Owl Fingerless Gloves Knitting Pattern 7ffe508

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You’ll have a hoot knitting these
women’s gloves! By Amanda Jones.


T4Bpk twist 4 back (moss st):
IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS Slip 2 sts onto cable needle (cn)
and hold at the back of the work,
K2 sts, then P1, K1 from cn
YOU WILL NEED T4Fpk twist 4 front (moss st):
■ Approx 130m of aran yarn Slip 2 sts onto cn and hold at the
■ A pair of 4½mm needles front of the work, P1, K1, then K2
■ A pair of 5mm needles from cn
■ A stitch marker T3F twist 3 front: Slip 2 sts onto
■ A cable needle cn and hold at the front of the
■ 4 buttons work, P1, then K 2 sts from cn
T3B twist 3 back: Slip next st onto
TENSION cn and hold at the back of the
Yarn used knits as aran to this work, K2, then P st from cn
tension: 18 stitches and 24 rows to C3B cable 3 back: Slip next st
measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over onto cn and hold at the back of the
stocking stitch using 5mm needles work, K2 sts then K st from cn

MEASUREMENTS For full abbreviations visit

Fits an average size woman’s hand www.gathered.how


Cast on 38 sts using 4½mm needles.
LEFT-HAND GLOVE Row 1 (K1, P1) to end of row. Work 14 rows of K1, P1 rib.
Cast on 38 sts using 4½mm needles. Change to 5mm needles.
Row 1 (K1, P1) to end of row. Work 14 rows of K1, P1 rib. Row 1 (RS) K6, place stitch marker (SM), P10, K22.
Change to 5mm needles. Row 2 P22, K10, P6.
Row 1 (RS) K22, place stitch marker (SM), P10, K6. Row 3 K to SM, P10, K22.
Row 2 P6, K10, P22. Row 4 P22, K1, P8, K1, P6.
Row 3 K to SM, P10, K6. Row 5 K to SM, P1, T4Bpk, T4Fpk, P1, K22.
Row 4 P6, K1, P8, K1, P22. Row 6 P22, K1, P2, (K1, P1) twice, P2, K1, P6.
Row 5 K to SM, P1, T4Bpk, T4Fpk, P1, K6. Row 7 K to SM, C3B, (P1, K1) twice, T3F, K22.
Row 6 P6, K1, P2, (K1, P1) twice, P2, K1, P22. Rows 8, 10 & 12 P24, (P1, K1) 3 times, P8.
Row 7 K to SM, C3B, (P1, K1) twice, T3F, K6. Rows 9 & 11 K to SM, K2 (K1, P1) 3 times, K24.
Rows 8, 10 & 12 P8, (P1, K1) 3 times, P24. Row 13 K to SM, T3F, (P1, K1) twice, T3B, K5, cast off 6, K to end.
Rows 9 & 11 K to SM, K2 (K1, P1) 3 times, K8. Row 14 P11, turn, cast on 6, P5, K1, P2, (K1, P1) twice, P2, K1, P6.
Row 13 K11, cast off 6 sts, K to SM, T3F, (P1, K1) twice, T3B, K6. Row 15 K to SM, P1, C4B, C4F, P1, K22.
Row 14 P6, K1, P2, (K1, P1) twice, P2, K1, P5, turn, cast on 6, turn, Rows 16, 18 & 20 P22, K1, P8, K1, P6.
P11. Rows 17 & 19 K to SM, P1, K8, P1, K22.
Row 15 K to SM, P1, C4B, C4F, P1, K6. Row 21 K to SM, P1, C4B, C4F, P1, K22.
Rows 16, 18 & 20 P6, K1, P8, K1, P22. Row 22 P22, K1, P2, K4, P2, K1, P6.
Rows 17 & 19 K to SM, P1, K8, P1, K6. Row 23 K to SM, P1, k2tog, P4, k2tog tbl, P1, K22. [36 sts]
Row 21 K to SM, P1, C4B, C4F, P1, K6. Row 24 P22, K8, P6.
Row 22 P6, K1, P2, K4, P2, K1, P22. Next row (RS) Change to 4½mm needles and work 2 rows K1, P1
Row 23 K to SM, P1, k2tog, P4, k2tog tbl, P1, K6. [36 sts] rib.
Row 24 P6, K8, P22. Cast off in rib.
Next row (RS) Change to 4½mm needles and work 2 rows K1, P1
Cast off in rib. Sew up the side seam using mattress stitch. Sew in any loose ends.
Attach eyes to owl face as shown in picture.

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