Full Paper Iclle
Full Paper Iclle
Full Paper Iclle
August 2022
International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education (ICLLLE)
August 2022
Sport has now become a lifestyle for people, both among children, adolescents and parents.
Sports activities carried out can provide many benefits for the body such as health and
fitness. Sport is a series of planned physical activities that contribute to staying active in
increasing movement or mobility (Fahrizqi et al., 2020). Based on the nature and purpose,
sports are divided into three categories, namely achievement sports, recreational sports,
and educational sports.
Football is one of the most popular sports in Indonesia and even throughout the world,
from children, adults to parents playing football. The development of football in Indonesia
is indeed very rapid, many players from junior to senior players have given their various
achievements which have made many young people interested in playing football. Football
can also be defined as a game in which two teams of 11 players use every part of their
body except their hands and arms to try to direct the ball into the opposing team's goal.
Only the goalkeeper (goalkeeper) may touch the ball with his hands only in the penalty
area around the goal, the team that scores more goals wins. In the game of physical football
is one of the main factors besides technique and tactics.
Good physical condition must be owned by all athletes. This physical condition is
indicated by physical fitness, which becomes the basis for the next training process,
especially to master technical and tactical skills. (Antoni Ilham, Zikrul Rahmat, and
Irfandi). Physical conditions must be applied in everyday life, and if the physical condition
is good then the athlete can be in good physical condition when playing on the field. This
is because physical conditions help athletes perform better and can compensate for
physical conditions on the field when athletes play. According to (Juniarta & Siswanto,
2014) Physical fitness improves work performance and helps someone to do his job
optimally. The decline in physical fitness is a problem in many countries. Above all,
children and adolescents with low physical fitness have a passive lifestyle and lack of
exercise. Football also involves elements of fitness such as speed, strength, muscle
strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, accuracy, coordination. and agility.
Of the many physical needs needed in soccer, there is an aspect of power which is one of
the most useful physical needs in soccer, especially when kicking. Kicking the ball, the
part that plays an important role is the foot. Where leg strength is one of the requirements
to successfully hit the target quickly and measurably. Power or explosive power is an
important part of the game of football. If someone has good strength, then the blow will be
strong (Myrza Akbari et al., 2017)
According to (Harsono, 2018)suggests that power is the result of a combination of power
and speed. Power or strength is the ability of a muscle to direct the maximum force in a
short time. Strength plays an important role in scoring many goals by getting the ball into
the opponent's goal and winning to increase achievements in football. By achieving these
achievements, of course, must be based on well-planned and sustainable training.
Based on observations made by researchers, in training and during competition. Students
still have not mastered power exercises, especially the limbs to increase strength and
speed. Seen when competing the students of SSB Artajusi North Lampung had difficulty in
scoring goals and winning the match due to lack of power in kicking so that they looked
less powerful. It can be proven factually by the way the ball is slow and easy to catch by
the goalkeeper and the lack of training variations. This is inseparable from the success or
failure of the exercise.
In this study, researchers chose uphill and downhill running training methods to train the
leg power of SSB Artajusi North Lampung students. According to (Harsono, 2018),
International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education (ICLLLE)
August 2022
"Uphill Running is running up the hill, this exercise is very good for developing Dynamic
Strength. Running training on an uphill place can master running skills, train reaction
speed. As an effect of being given Uphill Running training, there is a change in speed as a
form of adaptation of the body to the training provided in the form of increasing the ability
to work leg muscles. While Downhill Running trains the speed of the foot frequency by
running down the hill, but even better, when the wind is blowing from behind, the practice
of running on a slope reduces or increases
The research used is experimental research. Experimental research methods can be
interpreted as research methods used to find the effect of certain treatments on others under
controlled conditions (Sugiyono, 2013). The design that will be used in this study is the
One Group Pretest – Posttest Design, which is a research design that has a pretest before
being given treatment, because it can compare with the situation before being given
treatment (Sugiyono, 2013).
The design can be taken pictures as follows:
O1 X O2
Keterangan :
O1 : Pre-test
O2 : Post-test
International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education (ICLLLE)
August 2022
using purposive sampling. (Sugiyono, 2013) stated that purposive sampling is a technique
for determining samples from certain considerations.
Data collection
Data collection techniques are carried out to collect research data that are relevant and
consistent with the problem being studied. Data collection techniques used in this study
A. Literature Study
Literature study was carried out to find problems and obtain initial information from
previous studies to serve as a basis and reference in data processing or drawing
B. Test Method
The data collected in this study used the test method. The test used is the Standing Broad
Jump to determine the strength or speed of the legs.
Based on the data in the table above, it can be seen that the pretest and posttest data
of Standing Broad Jump SSB Artajusi North Lampung students in the Treatment group in
the bar chart as follows:
Kelompok Eksperimen
International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education (ICLLLE)
August 2022
Based on the picture above, it can be seen that the leg power during the pretest had an
average of 7.6 feet and increased to 8.1 feet after being given treatment with Uphill and
Downhill Running exercises.
Prerequisite test
1. Uji normalitas
Normality test can be used in testing to determine whether the variables in this study
contain data that is normally distributed. The calculation of the normality test is supported
by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov formula. Processing using a computer program SPSS 26
program. The results are presented in the following table:
Figure 4. 1. Rangkuman Hasil Uji Normalitas
From the results of the table above, it can be seen that all data have a p value (sign) > 0.05.
then we can say that the variable data is normally distributed.
2. Uji Homogenity
Homogeneity test aims to test the similarity of the sample that the sample is uniform or not
taken from the population. If p > 0.05. then the data or test is declared homogeneous, if p <
0.05. Then the data or test can be said to be inhomogeneous. Following the results of the
homogeneity test of this study, the data can be presented as follows::
Table 2 Hasil Uji Paired t Test Sample t Test estafet speed training 200 m dengan bola
Data df1 df2 Sig. Keterangan
Posttest 0.111 1 22 0.742 Homogen
From the table above, it can be seen that the pretest-posttest sig. p > 0.05 so the data is
homogeneous or the same. Because the data are all homogeneous, the data analysis can be
3.Uji Hipotesis
The t-test in this study can answer the hypothesis when it has been proposed. Hypothesis
testing is done to determine the acceptance or rejection of the proposed. Hypothesis testing
using t test (paired sample t test) at a significant level of 5%. Based on the results of the
International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education (ICLLLE)
August 2022
prerequisite test, the research data is normal and homogeneous, so the analysis used to test
the hypothesis is a t-test using one sample t-test. The data is significant if the p value <
0.05. The results of the hypothesis can be observed in the table below:
Figure 4. 4. . Test Data Paired t test Leg Power
Based on the calculation of the data above, the value of t count (12.758) > t table (1.713)
and P (0.000) < a (0.05). These results indicate that the average count is 2,133. The
calculated t value is greater than t table and the significance is less than 0.05.
Based on the results of data analysis, description, research results, and discussion,
conclusions can be drawn, namely: From the results of the t test it can be observed
that t count is greater than t table (12.758 > 1.713) and a significant value of p is
(0.000 < 0.05), these results explained that there was a significant difference between
the pretest and posttest exercises for Uphill and Downhill Running on Leg Power of
SSB Artajusi Students, North Lampung. The average pretest data is 75.92 while the
posttest is 81.21 with an increase of 5.29.
Fahrizqi, E. B., Mahfud, I., Yuliandra, R., & Gumantan, A. (2020). Tingkat Kebugaran
Based on the results of data analysis, description, research results, and discussion,
conclusions can be drawn, namely:
Harsono. (2018). Latihan Kondisi Fisik Untuk Atletik Sehat Aktif. PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
Juniarta, T., & Siswanto. (2014). Pengembangan model latihan permainan rintangan
(handicap games) untuk latihan kebugaran jasmani anak usia 10-12. 1–18.
Myrza Akbari, Dli, F., & Widiastuti. (2017). The effect at muscle power arm, hand-eye
coordination, flexibility and self confidence upon badminton smash skill. 5, 1–14.
Sugiyono. (2013). Metode penelitian kuantitatif, kulalitatif dan R&D. Alfabeta.