 5.2 m were per-
formed to show the practicability and efficiency of the memory-steel shear strengthening. Promising
results have shown that the new strengthening system works well in practice. The shear capacity could
be increased significantly. Furthermore, at the serviceability limit state, the prestressed memory-steel
stirrups reduced the overall beam deflections, the stresses in the internal steel stirrups, the number of
cracks, and the crack widths.
Ó 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
0950-0618/Ó 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi and J. Michels Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 121793
high number of for instance bridges conjointly with a steadily 15]. The hydraulic jacks and the mechanical anchorage system of
increasing amount of traffic and changes in design philosophy conventional prestressing techniques would become obsolete.
(e.g. earthquake engineering) have made maintenance needed Therefore, prestressing is easier and cheaper when using SMA,
and retrofitting become more and more important over the years. because ducts, anchor heads, and oil hydraulic jacks are not neces-
Maintenance costs represent nowadays a very important part of all sary anymore. The material in the shape of a ribbed bar is initially
investments related to a specific construction type. In the United prestrained and can subsequently be placed into a concrete struc-
States, for instance, maintenance costs for bridges are above 10 bil- ture or externally installed and being surrounded afterwards with
lion USD per year according to a study by the American Society of an additional cementitious layer (e.g. shotcrete or sprayed mortar),
Civil Engineers [1]. [16]. Once the surrounding material has sufficiently cured, heating
Prestressing a reinforced concrete structure is an even more is applied to the steel bars by resistive heating. Since the bars can-
efficient technique in terms of durability and serviceability, as not move back to their initial state as they are blocked by the con-
cracks and deformations can be reduced or at least prevented from crete, they will be prestressed and consequently, the concrete will
further growing. This technique is a common construction method undergo compression stresses. (Iron-based) shape memory alloys
all over the world: a large number of bridges are fully or partially further have the advantage that in case of a future demolition,
designed this way, especially to overcome large spans and to guar- the material can be fully recycled and hence offers a strong contri-
antee the mentioned satisfactory behavior under service loads. bution to the circular economy. In Europe and North America,
Prestressed tendons are mainly used in the longitudinal direction stainless steel production is almost solely based on recycling
(flexural reinforcement). Very rare is the usage of prestressing for (melting and re-casting) scrap material. Iron-based shape memory
shear strengthening because it is very complicated from a practical alloys can, due to their metallurgical composition (see description
point of view. However, according to for example the Swisscode below for the alloy composition of the Fe-SMA used in this study),
SIA 166 ‘‘Externally bonded reinforcement” [2], the provision is be treated in a similar manner as stainless steel and hence be re-
given that, if a beam with shear cracks at serviceability state shall introduced into the casting process.
be strengthened for shear, then, the strengthening shall envelop Lastly, fire protection is also far less invasive compared to for
the total beam height and must be prestressed. The advantages if instance FRP products, which due to the low glass transition tem-
the shear strengthening is prestressed are [3]: (i) the shear cracks perature of the resin require substantial measures to protect them
can be reduced or even closed, (ii) the existing internal steel stir- from high temperatures. The behavior of iron based shape memory
rups are partly unloaded what increases their fatigue resistance alloys under elevated temperatures is comparable to steel [17],
and (iii) the strengthening takes immediately additional loads. which leads to simpler and less cost-intensive protection systems
However, prestressing of the shear strengthening is hardly possible compared to FRP’s.
today with the conventional systems. Fig. 1 shows a (prestressed) The most commercially available shape memory alloy on the
shear strengthening example on a Swiss bridge. It can be seen that market is Nickel/Titanium (NiTi). However, the commercial appli-
such solutions are very laborious and complex, and the durability cation of NiTi is limited due to the high costs of raw materials
of the steel construction is questionable. As an alternative to the and processing. The effectiveness of NiTi for prestressing is often
steel solutions, carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets or restricted by their relatively narrow thermal hysteresis, which is
strips are used for shear strengthening of reinforced concrete inadequate for the large and stable recovery stresses required for
beams [4–9]. However, prestressing of the CFRP sheets or strips civil engineering applications. In a study presented in [18], a con-
is hardly possible. The only CFRP system, which can prestressed, crete beam was reinforced with NiTi wires. It was found that if
is the unbonded carbon fiber–reinforced polymer (CFRP) strap sys- the NiTi wires are heated, they are prestressed and have a larger
tem from the company Carbo-Link, a spin-off from Empa in stiffness, however, if they are not heated, they lose the prestress
Switzerland, which was originally developed at Empa [3,5,10–12]. and have a reduced stiffness. As an alternative, iron-based shape
However, the application of shape memory alloy stirrups can memory alloys such as Fe-Mn-Si based alloys are more suitable
provide the possibility to implement prestressed shear strengthen- for this type of application due to their wide transformation hys-
ing. Shape memory alloys have the characteristic that they, after teresis, lower cost, and high elastic stiffness compared to conven-
having been pre-deformed, move partly back to their initial shape tional Nitinol alloys [15,19]. Sato et al. discovered the shape
when subjected to high temperatures. This characteristic leads to a memory effect in these alloys in 1982 [20]. A Fe-Mn-Si based alloy
completely new philosophy in terms of a prestressing technique especially feasible for construction was invented at Empa [21]. The
for concrete constructions based on shape memory effects [13– composition of the alloy is Fe-17Mn-5Si-10Cr-4Ni-1(V,C) (mass%).
C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi and J. Michels Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 121793
Related products were then developed in collaboration with re-fer and several measurements during the loading up to failure were
AG founded in 2012 to commercialize these reinforcements [22]. performed to quantify the effect of the prestressed stirrups. A fur-
The Fe-Mn-Si based alloy is generally known as ‘memory-steel’. ther aim of the investigation was to show the practicability of the
memory-steel is produced in the form of ribbed bars and strips new strengthening technique for on-site applications.
The research in the field of SMA for shear strengthening started
already in 2001 [26]. Strengthened successfully a RC beam in the 2.1. Strengthening procedure
laboratory and also a real bridge in the US by using iron based
shape memory alloy rods. Unfortunately, according to the knowl- The strengthening procedure on the RC beams included the fol-
edge of the authors, this research was not continued. Only again lowing working steps:
in 2016 [27], published a study on pseudoelastic Ni-Ti (commonly
known as Nitinol or NiTi) continuous spiral shear reinforcements 1. Drilling of holes in the flange (Fig. 5)
for rectangular RC beams to obtaining more ductile shear failures. 2. Concrete hammering in the strengthening area (Fig. 2)
The beams reinforced with the Ni-Ti rectangular spirals showed 3. Sandblasting of the hammered zones to remove all loosely con-
high ductility in shear, with very high deflections and large crack crete parts
widths at failure. In the same institute, proof-of-concept 4. Installation of the U-shaped ribbed memory-steel stirrups
researches on concrete beams with the dimensions (Fig. 3)
80x150x900 mm were performed. Firstly [28], presented an inves- 5. Application of formwork for the repair mortar (Fig. 4)
tigation on shear strengthening of the rectangular beams by using 6. Application of a bonding primer (Sika MonoTop-910N) to the
3 mm diameter Ni-Ti-Nb wires externally installed around the concrete surface
beams, forming a pseudo-spiral, to actively confine, or transver- 7. Application of the repair mortar (Sika MonoTop-412N) by
sally prestress, the RC members. Secondly [29], used 12.5 and spraying (Fig. 4)
25 mm wide and 0.5 mm thick iron based shape memory alloys 8. Filling of the holes in the flange with cementitious grout
(Fe-SMA) strips. The strips were wrapped around the rectangular (SikaGrout-314)
cross-section, connected with a buckle, and then activated (pre- 9. Activation of the memory-steel stirrups by resistive heating
stressed) what means that they were heated with a heat gun.
The shear strengthened beams showed a significant higher failure The thickness of the sprayed mortar layer was approximately
load and for the beams strengthened with activated strips, the 30 mm. Therefore, the U-shaped ribbed memory-steel stirrups
appearance of shear cracks was delayed, there were fewer shear had a cover of 10–20 mm in the test beams. However, similar as
cracks, and the deflections of beams were significantly lower, in usual reinforced concrete, the concrete protects the reinforce-
which revealed the benefits of this active shear strengthening tech- ment for corrosion and larger covers are recommended for real
nology. Lastly [30], recently published a study on the shear applications.
strengthening of real-scale RC T-beams by means of U-shaped
Fe-SMA strips. The T-beams had a length of 5.5 m and a height
2.2. Beam geometry and materials
of 0.55 m. All the beams failed in shear and the retrofitted beams
showed a 30% increased shear strength. The active shear strength-
The geometries of the beams were chosen so that they are rep-
ening delayed the appearance of cracks and reduced their crack
resentative of onsite application; the height, the web width, and
width at service loads. However, in the study, problems with the
the span were 0.75 m, 0.16 m, and 4.3 m, respectively (Fig. 5
mechanical fasteners to fix the Fe-SMA strips to the web occurred
and Fig. 7). A further aim of the experiments was to reach shear
so that the proper performance of the Fe-SMA strips were pre-
failure so that the behavior of the new shear strengthening method
vented and it was concluded for future research another type of
under shear loading and shear failure could be investigated. There-
mechanical anchorage or a fully wrapping method shall be used.
fore, the moment/shear ratio a/d (a = distance between load and
[31] used also 25 mm wide and 0.5 mm thick iron-based shape
support, d = static height) was chosen as 1800/665 = 2.7, what is
memory alloys (Fe-SMA) strips to shear strengthen 2.3 m long and
a good ratio for shear failure (Fig. 7) according to the ‘‘Kani valley”,
0.35 m high T-beams. Although there were some issues with the
see e.g. [32]. Additionally, a high strength flexural reinforcement (4
anchorage of the strips at the flanges and more development work
bars Ø=30 mm, yield strength of 843 MPa, tensile strength of
would be necessary, generally, they found a significant increase in
945 MPa) was used to avoid premature flexural failure. The inter-
both strength and ductility of the strengthened beams compared to
nal steel stirrups with a diameter of 8 mm had a yield strength of
the control specimens.
504 MPa and tensile strength of 560 MPa. Three stirrups were
In this research, a large-scale experimental campaign on RC
placed in each shear span. The locations of the stirrups are dis-
beams, which were strengthened for shear by a new innovative
played in Fig. 7.
method is presented. The new method uses U-shaped ribbed
memory-steel bars, which are embedded in an additional sprayed
mortar layer and are prestressed after the mortar has cured.
2. Experiments
C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi and J. Michels Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 121793
Fig. 3. Installed memory-steel stirrups on one of the test beams. The red bolts are
polymer dowels for fixation of the memory-steel stirrups on the concrete surface.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.) Fig. 6. Stress–strain diagram of a ribbed memory-steel bar, similar as used in this
Table 1
Overview of the experimental program. Concrete strength of the test beams at the day of failure tests (fcm,cube: compression test on three cubes 150 mm3, fctm: splitting tensile test
on three cubes 150 mm3).
C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi and J. Michels Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 121793
Fig. 8. a) Schematic of three main actions of application of memory-steel to strengthen and prestress a RC structure. b) Schematic illustration of the activation, Action (2), and
the recovery stress development.
2.6. Measurements
C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi and J. Michels Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 121793
Fig. 11. Measured temperatures of the memory-steel stirrups in Beam 2 during their activation. The numbering of the stirrups is given in Fig. 7. For each stirrup, two
measurements were executed.
failure of the flange under the loading point (Fig. 16b and c), which
was not observed in the reference test beam (Beam 1), see Fig. 16a.
Additional to the shear cracking behavior in the web, visible in
Fig. 16, cracks in the flange on the top side of the beams could be
observed. Fig. 18 displays a photo of the cracks on the left (side of
shear failure) top side of Beam 5 after the shear failure. The trans-
verse cracks (No. 1 in Fig. 18) in cross-direction of the beam are
bending cracks in the longitudinal direction, originating from the
small shear stiffness in the longitudinal direction. However, the
longitudinal cracks (No. 2 in Fig. 18 and Fig. 19) indicate a bending
in cross-direction, which might originate from the shear failure of
the beam. Furthermore, in some cases, a slight slip of the stirrups
(Fig. 20) on the top side of the flange was observed after the failure
tests, what might also originate from the shear failure of the beam.
Fig. 12. Set-up for the large-scale experiments (1: tripods and 2: cameras for the
both DIC systems, 3: beam supports, 4: lamps for DIC measurements, 5: oil 3.2. Force-mid-span displacement
hydraulic loading cylinders, 6: wooden plates for light shielding for DIC measure-
ments, 7: test beam, 8: area of sprayed mortar). The force-mid-span displacement behaviors of all five beams
are given in Fig. 21. The strengthening with the memory-steel stir-
rups and shotcrete mortar (increase of the web width from 160 to
repaired. The results of the Beam 1 and 4 were presented already in 220 mm) increased the failure forces by 86% (Table 2). Addition-
[33]. ally, the mid-span displacements at a serviceability force of
200 kN are also compared in Table 2 and Fig. 21b. Shear strength-
ening decreased the mid-span considerably down to a minimum of
3. Results 61% for the case of Beam 5.
By comparing the non-prestressed and prestressed memory-
3.1. Failure modes steel strengthening in Table 2 and Fig. 21, the following conclu-
sions can be derived: (1) the failure force was not influenced by
All beams failed in shear (Fig. 16). In all beams, the internal stir- a prestress of the U-shaped memory-steel stirrups, however, (2)
rups yielded and ruptured before the shear failure of the beams. the beam displacements at serviceability was influenced by a pre-
Rupture of the internal steel stirrups was hearable and some were stress. In the case of three and five stirrups, the mid-span displace-
visible via the large cracks (Fig. 17). Yielding of the stirrups ments were reduced if the stirrups were prestressed from 5.5 mm
resulted in the formation of shear cracks with large widths to 4.8 mm and from 4.8 mm to 4.4 mm (approximately 10% reduc-
(Fig. 16). However, the memory-steel stirrups did not rupture tion), respectively. Smaller displacement is due to the higher shear
(Fig. 17). At shear failure, the Beams 2 to 6 showed a compression stiffness of the cross-section if the stirrups are prestressed.
C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi and J. Michels Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 121793
Fig. 13. Overview of the measurements performed during the loading experiments up to failure. Displacements, designation SG displays the strain gauge measurements on
the internal steel reinforcements and on the concrete surface, load cells for the load, the gray area designates the fields of the DIC measurements.
Fig. 14. Beam 1 after failure tests. Injected shear cracks. The repaired beam was designated as Beam 4.
C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi and J. Michels Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 121793
Fig. 16. Failure modes of a) Beam 1 (reference beam), b) Beam 2, c) Beam 3, d) Beam 5 and e) Beam 6.
C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi and J. Michels Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 121793
Fig. 17. Tensile failures of the internal steel stirrups after the failure test: a) in Beam 5, b) in Beam 6 (1: internal steel stirrups, 2: external applied memory-steel stirrups in
sprayed mortar layer).
Fig. 20. Beam 5: arrows are indicating the slip of the memory-steel stirrups after
the shear failure.
Fig. 18. Beam 5: 1) transverse cracks and 2) longitudinal cracks on the left beam
top side (side of shear failure).
measured strains in the internal steel stirrups are presented in
Fig. 25. Firstly, the beneficial effect of the shear strengthening is
visible, because the strains in the internal stirrups are lower in
the strengthened beams compared to the reference beam. Sec-
ondly, the prestressing of the memory-steel stirrups reduced the
strain in the internal steel stirrups even more, which can also be
observed in Fig. 25a for the Beams 2 and 3 and Fig. 25b for the
Beams 5 and 6.
C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi and J. Michels Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 121793
Table 2
Results of the large-scale experiments.
3.6. Design
C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi and J. Michels Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 121793
Fig. 24. Force-tensile strain in flexural reinforcement and compressive strain in the concrete of Beam 1 compared with a) Beam 2 and 3 (three stirrups) and b) Beam 5 and 6
(five stirrups) at beam mid-span (Fig. 13).
Fig. 25. Force-tensile strain in internal steel stirrups (shear reinforcement) in Beam 1 compared with a) Beam 2 and 3 (three stirrups) and b) Beam 5 and 6 (five stirrups). (*:
the location of the internal stirrups with strain gauges were not on the beam side with the shear failure).
C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi and J. Michels Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 121793
Fig. 26. Results of the DIC measurements, which were performed on the concrete surfaces on the beams 2 and 3 during the failure experiments as shown in Fig. 13. The
figures display the maximum principal strains.
C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi and J. Michels Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 121793
Fig. 27. Crack patterns and widths of the beams at a load of 150 kN: a) and b) Beam 2 (three prestressed stirrups), c) and d) Beam 3 (three non-prestressed stirrups).
c) d)
Beam 6, left shear span, load =150 kN:
Beam 6, right shear span, load =150 kN:
Mean value of crack widths: 0.060 mm
Mean value of crack widths: 0.076 mm
Mean absolute value of crack slips: 0.023 mm
Mean absolute value of crack slips: 0.033 mm
Number of cracks: 13
Number of cracks: 13
Fig. 28. Crack patterns and widths of the beams at a load of 150 kN: a) and b) Beam 5 (five prestressed stirrups), c) and d) Beam 6 (five non-prestressed stirrups).
C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi and J. Michels Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 121793
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CRediT authorship contribution statement
[17] Elyas Ghafoori, Martin Neuenschwander, Moslem Shahverdi, Christoph
Czaderski, Mario Fontana, Elevated temperature behavior of an iron-based
Christoph Czaderski: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investi- shape memory alloy used for prestressed strengthening of civil structures,
gation, Validation, Writing - original draft, Supervision, Funding Constr. Build. Mater. 211 (2019) 437–452.
[18] Christoph Czaderski, Bernd Hahnebach, Masoud Motavalli, RC beam with
acquisition, Project administration. Moslem Shahverdi: Conceptu- variable stiffness and strength, Constr. Build. Mater. 20 (9) (2006) 824–833.
alization, Methodology, Investigation, Writing - review & editing, [19] A. Cladera, B. Weber, C. Leinenbach, C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi, M. Motavalli,
Validation. Julien Michels: Conceptualization, Methodology, Inves- Iron-based shape memory alloys for civil engineering structures: an overview,
Constr. Build. Mater. 63 (2014) 281–293.
tigation, Resources, Writing - review & editing, Validation. [20] A. Sato, E. Chishima, K. Soma, T. Mori, Shape memory effect in c¢e
transformation in Fe-30Mn-1Si alloy single crystals, Acta Metall. 30 (6)
(1982) 1177–1183.
Declaration of Competing Interest [21] Zhizhong Dong, Ulrich E. Klotz, Christian Leinenbach, Andrea Bergamini,
Christoph Czaderski, Masoud Motavalli, A novel Fe-Mn-Si shape memory alloy
with improved shape recovery properties by VC precipitation, Adv. Eng. Mater.
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
11 (1-2) (2009) 40–44.
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared [22]
to influence the work reported in this paper. [23] Moslem Shahverdi, Julien Michels, Christoph Czaderski, Masoud Motavalli,
Iron-based shape memory alloy strips for strengthening RC members: material
behavior and characterization, Constr. Build. Mater. 173 (2018) 586–599.
Acknowledgements [24] Moslem Shahverdi, Christoph Czaderski, Masoud Motavalli, Iron-based shape
memory alloys for prestressed near-surface mounted strengthening of
reinforced concrete beams, Constr. Build. Mater. 112 (2016) 28–38.
The authors would like to express their thankfulness to the [25] C. Czaderski, M. Shahverdi, R. Brönnimann, C. Leinenbach, M. Motavalli,
Commission for Technology and Innovation of Switzerland, which Feasibility of iron-based shape memory alloy strips for prestressed
strengthening of concrete structures, Constr. Build. Mater. 56 (2014) 94–105.
supported this research financially (CTI Project No. 18528.1
[26] Parviz Soroushian, Ken Ostowari, Ali Nossoni, Habibur Chowdhury, Repair and
PFIW-IW). Further thanks go to the industry partner re-fer from strengthening of concrete structures through application of corrective
Seewen in Switzerland, who delivered all the memory-steel and posttensioning forces with shape memory alloys, Transp. Res. Rec. 1770 (1)
also supported this research financially. Lastly, the financial and (2001) 20–26.
[27] Benito Mas, Antoni Cladera, Carlos Ribas, Experimental study on concrete
technical support of the Empa Structural Engineering Research beams reinforced with pseudoelastic Ni-Ti continuous rectangular spiral
Laboratory is greatly appreciated. reinforcement failing in shear, Eng. Struct. 127 (2016) 759–768.
[28] Joan M. Rius, Antoni Cladera, Carlos Ribas, Benito Mas, Shear strengthening of
reinforced concrete beams using shape memory alloys, Constr. Build. Mater.
References 200 (2019) 420–435.
[29] Luis A. Montoya-Coronado, Joaquín G. Ruiz-Pinilla, Carlos Ribas, Antoni
Cladera, Experimental study on shear strengthening of shear critical RC
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