Performance Tasks 2 3

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✓ Form a group with 5-10 members.

Part I. All about GMOs (50 points)
1. Read the following articles:
A. Genetically modified foods: A critical review of their promise and problems:
B. Playing with genes: The good, the bad, and the ugly:

2. Create an ACTUAL MEMORY BOOK (Scrapbook/ photobook). Your group’s memory

book should include:
A. Based on the articles and your group’s additional research, what are the benefits
and risks of GMOs?

B. Answer this question: Do the benefits outweigh the risks?

C. Let your imagination work! Consider yourself as one of the Genetic Engineers.
Using your drawing materials, illustrate a Genetically Modified Organism
(GMO) that you would produce. Emphasize the unique features of this creature
and the benefits it would give to mankind.
C1. Name of Creature
C2. Description
C3. Special Feature
C4. Is it beneficial or a risk to mankind?

3. Rubric:
Description Score
Strong organization
throughout the book
including headings and an
accurate and detailed table of
Organization contents/index 10 points

The student/s was able to

submit an actual memory
Choices of
Maturity of writing language/technique contribute 10 points
to skillful and confident
writing with minimal errors
in spelling, punctuation, and
Interior/exterior of the book
demonstrates excellent effort
Aesthetic expression/Design 10 points
and skill at creating style,
interest, appeal, and fluidity.
All required pieces have been
Completeness 15 points
Submitting the required
Punctuality 5 points
output on time.

Part II. Last Moments in Earth and Life Science (50 points)
1. In the same memory book, gather all the documentations you were able to capture from 1st
Quarter up to 2nd Quarter of Earth and Life Science.

2. You may present it through a photo collage or like an album.

3. Each member of the group should have his or her own page and answer the following
A. What was your most memorable experience in taking Earth and Life Science?
B. What was your least liked experience in taking Earth and Life Science?
C. One meme that would summarize your learning experience and Overall Reflection.

4. Group’s list of division of tasks.

5. Same rubric will be used in grading this part.

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