7IJEAB NOV 2017 5 Roleofstockingdensityoftilapia
7IJEAB NOV 2017 5 Roleofstockingdensityoftilapia
7IJEAB NOV 2017 5 Roleofstockingdensityoftilapia
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Abstract— The present study reports the results of the Aquaponics, basically, the symbiotic growing of fish and
production of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) and vegetables in recirculating water systems is emerging as
tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in the classical aquaponic one of the most important areas of sustainable agriculture.
system (one-loop) with different fish density. The Aquaponics is the systems that integrating aquaculture
experiment as the first scientific aquaponics study in recirculating production systems with hydroponics. With
Turkey was conducted at the Ankara University, Faculty of aquaponics dual production of both fish and plants is
Agriculture, using in-door, small-scale classical possible by using the water from the fish tanks for plant
aquaponic systems. Ninety six tilapia juveniles (O. aureus) growth. The essential elements of an aquaponic system
were stocked at different ratio; 25 kg/m3 (Group I), 35 consists of fish rearing tank, a suspended solid removal
kg/m3 (Group II) and 50 kg/m3 (Group III) and fed with component, a biofilter, a hydrponic component and a sump
45% raw protein feed at the level of 2% body weight for [4]. In the aquaponic system, nutrients, which are excreted
126 days. Fish density affected the fish growth parameters directly by the fish or generated by the microbial
and the most densiest group showed the best results in breakdown of organic wastes, are absorbed by plants
terms of fish growth and feed efficiency. Water quality cultured hydroponically. Through microbial
parameters measured fluctated during the experiment even decomposition, the insoluble fish metabolite and
the exceed of the optimal ranges for the fish. However, unconsumed feed are converted into soluble nutrients
tilapia tolerated the changes of water quality. Total plant which then can be absorbed by plant [5] . Fish feed
biomass was low with the various limiting factors provides most of the nutrients required for plant growth
including insufficient lighting of in-door aquaponics [6]. Aquaponics work on the principle of nitrogen cycle,
system and low level of water potassium. The results of where in dissolved waste generated from the production
this study clearly illustrate the fish stocking rate has an system is effectively converted to plant nutrients by
impact on total biomass in the aquaponics and in one-loop beneficial nitrifying bacteria. Plants can utilize these
aquaponics the water quality fluctation is the main nutrients for their growth [6, 7, 8]. Plants in hydroponics
challenging factor. and aquaponics grow more rapidly compared to their
Keywords— aquaponics, tilapia, tomato, fish growth. counterparts which grow in the soil because the root
system is in direct contact with nutrients and nutrient
I. INTRODUCTION uptake is more efficient in an aqueous phase [9]. Water,
One of the main challenges of agriculture in 21th century energy and fish feed are the three main physical inputs for
to feed the growing population is finding more efficient aquaponic systems although the aquaponic operations vary
and sustainable food production systems and adapting to in size and type of production system [10]. Palm et al. [11]
climate change. There is also a gap in the availability of highlighted that economic sustainability of aquaponics
freshwater and land to increase the yield with minimal depends on a variety of factors including system and feed
environmental effect [1]. To overcome the problems that design, animal welfare and pathogen control. There is a
the worls is facing with such as water scarcity, soil need to establish the macro- and micronutrient proportion
degradation, climate change and the population increase that fish can release in the water for a given feed in a given
the aquaponics appear an alternative solution as the system; this depends on fish species, fish density,
aquaponics are an environmental friendly and sustainable temperature, and type of plants [12]. It is clear that feed
food production system [2,3]. and stocking rate of fish are directly related and to
maintain the balance between metabolic products the
Table.2: The growth parameters of tilapia (O. aureus) in the aquaponics system by the stocking ratio
Experimental groups
Growth Parameters Group I Group II Group III
Stocking rate: 25 kg/m3 Stocking rate: 35 kg/m3 Stocking rate: 50
Mean group initial body weight (g) 44.967±1.08b* 68.733±0.994a 70.067±3.18a
Mean group Final body weight (g) 589.0±58.4b 918.4±31.8a 1073.4±50.0a
Mean group weight gain (g) 544.1±57.9c 849.7±30.8b 1003.3±49.8a
Food Consumed (g)2 621.87±23.0c 788.90±12.1b 913.83±2.39a
Feed Conversion Ratios (FCR)1 1.1600±0.0777a 0.9300±0.0231b 0.9133±0.0406b
Feed efficiency (FE)1 0.8710±0.0618b 1.0765±0.0257a 1.0977±0.0516a
Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER)1 11.828±1.26c 18.471±0.669b 21.812±1.08a
Specific Growth Rate (SGR %) 2.2891±0.0763b 2.3138±0.0176b 2.4366±0.0533a
Percentage average daily growth (ADG 10.788±1.02b 11.030±0.238b 12.833±0.829a
Daily growth index (DGI %) 4.2943±0.228c 5.0193±0.0815b 5.4583±0.145a
Survival (%) 80.952±9.52a 96.970±3.03b 85.714±10.9a
*Values with different superscripts in a row differ significantly (p<0.05)
1 Expressed as the percent of the initial body weight after 126 days.
2 Moisture-free basis.
The tomato (S. lycopersicum) plant biomass as fresh and plant (p < 0.05). Final total weight values were the
dry weight of tomato plant leaf, stem and root branches maximum in Group III. Fresh and dry weight of total
were presented in Table 3. Significant differences were plant correlated with fish density (R2=0.92).
observed in the fresh weight and dry weight of tomato
Table.3: Biomass of tomato (S. lycopersicum) plants grown in the aquaponic system by fish stocking density groups.
Fresh Weight (g pot-1) Dry Weight (g pot-1)
Group Leaf Stem Root Total Leaf Stem Root Total
I 1252,5 621,6 131,2 2005,3a* 192,5 66,1 20,4 278,9a
II 1405,9 902,6 90,0 2398,5b 216,0 95,9 14,0 326,0b
III 1728,1c 1108,3 139,8 2976,2c 265,6 117,8 21,7 405,1c
*Different letters in a column indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) among the groups.
Water quality parameters measured in the experiment in Group III. Dissolved oxygen level providing with
(DO, pH, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, potassium) are artificial aeration ranged between 5.80 mg/L (min) and
presented in the Fig 1. Water quality parameters except 7.13 mg/L (max). Ammonium levels during the
water temperature showed significant differences by the experiment varied between 0.68 and 3.70 mg/L in Group
time (p<0.05) and the experimental groups (p<0.05). I, 0.15 and 3.49 mg/L in Group II and 0.40 and 2.92 mg/L
During the experimental period the water temperature was in Group III. Nitrite levels were between 0.05 and 0.80
kept around 24-25°C. The range of pH was between 5.83 mg/L in Group I, 0.16 and 0.90 in Group II and 0.10 and
and 7.31 in Group I, 5.60-7.22 in Group II and 5.50-7.12 0.53 mg /L in Group III. Nitrate levels ranged from 1.85
Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 100
10 0.3
5 0.2
5 with different tilapia density and tomato plant
0 (Group I:Stocking rate: 25 kg/m3, Group II: Stocking
rate:35 kg/m3, Group III: Stocking rate: 50 kg/m3)
0.5 45% raw protein. We observed that the growth parameters
were better in the group having the maximum fish density
with 50 kg/m3. Total plant biomass values were also
better in the group of 50 kg/m3 than the groups of 25 and
DAYS 35 kg/m3. Nevertheless, tilapia in oxygenated water can
be grown at the 120 kg/m3 by providing better nutrient
Group I Group II Group III supply [15]. FCR as one of the most import parameters in
terms of economy of the aquaponic system should
optimize in parallel to fish density and feding ratio. Thus,
in our case, the minimum FCR was observed in the group