Allied-2 Answers Chapter-10

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Chapter 10

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A. TRUE or FALSE. On the space provided before each item, write TRUE if the statement is
factual and FALSE if it is erroneous.

1. Reporters who write gobbledygook could not go further in the world. Gobbledygook is
pompous or unintelligible jargon or lingo.

2. Clear thinking is the result of clear writing. To think clearly and effectively, one must organize
and write all the gathered information beforehand.

3. The active voice follows the object-verb-subject sentence pattern. The passive voice follows
the subject-verb-object sentence pattern.

4. Readers absorb ideas faster when these are written in short sentences. Readers hardly
comprehend materials made of 40-word sentences.

5. Reporters should revise their writings because they are not omniscient. Revising makes the
meaning of the story clearer, crispier and simpler.

6. A controversial tone makes for readable writing. A controversial tone also increases reader's
interest and help generate reader's understanding.

7. Conciseness is the economy of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and even expressions.
Conciseness, closely related with brevity, is the soul of wit.

8. Euphemism is the use of mild or vague expression substituted for one harsh or direct thought.
Euphemism is saying not to good when one mean bad or awful.

9. Reporters should use specific and concrete language to capture reader's attention.

10. The beginning of a piece of journalistic writing is the most important part. Suspense is so
important in some forms of writing but rarely in the field of journalism.

11. Short paragraphs act as a brake on the writer who strings too many ideas or facts together.

12. Adjectives, when not used sparingly, result in ornate prose that is easy to digest.

13. Readers can easily understand complicated thoughts expressed in uncomplicated words.
14. Positivism is the logical use of symbols and the proper emphasis of linguistic problems of

15. The best way to clear, crisp, and simple writing style is to use big vocabulary full of

B. Instructions. Illustrate through signs and symbols the following copy fixer's actions or

Copy fixer's Actions/Remarks To Be Edited

1. Delete; take out

2. Insert space

3. Insert letter (s) or word (s)

4. Transpose letters or words

5. Close up; no space

6. Align with left margin

7. Align with right margin

8. Center

9. Start new paragraph

10. Do not start new paragraph

11. Do not start new line

12. Do not make correction; let stand as written

13. This is wrong; see copy

14. Insert comma

15. Insert period

16. Insert apostrophe

17. Insert quotation marks

18. Insert hyphen

19. Insert dash

20. Spell out

On Verbal Deadwoods

C. Instructions : In the puzzle, find the replacement of the wordy phrase or expression written
below. The preferred words can be read as diagonal, horizontal and vertical. Write your answer
on the space provided after each wordy expression.

a s i g n e d r r t

s l b e c a u s e m

a c t e m d f c s a

t n e h w q x a i r

m a r n o w y r g r

m a r i d u a c n i

t o d f e d g e e e

e s c a p e d h d d

1. Despite the fact although

2. Take action on the issue

3. For the reason that because

4. Tendered his resignation resigned

5. Affixed his signature signed

6. Held a conference met

7. In the event of if

8. Make good his escape escaped

9. At this moment in time now

10. United in holy matrimony married

On Word Equivalents

D. Instructions : Think of a shorter word that would mean the same as the words given below.
Choose the words in the Word Bank provided.


Hail Link Nix


Nab Feud Dip


Quiz Body Rift


Junk Quit Accord


Stop Hit Ask


Cop Allow Take


1. Agreement Accord

2. Arrest

3. Expose, reveal Bare

4. Enumerate, mention Cite

5. Committee Body

6. Decrease, go down

7. Quarrel, dispute Fued

8. Restrain, control

9. Invite, request Ask

10. Investigate Probe

11. Resign Quit

12. Question Quiz

13. Policeman Cop

14. Impede, thwart Balk

15. Connect Link

Turning Complex to Simpler Words

E. Instructions : Choose from the Word Bank the common words that can best replace the
highbrow words below.

Use Tell Get Give Ask Call


Buy Lie Jail Class Try Flood


Big Show Live See Go Stop


Seat Help Start/Open Grab Cook


1. Indisposed ill

2. Monumental Big

3. Terminate End

4. Witness See

5. Purchase Buy

6. Utilize Use

7. Majority Most

8. Reside Live

9. Procedure

10. Proceed Go

11. Contribute Give

12. Inquire/Request Ask

13. Endeavor/Attempt

14. Summon Call

15. Category Class

16. Prevaricate Lie

17. Incarcerate Jail

18. Inaugurate Start

19. Facilitate Help

20. Inundate Flood

F. Instructions : Improve the following sentences. Write your answer in the box.

1. That no one will be admitted into the auditorium after curtain time was the order issued
yesterday by Miss Jessa Medina, producer of the school play.

2. That the east wing could not have been save from complete destruction by flames had the
students not been alert was the conviction of Capt. Edmundo Pacleb, Basco fire chief.

3. Falling 20 feet from the roof, Juan Soriano last night was taken to the Veteran's Hospital with
a fractured arm
G. Instructions : Shorten the following without changing the meaning. Write your improved
sentence in the box provided for you.

1. The President of the college spoke in praise of Pedro Ravanut of the school swimming team.

2. In accordance with long tradition, the graduates wore the usual cap and gown in white color.

3. There is no other candidate for the position of the president at the present time.

4. The oath-taking ceremonies will start at 7 p.m. tonight. The rites will take place in the

5. The student delegates were in company with their faculty adviser, Miss Carmelita Esquivel.
6. The new recruits were supervised by Miss Mercidita Castillo who is chairman in charge of

7. The schedules of activities of the sophomore and freshmen assemblies are both alike.

H. Instructions : Erase any unnecessary word/s using the delete symbol found on the
copyreader's marks in page 163.

1. Last of all

2. Another one

3. A number of examples

4. Need not necessarily

5. An actual fact

6. Whether or not

7. To be held

8. The color of the dress was

9. Short space of time

10. Presented in conjunction with

11. As a general rule

12. For the purpose of

13. In the month of July

14. During the course of the proceedings

15. Final completion

I. Instructions : Copyread the following article. Write two headlines for it. For each head, write
its corresponding printer's directions.

In order to solved the drop-out problem tree teachers of Lal-lo National Elementary High School
attended a drop-out management training seminar september twenty-one-25, 2016 at the
Solmon's hotel, Sta. Maria, Lal-lo, Cagayan.

They were Koko Martuk, Marianne Pakleb, Lukto Manuel and Lucio Matud. Furthermore, the
training course staff for secondary teachers was comprised by Mrs. Jose Ramos, course Director,
and Teodicio Ragasa In the seminar, They discusses the prime Minister costs of drop-out rate as
well as the rolls of the academme in helping the students.

Day likewise marked an action plan to mitigate the problem. Such plan will be implmented this
coming Aug.

" We learned alot fr. the training. We hope that this training could help the students the teachers


1. Clip at least 15 headlines from newspapers and campus papers that use technical headline
vocabulary. Circle the used head jargon and explain the headline's meaning below the clipping.

2. Make a matrix analysis of common errors spotted in campus papers and newspapers. Follow
the guide below.

Newspaper name Title/Head Error Principle Suggested

violated correction

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