Questions To Help You Know Yourself Better

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Questions to help you know yourself better:

1. What are my strengths?

2. What are my short-term goals? Long-term goals?
3. Who matters most to me? Who are my support people?
4. What am I ashamed of?
5. What do I like to do for fun?
6. What new activities am I interested in or willing to try?
7. What am I worried about?
8. What are my values? What do I believe in? (consider politics, religion, social
9. If I could have one wish, it would be ___________
10. Where do I feel safest?
11. What or who gives me comfort?
12. If I wasn’t afraid, I would ___________
13. What is my proudest accomplishment?
14. What is my biggest failure?
15. Am I a night owl or an early bird? How can I arrange my life to better suit
this part of my nature?
16. What do I like about my job? What do I dislike?
17. What does my inner critic tell me?
18. What do I do to show myself self-compassion and self-care?
19. Am I an introvert or an extrovert? Am I energized being around others or
being by myself?
20. What am I passionate about?
21. What is my happiest memory?
22. What do my dreams tell me?
23. What is my favorite book? Movie? Band? Food? Color? Animal?
24. What am I grateful for?
25. When I’m feeling down I like to ___________________
26. I know I’m stressed when I ______________________
Funny Interview Questions
1. "How would you solve problems if you were from Mars?"
This question, asked by Amazon, helps you see if your candidate can think outside what's
traditional or normal. You'll want your candidate to demonstrate an ability to problem-
solve even under bizarre circumstances. Her answer can show you whether she's capable
of entering a new workplace environment and evaluating it fairly before offering
For instance, an ideal candidate might say, "If I were on Mars, they'd likely have their
own problems separate from those on Earth. First, I'd conduct research to determine
cause and effect, and then I'd offer potential solutions."
With this answer, your candidate has shown an ability to be thoughtful and analytical
when making decisions.
2. "What do you think of garden gnomes?"
This question, asked by Trader Joe's, is a ridiculous and silly question. More than
anything else, it's intended to loosen the candidate up, see a glimpse of their personality,
and gain insight into culture fit.
There's no right answer to this question, but if your team likes to be sarcastic with one
another, you might want a candidate to say, "If I could get a job as one then I probably
wouldn't be here today talking to you."
Ultimately, if your candidate is able to handle this curveball with ease, it shows an
impressive ability to react quickly to bizarre circumstances.
3. "Why are manholes round?"
UBS, a Swiss multinational investment bank, asks this sneakily insightful question in
Operations interviews. At first glance, it seems like another funny, "loosen the candidate
up" question -- but, in actuality, it's a good indicator of your candidate's intellect.
An ideal candidate will think the question through and provide a thoughtful answer like
this one -- "A round manhole cover can't fall through the round manhole opening. A
square cover, on the other hand, could fit diagonally through the opening and fall
through. Additionally, a circular cover fits easily, and can be removed easily, without
much precision or rotating."
This answer demonstrates your candidate's ability to see the necessity of certain
solutions, and ideally apply those same problem-solving skills to her own role.
4. "You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do
with the elephant?"
This ConnectWise question helps you get a better sense for your candidate's reasoning
skills. Of course, there's no "right" answer to this funny question, but it allows you to get
insight into how your candidate thinks, prioritizes, and problem-solves. Additionally, it
can loosen the candidate up and allow her to show you a more authentic side.
Your candidate might say, "Since I don't have a place to put an elephant, I'd probably
send it on vacation", or "I would feed it, and then ride it to work."
It's important to note, you aren't looking for a specific answer here -- you're determining
how your candidate thinks on her feet, and how she handles herself in unexpected
5. "If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be and why?"
You might ask this bizarre Walgreens question to test your candidate's creativity.
However, ideally your candidate's answer will give you insight into her strengths related
to the role, and what kind of person she is.
Your ideal candidate should say something like this, "I would be an oak tree, because I'm
strong and dependable." Of course, it doesn't matter what tree she chooses -- as long as
she uses her answer as an opportunity to show you why she's a good fit for the position.
Creative & Interesting Interview Questions
6. "We finish the interview and you step outside the office and find a lottery ticket that
ends up winning $10 million. What would you do?"
This is a fantastic question to find out your candidate's true motivation in a role. You
don't want to hire someone who only wants the job to make money -- you want a
candidate who also finds genuine fulfillment in the role. Since corporations whose
employees are engaged perform over 200% better than companies whose employees are
not, it's critical you hire a fully engaged performer.
Your ideal candidate will say, "I'd use the $10 million to travel, donate to charity, and
provide for my family. However, I'd still want to work for your company. I've always
enjoyed working in marketing, and I think this company puts a great emphasis on
creativity and storytelling to help brands' spread their message. So while I'd love to get
$10 million, it wouldn't change my career goals."
Ultimately, you'll want a candidate who mentions why she's genuinely interested in the
role, regardless of her income.
7. "What's the color of money?"
This might sound like a trick question -- or related to monopoly -- but in actuality, it's a
good gauge for whether your candidate has a well-rounded view of the economy.
PolyOne asks this question to its financial candidates. While you might be expecting
"green" to be the right answer, you'll actually want your candidate to say, "It depends on
the country." This type of awareness for the world at large could be critical when
evaluating markets and making global financial decisions.
8. "If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such
as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with
This question, asked by companies like Yahoo, encourages the candidate to demonstrate
creativity and innovativeness. Additionally, it helps you determine your candidate's
priorities. For instance, a candidate who mentions needing "a kindle with unlimited
books, and my laptop" shows different values from a candidate who says he wants,
"music, and a boat."
While there's no right answer, you'll want a candidate who showcases an ability to
prioritize and think logically through tough situations. For instance, maybe your
candidate says, "I'd like to bring a wifi-enabled laptop with wind generator to charge the
batteries, and a lighter. I can do my work and keep in contact with friends on my laptop,
and I can use the lighter to start fires and keep warm at night."
9. "Are you a hunter or a gatherer?"
If you aren't hiring an anthropologist, this might seem like a ridiculous question.
But companies like Dell ask this question to gain critical insights into a candidate's
strengths and weaknesses.
You want your candidate to focus her answer around qualifications of the specific role.
For instance, if you're hiring for a content creator role, you'll want your candidate to say,
"I'm a gatherer. I enjoy collecting critical SEO data and insights over time, and tailor my
content to reach long-term goals."
Ultimately, hunters and gatherers are two very different categories of people. This
question can help you quickly discern what types of strengths and weaknesses your
candidate is likely to display in the role.
Weird, Unusual, & Random Interview Questions
10. "How much do you charge to wash every window in Seattle?"
While this might seem like an odd question, it's actually an effective one to ask if you're
trying to determine how well your candidate can problem-solve. Particularly if you're
hiring for a client-facing role, you'll want to see how your candidate handles questions to
which she doesn't immediately know the answer.
Ideally, your candidate will say something like this -- "Well, let's say Seattle consists of
10,000 city blocks, with 1,000 windows per block. That's 10 million windows. If I charge
$5 per window, I'd make $50 million."
The answer itself doesn't matter. It's more important your candidate can apply logical
problem-solving skills, and remain calm, when dealing with challenging or unexpected
11. "Design a spice rack for the blind."
Your candidate's answer to this random question shows a lot about how she makes
For instance, perhaps your candidate tells you she wants to interview blind people first
and do competitive research before making a decision. This tells you she's someone who
places value on research and analytics.
Alternatively, maybe your candidate says she'd create braille labels on each of the
shelves. This tells you she's someone who trusts her instinct to make fast judgment calls.
Neither answer is wrong -- it simply depends on the type of person you need to fill the
12. "How many pennies would fit into this room?"
Ipreo asks this question for Product Analyst interviews. A brain teaser like this one is a
good opportunity to see how a candidate can use logic to solve seemingly impossible
You'll want your candidate to say something like this -- "I'd need to measure how many
pennies fit length-wise, width-wise, and height-wise. Then I'd simply multiply those three
numbers." This answer demonstrates an ability to use simple math to create formulas for
more difficult problems.
However, it's also impressive if your candidate asks you questions in return. Perhaps
she'd say, "Well, will this room still have furniture in it, or would we remove it? Also,
what's the volume of the room? Once I have that information, I could do the math based
on the volume of a penny."
Asking questions like these shows your candidate thinks outside the box, and likes to ask
second-level questions, before delivering a solution to a problem.
Unique interview questions
13. "If you had a choice between two superpowers, being invisible or flying, which
would you choose?"
On the surface, this sounds like a question you heard at sleepaway camp when you were
12. But Forbes found it to be an indicator of potential leadership ability, with 72% of
surveyed leaders choosing the ability to fly over being invisible.
If you think about it, this question is really asking, "Do you prefer to be in the spotlight,
or more behind-the-scenes?" Of course, this shouldn't be the only question you ask to
determine a candidate's personality and culture fit, but it's nonetheless a good initial
indicator of where someone will have the most impact on your team.
14. "What was the last gift you gave someone?"
If your candidate is very stiff and formal, you might consider loosening her up with a
question like this one, asked by Gallup during a Data Analyst interview. It should reveal
something about your candidate's personal character. Ideally, it will illicit a warm,
emotional response, helping you form a deeper bond with your candidate.
For instance, if your candidate says something like, "My brother loves baseball, so a
couple weeks ago I bought him tickets to a Red Sox game", you have information to help
you create a connection to your candidate, and ideally create an environment in which
she feels more comfortable.
15. "How many square feet of pizza are eaten in the U.S. each year?"
This is a tricky question asked by Goldman Sachs during a Programmer
Analyst interview. The question aims to test your candidate's logical reasoning skills.
While you don't need a candidate to get the "right" answer, you'll want a candidate who
remains composed and thoughtful when providing an educated guess.
For instance, your ideal candidate might say, "Well, a pizza is roughly one square foot. If
the average American eats one-third a pizza, and eats pizza three times a month, that
would mean 12 square foot a year. Then, multiply that number by 200 million
Americans, and you get 2.4 billion square feet."
16. "If you could compare yourself with any animal, which would it be and why?"
Similar to the tree question, this question helps you see a candidate's innovativeness,
creativity, and quick-thinking skills. Your candidates should use this question as an
opportunity to mention their strengths and highlight their good character.
For instance, an ideal answer might be, "I'd be a horse. Horses are very strong and
capable of functioning well both independently, and as a part of a team. Additionally,
they are often fast-learners."
1. If you were a dessert, what dessert would you be?
This question can be used to determine how you see yourself, as well as your ability to
think creatively. A good answer to this style of question will include detailed reasoning
for the answer you choose. If a question has a humorous tone, your answer can establish a
rapport with the interviewer.
Example: "If I were any dessert, I would be a strawberry shortcake. Good strawberry
shortcake has distinct layers with different textures that all work together. I have strong
values that I can build upon with my different interests and experiences, so my family life
could be the biscuit and my hobbies could be the cream, with my accomplishments as the
2. What is your usual order at a diner?
This question is generally aimed at helping a candidate relax and show their personality.
Your answer could be direct or include anecdotes and stories that display your
conversational skills.
Example: "I like to keep my order simple: eggs, bacon, hash browns and a black coffee.
It's consistent and delicious, which is all I want in a diner. It might not be my favorite
meal, but it's the best meal for the occasion."
3. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This is another question that aims to see your priorities and the way you make decisions.
Your answer should display the interests and values that are most important to you.
Consider picking a book that has a particular meaning, or something related to the job
you are interviewing for.
Example: "**If I could only read one book from now on, I would choose The Complete
Poems of Emily Dickinson. I would want the book to be poetry so I can develop new
meanings that relate to my life, even if I am reading the same poems. Emily Dickinson is
my favorite poet, and her full collection of poems is long enough to keep me entertained
for a while."
4. What was the last gift you gave someone?
For questions that rely on memory, take a moment to think carefully instead of sharing
the first idea that comes to mind. This question could showcase your personal values or
your relationships with others.
Example: "I like to give experiences as gifts instead of things. I took my sister skydiving
for her birthday a few weeks ago. I would never have done it by myself, but she has
always wanted to experience it together."
5. What is an unpopular opinion you hold?
Your response to this question could show your persuasiveness or uniqueness. Keep your
answer lighthearted and avoid controversial topics.
Example: "I like fruit on pizza. Pineapple, pear chunks and apple slices should be on
every pizza parlor menu. I know a lot of people think it's gross, but pizza should be as
customizable as I want."
6. What advice would you give to your former boss?
This question provides the employer insight into a candidate's past working relationships.
Focus on aspects of your previous manager that you admired, and consider what traits
you hope your new boss will have.
Example: "My previous boss gave very thorough feedback, and congratulated us on our
successes. My advice would be to keep holding biweekly check-ins with her employees,
as I grew a lot as a professional during those meetings. If I had to make a change, I would
focus more time on communicating with other teams."
7. How many footballs could fit in this room?
An employer asking this question is likely not looking for a correct answer. Instead, this
style of question shows your logical reasoning skills. Consider asking clarifying
questions as you explain your thought process.
Example: "First, I'd need to know the dimension of the room, so I'll guess that this is
about 10 feet tall, 12 feet long, and 10 feet wide. I can multiply the cubic feet in the office
by an estimate of how many footballs can fit in one cubic foot. Do I know the exact size
of the football?"
8. What was your best day at work?
This question can display your accomplishments and values.
Example: "My best day at work so far was probably the day after my first promotion. I
was extremely excited when I got the news, but I was even more moved by my
coworkers congratulating me the next day. Seeing the positive impact I was making in
my position made me feel confident in my future success and proud to be part of a team."
9. Which year of your life would you like to relive?
You can use this question to provide insight into special experiences that you might not
have had a chance to display in other parts of the interview. Reflecting on your past can
also help you share your motivations and proudest moments with your interviewer.
Example: *"I would love to relive the year I completed college. After we graduated,
many of my friends moved to different parts of the world to pursue their dreams, so I
would enjoy having everyone together. I also think I would have had more fun writing
my dissertation if I had known I would eventually get it published.*"
10. Which superpowers would you choose?
When responding to this question, consider what superpower would be most useful to the
position you are applying for. As with most of these questions, be sure to explain your
reasoning to show critical thinking skills.
Example: "I would choose the power of telekinesis. I would never have to worry about
traffic on my commute or finding the correct filing folder again!"
11. What websites do you read?
This question can help your employer assess if you are well-informed on your industry.
Be honest with your response and relate your answer back to your goals within their
Example: "I enjoy reading blogs about science. Reading about new innovations and
discoveries about nature inspires me to be curious about the world and the work that I
12. If you were an animal, what would you be?
This type of question can be used to see if your characteristics would fit in well with the
company culture or the requirements of this position. When answering this question,
show originality and explain the traits you share with your chosen animal.
Example: "I would be a honeybee because I love being part of a team. I am very focused
on my work, especially if it is for a good cause."
13. Would you rather have a personal chef or a personal trainer?
Usually when an employer asks you to choose between two options, they are paying the
most attention to your explanation. Either choice could provide the basis for a strong
answer as long as you remain focused on which of your traits you would like to highlight.
Example: "I would rather have a personal chef. It would be fun to taste new recipes and
would save me so much time cooking. If I had a personal chef, I could devote more of my
energy toward learning new skills and practicing my hobbies."
14. What would you title your autobiography?
This question allows you to assess your values and accomplishments in a way that shares
your personality. One way to answer this question is by thinking of your future goals or
themes of your career.
Example: "The title of my autobiography would probably reference my family and
friends. I might choose to name it The People I Call Home because my relationships in
work and in life are very important to me."
15. If you could have dinner with any two people from history, dead or alive, who
would you choose?
You can use this question to share the traits that you most admire in others. This question
can give employers a good sense of your character and how you would work with others.
Example: "I would choose to have dinner with Frida Kahlo because I admire her art, and
Marie Antoinette because I think the three of us would have very interesting
conversations. Observing the way two strong personalities from different cultures interact
would teach me so much."
16. Would you rather be a wedding cake or a fortune cookie?
This open-ended question allows you to showcase your creativity. You can decide the
context for the question as well as what the answers mean.
Example: "I would be a fortune cookie because I love surprises and new challenges."
17. Do you prefer to make plans or be spontaneous?
Consider why you would choose one answer instead of the other and apply your
reasoning to your job.
Example: "I usually prefer to make plans ahead of time. I find that having an organized
schedule makes it easier for me to be spontaneous sometimes without impacting my
18. Who is your role model and why?
Consider mentioning a prominent person in your field or a person in your life who has
made significant accomplishments.
Example: "My role model is my high school art teacher who regularly showed her art at
local galleries. She has pursued a career where she can teach her passion in addition to
doing it as a hobby. One of my goals is to create a side business inspired by my career."
19. If you could live anywhere, where would you choose?
Use this question to reference your personal goals. Think creatively about cities or
countries that would suit your interests and ideals. If possible, relate your choice to why
you are interested in the position you are applying for.
Example: "I would love to live in a port city like Seattle. I enjoy living in a diverse
community with exciting activities in the city. I do my best work when I have a variety of
ideas and projects to inspire me."
20. How do you relax?
It can be helpful for an employer to know that their employees have healthy ways to relax
from the stress of work. Your answer to this question can reflect your views on work-life
balance and help identify commonalities between you and the interviewer.
Example: "I enjoy baking as a hobby, it helps me manage stress and create a treat for
myself or my friends. If I've had a hard day I can knead dough to release frustration or
focus completely on the small details of decorating a cake."
If you could only eat one meal a day, what would it be and why?
Which superhero is your favorite and why?
Describe a time when you laughed the hardest.
If you were banned from the United States, which country would you move to and why?
Which course is more important to you; the appetizer or the dessert? Why?
What is your idea of a guilty pleasure?
What movie could you watch over and over again without hating life?
Have you ever met or seen anyone famous in real life? Who?
. What qualities do you admire most about yourself?
If you could be any animal, which would you be?
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
Do you believe in magic? If so, how do you define it?

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