Six-Phase Supply Feasibility Using A PM Fractional-Slot Dual Winding Machine

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Six–phase Supply Feasibility using a PM

Fractional–Slot Dual Winding Machine

Massimo Barcaro, Nicola Bianchi, Freddy Magnussen,
Department of Electrical Engineering ABB Corporate Research,
University of Padova, Padova (Italy) Västerås (Sweden)
[email protected]

Abstract—The growing interest on fault tolerant drives re-

quires new solutions avoiding the adoption of custom and expen-
sive configurations. The machine with a dual three–phase winding
is an interesting candidate. It is provided of two windings, each of
them fed by one converter of half power. In the event of fault, one
of the two three–phase windings (the faulty one) is disconnected
and the machine is operated by means of the healthy winding
only. With a proper mechanical and electrical arrangement the Fig. 1. Example of a fractional–slot winding with non–overlapped coils
machine can be exactly a six–phase machine, obtaining higher
performance during healthy conditions.
The paper analyzes the feasibility of this dual winding config-
uration applied to a non–overlapped coils fractional–slot winding fault–tolerance capability. In fact, with a DL winding a coil a
permanent magnet (PM) machine. The star of slots is applied to insulating separator is essential, as shown in Fig. 1.
highlight the proper winding candidates. The more interesting Among the others, those configurations suitable to obtain
windings are deeply analyzed. the six–phase machine are more deeply analyzed and the more
interesting solutions are studied in detail and compared by
I. I NTRODUCTION means of finite elements (FE) simulations or experimental
tests. Every solution is investigated in both healthy and faulty
During last decades, the fault tolerance requirements of a operating conditions.
motor drive have been considerably increased. The adoption
of electrical drives in many applications, in particular in the II. T HE DOUBLE THREE – PHASE MACHINE
mobility area, increased the interest on fault–tolerant solutions In a dual three–phase winding motor drive, there are two
as well as on the operations in presence of a partial fault. identical windings, each of them supplied by a separate
The multi–phase drives have higher fault tolerant capability inverter (Fig. 2). In the event of fault in a part of one winding,
[1]–[3], and better performance [4]–[6] than standard three– the corresponding inverter is switched off and only the healthy
phase drives, but frequently they require expensive custom winding continues to be supplied. The power cutback corre-
solutions [7]. On the other hand, dual three–phase machines sponds to half the nominal motor power, and the motor drive
seem to be proper to increase the level of fault tolerance. This continues to operate under such an operating condition up to
is an alternative to fully redundant systems, which require the oncoming repair. In addition, during healthy operations,
two motors and two inverters, resulting in more expensive and critical aspect of the drive control should be taken into account.
bulky solutions. However, these control issues has been analyzed in literature
The dual three–phase machines are dealt with in literature referring to the dual three–phase induction machine [10], [11]
but the interest has been mainly focused on induction motors and recentry for PM machines [12], [13].
[4], [5], [8], [9]. The adoption of permanent magnet (PM) rotor
and fractional–slot winding with non–overlapped coils unlocks
new degrees of freedom allowing to get higher performance
and to satisfy a wider number of applications.
This paper deals with the analysis of the feasibility of a
six–phase machine adopting a PM motor equipped with a dual
three–phase. Different pole and slot number combinations are
analyzed. Fractional–slot winding are considered with non–
overlapped coil (i.e. with unity coil throw, yq = 1 as in
Fig. 1). Both double–layer (DL) winding and the single–
layer (SL) winding are investigated, since the latter allows to
eliminate the physical contact between phases improving the Fig. 2. General scheme of the dual three–phase motor drive.

978-1-4244-5287-3/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 1058

Adopting a fractional–slot winding with non–overlapped the main (synchronous) harmonic of the EMF induced in
coils [14], [15], an intrinsic fault tolerant capability is the windings. The classical theory of the star of slots and
achieved, since there is a physical separation between the its applications could be easily extended to the design of
phases due to the unity coil throw (yq = 1). The self unconventional fractional–slot windings [20]. The star of slots
inductance is higher so as to limit the short–circuit current. In is the complex representation of the EMFs induced in the coils
addition, some winding configurations yield such a magnetic within all slots of the machine. The numeration of the phasors
separation between the phases [16]. corresponds to the number of the slot in which the reference
Taking advantage of the presence of the two separate three– coil side is included.
phase windings, the two windings could be supplied with A key parameter of the star of slot is the machine periodicity
currents out of phase of 30 electrical degrees, Fig. 3(a). t, that is computed as the greatest common divisor (G.C.D.)
In this case, there are six angle displacements among the between the number of slots Q and the pole pairs p. According
phases and the motor results to be supplied as a six–phase to the machine periodicity, the star of slots results formed by
motor. However, not all the mechanical winding arrangements Q/t spokes, each of them containing t phasors.
allow such a supply strategy. A mechanical shift is necessary Let us note that, the angle between the phasors of two
between the phases A, B, and C and the phases A’, B’, and adjacent slots is the electrical angle αse = pαs , where αs is
C’, corresponding to 30 electrical degrees [4], [5], [9]. the slot angle in mechanical radians, i.e. αs = 2π/Q. Since
Referring to an induction machine, the six–phase solution is electrical angles are considered, the star of slots refers to the
discussed in literature with different names: six–phase, split– equivalent two–pole machine.
phase, dual–three phase, dual–stator or asymmetrical six– Then, two opposite sectors are drawn on the star of slots,
phase machine. each of them covering 180/m radians. According to the
Referring to a 12–slot 10–pole configuration with DL number of phases m = 3, it is 60◦ as shown in Fig. 4 for
winding, there is only one mechanical arrangement allowing a 12–slot 10–pole machine.
a six–phase machine [16]. Fig. 3(b) shows the mechanical
arrangement of the coils: the two windings are shown using 
grey and white colors. 




(a) Star of slots (b) One phase coils

Fig. 4. Star of slots with Q=12, 2p=10, yq = 1
(a) (b)

Fig. 3. Windings arrangement yielding a six–phase machine configuration:

(a) vectors and mechanical arrangement of the coils (b) (12–slot 10–pole

Therefore, with the six–phase configuration there are ad- 

vantages of getting both a multi–phase machine (on perfor-    
mance side) and a dual three–phase machine (on cost side). 

In addition, such a system can be considered as modular    
solution. It does not require custom converters, differently for      
instance from a five–phase or seven–phase motor drives [17],
(a) (b)
or from special fault–tolerant three–phase motor drives [7].
Consequently, the dual three–phase machine could be a proper Fig. 5. Star of slots with Q=24, 2p=22, yq = 1, six–phase sectors of phase
solution for a wide range of industrial and transportation A with DL winding (a) and SL winding (b)
applications, being possible to operate even in presence of
a partial fault. Hence, the phasors that are within the two sectors are
III. S IX – PHASE FEASIBILITY assigned to the first phase, e.g. phase A, connected with
The DL winding candidates for a six–phase machine are positive polarity in one side and with negative polarity in the
analyzed using the properties of the star of slots. other one. Such a method allows the highest distribution factor
of the main harmonic to be obtained.
A. The star of slots The star of slots is used hereafter so as to evaluate phasors
The star of slots, introduced many times ago [18], [19], is relationships that identify the slot and pole combinations
useful to determine the correct coils connection to maximize allowing a six–phase supply strategy to be applied.

As noted above, the shift between the two windings, e.g.
phase A and phase A’, has to be equal to 30 electrical
degrees in order to achieve a six–phase machine by means 2p Q kw t t
SL |Q − 2p| SPP Notes
of a proper supply method, see Fig. 3(a). It follows that, a 2 3 0.866 1 3 - +1 1/2
six–phase machine can be obtained using a dual three–phase 4 3 0.866 1 3 - +1 1/4
configuration when 6 0.866 1 3 yes +2 1/2
Q 6 9 0.866 3 3 - - 1/2
is even, with DL winding (1)
2t 8 6 0.866 2 3 yes +2 1/4
Q 9 0.945 1 9 - +1 3/8
is even, with SL winding 12 0.866 4 3 yes - 1/2
15 0.711 1 15 - - 5/8
In this case, in the star of slots every phase of the two windings
is formed by Q/6t spokes. 10 9 0.945 1 9 - +1 3/10
12 0.933 1 12 yes +2 2/5 ⋆
Let us note that, the transformation from a standard three– 15 0.866 5 3 - - 1/2
phase DL to a standard three–phase SL winding can be done 18 0.735 1 18 yes - 3/5
directly starting from the analysis of the star of slots. For
12 9 0.866 3 3 - - 1/4
instance, referring to the star of slots of Fig. 5(a), phasors 18 0.866 6 3 yes - 1/2
referring to even slots are removed, obtaining the SL winding,
Fig. 5(b). 14 12 0.933 1 12 yes +2 2/7 ⋆
15 0.951 1 15 - +1 5/14
From (1) it follows that the ratio between slot number Q 18 0.902 1 18 yes - 3/7
and machine periodicity t has to be even, even if it is not 21 0.866 7 3 - - 1/2
sufficient, in order to have a suitable structure for a six–
16 15 0.951 1 15 - +1 5/16
machine. Therefore a remark can be done referring to the 18 0.945 2 9 yes +2 3/8
phasors composing the star of slots [19], since the condition 21 0.890 1 21 - - 7/16
Q/t even involves some properties: 24 0.866 8 3 - - 1/2
• Adjacent phasors refer to even and odd slots alternatively, 18 27 0.866 9 3 - - 1/2
• Opposite phasors always exist, that is, phasors out of 20 18 0.945 2 9 yes +2 3/10
phase of 180◦ electrical. If Q/2t is even the two opposite 21 0.953 1 21 - +1 7/20
phasors refer both to even or odd slots, while if Q/2t is 24 0.933 2 12 yes - 2/5 ⋆
odd one phasor refers to a odd slot and the other to a 27 0.877 1 27 - - 9/20
30 0.866 10 3 yes - 1/2
even slot,
• If periodicity is higher than one (t > 1), the phasors 22 21 0.953 1 21 - +1 7/22
superimposed refer all to even slots or all to odd slots, 24 0.949 1 24 yes - 4/11 ⋆
27 0.915 1 27 - - 9/22
• There are all harmonics multiple of the periodicity t. 30 0.874 1 30 yes - 10/22
33 0.866 11 3 - - 1/2
C. Results from the star of slots analysis
24 18 0.866 6 3 yes - 1/4
The results of the analysis of the star of slots of some wind- 27 0.945 3 9 - - 3/8
36 0.866 12 3 yes - 1/5
ings are summarized in Table I, reporting for each combination
of pole number (2p) and slot number (Q) the following data: 26 24 0.949 1 24 yes +2 4/13 ⋆
27 0.954 1 27 - +1 9/26
• the winding factor kw , 30 0.936 1 30 yes - 5/13
• the machine periodicity t, 33 0.903 1 33 - - 11/26
• the ratio between slot number and periodicity Q/t, 36 0.867 1 36 yes - 6/13 ⋆
• the feasibility to get a standard three–phase single–layer 39 0.866 13 3 - - 1/2
(SL) winding, 28 24 0.933 2 12 yes +2 2/7 ⋆
• the difference between the slot number and the pole 27 0.954 1 27 - +1 9/28
number |Q−2p|. Since it is common to consider winding 30 0.951 2 15 yes +2 5/14
33 0.928 1 33 - - 11/28
satisfying |Q − 2p| equal to 1 or 2, only these cases are
36 0.902 2 18 yes - 3/7
highlighted, 39 0.863 1 39 - - 13/28
• The number of slot per pole per phase (SPP).
30 27 0.945 3 9 - - 3/10
Finally, Table I highlights when the ratios Q/2t and Q/4t 36 0.933 3 12 yes - 3/5 ⋆
are even, with the marker ⋆ and  respectively. As defined 45 0.866 15 3 - - 1/2
(1), there are the conditions to achieve the six–phase machine
with DL and SL winding respectively.

Summarizing the results from Table I, the slot/pole combi-
nations allowing a six–phase supply strategy with fractional–
slot winding with non overlapped coils (yq = 1) are:
• 12 slots: 10, 14 poles,
• 24 slots: 20, 22, 26, 28 poles,
• 36 slots: 26, 30 poles.
All of them have a slot number multiple of twelve, although
this condition is not sufficient to have Q/2t even, and then the
(a) 12/14 (b) 24/20
six–phase machine.
The star of slots of the combinations satisfying the six–
phase feasibility condition are shown in Fig 4 and in Fig. 6.
The phasors composing the phase A are drawn with solid line
while the vectors of phase A’ are dashed (remainder vectors
are dotted).

D. Discussion
1) 12–slot combinations: The 12/10 configuration, pro- (c) 24/22 (d) 24/26
vided with an IPM rotor, has been previously analyzed and
experimentally tested both with a six–phase supply and with a
three–phase supply [16]. The PM machine capability has been
verified both on heathy conditions and in the event of a fault.
The predicted torque performance are reported in Table II.
A comparison has been carried out with the measured torque
behaviors of Fig. 7 [16]. It is confirmed that, with a six–phase
supply strategy, the average torque is higher than with standard
three–phase supply. In addition, the six–phase supply allow
the torque ripple to be reduced since the sixth order torque (e) 24/28 (f) 36/26
harmonic is zero, as highlighted in Fig. 7.
Fig. 6. Star of slot of some slots/poles combination allowing six–phase
Fig. 7 and Table II also show that in the event of a fault the supply.
remaining healthy winding provides about half the nominal
torque, for a given current amplitude. 

THE PROTOTYPE IPM 12/10 MACHINE ( Iˆ=6.2 A PEAK ).     ! 

Machine Average Torque       
configuration torque ripple  
(Nm) (%)
Fig. 7. IPM 12–slot 10–pole torque behaviors (experimental tests).
Healthy 3–ph. 6.66 11.0 %
Healthy 6–ph. 7.01 4.39 %
Faulty 2.89 14.0 %
configuration allows the SL winding to be possible removing
the phasors (and then spokes) that refer to even slots (Fig. 5).
In general, since the condition Q < 2p involves a higher
harmonic contents, those slot and pole combinations exhibit Both configurations have been already highlighted as inter-
worse performance than those that satisfy the common con- esting solutions in [21], [22]. The SPP for both configurations
dition Q > 2p. Therefore, the 12/10 configuration has better is between 1/2 and 1/3, giving the best performance without
performance as respect to the 12/14. tooth tips asymmetrical design [23].
Finally as reported both 12/10 and 12/14 SL configurations The condition Q < 2p yields for the combinations 24/26
are not suitable for the six–phase supply strategy, since the and 24/28 a higher harmonic contents as respect to the 24/22
Q/4t even condition is not satisfied. and 24/20 configuration, respectively.
2) 24–slot combinations: The 24/20 configuration results 3) 36–slot combinations: Referring to the 36–slot combi-
to be similar to the 12/10 configuration, with a periodicity nations, the one with 26 poles has the lowest winding factor
equal to 2. Also in this case, with SL winding, the six–phase (kw = 0.867) while the one with 30 poles is equal to the 12/10
supply strategy is not more feasible. Conversely, the 24/22 configuration but with periodicity equal to 3.




















Fig. 8. Four–layer winding concept.

Fig. 10. Sketch of the double–shifted winding. A 24–slot 20–pole winding
is considered.




layer winding.

The drawback of such a four–phase winding is that it
requires a double number of coils in the stator, with respect
 the traditional DL winding. On the contrary, the advantage is

a further reduction of the MMF harmonic contents. Adopting
a four–layer winding, a reduction of the winding factor is
Fig. 9. MMF harmonic content for the 24/20 configuration: double and four
achieved for all the harmonics but the main harmonic and
the slot–harmonic. For instance, a large reduction of the sub–
harmonics of order ν = 2 is evident in Fig. 9 for the 24/20
E. Six–phase solutions with a four–layers winding combination.
The order of slot–harmonics in fractional–slot machine is
An alternative solution of using the DL winding is to adopt computed as ν = kQ ± p, where Q and p are the number of
a four–layer winding. Such a winding has been studied in [24], slots and poles, respectively, while k is a positive integer. A
[25] and recently investigated further [26], [27]. In addition, proof is given in [31].
a recent patent [28] presents a solution based on doubling the
two–layer winding in the 12–slot 10–pole configuration and IV. D OUBLE – SHIFTED WINDING
shifting the two halves of winding by one slot. In this way A six–phase winding can be also achieved by means of a
the fundamental winding factor is reduced by 3.4% but some double–shifted winding [29], by means of a cyclic shift of
space harmonics are reduced. coils inside the same repeatable group of the proper angle.
Starting from a DL winding, the number of coils is doubled, The double–shifted winding is allowable for all config-
achieving two levels for the coils within the slots. Then, the urations with periodicity t even, or with periodicity t odd
coils of one level are shifted with respect the coils of the other but Q/t even [30]. Fig. 10 explains the concept of double–
level. The transformation from two– to four–layer winding is shift referring to the configuration 24/20. The double–shifted
illustrated in Fig. 8. The corresponding star of slots are also winding is achieved by removing some coils of each phase
shown. It follows that those combinations that satisfy (1) are which are out of phase of 120 electrical degrees. Then they
suitable to obtain the six–phase machine even with the four– are shifted and rearranged in the vacant positions.





Fig. 12. MMF harmonic content for the 24/20 and 24/22 configuration.

Fig. 11. Star of slot of a double–shifted 12–slot 10–pole winding.

On the other hand, the 24/20 is more symmetric, the winding
periodicity is higher than the 24/22. This means that the
The corresponding star of slots is shown on the right part winding allows a higher number of parallel paths in the
of Fig. 10. The phasors 8, 20, 12, 24, 4, and 16 are shifted machine reducing the parallel paths of the conductors that
of 120 electrical degrees. In this way, the phase A is achieved presents risk of circulating currents and extra joule losses).
by phasors 1, 2, 13, and 14, while the phase A′ is achieved In addition, it should be noted that the 24/22 configuration
by phasors 7, 12, 19, and 24. exhibits higher harmonic contents, in particular more sub–
Similarly, this double–shift is also possible adopting the harmonics, as shown in Fig 12. This aspect results more
configuration 12/10. In this case the machine periodicity t is relevant adopting the SL winding.
odd (t = 1) but the number of spokes Q/t is even (Q/t = 12).
The corresponding star of slots is shown in Fig. 11. B. Cogging torque
Although this solution is feasible, there are some drawbacks. In a PM machine, the cogging torque is caused by the
The worst drawback seems to be that the machine becomes interaction between the PMs mounted on the rotor and the
asymmetric in the event of faulty operating conditions. There stator anisotropy, due to the slotting. The number of periods
is an unbalanced force that is not compensated among the Np of the cogging torque waveform during a rotation of a slot
poles. pitch is computed as:
GCD(Q, 2p)
From Table I and the considerations of the section III, it
It follows that higher the number of periods and lower
follows that the more interesting configurations result to be
the amplitude of the cogging torque. The 24/22 configuration
the 24–slot 20–pole (24/20) and the 24–slot 22–pole (24/22)
has Np = 11 and a machine periodicity t = 1. The 24/20
configurations. This section reports the machine performance
configuration has Np = 5 and a periodicity t = 2. The 24/22
for both the configurations referring to an interior permanent
therefore has an inherited less tangential cogging torque (since
magnet (IPM) rotor geometry, as in [32].
the higher cogging frequency the lower magnitude). However,
Finite elements (FE) simulations have been carried out so due to t = 1, there is also more radial unbalance and then
as to evaluate the machine performance. Considering at first a more risk for vibrations and noise.
three–phase machine, some winding properties and FE results
are summarized in Table III. C. Pulsating torque
A fixed 24–slot stator geometry has been used to compare
A. Winding properties
both the 24/20 and 24/22 configurations (see Fig. 14) using
As reported in Table I and Table III, the fundamental a proper IPM rotor. Table IV reports both average torque and
winding factor for the three–phase 24/22 with DL winding torque ripple for the two configurations.
is kw = 0.949, while it is kw = 0.933 for 24/20, with a As in Table II different supply strategies and operating
reduction of 1.6% in torque production. conditions are considered: standard three–phase supply, six–



Winding property FE results Operating 24/20 24/22 DL 24/22 SL

Q/2p t Q/t Np kw ξ M/L condition Tavg ∆T Tavg ∆T Tavg ∆T
(3–ph.) max (%) (Nm) (%) (Nm) (%) (Nm) (%)

24/20 2 12 5 0.933 3.0 54.7 Healthy 3–ph. 120.3 17% 126.5 9% 123.3 10%
Healthy 6–ph. 128.2 5% 134.5 1% 130.5 2%
24/22 1 24 11 0.949 3.2 26.8 Faulty 57.1 14% 64.1 15% 63.2 12%





(a) 24/20 configuration

(a) 24/20 (b) 24/22


Fig. 14. Mechanical displacement of the phases A and A’ for

  the 24/20 (a) and 24/22 (b) configurations.


A’ link almost half of the flux of phase A with the 24/20
(b) 24/22 DL configuration
configuration while the same coils link no flux in the 24/22


 As predicted, from FE analysis, the mutual coupling be-

tween phase A and phase A’ results significant in the 24/20

  configuration, being the ratio of the mutual inductance on the


 self inductance equal to about 55%. In the 24/22 configuration
  this ratio is lower, but not negligible. The flux linkages
computed for the phase A and A’ are shown in Fig. 15.
(c) 24/22 SL configuration

Fig. 13. Torque behaviors for the 24/20 (a) and both the 24/22 DL (b) and VI. C ONCLUSIONS
SL (c) IPM configurations
This paper focuses on some configurations of fractional-slot
machine allowing a double three–phase winding, and a six–
phase supply (healthy), six–phase supply (faulty). As expected, phase supply.
the 24/20 configuration shows slightly lower average torque It has been shown that a specific winding requirement must
than the 24/22 one. The difference is higher than the analytical be satisfied in order to obtain two windings mechanically
difference between the winding factors, since the PM geometry shifted by 30◦ , both for DL and SL configurations. The star
of each rotor pole is always the same, but the number of poles of slot has been applied to highlight the methods that allow
is increased (i.e. the PM quantity). the six–phase machine.
Regardless of the different PM quantity of the rotor, for each These are the rules to be adopted to select the suitable slot
configuration the adoption of the six–phase machine yields a and pole combinations: in particular only combinations with a
slight increase of the average torque (as expected from the slot number multiple of twelve result proper candidates, even
winding factor increase) and a significant reduction of the it is not a sufficient condition.
torque ripple. As for the 12/10 configuration (Table II and
Fig. 7), during a open winding fault the dual three–phase
machine continues to provide almost half of the torque.
It could be noted that the 24/22 SL configuration has per-
formance very similar to the corresponding DL configuration,
but the fault–tolerance capability is higher since there is no
possibility of contact between the phases in the slot.
The high number of poles, for an IPM machine, yields a
(a) 24/20 configuration
relatively small saliency ratio ξ, as computed and reported in
Table III. Therefore the anisotropy component of the torque is
limited, reducing the advantages as respect of more common
PM machines, but on the other hand the short–circuit current
results greatly limited [14], [16].
D. Mutual coupling
With an IPM rotor the mutual coupling between phase A
(b) 24/22 configuration
and A’ is affected by the arrangements of the coils [16].
Fig. 14 shows the phase displacement (for instance A and Fig. 15. IPM configuration: self inductance of phase A and mutual inductance
A’) for the two configurations. A priori, the coils of phase of the open phase A’.

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