Annexure-I: DOB............... Age... ... Date of Retirement...........................
Annexure-I: DOB............... Age... ... Date of Retirement...........................
Annexure-I: DOB............... Age... ... Date of Retirement...........................
Description Amount Description Amount
Home Loan Personal Loan
Car Loan PF Loans
Other Loans Other liabilities
Total Liabilities Rs.
I hereby declare mat the particulars turnished by me are correct. I enclose photocopies
of relevant documents on support of my statement. I undertake to furnish original
documents, if needed by Bank, for verification.
For Office Use only
Opinion Report
After perusal of relative documents and on discreet enquiries made by me it is
observed that Shri/ Smt/Kum... ...................Aged ........Years , resident of .... is a
person of Net Worth of Rs.... and has capacity to repay the ............ loan (Scheme)
Rs... ..... applied for. His / Her NeMorth is Rs........which is good for the loan amount
and therefore, he/ she has capacity to stand as Borrower/ Guarantor to Shri/ Smt/
Kum... ............
Market Value of immovable property (A)
Other Liquid Asse B)
Total (A+B)
Less Liabilities ECJ
Net Worth (A+B)-(C)
Aadhar No.
I. Immovable Properties: (Specify share of applicant in case at joint property & details of owners)
\. Land & Buildings fin the name of the boyrowerlguarantor) Lacs)
SI No Nature of Locatio Extent Market Loan/Charge against the Name Net Means
1 mmovable n / Value property of the
Properties (AGL/ R/S. Size Rs. Amount in Bank/In
wet/dry/house No. Rs. stitution
1 2 4 5 9 (6-7)
Sub Total
2. Other immovable properties: (Jointly owned/ undivided etc.) (Mention name of joint owners s Specify percentage share)
SI No Nature of movable assets A/c No: Current Lien/Loan Name of the Net Means
Balance against the Bank/Institution
2 3 4 5 6 7 (4-5]
(i) Bank Deposits
(ii) Insurance Policies
Surrend er value)
(iii) Investment/MTs /Equity
(other than the
investment in the
borrowing company)
(iv) Others(Specify)
Sub Total
Total Net value ot Movable Assets: Rs...............................................(B)
III. Borrowings other than stated in I & II above (
SI No Secured/unsecured Loan Amount Security Name of the Present outstanding
Loans/advances Source
Societies/Chit funds
Friends and relatives
Others (Specify)
V. Means (Tangible Net worth) of the Firm/Company which is offering Guarantee/Corporate Gr›arantee
SI..No Name of the Company/Firm Name of the Finn/Company to which Net Means {TNW)
Guarantee/Corporate Guarantee has already been
extended by rhis Company and the oLitstandiing
a) the estimates of the means of P r o p r i et o r/ Partners/Direc1ors/Guarantors have been hased on conservative estimates
of movable and
immovable properties of the P ro p r iet o r/ Partners/Directors/Guarantors
b) the estimated means of the Firm/Company are hased on the tangible net-worth of the Firm/Company as per lheir
Audited Balance Sheet.
c) investments have been taken at the market value of only those quoterl in the market ancl that o1her investments have
been ignored.
d) the valuation of immovable properties has been hased on the market value/valuation report.
e} (here lfas been no deterioi ation in the financial position of the firm and