Oata Bk4u7 Ans

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Answer Key

Oxford Advanced Thematic Anthology Book 4 Unit 7

Comprehension (pp. 48–49)

1 12 teenagers from around the 11 i) 7

world who are given the same ii) 5
lyrics and asked to compose
iii) X
their own songs
iv) 6
2 to encourage teenagers to be
more creative and develop their 12 two days/48 hours
13 i) He should try to feel
3 i) because he is a more comfortable with a
songwriter microphone in his hand.

ii) because he is interested ii) He should try to relate to

in various musical styles and share his
experiences with the
4 He wore dreadlocks and had a
teens he works with.
laid-back attitude.

14 D
5 the audience

15 I think the review is neutral

6 It has prevented him from
because even though the
becoming a criminal.
reviewer mentions negative
7 contrast aspects of the show, such as
the host not being comfortable
8 B
in his role, he/she still

9 i) religion recommends that viewers tune

in to next week’s episode
ii) crime
because they will enjoy seeing
iii) poor how talented the teens are. (any
10 witnesses reasonable answer)

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Answer Key
Oxford Advanced Thematic Anthology Book 4 Unit 7

Vocabulary A (p. 50)

1 genre 6 stood out / stands out

2 laid-back 7 hit it off

3 captivated 8 shortcoming

4 shines through 9 imparted

5 stay clear of 10 hardships

Vocabulary B (p. 51)

1 H 6 F

2 C 7 J

3 G 8 A

4 E 9 I

5 D 10 B

© Oxford University Press You may photocopy this page for teaching and learning purposes.

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