(PDF) A - 11 - UNIfloc - Brochure - 2135-v1 - en - 24747 - Compress
(PDF) A - 11 - UNIfloc - Brochure - 2135-v1 - en - 24747 - Compress
(PDF) A - 11 - UNIfloc - Brochure - 2135-v1 - en - 24747 - Compress
Fiber Preparation
A �� UNIfloc
2 Rieter � A �� UNIfloc
Rieter . A �� UNIfloc 3
4 Rieter � A �� UNIfloc
FUNCTIONAL TO THE LAST DETAIL The unique geometry of the double teeth ensures the uniform
The A �� UNIfloc processes cotton from all sources and man- treatment of the entire bale surface� Retaining rollers traveling
made fibers in staple lengths of up to �� mm� The bales being with the take-off unit prevent bale layers from sloughing and
opened are placed lengthwise or crosswise on both sides of the ensure precise� controlled operation over the entire height of
bale opener� and the take-off unit can process up to four differ- the bale�
ent assortments�
The take-off unit is lowered by a preselected or computed dis-
Reduction of the raw material into microtufts is assured by the tance at each pass� Running-in and running-out programs com-
patented double teeth on the take-off roller and the grid with pensate for the differing hardness of the bales over their cross
closely set clamping rails� section and ensure a uniform level of production� The fan in-
feeds them in thethe
into swiveling towerrunning
tuft channel extractsbetween
the opened tufts and
the guide
rails� Transport to the following machine is pneumatic�
Rieter . A �� UNIfloc 5
the system
in the automatically
bale profile� compensates
Labor-intensive for differences
manual in height
leveling is eliminat-
ed� After the required height range� take-off depth and speed of
travel have been entered for each group of bales� take-off pro-
ceeds fully automatically�
6 Rieter � A �� UNIfloc
MICROTUFTS – PREREQUISITE FOR SUPERIOR YARN QUALITY • collision safeguards on the chassis and take-off unit stop
Trash and dust can only be removed from natural fibers gently the machine in the event of prohibited manipulation by
and efficiently on the surface
sur face of the tufts�
tu fts� This finding was an personnel� detect obstacles and prevent collisions
essential consideration in the design of the A �� UNIfloc� The • a core safety feature is the mechanical drop safeguard of
take-off unit is at the heart of the system� The patented take-off the take-off unit� it provides effective protection for both
roller and the grid design with small gaps between the clamp- personnel and machinery
ing rails enables small fiber tufts – microtufts – to be extracted� • the articulated flap integrated in the take-off unit actuates a
The twin-tooth profile ensures uniform� gentle and effi cient ex- machine stoppage on contact with large extraneous matter in
traction of the tufts� also irrespective of the take-off roller’s di- order to protect the A �� UNIfloc and subsequent machines
rection of rotation�
A �� UNIfloc
Rieter . A �� UNIfloc 7
There is space on each side of the A �� UNIfloc bale opener In the system as a whole four carding lines can be connected
for laying down up to four groups of bales of different lengths� with a wide range of assortments� This high degree of integra-
up to four assortments can be assigned to these in optional se- tion is a further outstanding indication of the operational flex-
quence� ibility of Rieter’s A �� UNIfloc automatic bale opener�
A wide range of customer needs are catered for with possible EASY OPERATION
bale lay-down lengths of ��� to ���� meters and two take-off The control panel is placed facing the extraction duct� provid-
unit lengths of � ��� mm and � ��� mm� The maximum ver- ing a clear view and safety for operating the machine� Setting
sion can accommodate up to �� ��� kg of raw material� This and control of the A �� UNIfloc can easily be performed at the
ensures flexible� economical and largely autonomous process- screen� In the interests of optimum monitoring of the installa-
Assortment �
Assortment �
Assortment �
Assortment �
Rieter Machine Works Ltd� Rieter Ingolstadt GmbH Rieter CZ a�s� The data and illustrations in this brochure and on the cor-
Klosterstrasse �� Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse ��
Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse Čs� armády ���� responding data carrier refer to the date of printing� Rieter
reserves the right to make any necessary changes at any
CH-���� Winterthur DE-����� Ingolstadt CZ-����� Ústí nad Orlicí time and without special notice� Rieter systems and Rieter
T ��� �� ��� �� �� T ��� ��� �� �� �� T ���� ��� ��� ��� innovations are protected by patents�
F ��� �� ��� �� �� F ��� ��� �� �� ��� F ���� ��� ��� ���
sales�sys@rieter�com ����en-v� ����-����-�� Printed in CZ