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Minutes of Meeting

Location: Gigasol3, Palauig Zambales

Date and Time: Dec. 16, 1430H - 1600H
Subject: Weekly Minutes of Meeting
Agenda: To discuss and provide updates pertaining to all the concerns in Plant Operation.
Attendees Company Position
Jaeven, Aris, Roger, Ron Gigasol3, Inc Cadet, PM, Site Engineer, HSSE
Jake, Jeuz, Borne, James JCE Engr, HSSE, Asst Admin, Ass Supervisor
Mica ERS Document Controller
Bert APL Security Head

Operations and Maintenance Concerns and Issues Action Taken Person Responsible Criticality (L,M,H) Timeline

1. Security a. Perimeter Solar Lights - busted lights ready for warranty claim (16 pcs TBA delivery)
b. Align CCTV coverage; 80% inside and 20% outside - ok ;12 cameras with no-link error weekly
d. Outside fence - ongoing C/O Roger -Ongoing a. Dec. 23
e. Male CR to fully rectify deficiencies - budget for approval, plumber to be sourced by JCE Jake/Ron/Jeuz High b. Dec. 1
f. Set resting area per zone - C/O Ron, Pau - For finalization of area e. Dec. 19
g. All MVPS to check gravels - to identify areas that needed additional gravels C/O Jeuz, MPVS 1 done, MPVS
7,8 - for checking
2. Tools a. Tools and PPEs 100% arrived at site, for confirmation (for documentation, every month) Jake/Lhen Medium Dec. 1, 2022
b. To prepare calibration status of all testing equipments
to add in Google Drive

3. 7S Implementation a. To re-echo 7S training - done

b. Conduct audit about the implementation every second week of the month Ron Low Dec. 1, 2022
c. Parking area for improvement - for budget request
4. Safety Passport a. Work out safety passport - on hold Ron Low Dec. 2022
b. Corp. Board to purchase - waiting for quotation and CA - C/O France
5. Facilites Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Plan a. Incorporate in the Annual PM Schedule. (eg . Control Bldg, ACU, Lightings, Emergency Lights) - James to
provide number and specs of items to replace. JCE to purchase items and for reimbursement to Gigasol3 -
for purchasing
Bong/Jeuz High Every Monday Updating
b. To immediately prepare Pre/Post Calamity
c. Work Request regarding facility corrective maintenance - to give update of statuses of items every
Monday C/O Ops Engrs - To share monitoring list
6. Opening between the fence and ground need to close a. Continous checking, care of Buddy. Roger Medium Daily
7. Watch towers and guard posts for improvement a. Sun/Rain shade to provide to CA for budget - for mobilisation
Ron Medium Dec. 1, 2022
b. For painting, C/O JCE - done
8. PTW a. To disseminate new PTW policy - January 2 Implementation Pau/Ron High Nov 11, 2022
9. VESDA System a. Conduct simulation test (waiting for smoke detector tester) Bri High waiting for instruction from
b. Sungrow to decide if to provide SLD or to conduct the simulation Supplier
10. CCTV Policy a. For proper dissemination, change password Ron/James Medium Dec. 16, 2022

11. New PTW a. Identification of Works - ok

b. Classification of SWI- ok JCE Medium Dec. 23
c. Prepare SWI - ongoing
12. Gatepass/Bring-in and out a. Present hard copy JCE Medium Daily
13. Snake bite management traning a. Dissemination for scheduling JCE Medium TBD
HEALTH and SAFETY 14. Work Envi Meter a. To conduct and report 9AM,12NN and 4PM (heat index) Pau/Jake Medium Dec. 23
1. Monthly Operation Report a. Use standard font "ARIAL" and font size " 11". Engrs Roger
Medium Monthly
b. New ERC Monthly Report to delegate data collection to Engrs - done
2. Regulatory Compliance Report (eg. MOR -DOE, VRE) Nov Billing Month
a. DOE-MOR - Done
b. DOE-VRE/Generation Report - Done
c. JCE-MOR - Done
d. ERC-MSR - Done
e. JCE-MSOR - Done Jeuz/ Roger Medium Every 10th of the month
-To submit on or before 10th of the month, for improvement
O&M Report g. FAS Prelim checking
f. Outlook Messages to saved every report
All monthly report will be sent to Roger.

3. Monthly Inventory Report a. Need to send and upload on drive on or before the end of the month Jake M. Medium Every 30th of the month
b. Include Roger in the recipient
4. Outage Report (ERC) a. SMS (all kind of outages) Roger/Engineers Medium -
b. Email (all kind of outages)
5. Laptop a. To try and request desktop, to check with IT if CRSS is allowed in SAP PC Rog Medium November
6. Backup a. Backup data from working computer and google drive to O&M workstation Engrs Medium Every 30th of the month
7. New Branding a. To use new logo (Palauig1Solar) and letterhead in all reports Engrs Medium Every 30th of the month
1. SCB 32A fuse a. 32A spare available onsite - 279 pcs as of Dec. 12
b. 36Amps (for full payment)
-Mersen has issue in producing, target of production starts in Dec 2022
-Chinese supplier with same specs - 500 pcs for downpayment, ETA Dec 16, 2022
-For conclusion if needed additional 32A Adler Brian Abila High December
c. Y-harness with fuse - requested 50% of SolarAce stocks (coordinate with Tin, positive Y-connector) C/O
Rog -PO'd for clarification on model

2. GFDI fuse a. 44 pcs on stock, if stock level is 10pcs advise ERS for replenishment Waiting for supplier
b. MC4 issue - will be replaced to ZJRH mode. While waiting for bulk order of ZJRH, TT02 still to be used. b. Start on Nov. 18
Waiting for response for resolution from ERS.
- JCE to list down numbers of MC4 with issues. James to provide approx. number of MC4. Mica/Jake/Bri High
Operations and Maintenance c. work out 100 % replacement of MC4 (module to module & module to Y harness) -waiting for number of
3. Warranty Claims a. Inverter UPS (1pc UPS) - ERS to purchase new UPS. (look for local supplier)
b. Modules (8)- Factory defect under ERS, Module order is per container Additional claims for discoloration
and defective modules
c. Present Warranty Monitoring List (Nov. 2)
d. Present Spare parts Monitoring List (Under EPC Contract) (Nov. 2) (to complete within Dec. else, Gigasol3 a. waiting for approval from ERS
will purchase and claim under warranty bond, set a meeting with JCE main office January) Mica/Bri/Jake High Management
e. Inventory Monitoring List (Nov. 2) Weekly
f. transfer of PV modules from Alaminos - approx. 200 pcs.
g. To update list of spare parts with Roger (January 13)

4.1. Module Cleaning a. Module Cleaning - Zone 7,8 done, 55.38% overall
2. Grass Cutting and tree trimming - incident report of damaged module cleaning units
b. Grass cutting - 100%, start new cycle Dec. 16
- To include all areas inside the fence
- To provide net with frame to prevent cut grass on Panel Jake/Borne Medium a. Dec. 1 Quarterly
- To delegate technicians to supervise
-Vegetation concerns, 1 unit of grass cutter defective, add 2 units of grass cutter for reserve - MR'd (honda) ,
change approach (prioritize lower part of table)

5. UPS Battery ( short operation 3hours) a. (9:52am) maximum 3 hours (normal: 7 hours) Upgrade battery to higher AH to last atleast 10hrs.
b. To discuss with Sir Aris for final decision Brian Medium Nov. 24

6. Annual Preventive Maintenance Testing (APMT) a. APMT result to formalize. For review Bong/Jeuz High Dec. 1, 2022
b. Transformer Fan for checking
7. Areal Module Thermal Scanning a. To conduct in Jan 2023. Gigasol3 High January 2023
8. Replacement of MC4 Connectors a. Ongoing inspection and replacement of connectors Jeuz/Bri High Quarterly
10. Soil Errosion a. Backfilling - 92%
b. 52k planted. For observation. Borne/Jeuz Medium Dec. 21
C. 98k for delivery PO'd 11k for delivery Dec. 21
11. Soil Errosion outside fence a. set meeting with owner to present rectification done within site and present action Borne/Bong/Ron High October 12, 2022
outside fence erosion TBA - to set with Borne and Rox -done
12. Meter discrepancies a. SKRA meter- Ordered 2pcs, made to order Jeuz High November 24, 2022
b. PT fuse to add in spareparts - c/o roger
13. LOTO a. Review and present TBD Jake High For scheduling

Other/s 1. CCTV monitoring computer at Gate 1 a. CPU need to upgrade - Discuss with Owen (c/o Aris)
Roger Medium Dec. 1, 2022
b. Additional CCTV Monitoring - Done.
2. Module Cleaning Equipment a. Module cleaner - for delivery within Dec. Ron Low December

3. ID and Uniform a. Implement no ID and Uniform no Entry Bong Medium -

-list of employees to provide uniform and ID
a. Hazard identification
b. Cleaning
4. Monthly Site Walkthrough - Engagement c. Grass cutting Bong Medium -
d. Merienda
To conduct every Tuesday, 3pm to 5pm of the 2nd week of the month
outsource replacement of Paulene ASAP - ongoing hiring
5. Replacement of JCE Safety Officer Jeuz/ Jake High Deployment by Jan.

When: Dec. 15/16 Where: Site

6. Year End Party Major Sponsor - Bri Lhen/France Medium Dec. 16, 2022

Roger Purisima

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