Chapter23Geoelectrical Methods
Chapter23Geoelectrical Methods
Chapter23Geoelectrical Methods
Geoelectrical methods
Heriot-Watt University School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering
Reservoir Geophysics and monitoring Chapter 2
Chapter 2 – Geoelectrical methods
methods / Introduction
vGeoelectrical methods contain a large group of methods to differentiating the subsurface according to its
electromagnetical properties.
Chapter 2 - Rocks and resistivity
vMinerals are almost always electrical insulators
vElectrical conduction occurs because of the moisture contained within the pores of the rock or soil
vResistivity depends on several parameters:
o Clay content
Su at al., 2018
o Moisture salinity
o Degree of saturation of pores
o Pore connections (number, size, shape)
Chapter 2 - Rock and resistivity
vMinerals are almost always electrical insulators
vElectrical conduction occurs because of the moisture contained within the pores of the rock or soil
vResistivity depends on several parameters:
o Clay content
o Moisture salinity
o Degree of saturation of pores
o Pore connections (number, size, shape)
vArchie (1942) proposed an empirical formula relating resistivity to porosity, degree of saturation and resistivity of the
saturating moisture
Chapter 2 - The methods
Loke’note 1999
Chapter 2 - The methods
Resistivity of rocks
Chapter 2 - The methods
vElectrical methods include many different types of measurements and varying setups or configurations
for the different types. The most important types are:
vDirect Current (DC) methods, where current is generated and injected into the earth
through electrodes at the surface. The measured signal is the electrical field generated at
the surface.
vTransient Electro Magnetic (TEM), where current is induced by a time varying magnetic
field from a controlled source. The monitored signal is the decaying magnetic field at
surface from the secondary magnetic field.
vMost of the configurations rely on two pairs of electrodes – one pair for current transmission and the other for
measuring the potential difference
vAir being an insulating medium, all the energy dissipates into the lower half-space of the region
vThe array is designed such that the maximum amount of energy is returned to the receiver electrodes with the
subsurface information.
Chapter 2 - The methods / DC measurements
Courant transmission Potential difference
measurement, M,N
Fondasol geothecnique
between A,B
vCurrent is usually injected as a 50% duty cycle reversing square wave. That is, current is on for several seconds, off for
several seconds, on with reversed polarity, off, etc. Voltages are recorded while current is on
vThis pattern for the current source is necessary because a voltage measured when the current is off will be non-zero in
many situations. Naturally occuring potentials are called spontaneous or self potentials (SP), and they are usually caused
by electrochemical activity in the ground, SP are noise in that case
Chapter 2 - The methods / DC measurements
Courant transmission Potential difference
measurement, M,N
Fondasol geothecnique
between A,B
vIt is important to recognize the difference between resistance and resistivity. If we apply Ohm's law, R=V/I, we will have
a resistance, which is in units of Ohms. This is NOT the ground's resistivity, which has units of Ohm-m. We do not want
the resistance of this circuit; we want a measure of the ground's resistance per unit volume, or resistivity.
Chapter 2 - The methods / DC measurements
vThe potential due to a point current electrode at the surface is: 𝑉 𝑟 =
𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ , 𝜎 = , 𝜌 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 (Ohm−m), 𝜎 conductivity
vThe electric potential inside the earth caused by the radial flow of current is illustrated in the diagram below:
vCan you draw the potential at the surface, where measurements are made?
Chapter 2 - The methods / DC measurements
vIn a practical experiment, one electrode, A and B. And we need two electrodes to measure a potential difference. These
are M,and N electrodes of the voltmeter
+ + - -
vThe measured voltage is a potential difference △ 𝑉 = 𝑉# − 𝑉$ . The measured voltage for any arrangement of
electrodes is,Δ𝑉 = 𝐼𝜌𝐺, G is the so-called geometric factor (different kind of arrays)
vStructural anisotropy (for example, layering or fracturing) causes the simple form of Ohm's law to break down because
current flow is not necessarily parallel to the forcing electric field
Chapter 2 - The methods / DC measurements
Wenner array /Spacing between electrodes remains the same a value
a a a
Chapter 2 - The methods / DC measurements
Wenner array /Spacing between electrodes remains the same a value
a a a
Chapter 2 - The methods / DC measurements
Wenner array /Spacing between electrodes remains the same a value
a a a
Chapter 2 - The methods / DC measurements
Wenner array /Spacing between electrodes remains the same a value
2a 2a 2a
Chapter 2 - The methods / DC measurements
Wenner array /Spacing between electrodes remains the same a value
2a 2a 2a
Heriot-Watt University School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering
Reservoir Geophysics and monitoring Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The methods / DC measurements
Wenner array /Spacing between electrodes remains the same a value
Chapter 2 - The methods / DC measurements
Wenner array (on an animation)
vWenner array: good characterisation of horizontal discontinuities , robust to noise, Sass et al (2008), Lee et al.
vDipole-dipole array: good horizontal resolution, large area to cover, higher uncertainty, Jardani et al. (2012),
Reynolds (2011)
vWenner-Schlumberger: reasonably good horizontal and vertical resolution, robust to noise, Zhang (2016),
Fressard (2016) Jessical et al. (2016)
v2D are now standard, whereas 3D has been developed at the same time as 2D it is not routinely used (mostly due to
limitations in measuring effort and time), 4D or time-lapse ERT also exists.
vWe will come back on ‘inversion’ in the final chapter (data assimilation)
Chapter 2 - Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
Inversion method
Resistivity tomography
Chapter 2 - Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
We change the
model in terms of Optimisation
geometry, location Inversion method method
and values
Resistivity tomography
Chapter 2 - Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
Loke’note 1999
Chapter 2 - Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
Localisation of fault
Detection of cavities
vAn experiment was carried out in the Birmingham (England) area where forty thousand litres of water was poured on
the ground surface using a garden hose over a period of 10 hours
vMeasurements were made before and during the irrigation of the ground surface, and after that for a period of
about two weeks
vNon-homogeneous media
vThe subsurface distribution of the water is not
very clear from a direct comparison of the
poured water location
inversion models alone
Loke 1999
Chapter 1 - Resistivity – Case study
Time-lapse water infiltration survey - U.K
Loke 1999
increasingly more pronounced after 24 hours and 36
hours, due to further migration of the water
Chapter 1 - Wrap up
- Self potential -
Chapter 1 -
- Self potential -
vSP data is generated from measurements of naturally occurring electric potentials across two electrodes placed on the
earth’s surface and the potentials measured during the survey
mineral potentials
vAlso in a simulation context it could detect at 2000m, in practise the limit is ‘much less’
vTwo methods:
1. Electrodes positioned at fixed distance, moving together along staked lines
o The fixed-base method keeps a single electrode in one place without moving it. This electrode is called the base
station and acts as the reference point for all other measurements. To follow the fixed-base SP method, you simply
move the other electrode a certain distance forward (say, 10 meters) along a line and take a reading. You then
move it another 10 meters forward, so it’s 20 meters from the base station, and repeat this process until the end of
the line. The result of the survey is plotted against the distance from the base station. Strong negative anomalies
indicate mineralization.
o The fixed-base method does a good job detecting small anomalies and is more accurate than the gradient method
(described next slide). But the disadvantage is that you need a really long wire. If your measurement line is 1,000
meters, you need a 1,000-meter wire to the base station. This is cumbersome and heavy, and you have to be careful
to ensure that the insulation of the wire doesn’t get damaged.
Chapter 1 - Self potential (SP) - measurement
vEasily measured with electrodes and a Voltmeter. Two non- polarisable porous-pot electrodes are connected to a
vTwo methods:
1. Electrodes positioned at fixed distance, moving together along staked lines
o The benefit of this method is that even if you measure 1,000 meters, you only need a 10-meter wire between the
two electrodes. The issue with the gradient method is that you get an error with each reading. So when you sum all
of the gradient measurements up, it adds to the error. This tends to hide any small anomalies.
Chapter 1 - Self potential (SP) - remarks
vThe electrochemical potential is directly dependent upon the concentration differences and temperature (geothermal
resources, e.g. Corwin and Hoover, 1979)
vElectrical noise can also result if measurements are made too soon after heavy rain or too close to running surface
water, also a railway 1 km distant (grounded fences and equipment, and corroding scrap metal, to name but a few), bio-
electric potentials caused by vegetation
vThe ‘usual’ maximum depth of sensitivity of the SP method is around 60–100 m, depending on the depth to the
phenomenon and the nature of the overburden
Chapter 1 - Self potential (SP) – in practise
vRecall from previous slides: The electrical conductivity (σ, the inverse of resistivity) of porous rocks therefore depends
on their porosity (and the arrangement of the pores) and on the mobility of water (or other fluids) to pass through the
pore spaces (hence dependent upon ionic mobilities and solution concentrations, viscosity (η), temperature and
vThe potentials tend to increase in positiveness with the direction of water flow as the electric charge flows in the
opposite direction, Consequently, negative charge flows uphill ; e.g. Corwin and Hoover (1979) reported a value of
−2693 mV on the peak of Adagdak Volcano, Adak Island, Alaska (topographic effect requires a correction to be applied)
vPotentials of the order of tens of millivolts can be induced artificially through pumping groundwater (Semenov, 1980),
The hydraulic gradient is increased by water abstraction, thereby increasing the rate of water flow towards the borehole;
hence a positive anomaly is observed:
Measure SP map
Semenov, 1980
Chapter 1 - Self potential (SP) – in practise
vAs usual, , we know very little on what is under our feet, so characterisation is difficult, non-uniqueness problem is
there as well
Upwelling from C2
No Data
vThe exact physical processes by which some are caused are still unclear, and under current research
vA correction for large survey (square km) needs to be done, no need for local survey, topography correction, along with
telluric effects, although the combination is hard to quantify
vComplications arise when two or more geological features give rise to superimposed SP anomalies (qualitative
vSensitive to noise
vOld method, but CHEAP, current research are working on the improvement of a quantitative characterisation