Civil Works - Scope

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Property Development Solutions



Please find following our fee proposal for professional civil engineering services, requested for
the above project. The fee proposal has been prepared in response to your request and upon
informa on provided by yourself. Where the extent of works varies from that represented to
ourselves we reserve the right to vary our fee.

Proposed Extent of Works

Stormwater Quality Management Plan

- Prepara on of Stormwater Quality Management Plan to iden fy water quality management

measures to be adopted for the proposed development, including MUSIC modelling of
an cipated pre and post development pollutant concentra ons and loads (if required),
conceptual design of water quality improvement devices and commentary of maintenance

Design Phase
Brisbane City Council (BCC)
- Design and documenta on of erosion and sediment management plan to address Condi on
No. (c) of the Development Permit.
- Design and documenta on of earthworks plan to address Condi on No. (a) of the
Development Permit.
- Design and documenta on of car park, including ver cal and horizontal set up and signs & line
marking to address Condi on No. of the Development Permit.
- Design and documenta on of stormwater drainage to address Condi on No. of the
Development Permit.
- Prepara on and RPEQ cer fica on of all design drawings listed above and issue for
construc on.

Urban U li es – Property Service/Network Connec on

- Prepara on and lodgment of Non-Standard Connec on applica on with Urban U li es.
- Design and documenta on of re-use of the exis ng sewerage connec on, including review of
CCTV (organised by others) of the exis ng connec on, confirm with the hydraulic consultant
the adequacy to re-use the exis ng connec on and lodge/liaise with Urban U li es relevant
informa on.
- Design and documenta on of water connec on.
- Prepara on, RPEQ cer fica on and endorsement of water design drawings under Urban
U li es Cer fica on Scheme for Property Service and Network Connec ons – Non-Standard
Connec on.

Construc on Phase
Site Inspec ons
- Inspec ons during construc on generally in accordance with the following schedule:
- Pre-start mee ng with CARS to address Condi on No. (d)
- Water live works connec on with Urban U li es
- Water service laid and bedded before backfill
- Stormwater pipe laid and bedded before backfill
- Signs and line marking works
- On Maintenance inspec on

Liaisons and engineering works during construc on and post construc on phase
- Prepara on of inspec ons and tests requirements checklist.
- A endance to Contractor queries for any clarifica on of the design drawings during
construc on.
- Review contractor’s Live Works Job Plan and lodge with Urban U li es for NAP approval.
- Engineering assistance during construc on, including chasing QA documenta on.
- A endance to Urban U li es and Council queries during the post construc on phase.

Post Construc on Phase

- Prepara on of stormwater quality cer fica on of comple on to address Condi on No. (c)
of Development Permit.
- Prepara on of water 'As Constructed' drawings.
- Prepara on and lodgment of ‘As Constructed’ package with Urban U li es and request
connec on cer ficate.

Items Included
- Site inspec on disbursements.

Items Not Included

- All fees and charges incurred by ourselves in pursuing and/or obtaining approvals from
regulatory authori es.
- Survey. As constructed survey to be provided by a licensed Surveyor in dwg format.
- Sewerage detailed design drawing, inspec on and cer fica on. In case the exis ng sewerage
connec on is not in a good condi on, an addi onal fee to do these works will be nego ated.
- Electrical, Telecommunica on, Traffic lights and any other services reloca on, including
coordina on and/or design.
- Obtain consent from Council to remove any tree(s) or no fy Council of any impact that the
civil works may cause with any tree(s).

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- Construc on specifica on – the design drawing(s) will have sufficient informa on required
for construc on.
- Construc on management plan. This work should be prepared by the civil contractor.
- Earthworks level supervision of construc on or cer fica on.
- Structural drawings of excava on, both temporary & permanent retaining solu ons,
pavement design, retaining walls, bridgings and/or deten on/reten on structures.
- Water and sewerage network analyses.
- Response to Local Authori es’ informa on request. If required, it will be charged at me &
- Project management services.
- Design and documenta on of courtyard drainage, roof gu er/downpipe, internal fire system,
water meter/service sizing and pump system. It is assumed that these works will be
documented by the Hydraulic Services Consultant.
- A endance to mee ngs/inspec ons in excess of that specifically stated in the extent of
works. If addi onal inspec on/mee ng is required, it will be charged +GST each.
- Re-design works due to documenta on change. This will be charged at me & cost.
- Design, documenta on or assistance of external services other than specifically stated within
the Proposed Extent of Works.

Client to Provide
- Completed ‘Confirma on of Acceptance’ and ‘Job Commencement Sheet’.
- Electronic copies of d detailed survey drawing(s) and architectural drawings in dwg format.
- CCTV footage of the exis ng sewerage property connec on. This is an Urban U li es
requirement to be able to re-use the exis ng property connec on.

Terms of Engagement
Engagement of our services shall be in accordance with the a ached ‘Standard Terms of Agreement’
and ‘Schedule of Hourly Rates’.

Fee for Professional Services

Phases Fee
(Excl. GST)
Stormwater Quality Management Plan
Design Phase
Construction Phase
- Site Inspections
- Liaisons and engineering works during construction phase
Post Construction Phase

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Payment Schedule

Item Amount Due date

(Excl. GST)
Prior to commencement of
Stormwater Quality Prior to release of design
Management Plan drawings
Prior to release of design
Design Phase
Construction Phase
- Site Inspections
- Liaisons and engineering Invoiced monthly
works during
construction phase
Prior to release of final
Post Construction Phase

Deposit Details
Bank Name: Westpac Banking Corpora on
Account name: Civil Works Engineers
BSB: -
Account No.:
Total Amount:
Reference Number: CWP
A tax invoice will be issued once the deposit is received.

Quoted fees shall remain valid for a period of days from the date of offer and are based on the
expedi ous progress of the project. Where delays are encountered addi onal fees at the discre on
of Civil Works Engineers shall become payable. Out of scope works will be charged on a me and
cost basis as set out in the ‘Schedule of Hourly Rates’.

Urban U li es – Property Service/Network Connec on Applica on fees (FY / )

Services Applica on fee Compliance fee Total

Sewerage ,
Water ,
TOTAL $2,876
These fees are not included in our Fee for Professional Services, are indica ve only and subject to change.

In case the water or sewerage design has any non-conformance with the SEQ Water Code, a Design
Varia on Package will be required to be prepared and lodged with Urban U li es for approval. Urban
U li es assessment fee is and it can take an addi onal business days to the process.

Civil Works Engineers will prepare and lodge the Property Service/Network Connec on Applica on
and Design Varia on Package (if required) with Urban U li es. All the charge no ces received from
Urban U li es will be forwarded to the client for payment.

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