DOI: 10.1002/ird.2662
ICRISAT Development Centre,
International Crops Research Institute for
the Semi-Arid Tropics, Hyderabad, The Cauvery basin in southern India is experiencing transboundary issues
Telangana, India due to increasing water demand. This study analysed water balance compo-
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology
nents and the impact of agricultural water management (AWM) interven-
and the Environment (ATREE),
Bengaluru, India tions in the upper Cauvery catchment of the Cauvery basin. Results showed
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), that the study catchment receives an average of 1280 mm of annual rainfall.
Bengaluru, India Of this, 29% (370 mm) flows downstream, 54% (700 mm) contributes to
University of Dundee, Scotland, UK evapotranspiration (ET) and 17% (215 mm) contributes to groundwater
UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology,
recharge and surface storage. Rainfall varies from 700 to 5400 mm and the
Wallingford, UK
Western Ghats (mountain pass) are the main source of freshwater genera-
Correspondence tion. The estimated ET in different catchments ranged from 500 to 900 mm
Dr Kaushal K. Garg, ICRISAT
Development Centre, International Crops
per annum. An increase in the allocation of fresh water supplied by all three
Research Institute for the Semi-Arid reservoirs (Hemavathi, Harangi and KRS) was observed in the canal com-
Tropics, Hyderabad-502 324, Telangana, mand areas, from 1450 million cubic metres (MCM) yr‾¹ in 1971–1980 to
Email: [email protected]
3800 MCM yr‾¹ in 2001–2010. AWM interventions harvested 140–160 MCM
(13–20 mm) of surface runoff upstream of the upper Cauvery and reduced
Funding information
inflow into the Krishnaraja Sagar reservoir by 2–6%. The study findings are
Ministry of Earth Sciences; Natural
Environment Research Council useful for designing and planning suitable water management interventions
at basin scale.
catchment treatment, reservoir inflow, surface runoff, water balance
Le bassin de Cauvery dans le sud de l'Inde connaît des problèmes trans-
frontaliers en raison de l'augmentation de la demande en eau. Cette étude
a analysé les composantes du bilan hydrique et l'impact des interventions
de gestion de l'eau agricole (AWM) dans le bassin versant de la Haute
* Impact des interventions de gestion de l'eau agricole sur les compromis amont-aval dans le bassin supérieur du Cauvery, dans le sud de l'Inde: une
étude de modélisation.
Irrig. and Drain. 2021;1–23. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ird © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1
bilan hydrique, ruissellement de surface, traitement des bassins versants, afflux de réservoir
(Goyal & Surampalli, 2018; Bhanja & Mukherjee, 2019); Worku et al., 2017; Mekonnen et al., 2018; Horan
mapping water use efficiency (Garg et al., 2012b); crop et al., 2021). It also allows estimation of the integrated
intensification (Jayne et al., 2004; Heller et al., 2012; impacts of changes in land use–land cover (LULC) and
Pellegrini & Fernandez, 2018); and analysing socio- biophysical factors under different land management
economic impacts (Bhave et al., 2018; Whitehead interventions (Arnold et al., 2012; Berihun
et al., 2018); migration (Tilt et al., 2009; et al., 2020).
Deshingkar, 2012; Weinthal et al., 2015); and trans- This study aimed to analyse the impact of various
boundary issues (Sood & Mathukumalli, 2011; UNEP- AWM interventions on downstream water availability in
DHI Centre on Water and Environment, 2016). To the the upper Cauvery sub-basin of southern India. The Cau-
best of the authors' knowledge, the impact of AWM inter- very basin experiences severe water scarcity for up to
ventions on hydrological processes at catchment/basin 8 months a year, affecting over 35 million people (Ferdin
scale has not been investigated thoroughly. However, a et al., 2010; Hoekstra et al., 2012). The specific objectives
few studies have analysed their impact at micro of the study are: (i) to understand the water utilization
(<10 km2) and meso (10–100 km2) scale catchment pattern in major reservoirs of the upper Cauvery catch-
hydrology either by comparing paired catchments (Zégre ment; (ii) to analyse water balance components of the
et al., 2010; Singh et al., 2014; Sultan et al., 2018) or entire catchment; (iii) to analyse the impact of AWM
before and after catchment treatment impacts (Huang & interventions on reservoir inflow into the Krishnaraja
Zhang, 2004; Lodha & Gosain, 2007; Nyssen et al., 2009; Sagar (KRS).
Garg et al., 2011; Mekonen & Tesfahunegn, 2011). The
focus of all these studies was to quantify the impact of
catchment interventions on surface runoff, agricultural 2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS
productivity and upstream–downstream trade-offs. The
knowledge generated from micro- and meso-scale catch- 2.1 | Study area
ments was very important, but may not directly be appli-
cable to catchment- or basin-scale decision making due The Cauvery catchment is one of the largest basins in
to the difference in scale (Vinogradov et al., 2011; southern India with a catchment area of 81 155 km2.
Gentine et al., 2012). The river flows through the states of Karnataka (42.2%),
The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a Tamil Nadu (54%) Kerala (3.5%) and Puducherry (0.2%)
widely used hydrological model that uses a geographic (India-WRIS WebGIS, 2014; Horan et al., 2021). The
information system (GIS) interface to capture landscape basin faces water stress and a number of socio-
variability and runs on a daily time step. SWAT has economic and political challenges. The availability of
been used to simulate water resource assessment fresh water in the basin has declined due to increasing
(Krysanova & White, 2015; Gupta et al., 2020); map population, crop intensification, industrialization and
agriculture water productivity (Garg et al., 2012b; fast urban growth over the last two decades. Competing
Thokal et al., 2015; Ahmadzadeh et al., 2016); optimize demands for water from the agricultural, domestic and
reservoir operation (Wu & Chen, 2012; Anand industrial sectors have exacerbated the situation. The
et al., 2018); study the impact of land use and manage- agriculture sector is one of the largest consumers of
ment practices (Krysanova & White, 2015; Jodar-Abellan fresh water in this basin, with agricultural land being
et al., 2019); study climate change effects (Narsimlu the major land cover type (>50%). The food security
et al., 2013; Uniyalet al., 2015; Marin et al., 2020); and and livelihood of millions of farmers mainly depend on
quantify various ecosystem services (Dile et al., 2016a, freshwater availability (both surface and groundwater
2016b; Lee et al., 2018). It has also been used to analyse resources). The catchment is characterized by large spa-
upstream–downstream water balance at meso- (Dile tial variability in terms of rainfall, land use, topography,
et al., 2016a, 2016b), catchment and basin scales (Masih soil type and various land management factors
et al., 2011). (Sreelash et al., 2020).
SWAT can capture the hydrological response to The upper Cauvery catchment was chosen to study
AWM interventions and could be customized for a the impact of AWM interventions because it is situated in
micro-scale community catchment to a large-scale the uppermost part of the basin and is relatively indepen-
catchment depending on data availability (Glavan & dent in terms of hydrological processes. The catchment
Pintar, 2012). It has been used to evaluate the impact covers 10 619 km2, 13% of the total basin. The entire
of soil conservation measures on runoff and sediment upper Cauvery catchment lies in Karnataka, covering
transport (Betrie et al., 2011; Dile et al., 2013; Dile parts of Chikkamagaluru, Kodagu, Hassan, Mandya and
et al., 2016a, 2016b; Woldesenbet et al., 2017, 2018; Mysore districts (Figure 1). Average annual rainfall in the
FIGURE 1 Upper Cauvery sub-basin, major streams, location of rain gauges, stream gauges and major reservoirs in the catchment
catchment is 1280 mm with a huge spatial variability of measured data on inflow, utilization in agriculture
600–5400 mm. The catchment includes several tributaries (canal command) and release into downstream rivers
including the Hemavathy and Laxmanthirtha, which join (section 3.2). Water balance components of the upper
the Cauvery river and flow into the KRS dam (outlet of Cauvery catchment were estimated using SWAT simu-
the study basin). The maximum storage capacity of the lation (sections 3.3 and 3.4). Using a calibrated model
KRS reservoir is 1280 million cubic metres (MCM). There set-up, the impact of AWM interventions on the KRS
are two other major reservoirs in the upper Cauvery reservoir was analysed and further projected by
basin, the Hemavathy and Harangi, with a maximum describing two future scenarios in 2030 and 2040
storage capacity of 927 and 229 MCM, respectively (section 3.5).
(Figure 1). The daily rainfall data of 23 rain gauge stations for
the period 1979–2013 (Figure 1) were collected along
with daily maximum and minimum temperature gridded
2.2 | Data collection data at the scale of 0.125 from the India Meteorological
Department (IMD). Daily relative humidity, sunshine
Figure 2 describes the methodological approach hours and wind speed for three climate stations
followed based on the study's objectives. The study (Bengaluru, Thrissur and Coimbatore) were collected for
first analysed the hydrology of the Hemavathy, the same period. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of
Harangi and KRS reservoirs using long-term the study area at 90 m spatial resolution was downloaded
from the CGIAR Consortium for Spatial Information 2.3 | Model description
(http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org). The land use/land cover
(LULC) map of the study area at a 1 : 250 000 scale was SWAT is a semi-process-based model that operates on a
collected from the National Remote Sensing Centre daily time step. The study catchment was divided into
(NRSC) for the year 2016. Crop statistics data were nine major land uses/land covers (Figure 3 and Table 1
obtained from the government platform (https://data. (a)). In the study area, 51% of the total geographical area
gov.in/) and web-based land use statistics (http://aps.dac. is under agriculture, 31% forest, 11% fallow/shrubland
gov.in/LUS/Index.htm). The soil map of the study area and 7% comprises settlement, water bodies and other
was acquired from the National Bureau of Soil Survey uses/covers. The land use inputs were kept the same for
and Land Use Planning (NBSS&LUP). The study also the study period (1981–2013) as there was no significant
used the soil database developed by the International change found from one to another land use between this
Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics period (NWDA, 2019); however, within agricultural land,
(ICRISAT) during 2005 and 2019 for previous studies in cropping intensity increased over the period. There are
Karnataka (Wani et al., 2017; Garg et al., 2020b; Anantha two major soil types: clay (6395 km2, 58%) and clay loam
et al., 2021a). (4551 km2, 42%). The entire catchment was further classi-
The daily discharge data from seven gauge locations fied into three land slopes: 0–5% covering 6415 km2
(Sakelshpur, Akkihebbal, MH Halli, Akkihebbal, Kudige, (59%), 5–10% covering 2716 km2 (25%) and greater than
Chuchunkatte and KM Vadi) were obtained from India- 10% covering 1816 km2 (16%). With all these combina-
WRIS WebGIS (http://www.india-wris.nrsc.gov.in/). tions, the entire study area was divided into 129 meso-
Information on monthly storage, inflows and outflows of scale subcatchments and 4432 hydrological response
three major reservoirs between 1970 and 2010 was units (HRUs). The daily rainfall, maximum and mini-
obtained from the Command Area Development Author- mum temperatures, relative humidity, wind speed and
ity (CADA) of Hassan, Kodagu and Mysore districts. A solar radiation between 1981 and 2013 were provided as
map of the irrigated area (command area) under these inputs to the model. Table 1(a) shows the major land use
reservoirs was obtained from the National Water Devel- classes in the study area and crop management details
opment Agency (NWDA), Bengaluru, India. Data on the provided as inputs to the model. Two major upstream
number and type of structures constructed, total treated reservoirs (Hemavathy and Harangi) were modelled by
area along with investments between 2006 and 2012 were creating the reservoir nodes at the respective sites. Their
sought from catchment development department, maximum storage capacity, water spread area and the
Bengaluru. volume required to fill the emergency spillway were
TABLE 1(a) Land use/land cover (LULC) statistics and crop season
provided from actual records. Delineated catchments and NBSS&LUP and ICRISAT were used as direct input. Sen-
HRUs belonging to the canal command areas of the sitive parameters such as curve number, REVAP_MN,
respective reservoirs were demarcated and assigned as GWQMN and GW_DELAY that control hydrological pro-
sources of irrigation. Rice was cultivated during both cesses were used to calibrate the model.
rainy (kharif ) and post-rainy (rabi) seasons in these Reservoir nodes were created in different micro-
HRUs. An auto-irrigation rule was assigned to the model catchments to represent the AWM interventions. Based
for irrigation management. Initializing auto-irrigation on the data collected from the Department of Agricul-
enables the automatic continuation of irrigation during ture, Government of Karnataka, equivalent water-
the crop period whenever soil moisture levels are harvesting capacities were assigned both for in situ and
depleted below defined limits (Hao et al., 2015; Vories ex situ interventions. The main differences between in
et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2020). situ and ex situ interventions are the surface area, depth
Sorghum was grown during the rainy season (rice: of water harvesting and infiltration rates. Field bunds
July to November; sorghum: July to 15 November; and are common in situ interventions that harvest runoff
vegetables: July to December) and post-rainy season (rice water to a maximum height of 0.2–0.4 m, generally
and vegetables: January to April) as per LULC other than across the slope. So the water spread area is relatively
command areas. During the post-rainy period, crops were greater than in farm ponds that are excavated pits of
supported with supplemental irrigation and the ground- 2–3 m depth to harvest surface runoff (Figure 4). The
water aquifer was mapped as a source of irrigation in the water spread area to harvest 1 m3 of runoff water
drylands. Details such as date of sowing, harvesting, till- through in situ and ex situ interventions are 5–10 and
age operations and fertilizer application were provided 0.5–1.0 m2, respectively. In addition, water infiltration
based on farmers' interviews. rates of 4 mm h‾¹ in farm ponds and 12 mm h‾¹ in field
Table 1(b) shows the input values provided for the bunds were measured (based on 10 locations) at
model and their parameterization. We found that avail- Lakumanahalli micro-catchment in Chikkamagaluru
able water content (field capacity-permanent wilting district (Table 2(a)).
point) and soil depth are the most sensitive soil physical The model was run on a daily time step between 1981
parameters. Soil biophysical data retrieved from and 2013. It was calibrated by comparing simulated
FIGURE 4 Conceptual diagram of (a) field bund (in situ) and (b) farm pond (ex situ). Figures are not to scale
surface runoff with observed flow data at seven gauging Scenario generation. Four land management scenarios
sites and inflows measured at three reservoir locations. were developed to analyse the impact of AWM interven-
The model's performance was evaluated using three tions on inflows into the KRS reservoir:
statistical indicators: root mean square error (RMSE),
Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), and coefficient of deter- • No intervention scenario. This scenario represents the
mination (R2). A low RMSE value indicates better model control condition. All the reservoir nodes are removed
performance. The NSE values ranged from ∞ to 1, with from the model set-up (those that captured in situ and
values less than or very close to 0 indicating ‘unaccept- ex situ interventions). This scenario does not exclude
able’ or ‘poor’ model performance and values equal to the ancient tank system and Hemavathy and Harangi
1 indicating ‘perfect performance’. R2 ranged from 0 to reservoirs as these are integral parts of the catchment;
1, with a value of 0 indicating no correlation between • Current stage (2020). This is the current SWAT set-up
simulated and observed values. calibrated with existing rainwater-harvesting
interventions. Investments in in situ and ex situ inter- and Channarayapatna in Hassan District (station no. 8)
ventions were found to be in the ratio of 70 : 30 and received the lowest (720 mm). However, there was huge
current AWM density (intervention retention capacity a variation in the temporal scale, as shown in Figure 5
per ha) implemented in drylands was 20–25 m3 ha‾¹. (b). Overall, the average annual rainfall of the study area
• Future scenario 2030. Current structure density in the was 1280 mm.
study basin is 25 m3 ha‾¹. The Government of Karna-
taka is emphasizing the construction of farm ponds
and similar interventions with a minimum storage 3.2 | Decadal analysis of inflow, water
capacity of 150 m3 on smallholder farmers’ fields (less uses and downstream release in major
than 2.0 ha of farmland) under the farm pond scheme reservoirs
(Government of Karnataka [GoK], 2014). Such inter-
ventions are likely to lead to an additional 50 m3 ha‾¹ Krishnaraja Sagar, Hemavathy and Harangi reservoirs
retention in one decade, thereby increasing rainwater- located in the catchment have been functional since
harvesting capacity to 75 m3 ha‾¹ which was consid- 1934, 1979 and 1982, respectively. A storage capacity of
ered in the simulation; about 1240 MCM was created with the Hemavathy and
• Future scenario 2040. Further, it is assumed that Harangi reservoirs during 1979–1982. The measured
harvesting intensity in the study area will reach actual inflows and major outflows (canal and river
125 m3 ha‾¹ under this scenario. releases) of the three reservoirs were analysed for four
decades: 1971–1980, 1981–1990, 1991–2000 and 2001–
Model calibration. Table 2(b) shows model inputs for 2010. The average decadal inflows into the KRS reservoir
developing no-intervention, 2030 and 2040 scenarios. The fell by a third from 5500 to 3500 MCM yr‾¹ during 1981–
model was calibrated at 10 sites (7 runoff gauges and 1990 compared to 1971–1980 due to the construction of
3 reservoirs) using the periods shown in Table 3. Follow- two upstream reservoirs (Harangi and Hemavathy).
ing the successful calibration, the model was run with Inflows into the KRS reservoir during 1991–2000 and
the above mentioned scenarios. 2001–2010 were 4200 and 4000 MCM yr‾¹, respectively.
Inflows into the Harangi reservoir over the last three
decades were 900–1000 MCM yr‾¹, and in the Hemavathy
3 | R E SUL T S reservoir 2200–2500 MCM yr‾¹ (Figure 6(a)). Not much
inter-decadal variation in inflows was observed as they
3.1 | Rainfall characterization are located on the most upstream side and receive runoff
from the Western Ghats region that has least anthropo-
Variability of measured rainfall from 23 stations between genic interference.
1979 and 2013 is presented on a yearly timescale in Fig- The annual average canal releases of the KRS,
ures 5(a) and (b). Of the 23 stations, average annual rain- Hemavathy, and Harangi reservoirs for four decades were
fall at 10 of them was less than 1000 mm; at 5 stations 47, 55 and 61% of total inflow in the KRS, Harangi and
between 1000 and 2000 mm; at 7 stations between Hemavaty and are presented in Figure 6(b). The canal
2000 and 3000 mm and at 1 station more than 4000 mm. command area of the Harangi reservoir is located in the
Bhagamandala in Kodagu District (station no. 15) upper Cauvery catchment whereas 85% of the
received the highest annual average rainfall (5400 mm) Hemavathy canal command area is located in the study
F I G U R E 5 (a) Spatial variation and (b) temporal variation in annual rainfall at 23 rain gauge stations of the upper Cauvery sub-basin
over 35 years (1979–2013)
catchment and the rest lies outside the basin. In contrast, (of total inflow) in 1971–1980 to 47% in 2001–2010. Simi-
the canal command area of the KRS reservoir lies larly, water utilization in agriculture (released to the
completely outside the upper Cauvery catchment. An canal command area) in the Harangi reservoir increased
increasing trend towards the release of canal water from from 30% in 1981–1990 to 55% in 2001–2010, respectively
all three reservoirs has been observed. Total surface water and in the Hemavathy reservoir it increased from 26% in
utilization (canal water release) for agriculture was 1450 1981–1990 to 61% in 2001–2010.
MCM in 1971–1980, 2500 MCM in 1981–1990, 3500 Average annual reservoir releases to downstream
MCM in 1991–2000 and 3800 MCM in 2001–2010. Of the locations for all four decades are presented in Figure 6(c).
total inflow received into the KRS reservoir, water With reduced inflows and increased canal water release,
released for the canal command area increased from 27% downstream release from the KRS reservoir declined by
over 55%, from 3600 MCM in 1971–1980 to 1950 MCM in Chuchunkatte and Akkihebbal and inflows into the
2001–2010. Similarly in both the upstream reservoirs Hemavathy and KRS reservoirs on a monthly timescale
(Harangi and Hemavathy), water release downstream between 1981 and 2013. The flow data for Sakaleshpur,
declined from 68–69% (of total inflow) in 1981–1990 to Chuchunkatte and Akkihebbal were only available for
36–43% in 2001–2010. 2002–2014, 2008–2014 and 2002–2014 respectively. In
general, the simulated flow at monitoring locations
agreed with the observed values as well as matching
3.3 | Model performance the peaks. However, at Kudige gauging station
(Figure 1, Figure 7(a)) and inflow at Hemavathy
Figure 7 presents the model's performance by compar- (Figure 1, Figure 7(f)), simulated flow was under-
ing simulated flow with observed flow data at four out estimated. Runoff at upstream locations is generated
of seven gauging stations of Kudige, Sakaleshpur, from the Western Ghats. It is possible that the data
F I G U R E 7 Monthly time series of observed (red) and simulated (blue) streamflow/reservoir inflows for (a) Kudige gauge site,
(b) Sakleshpur, (c) Chuchunkatte, (d) Akkihebbal, (e) Hemavathy and (f) KRS reservoir
from the rain gauges did not capture the entire rainfall The model's performance statistics from all the gauging
variability of the Western Ghats region. There was a stations and reservoirs are summarized in Table 3. Out
steep gradient of rainfall from 2000 to 5000 mm within of 10 sites, R2 was found to be more than 0.75 in eight
a 100 km distance which was not captured fully due to sites, and NSE was equal to or more than 0.5 at eight
limited rain gauge monitoring. The model's perfor- sites. Overall, the model was able to capture the catch-
mance in simulating inflows at a monthly scale into the ment hydrology fairly well.
KRS reservoir shows that it captured the rising limb,
peaks and recession limb of inflows quite well; how-
ever, the peaks were overpredicted for a few events. 3.4 | Water balance components
Model performance was further evaluated by estimating
RMSE (174 MCM), NSE (0.85) and R2 (0.88), indicating Rainfall is split into major water balance components:
that the model was in consonance with observed data. evapotranspiration (ET), runoff and change in water
storage. The average annual rainfall of the catchment 45% (<1000 mm), 25% (1000–2000 mm) and 30%
was 1280 mm and varied from 880 to 1880 mm between (>2000 mm) in a wet year.
1981 and 2013. Of this, 54% (700 mm) of total rainfall ET varied with rainfall distribution. ET in the Western
was split into ET (590–800 mm), 29% (370 mm) as catch- Ghats was higher than in agricultural land. A large area
ment outflow (170–630 mm) and the remainder 17% under forest in the Western Ghats and frequent rains gen-
(215 mm) as change in water storage (Figure 8(a)). In the erated significant ET (700–900 mm). In the study area,
current case, inflow to the KSR reservoir is considered as ET for about 10% of the catchment was less than 500 mm,
outflow from the catchment as KRS is located at the out- between 500 and 900 mm for 80% of the area and
let of the catchment. >900 mm for 10% of the area in a dry year. In normal and
Figure 8(b) shows the water balance components for wet years, ET for about 88–90% of the area was simulated
a wet (2007), normal (2008) and dry (2012) year. The to range from 500 to 900 mm and >900 mm for 10–12% of
annual rainfall received during wet, normal and dry years the area of the upper Cauvery. Groundwater withdrawal in
was 1690, 1400 and 1120 mm, respectively. Most of the agriculture was simulated from 40 to 66 mm (425–700
rainfall went towards ET, estimated to be 600–750 mm, MCM) with average of 50 mm (i.e. 530 MCM). Groundwa-
which is 40–60% of the total rainfall received. The surface ter withdrawal reported by the National Water Develop-
runoff generated was 715 mm (42% of rainfall) in a wet ment Agency for the upper Cauvery catchment in 2011
year, 450 mm (34%) in a normal year and 325 mm (29%) was 488 MCM (i.e. 46 mm) which is in close agreement
in a dry year. The change in groundwater recharge was with current analysis (GoI, 2019).
in the order of 130–230 MCM, of which 11–14% was gen- Change in groundwater storage was mapped on a spa-
erated by the rainfall received. A comparison of dry, nor- tial scale for selected dry, normal and wet years. Results
mal and wet years showed that the most sensitive water from the model showed a negative groundwater balance
balance component is surface runoff, followed by ground- in more than 50% of the area in a dry year, as water with-
water recharge with changing rainfall conditions from drawal in these catchments had been higher than the
year to year. recharge. A negative groundwater balance was found in
Figure 9 shows the spatial variability in major water 20% of the area in normal years and 3% in wet years.
balance components (rainfall, ET, runoff and change in Runoff, an important source of fresh water, was found to
groundwater storage) for the selected wet (2007), normal be the most sensitive water balance component with vari-
(2008) and dry (2012) years across the upper Cauvery. able rainfall. In a dry year, more than 50% of the catch-
The Western Ghats received the highest rainfall ment produced less than 100 mm of runoff, about 25%
(>3000 mm), with rainfall decreasing from west to east. between 100 and 500 mm, and 25% more than 500 mm.
Spatial data showed that 40% of the catchment received This proportion changed to 25% (<100 mm), 40% (100–
less than 1000 mm rainfall, 35% between 1000 and 500 mm) and 35% (>500 mm) in normal and wet years.
2000 mm, and 25% above 2000 mm during the normal Figure 10 shows the spatial variability in simulated run-
year. The distribution changed to 40% (<1000 mm), 40% off coefficients within the catchment. The runoff coeffi-
(1000–2000 mm) and 20% (>2000 mm) in a dry year and cient in 50% of the area was <0.15, and in 40% of the area
F I G U R E 8 (a) Major water balance component (rainfall = outflow + ET + change in storage) of the upper Cauvery catchment between
1981 and 2013. The sum of the three components is equal to the total rainfall in respective years, (b) water balance in the upper Cauvery
catchment during wet (2007), normal (2008) and dry (2012) years. (Numbers in the figure indicate the percentage rainfall in a particular
0.15–0.45 during a dry year. The runoff coefficient in 30% 3.5 | Impact of AWM interventions
of the area was <0.15 and in 60% of the area 0.15–0.45.
The remaining 10% of the area had more than 0.45 runoff Figure 11 summarizes the simulated KRS reservoir inflow
coefficient during a normal year. The runoff coefficient under the four land management scenarios. Under the
for 25% of the area was less than 0.15, for 45% of the area no-intervention scenario, the annual inflows during wet,
0.15–0.45 and for 30% of the area more than 0.45 in a normal and dry years were 7800, 4300 and 3100 MCM,
wet year. respectively. Under the 2020 scenario, inflows fell by
F I G U R E 9 Spatial
variability in different water
balance components for selected
wet (2007), normal (2008) and
dry (2012) years
F I G U R E 1 0 Spatial variability in simulated runoff coefficients in different micro-catchments of the upper Cauvery catchment for
selected wet (2007), normal (2008) and dry (2012) years
F I G U R E 1 1 Impact of
interventions on inflows into the
KRS reservoir. Label values
indicates percentage decrease
with respect to the no-
intervention scenario
2–6% due to various water-harvesting interventions. of AWM interventions in 2030 and 2040, simulated
Under the 2030 and 2040 scenarios, simulation suggested results showed 300–440 MCM yr‾¹ (28–41 mm) and 460–
that intensifying AWM interventions would reduce KRS 610 MCM yr‾¹ (43–57 mm) of water harvested in
inflow by 6–15%. Simulation suggested greater flow upstream catchments, respectively. Simulation suggested
reduction in normal and dry years (by 10–15%) compared that AWM interventions filled 8–12 times of the total
to wet years (4–6%). storage capacity created under the current scenario. The
Figure 12(a) compares the efficacy of AWM interven- number of fillings fell with increased density of interven-
tions in terms of total water harvested in upstream catch- tions as the number of fillings in future scenarios
ments during wet, normal and dry years and under three (i.e. 2030 and 2040) was simulated to be 6–11 and 5–11
different land management scenarios (2020, 2030 and times, respectively (Figure 12(b)).
2040). Under the current scenario (2020), about 140–220 Figure 13 summarizes the water harvested in
MCM yr‾¹ fresh water was harvested which is equivalent upstream catchments under dry, normal and wet years
to 13–20 mm at catchment scale. With increased intensity and also under 2020, 2030 and 2040 AWM scenarios.
F I G U R E 1 2 (a) Water
harvested by in situ and ex situ
interventions and (b) number of
fillings during wet, normal and
wet years under 2020, 2030 and
2040 land management
Currently (in 2020), more than 80–90% of catchments in so by using secondary data and field measurements to
the uplands are harvesting less than 25 mm runoff, reduce uncertainty in the results. The density of rain
including during wet years, and less than 10% of them gauge stations is low, approximately one rain gauge for
are harvesting runoff between 25 and 100 mm. With every 460 km2. This low density, especially in the West-
increased intensity of AWM interventions, simulation ern Ghats region, may not be able to capture the rainfall's
demonstrated that about 40–50% of the catchments spatial variability adequately. Rainfall in the Western
would harvest runoff less than or equal to 25 mm, 20– Ghats varies from 1000 to 5000 mm within a 50–100 km
30% of them would harvest between 25 and 75 mm and radius. We also realized that inflow modelled at upstream
10–20% of them would harvest more than 75 mm in reservoirs was far lower than the observed data at Har-
2030. angi. Within the model's set-up, we assumed a limited
cropping system whereas in reality there is a multiple
cropping system and associated land management. The
3.6 | Uncertainties in the model number of AWM interventions was simplified by creating
a reservoir node either of in situ or ex situ type for each
Though catchment hydrology is complex to model due to catchment. This may also generate uncertainty as the
heterogeneity in the topography, soil types, rainfall, land responses of different AWM interventions depend on
use and management practices, an effort was made to do their catchment (location), type and capacity.
F I G U R E 1 3 Spatial variability of total harvested water due to various AWM interventions for 2020, 2030 and 2040 scenarios under wet
(2007), normal (2008) and dry (2012) years, respectively
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plans for better water management in the basin. respectively. This may reduce inflow into the KRS
reservoir by 15% at most.
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