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Steady state analysis of distribution system with

wind and PV system

Nasir Rehman1 , M. D. Mufti2 , and Neeraj Gupta3

National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India

Abstract. The worldwide population explosion has narrowed down the

balance between energy supply and demand to alarming levels leading to
problems like energy crisis plaguing the entire world. This has resulted in
a significant increase in the evolution of renewable energy sources (RES)
like solar and wind, whose stocks have increased remarkably. This pa-
per explores a technically feasible and economically relevant way to fulfil
growing demands in a highly distributed scenario. It also elaborates a
load flow methodology to comprehend the steady state characteristics of
distribution networks incorporating wind turbine and photovoltaic sys-
tems, that can withstand radial and weakly meshed systems. This paper
explores the effect of RES as distributed generation (DG) power sources
in terms of bus voltage and power loss profile in a distribution system. An
IEEE-33 bus test system is simulated to ascertain the implementation
and performance of the load flow algorithm in MATLAB.

Keywords: Renewable energy sources (RES), Distributed generation

(DG), Wind turbine generating system (WTGS), Photovoltaic (PV) sys-
tems, Load flow.

1 Introduction
Distribution systems play a very consequential role in the power system networks
as they are fundamental link between the power generation and consumers. The
high prevalence of DG systems has greatly impacted distribution networks with
the major concern of planning and operation of distribution networks. When
DG systems are incorporated with power systems, they evolve into active distri-
bution networks employing RE’s like wind, solar etc.
DG integration into traditional power systems improves grid reliability and ad-
dresses reactive power demand requisites, enhances voltage profile, and improves
customer retention [1]- [3]. Wind turbines and solar PV are two of the most com-
mon primary energy sources used in DG integration. They have outperformed all
the most ambitious predictions [4]-[6]. Several other alternative energy sources,
such as fuel cells, jet engines, gas turbines, and micro turbines, may also be put
together to form a hybrid energy system [7]. Owing to the intermittent nature of
REs, distribution systems require storage devices like super capacitors or other
reliable generation sources for sustained power flow [8].
The rapid expansion of distributed alternative energy sources, mostly in remote
2 N. Rehman et al.

regions, obscures load flow studies and has caused a major interest in the topic.
Load flow studies confirms the flow of electrical power from generators to cus-
tomers in a reliable, efficient, and convenient manner. It is mandatory to employ
an accurate, fast, and reliable power flow technique when addressing a distribu-
tion network which is capable of simulating the key characteristics of distribution
network in greater depth [9], [10]. The traditional load flow approaches of trans-
mission system like gauss siedel and newton raphson are limited in their ability
to attain the appropriate and optimal solution in distribution systems due to
their several contrasting features.
In radial distribution networks, modified fast decoupled newton raphson method
is mostly used for load flow analysis [11]. However, it is not pertinent in weakly
meshed networks, hence its load flow analysis is dependent upon the topology
characteristic of the distribution networks. Several techniques employed in load
flow analysis depends upon the topology of the distribution network.These tech-
niques include modified newton type and fast decoupled methods [12], linear
load flow [13] and probabilistic methods [14], bus injection to branch current
(BIBC) and branch current to bus voltage (BCBV) matrices [15]. In [16], new-
ton raphson method is carried out on hourly based to monitor daily voltage
profile and power factor variations on the buses. A linear load flow algorithm
used for both balanced and unbalanced distribution networks has been proposed
in [13]. In [17], a fast sensitivity approach is developed for computing load flow
in an active distribution network. In contrary to above methods, the BIBC and
BCBV methods offer efficient solutions in active distribution networks [15]. This
methodology is applicable to both radial and weakly meshed networks of distri-
bution system.
In this paper, we employ an iterative approach for load flow called the BIBC
and BCBV algorithm, to model the steady state characteristics of the integrated
power system. This approach iteratively computes various electrical variables
such as the bus voltages and phase angles, power flow and power losses. Addi-
tionally, this algorithm also sheds light on the economic consequences of using a
wind turbine and photovoltaic device in the distribution system.
The rest of this article is arranged as: Mathematical modelling of distribution
system along with WTGS and PV are elucidated in section 2. The overview of
methodology in section 3 and its development on an integrated distribution net-
works is discussed in section 4. Section 5 covers the outline and future context
of this research work.

2 System Modelling
2.1 Modelling of Simple Radial Distribution Network
Distribution systems usually present radial structure and provide a low X/R
ratio, rendering them ill characterised. In this work, we use a simple 9 bus system
to evaluate distribution system modelling which is shown in Fig.1. It represents
the single line diagram of a 9 bus system of distribution network. Fig.2 depicts
the equivalent electrical schematic of a single line segment outlined in Fig.1. The
Steady state analysis of distribution system with wind and PV system 3

three-phase distribution system is presumed to be balanced. Also at distribution

voltage level, line-to-earth capacitance is low and hence omitted. The complex
power flow from ith node (sending end) to k th node (receiving end) is given as
Sk = Vk ∗ Ik = Pk + jQk (1)
the current injected at this node is given as:
Pk − jQk
Ik = (2)

Fig. 1. Single line diagram of sample bus system

Fig. 2. Electrical equivalent circuit of branch

2.2 Modelling of fixed speed WTGS

The wind farm in prompt is stall-regulated fixed speed wind turbines. The
steady-state equivalent model of induction machine is used in the mathemat-
4 N. Rehman et al.

ical model of wind turbines [19].

Wind power is converted into mechanical power Pm (watts) from wind energy
and is given by:
1 C2 C7
Pm = ρAC1 − C3 β − C4 β C5 − C6 e λi u3w (3)
2 λi

1 C9
λi = − (4)
λ + C8 β β3 + 1

Rngb ωs
λ= (5)
ρ = Density of air [kg/m3 ]
A = Blade area scoured [m2 ]
uw = wind speed [m/s]
R = Rotor radius [m]
ngb = Gearbox ratio
β = Pitch angle [degrees]

C1 to C9 are constants and represent design details of the wind turbine.

In this paper, we have used weibull distribution to obtain wind speed data. The
wind turbine power curve given by designer of a specific made is used to deter-
mine the turbine’s power output by calculating its average power. They’re math-
ematically modelled as steady state equivalent model of induction machines. The
steady state model of an induction machine has been given below in Fig.3. These
generators are directly coupled via transformer to power system networks. The
electrical frequency along with the voltage of the node at the generator’s termi-
nals determine their final operating point. The stator current I1 rotor current
I2 of induction machine are illustrated by equations (6) and (7) as function of
terminal voltage and machine slip. The Pg as active power and Qg as reactive
power are stated by equations (8) and (9) respectively [20] .

Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit of induction machine

Steady state analysis of distribution system with wind and PV system 5
( )
[L + Ks + M s2 ] + [B + Cs2 ]
I1 (V, s) = V ∗ sqrt (6)
[(D − Es)2 + (F + Hs)2 ]2
( )
[N s + T s2 ] + [W s − Xs2 ]
I2 (V, s) = V ∗ sqrt (7)
[(D − Es)2 + (F + Hs)2 ]2
( )
L + Ks + M s
Pg (V, s) = −V 2 (8)
(D − Es)2 + (F + Hs)2
( )
2 B + Cs2
Qg (V, s) = −V (9)
(D − Es)2 + (F + Hs)2

Where V signifies the terminal voltage and s as the machine’s slip. also B to X
are constants given as:

B = R22 (X1 + Xm )
C = (X2 + Xm )[X2 Xm + X1 (X2 + Xm )]
D = R1 R2
E = X2 Xm
F = R2 (X1 + Xm )
H = R1 (X2 + Xm )
K = R2 Xm
L = R1 R22
M = R1 (X2 + Xm )2
N = Xm R2 (X1 + Xm )
T = Xm R1 (X2 + Xm )
W = R1 R2 Xm
X = Xm [X2 Xm + X1 (X2 + Xm )]

Where Xm is magnetizing reactance and R1 is stator resistance.

The power generated from the WTGS is fed directly on the buses. Several classes
of WTGU have already been implemented at this time [21], and predominantly
on the basis of speed can be put into three categories as fixed speed type, semi-
variable, and variable speed types. The WTGU modelling implemented here is
studied to calculate the WTGU’s power output for a certain terminal voltage
and wind speed.

2.3 Modelling of PV systems

Solar PV systems are made up of PV cell arrays, control modules, inverters,

and other subassemblies. In the trend impact analysis, the modelling of the PV
6 N. Rehman et al.

power generation unit does not have to analyse the dynamic characteristics of the
control system structural adjustment program, but only has to be concerned with
the steady-state performance outcome. A mathematical model for determining
the power output of PV modules is described in this section. The calculations,
involving PV power output are carried out in MATLAB. Exploiting the solar
radiations accessible on the tilted surface, the ambient temperature and the
manufacturers data of the panel as input, the output power of photovoltaic
(Ppv ) can be obtained. All losses in a PV generator are minimal, besides the
connection losses, wiring losses, and any other losses [22].
The PV system modelling is illustrated by the circuit diagram represented in
Fig.4. The solar PV Current Ipv is defined as the output of current produced by
the solar irradiance and is governed by the equation as:

Fig. 4. Representation of a solar PV cell

Ipv = Im − Ish (10)

Where Ish is shunt current and is given as:

V + Ipv Rs
Ish = (11)

The photon current proportionate to solar insolation is given as:

Ig = (Ig,n + K1 ∆t) (12)
And, by the Shockley’s diode equation, diode current is obtained as:
V + Ipv Rs
Id = Io exp −1 (13)
vt n

Under specific temperature, the diode’s reverse saturation current is constant,

and this can be evaluated using the open circuit condition given as:
Steady state analysis of distribution system with wind and PV system 7

Isc,n + K1 ∆t
Io =    (14)
Voc,n +Kv ∆t
exp αvt −1

Final expression for PV cell output current is given by:

V + Ipv Rs V + Ipv Rs
Ipv = Ig − Io exp −1 − (15)
vt n Rp

Using values of parameters given in Appendix B, the solar photovoltaic output

power is obtained by calculating output voltage and output current of PV cell
using equation (15).

3 Methodology

The load flow programme is methodically structured with superior convergence

in terms of iterations needed to perform the radial load flow analysis regardless
of the configuration, nature of loads and their type, number of buses, number
of laterals and sub-laterals, X/R ratio and load growth. A simplified method of
load flow analysis is hinged on the product of BIBC and BCBV matrices. This
method is briefly elucidated in [23] and [24]. The advantage of this approach
include its non-dependence on matrix decomposition and interchanging of ad-
mittance and jacobian matrices resulting in computational ease. BIBC matrix
depicts the correlation of currents between network buses and branches whereas
BCBV matrix depicts the correlation between currents in a branch and their
corresponding bus voltages. Fig.5 illustrates the flowchart of load flow algorithm
used in distribution system
BIBC is the correlation between currents, thus obtained by applying KCL in
Fig.1 and is given as:
B5 = I6
B4 = I5
B3 = I4 + I5
B2 = I3 + I4 + I5 + I6
B1 = I2 + I3 + I4 + I5 + I6
And can be expressed in matrix form as:
    
B1 11111 I2
B2  0 1 1 1 1 I3 
    
B3  = 0 0 1 1 0 I4  (16)
    
B4  0 0 0 1 0 I5 
B5 00001 I6
B = BIBC I (17)
BIBC matrix contains only 0 and 1 elements to form upper triangular matrix.
By applying KVL in Fig.1, BCBV matrix is obtained in the same manner as
8 N. Rehman et al.

BIBC and is given as:

∆V = BCBV B (18)
∆V = DLF I (19)

Where DLF represents a distribution load flow that yields the power flow analysis
of the IEEE-33 bus system by multiplying the above two matrices (BIBC and

4 Results and discussions

Modelling analysis was carried on the test bus IEEE-33 system to ascertain the
implementation of the discussed load flow methodology and to analyse the im-
pact of integration of DG for power loss and bus voltage profile. The distribution
load flow method initially identifies the deficient nodes and then WTGS and PV
system are separately incorporated on those particular nodes to improve the
voltages. In WTGS, the reactive power is inserted as +Q with in load flow, indi-
cating that the wind generation system requires the power, and the active power
being introduced as negative P, indicating that it is generating. In PV, the re-
active power being set as zero and the active power generated is fed directly on
the bus. Here, two buses are being identified as weak nodes where two separate
WTGS and PV units are connected as indicated in Fig.6 and Fig.7 respectively.
Upon the integration of REs, voltage profile at each bus is improved and are
clearly depicted in Fig.8 and Fig.9. Simultaneously, the profile of power loss of
system is also improved and plotted as bar in Fig.8 and Fig.9 resulting in in-
creased efficiency.

Appendix A:
SR-FSWG parameters:
Wind farm transformer impedance = 0.2
Impedance of stator (Z1) = 0.0028 + j0.025Ω
Impedance of rotor (Z2) = 0.0023 + j0.046Ω
Magnetizing impedance (Xm) = j1.37Ω
Rated voltage (Vnom ) = 690 V
Rated power (Pnom ) = 900kW
Coefficients:c1 = 0.5; c2 = 116; c3 = 0.4; c4 = c5 = 0; c6 = 5; c7=21; c8 = 0.08;
c9 = 0.035
β = 0;

Appendix B:
Steady state analysis of distribution system with wind and PV system 9

Fig. 5. Flowchart of load flow algorithm used in distribution system

10 N. Rehman et al.

Fig. 6. WTGS integrated IEEE-33 bus system

Fig. 7. PV integrated IEEE-33 bus system

Steady state analysis of distribution system with wind and PV system 11

Fig. 8. Voltage and loss profile of distribution system with and without WTGS

Fig. 9. Voltage and loss profile of distribution system with and without PV
12 N. Rehman et al.

Solar photovoltaic cell parameters:

Parameter value Parameter value

Ambient temp. (T) 301◦ C Short circuit current (Isc,n ) 8.21 A
Nominal temp. (Tn ) 300◦ C Open circuit voltage (Voc ) 32.9 V
Boltzman’s Constant (K) 1.38 ∗ 10−23 charge of electron (q) 1.6 ∗ 10−19
cells in series (Ns ) 54 Diode ideality factor (n) 2
cells in parallel (Np ) 1 Diode nominal saturation current (Io,n ) 9.85 ∗ 10−8
Solar insolation (G) 800 Bandgap energy (Eg ) 1.12 eV
Nominal solar ins.(Gn ) 100 Nominal current at STC (Ig, n) 8.214
Voltage coefficient (Kv ) -0.1230 Resistance in series (Rs ) 0.22Ω
current coefficient (Ki 4) 0.0032 Resistance in parallel (Rp ) 414.5Ω

5 Conclusion
This work implements a simple and prolonged load flow approach namely BIBC
and BCBV method of power flow analysis on an IEEE-33 bus radial distri-
bution system integrated with solar and wind RES in MATLAB environment.
In addition, the mathematical modelling of output powers from stall-regulated
fixed-speed WTGS and solar PV is reviewed. The results illustrate the effect
of incorporating DGs into distribution system regarding smooth power flow be-
tween load and DGs which maintains a balanced voltage profile on different
buses consequently reducing overall system losses. The future scope entails var-
ious influencing factors like determining the exact power dispensing capacity of
PV plants to improve grid stability with respect to RES by possible use of FACT

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