Motion For Partial Summary Judgment
Motion For Partial Summary Judgment
Motion For Partial Summary Judgment
Plaintiff Forest River, Inc. (“Forest River”), by and through its undersigned counsel and
pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 56, hereby moves the Court for partial summary judgment in its favor
and against Defendant inTech Trailers, Inc. (“inTech”) as to inTech’s liability on each of the
following claims asserted in its First Amended Complaint (Doc. 25): (i) Count I, for Trademark
Infringement under 15 U.S.C. § 1114(1)(A); (ii) Count II, for Trademark Infringement under 15
U.S.C. § 1125(a)(1)(A); (iii) Count III, for Trademark Infringement under Indiana Code § 24-2-1-
13; and, (iv) Count IV, for Common Law Unfair Competition. Forest River also respectfully moves
the Court to grant it summary judgment on inTech’s affirmative defense of “Assumption of the
trademarks is in violation of the Lanham Act, the Indiana Trademark Act, and common law, and
no genuine issues of material fact remain in dispute. As such, Forest River’s Motion for Summary
Judgment should be granted, inTech should be permanently enjoined from its infringing uses, and
a hearing or an order for further briefing on the issue of damages should be set. 1
Forest River’s damages are supported by the unrebutted expert testimony of expert Stephen A. Holzen, of Stout
Risius Ross, LLC, who has opined that Forest River is entitled to more than $7,600,000 in damages as a result of
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Pursuant to Local Rule 56-1, Forest River is filing both a Memorandum in Support and a
Statement of Material Facts, with supporting exhibits, deposition testimony, and declarations
attached to the Statement of Material Facts. Forest River certifies that it has met and conferred
with inTech on the substance of its Motion. 2 Forest River and inTech were unable to reach
Respectfully submitted,
s/ Philip R. Bautista
Philip R. Bautista (Ohio Bar No. 0073272)
[email protected]
JoZeff W. Gebolys (Ohio Bar No.0093507)
(admission via pro hac vice)
[email protected]
200 Public Square, Suite 3500
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Phone: (216) 241-2838
Fax: (216) 241-3707
inTech’s infringement. inTech has not engaged an expert on the issue of damages and has not submitted any expert
testimony to rebut Mr. Holzen’s expert testimony.
Forest River and inTech conducted their meet and confer on March 17, 2023.
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I hereby certify that on March 30, 2023 the foregoing was filed electronically. Notice of
this filing will be sent to all parties by operation of the Court’s electronic filing system, and parties
s/ Philip R. Bautista
Philip R. Bautista (Ohio Bar No. 0073272)