Testing Welds
Testing Welds
Testing Welds
One of the more critical processes in battery manufacturing is the inter-cell weld. At the
same time inconsistencies in lead material and less than reliable testing methods
complicate process control and verification efforts. Time proven methods to verify welds
such as X-ray, Gamma ray and ultrasonic testing are either not suited for lead welds or
impractical when considering the production environment. Only electrical tests are suited
for 100% production lot testing of inter-cell welds.
This paper attempts to highlight the weaknesses inherent in traditional electrical testing
methods when using a tester integrated with the inter-cell welding machine.
Unimpeachable data regarding the quality of inter-cell welds cannot be achieved using
traditional electrical test methods.
More reliable results can be obtained with an improved measurement system, which is
separate and installed after the inter-cell welding machine. An optimized inter-cell test
process and measurement techniques are discussed.
- Lead welding is one of the most Lead is a very soft metal with a relatively
difficult processes to control. It low melting point at 327 deg.C
requires control of several variables
to achieve reliable results. With respect to the resistance welding
process the melting point can be
controlled by an appropriate amount of
energy. But the control range is small
Over the past decades the welding and if the energy applied, slightly
process have been more focused on exceeds the maximum limit lead
improving efficiency. It may not be becomes liquid and will squirt out.
practical to eliminate all subtle material
and process variations.
Another important parameter is the
In some cases this leck of process hardness.
control may result in marginal intercell
connections which could lead to battery One cannot state the general hardness
failure. of a lead-antimony alloy. The rate of
hardening depends on the cooling
Why is it difficult to weld lead? process and the percentage content of
Instead of pure lead (Pb), lead-antimony
(PbSb) alloy is used to increase the Fig.4 shows hardness versus age.
hardness of lead. But properties and
particulary mechanical properties of low
antimony alloys do vary and depend
mainly on material history
d=m/OxV where
Even though welding in this state is
possible the process energy must be m = oxidation [mg],
increased to compensate for the low O = 5400 mm2 and
resistance junction. It is possible to v = 0.252 mm3/g
conduct the welding procedure without
welding the material. And the internal in our test a thin film of about 0.4µm to
resistance measurement will display 0.6µm was developed after a few
values within the limits and will let the minutes.
battery pass.
The voltage sense connection provides Fig.8 shows the strap connections
the feedback for current control and also before and after projection. If the initial
detects the initial contact made with the contact area is too small the resistance
parent material. will be too high and the welding process
It is important to control the time will generate too much heat, causing
between inital contact with the parent lead, to squirt out at the beginning of the
material and the start of the welding welding process.
process. This time period determines
the size of the contact area and the If the initial contact area is too large a
initial contact resistance prior to welding. very low resistance electroconductive
Because this pause time is so critical junction will result. This will always
special contact detection modules are create a condition for cold welds.
used to precisely measure initial contact.
When the battery is positioned, the Fig.10 shows the principle schematic of
clamp contacts the strap terminal and a 1000Hz DC inverter power module
closes the projection forming electrodes using pulse-width-modulation.
(phase 1).
The 3-phase AC signal is rectified to
Phase 2 starts with a signal from the provide a DC link voltage for the IGBT
contact detection module. If the inverter. The IGBT inverter is controlled
programmed pause time (phase 2) is by 1kHz frequency and provides 0.5 ms
complete, the weld current starts (phase control cycle. The welding transformer
3). Current amplitude and current time generates the high current output and
are controlled by the welding controller. after rectification by the two diodes a
The lead will melt and due to pressure true DC signal is applied across the
applied to the strap terminals the welding electrodes.
material will be pressed through and fill
the partition hole. Even considering the equipment and
process improvements developed over
In phase 4 the hold time allows the lead the recent years there remains
to cool (phase 4). significant variation in both, process and
materials which can result in
After the hold time the clamps will open substandard welds.
and the contact detection module
indicates the end of the welding process As difficult it is to weld lead, it is more
(phase 5) difficult to verify lead welds.
Dynamic regulation is required to control The next pages will investigate and
weld energy and particulary weld analyse existing methods of quality
current. As a result switched mode inspection for weld processes for use in
power supplies are typically used in battery assembly lines.
modern welding machines.
If the pause time is too long the material Fig.20: Ultrasonic inspection,
will develop an electroconductive welding current too low
junction and the resistance will be too
low to produce the necessary welding
temperature. Fig.18 shows a corona In Fig.20 it can be seen that the areas at
welding at 1000 ms pause time. 1, 4 and 7 o‘ clock are not welded
The next two figures will show the
results when varying the welding
Voltage sense
R1 R3 R6 R5 R7 R4 R2
Contamination of the thrust adapter will Another option would be to measure and
result in increased resistance between record resistance during the welding
the electrode and the lead material process. This is commonly done when
because of a layer of contamination welding steel or sheet metal [3].
accumulates between the electrode and
lead material acting as an insulator.
Additional heat will be generated at the
electrode/thrust adapter, not at the lead
material. Therefore this heat will not
contribute to the welding process.
The typical resistance curve is a Voltage +/- 12% +/- 10% +/- 5% +/- 5%
combination of contact resistance and deviation
material resistance vs. welding time. At
the very beginning in the welding Current +/- 5.9% +/- 5% +/- 5% +/- 5%
process contact resistance will be very
high generating heat up to the melting Resistance +/- 9.3% +/- 8.2% +/- 5% +/- 5%
point of the lead material. Contact deviation
resistance will decrease, as material
resistance increases due to rising Table 1: Deviation of voltage, current and
temperatures(Fig.33). resistance
3. Results
To measure the strap terminal
3.1 Integrated Resistance Measurement resistance more accurately a separate
system is required. This system ensures
real 4-wire measurement (Fig.35).
To summarize the investigation of the
integrated resistance measurement one
can say the advantages are:
[1] Oliver Roehl, Bielomatik Leuze GmbH + Co; Intercell Welding Machines
August 2004