Class 2

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Kazi A S M Nurul Huda

[email protected]
Morality and
October 9, 2021
´ Religion as the most popular source
of morality
´ 3 central assumptions underlying the
popular view that morality depends
on religion:
1. Religious belief is needed to get 3 assumptions
us to do our duty. about morality
2. Morality must be created by
someone, and God is by far the and religion
best candidate for the job.
3. Religious wisdom is the key to
providing us with moral
´ Atheism prevents us from seeing why we
should be moral.
´ The belief in God is more likely to motivate
people to be moral as it gives them to be
more conscientious and righteous.
´ So, why are religious people supposed to
1st Assumption:
be more conscientious and righteous? Religious
´ Our fear of God and our desire for a
happy afterlife check on our immoral beliefs needed
´ Justice and reward at least in the for moral
´ Atheists do not have such strong reasons to
be moral.
´ Can’t be they moral then?
´ If hope for heavenly reward or fear of God’s
anger is what prompts us to do good, then we
may well do the right thing but for the wrong
´ Doing good for God’s reward or for avoiding
God’s punishments is different from doing
good for the love for God.
´ Compare: doing good because you will get
´ Such a person is unreliably moral, for if she Problems of the
came to believe that God really didn't offer
the expected rewards and punishments, then 1st assumption
she would see no reason to be moral.
´ Motivated by fear of God in being moral
undermines moral character, rather than
supports it.
´ People who deserve our praise and
admiration are those who do their duty for
its own sake. Rather than acting from
ulterior, self-interested motives, they do
what is right because it is right.
´No. Morally admirable
behavior comes when we do
our duty for its own sake, rather
than from self-interest.
´Fear of God, or desire for
Is God needed
heavenly reward, do not to ensure that
necessarily tarnish our
character. But they are no we are morally
substitute for a direct love of motivated?
morality, which can be
displayed as much by
atheists as by religious
´ “If God is dead, then everything is
permitted.”– Dostoevsky, The Brothers
´ Argument for God’s Creation of Morality:
2nd ´Every law requires a lawmaker.
´Therefore, the moral law requires a
assumption: lawmaker.
God is the ´Humans cannot be the author of the
moral law (since we are imperfect in so
Creator of many ways).
morality ´If humans cannot be the author of the
moral law, then none other than God is its
author (since God is wholly perfect).
´Therefore, God is the author of the moral
´ A perfect God must have had excellent
reasons for laying down the moral law as He
did. But then these reasons, and not God's
commands, are what makes actions right or
wrong. Actions are not right because God
commands them. Whatever reasons support
God's choices also explain why actions have
Problems of the moral status they do.
the 2nd ´ Suppose, for instance, that God really did
forbid us from torturing others, and that God
assumption had very good reasons for doing so. Assuming
that these are the relevant reasons, then
these reasons, and not God's say-so, are what
makes torture immoral. These reasons can
fully explain why torture is wrong. Torture is
wrong because it is extremely painful,
humiliating, and so on.
´ No.
´Rather, God (if He exists)
understands everything, and so
knows precisely what is wrong
with such things as rape and
torture, and right about such
things as compassion and
kindness. He issues commands on
Does God
the basis of this perfect create
understanding, out of love for His
creatures. A God who issues morality?
commands for good reasons will
rely on the very best reasons and
those can explain, all by
themselves, what is right and
´ God is not the creator of the moral law.
´But He could still play a crucial role in
morality by being its infallible
3rd reporter, and our expert guide. God
knows everything including every
assumption: single detail of the moral law. And if
Religion is an God is all-loving, then God will want
to share some of that wisdom with us.
essential ´How will He share it?
source of ´By means of revelation, either
personal and direct (say, by
moral talking to you or giving you signs of
guidance certain kinds), or by indirect
means (say, by inspiring the
authors of a bible).
´ Compare: Thermometer
´2nd: acts are right and wrong
because of God’s commands. Difference
´3rd: God’s commands don’t between the
make actions right (or wrong).
God’s commands are morally 2nd and 3rd
decisive because He never assumptions
makes a mistake.
´ Those who seek divine guidance in trying to
lead a moral life must meet several
1. It must be the case that God exists, and
that we can be justified in believing this.
2. God must offer us moral advice, and we
must be able to defend the claim that
He does so.
Problems of 3. Theists must be justified in selecting a
the 3rd particular source of religious and moral
wisdom, such as the Koran, the Book of
assumption Mormon, or the Christian scriptures.
4. Theists must also defend specific
interpretations of those sources.
5. When an interpretation conflicts with
tradition, religious believers must
successfully argue for the priority of one
over the other.
´ Possibly. That depends on many
things such as
´whether God exists and speaks to
´whether we can know which texts Does religion
are divinely written or inspired
´whether we can defend our
offer reliable
favored interpretations against
the competition
´ whether we can balance these guidance?
interpretations against the
importance of religious tradition
and authority in cases of conflict.
´ Russ Shafer-Landau, The Fundamentals of Ethics,
Reference Oxford University Press, 2018.
Thank you!

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