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SUSTAINABLE TOURISM tourism council and business enterprises to

the sustainable travel educational network

(BEST-EN) have devices and effective
strategies for sustainable tourism and
- It is achieving quality growth in a hospitality education and development.
manner that does not deplete the
• Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (GETC) is
natural and built environments.
a comprehensive set of principles
- Preserve the culture, history, and
formulated to direct stakeholders in tourism
heritage of the local community.
and Hospitality development.
Key to sustainable management:
• Intended for governments, the travel
It is to balance the number of visitors with industry, communities, and tourists alike, it
the capacity of the given environment that arrives to help maximize the benefits of the
allows the greatest interaction and sector while minimizing its potentially
enjoyment with the least destruction. negative impact on the environment,
cultural heritage, and societies worldwide.
Major concern: Carrying capacity
• The General Assembly of the United
It is the largest number of people a Nations World Tourism Organization
destination can efficiently manage within its (UNWTO), its recognition by the United
given environment and management Nations two years later expressly motivated
capabilities. UNWTO to promote the active pursuance of
its provisions.
The environment and economy are harmed
when too many people gather in an area THE CODE'S 10 PRINCIPLES COMPRISE THE
that cannot be handled. ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, CULTURAL, AND
An effective solution is managing
sustainable tourism and hospitality that
depends on sound policies. Article 1: Tourism's Contribution to mutual
understanding and Respect between People
and Societies.
 UNWTO has established many
Article 2: Tourism as a Vehicle for Individual
guidelines and directions for
and collective fulfillment.
including sustainable tourism in the
country's tourism program. Article 3: Tourism, a Factor of sustainable
• Some international and private sector
organizations such as the world travel and
Article 4: Tourism, a user of the cultural UNDP Roles
heritage of mankind and contributor to its
Accounting for 7% of worldwide exports,
one in 11 jobs, and 10% of the world's GDP,
Article 5: Tourism, is a beneficial activity for the tourism sector, if well managed, can
host countries and communities. stimulate economic growth, social
inclusiveness, and the protection of cultural
Article 6: Obligations of stakeholders in and natural resources.
Tourism development.
The International year enhances tourism's
Article 7: Right to Tourism. role in the following five key areas:
Article 8: Liberty of Tourism movements. 1. Inclusive and sustainable economic
Article 9: Rights of the Workers and growth;
Entrepreneurs in the Tourism Industry. 2. Social inclusiveness, employment, and
Article 10: Implementation of the principles poverty reduction
of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. 3. Resource efficiency, environmental
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS protection, and climate change;

 Known as the Global Goals 4. Cultural values, diversity, and heritage;

 Are a universal call to action to end and
poverty 5. Mutual understanding, peace, and
 To protect the planet security.
 And assure that all people enjoy
These 17 interconnected and
interdependent goals constitute the A policy framework is a document that sets
Millennium Development Goals. It also out a set of procedures or goals, which
includes new areas such as: might be used in negotiation or decision-
making to guide a more detailed set of
• Climate change policies or to guide the ongoing
maintenance of an organization's policies.
• Economic inequality
Conservation International and National
• Innovation
Geographic Traveler magazine created
• Sustainable consumption 2002 the World Legacy Awards to recognize
outstanding businesses, organizations, and
• Peace and justice among other priorities
places that have contributed very much in
promoting the principles of sustainable higher quality of life to the local
tourism. population.

The National Geographic Traveler The key to sustainable tourism and

published March 2004 issue, criteria to hospitality is to manage the destination
measure the extent to which worldwide effectively to provide benefits to the local
tourism destinations follow the best population, to enrich the visit of the
practices in sustainable tourism and tourist, and to preserve the tourism and
hospitality development. hospitality products for future generations
to enjoy.
1. Environment and ecological quality
2. Social and cultural integrity;
3. Condition of any historic building and
archeological site; As such, carrying capacity in a recreational
context refers to the amount and type of
4. Aesthetic appeal;
use that can be accommodated in a
5. Quality of tourism and hospitality particular area over time, while sustaining
management; and desired biophysical resource conditions and
opportunities for high-quality visitor
6. Overall outlook for the future. experiences at given levels of management
The National Geographic Traveler
published a special study on sustainable Examples of Specific Management Options
tourism practices in the National Parks of to Reduce Visitor Impacts
Canada and the United States.
Seasonal or temporal limits
limiting visiting times; restricting car
The economic benefits of successful parking, accommodation facilities, or public
sustainable tourism and hospitality transport; ensuring visits occurs at
management include developing new appropriate times of day (which may vary
businesses, expanding job opportunities, diurnally and seasonally)
increasing income, marketing new
products, improving infrastructure, Regulating group size
encouraging diversification, integrating
particularly for specialist activities; requiring
the local economy and special
pre-registration (visits only by prior
opportunities with other services and
arrangement); providing guided tours that
products, promoting community pride, and
allow for more control and maximize
▶ involves local people in decisions that
affect their lives and life changes;

▶ makes positive contributions to the

Restricting visitor behavior
conservation of natural and cultural
e.g., ensuring that visitors stay on specified heritage, to the maintenance of the world’s
routes and do not trample vegetation or diversity;
disturb animals, and that noise and the use
▶ provides more enjoyable experiences for
of light at night (e.g., during visits to turtle
tourists through more meaningful
nesting beaches) are minimized. (ex. Tarsier
connections with local people, and a greater
at Bohol)
understanding of local cultural, social, and
What is Responsible Tourism? environmental issues;

▶ Responsible Tourism was defined in Cape ▶ provide access for people with disabilities
Town in 2002 alongside the World Summit and the disadvantaged;
on Sustainable Development. This
▶ is culturally sensitive, engenders respect
definition, the Cape Town Declaration is
between tourists and hosts, and builds local
now widely accepted and was been
pride and confidence.
adopted by the World Travel Market in 2007
for World Responsible Tourism Day. ▶ Behavior can be more or less responsible
and what is responsible in a particular place
▶ Responsible Tourism is about “making
depends upon the environment and culture.
better places for people to live in and better
places for people to visit.” Responsible
Tourism requires that operators, hoteliers,
governments, local people, and tourists take
responsibility, and take action to make
tourism more sustainable.

“Responsible tourism is tourism which:

▶minimizes negative economic,

environmental, and social impacts;

▶ generates greater economic benefits for

local people and enhances the well-being of
the host communities improves working
conditions and access to the industry;

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