Gears 1 5
Gears 1 5
Gears 1 5
Seema Saiba
Abstract- This article outlines a Gear and its different II. AXIS
types of gear and parts of a gear. It also describes the
methodology of calculating the Gear Ratios viz. pitch The axis of revolution of the gear, where the shaft
diameter, teeth. passes through. Please refer figure (a)
Keywords- Gear, Gear Ratio, pressure angle, pitch
circle, pitch diameter, spur gear, helical gear, bevel
gear, worm gear, planetary gear, spiral bevel gear .
A Gear is a rotating circular machine part having
cut teeth or, in the case of a cogwheel or gearwheel,
inserted teeth called cog, which mesh with another
compatible toothed part to transmit torque and
speed. The basis principle behind the operations of
gears is analogous to the basic principle of levers.
A gear may also be known as a cog. Geared devices
can change the speed, torque, and direction of
power source. Gears of different sizes produce a
change in torque, creating a mechanical advantage,
through their gear ratio and thus may be considered
a simple machine.
The Gear Ratio of a system is the ratio between the
rotational speed of the input shaft to the rotational
speed of the output shaft.
Gear is used as:
Change the output speed of shaft.
transmit rotation from one axis to
Parts of a Gear includes:
Pitch Circle.
Pressure Angle.
Diametral Pitch.
Circular Pitch
Pitch Diameter Figure (a): Different Parts of Gear (source:
The ratio of the number of teeth to the pitch diameter.
Two gears must have the same diametral pitch to Spur Gear.
mesh. Helical Gear.
Bevel Gear.
Worm Gear.
Rack and Pinion Gear.
IV. PITCH CIRCLE Planetary Gear.
The circle that defines the "size" of the gear. The pitch Internal Gear.
circles of two meshing gears need to be tangent for Hypoid Gear.
them to mesh. If the two gears were instead of two Crown Gear.
discs that were driven by friction, the perimeter of Spiral Bevel Gear.
those discs would be the pitch circle.
Bevel gears are gears where the axes of the two shafts intersect
and the tooth -bearing faces of the gears themselves are
conically shaped. Bevel gears are most often mounted on shafts
that are 90 degrees apart but can be designed to work at other
angles as well.
Figure (f): Terminologies of Rack and Pinion
Used in power plants, mining equipment, and marine Gear (source:
A worm gear is a gear consisting of a shaft with a spiral thread Used in robotics, construction equipment, and wind
that engages with and drives a toothed wheel. Worm gears are turbines.
an old style of gear, and a version of one of the six simple
machines. Basically, a worm gear is a screw butted up against
what looks like a standard spur gear with slightly angled and
curved teeth.
Internal Gears are gear teeth generated in the A crown gear (also known as a face gear or a
internal diameter of a cylinder while external contrate gear) is a gear which has teeth that project
gears have gear teeth generated on the outside at right angles to the face of the wheel. In particular,
diameter of the component. While there are a crown gear is a type of bevel gear where the pitch
several different types of gears, only two can be cone angle is 90 degrees.
produced as both internal and external gears, spur, Used in textile machinery, paper mills, and
and helical gears. heavy-duty industrial applications.
Used in planetary gear systems and hydraulic
Figure (h): Terminologies of Internal Gear Figure (j): Terminologies of Crown Gear
(source: (source:
Figure (i): Terminologies of Hypoid Gear Figure (k): Terminologies of Spiral Bevel Gear
(source: (source:
Gears can transmit power and torque Standard Handbook of Machine Design, 3rd
efficiently with minimal losses. Edition, Joseph E, Charles R. Mischke,
Gears can change the speed and direction Thomas Hunter Brown,
of rotation between two or more
components in a mechanical system. content/book/9780071441643/chapter/chap
Gears can be used to amplify or reduce the ter11
torque and speed of rotation.
Gears can be designed to be self-locking,
preventing reverse motion and providing Marple Gears Inc.
Gears can be designed with different ernal-gears/
materials and coatings to resist wear and
Gears can be used in a wide range of principles-of-operation/
mechanical systems, from small devices to
heavy-duty industrial applications.
Gears can be manufactured to precise Aaron Black, Practicing Oil Analysis,
tolerances, allowing for smooth and
accurate operation. d/1080/worm-gears
Gears can be designed to reduce noise and
vibration in mechanical systems.