to bud, I believe that whatever you wish to believe in is one hundred percent your choice and I don’t
want to confuse you, but I do think it is important to understand both sides of these different
theories before deciding and it is also important for you to understand why they believe them.
Many science believers, believe in a theory known as The Big Bang, this theory involves a being of
infinite density an infinite mass that’‘ exploded’‘ outward and the particles that came from that
slowly came together to form what we call the known universe and that purely by chance the same
particles that floated through space billions of years ago came to form us and that we had no
designer as well as no higher being helping us to experience life.
meanwhile faith believers believe that a higher power has created what we see today, Catholic
believers like myself believe that God created everything in existence through a creation story in
which he made the sun, moon and stars as well as everything else over a week with him resting on
the 7th day, they also believe that we were designed and made in the image of god and given life
through his command as stated in the book of genesis in the bible.
While they both have their reasons for believing in both they have many differences such as How
they both are made in different ways and have different reasons for believing in both like how faith
believers think that it was made over the course of a week while science believers theorise that the
universe was formed over 14.3 billion years, but they both have a similarity In the fact that in the
book of genesis the universe was’‘ created from a ball of light’‘ like The Big Bang theory and they
both believe that the universe appeared from nothing, both of these are both equally improbable
and possible but it is important that you have reasons but believing in them
but it doesn’t have to be simple choice between one or the other, for example famed biologist
Charles Darwin Proposed species can change overtime being one of the first to believe in the theory
of evolution he was also a firm believer In the Abrahamic God, he is a great example of believing in
God and believing in the scientific evolution theory,
To sum all of it up for you bud, while science and faith both have their reasons for being peoples
ideologies and theories for how the universe came into existence they are not complete opposites
and they also have many distinct similarities between them either way it is completely up to you for
you To choose what you believe in, whether that be the ’‘Big Bang Theory’‘ or the creation story
Yours sincerely Ethan Lopes