SEM-III JAVA MINIPROJECT REPORT SmitShetye SarweshNandeshwar AvinashTiwari

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Notepad in Java

Technical Report · December 2021

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5785860


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3 authors, including:

Smit Shetye
Shivajirao S. Jondhale College of Engineering


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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree



Smit Shetye (25)
Sarwesh Nandeshwar (21)
Avinash Tiwari (29)

Prof. Kirti Rajadnya

Department of Information Technology

Shivajirao S. Jondhale College of Engineering.
Dombivli (E)
(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
(AY 2021-22)

This is to certify that the Mini Project entitled “ Notepad in Java ” is a bonafide work

of Smit Shetye(25), Sarwesh Nandeshwar(21), Avinash Tiwari(29)submitted to the

University of Mumbai in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the

degree of “Bachelor of Engineering” in “Information Technology”.

(Prof.Kirti Rajadnya)


(Prof.Savita Sangam) (Dr. P.R. Rodge)

HeadofDepartment Principal
Mini Project Approval

This Mini Project entitled “Notepad” by Smit Shetye(25), Sarwesh

Nandeshwar(21), Avinash Tiwari(29)is approved for the degree of Bachelor of

Engineering in Information Technology.


(Internal Examiner Name &Sign)

(External Examiner name &Sign)





List of Figures
Figure 3.1 14
Figure 4.1 18
Figure 4.2 19
Figure 4.3 20
Figure 4.4 21
Figure 4.5 22
Figure 4.6 23

1.1: Introduction 7
1.2: Motivation 7
1.3: Problem Statement and objective 8
1.4: Organization of Report 8


2.1: Survey of Existing System 10
2.2: Limitations of Existing System or 11
Research Gap
2.3: Mini Project Contribution 11


3.1: Introduction 13
3.2: Architecture and Framework 14
3.3: Algorithm and Process Design 15
3.4: Details of Hardware and Software 16




Source Code & Website 27

Bibliography 28

The application is a text editor in Java. This text editor developed in Java
platform is a replication of the word editors. We all are familiar with and which
we use quite often on a daily basis. The only difference being dad. This editor
has been created using Java for the Front air interface. The text edited in the
editor is stored in the desired location.

This report is for the detailed study done by us to learn Java by developing
Notepad. This application contains some basic features like open file, save file,
edit file, print, find and replace text.

This application is a text-editor in JAVA. This text editor developed in a

Java platform, is a replication of the word editors we all are familiar with and,
which we use quite often on a daily basis. The text edited in the editor is stored in
the desired location. Notepad is a very basic text editor that has been part of
windows for a very long time. It is very excellent for writing work, relatively
short text documents that you want to save in plain text and that is not all you can
do with it.

This application provides us with the ability to create, edit and save files
containing text. It also provides us to print this text file. Java provide an user
friendly environment which enables selection of various controls like labels,
buttons, textbox, etc. and dragging and dropping them at desired position to give
a user friendly environment. In designing the software, ease of understanding is
maintained to ensure that a person with a little knowledge of computer can work

1.2: Motivation

The main motive of creating notepad was to understand some basic

notepad functions in Java. We were curious to learn how a notepad works with
the use of fundamentals of Java programming. The basic working of notepad was
the main subject of operation and then adding some new concept to it. This
helped us to understand object oriented Java. It also helped us to understand the
way of using Java and its complexity.

1.3: Problem Statement and Objective

Problem definition-

Consider a situation that you need to view a important text file quickly and
urgently. You have to check whether there are any mistakes in that text file. For
this purpose Notepad is very useful application. Due to Notepad application you
can not even view the file but also recorrect the mistakes that has to be solved.


The main objective was to study Java programming by developing a

notepad. A notepad i.e. a text-editor is a computer program that lets a user enter,
change, store, and usually print text (characters and numbers).

1.4: Organization of Report

Chapter 1 consists of Introduction, Motivation, and Problem statement and

its objectives.

Chapter 2 describes the literature survey of various phases of Notepad,

which consist of Survey of Existing System, Limitations of existing system
(research gap) and Mini Project Contribution.

Chapter 3 consist of Proposed System which states the Introduction,

Architecture and Framework (which tells about flowcharts), Algorithm and
Process design (which tells steps to be followed for budget execution). Details of
hardware and software which tells about requirement analysis for the system, and
also the future scope is explained in that which has results and conclusion after
studying the existing system and proposed systems.

2.1: Survey of Existing System

A useful text-editor is an essential component of any personal computer.
Different companies and people use different types of text editors. And there are
slight variations in this text editors are relative to one another. But they all
perform the same function of editing and viewing a text file.

Everyday we need to make notes, compose document, and record vital

pieces of information. In existing system multiple tabbed opening feature is not
available. We cannot change background colour and foreground colour of text
editor as per users choice. Existing system is not user friendly because user
cannot customize software. But there are some features in notepad like open file,
save file, edit, font, cut, copy, paste, find, etc. It can be used by anyone for
viewing and editing a text file. It is a user friendly application.

Features of Notepad are:

➢ Easy to use: A notepad is simple, handy, fast and accurate tool for editing
a text file. This means that users can use this app in any situation where
quick viewing and editing is needed.
➢ Offers speedy operations: Accuracy and speed are very crucial.
➢ It is reliable: The reliability of Notepad cannot be questioned. Many Web
developers and office workers have been using it for quite some time now.
➢ It can be used for any type of text files: With a notepad, you can view an
edit any type of text file on your laptop for desktop computers.
➢ The use of Java helps to keep the information and restore it easily. Apart
from this, it has security manager that defines the access of classes. Java is
straight- forward to use the right view edit and programming languages.
2.2: Limitation of existing system

With many advantages, there are always some limitations present. These
are some of them:

➢ Text files used by Notepad should be not larger than 45 kb. Notepad
cannot open a file that exceeds 54 kb inside. And does not allow you to
continue editing a fire with fire size reaches between 45 kb and 54 kb.
➢ It also doesn’t have default templates to make your web design quicker. It
is only available on Windows because Microsoft made it.
➢ The main disadvantage of Notepad is that it is a very simple software and
it’s primary function is not for HTML.
➢ You also have to preview in a Web browser which means you must save it
as a HTML file.


3.1: Introduction

Notepad is a basic text editor for Microsoft Windows. It has been included
in all versions of Microsoft Windows since Windows 1.0 in 1985.
It can use to create simple documents. The most common used for notepad is to
view or edit text (.txt) files. Many users find Notepad with simple tool for
creating web pages because Notepad supports only very basic formatting, you
cannot accidentally save special formatting in documents that need to remain
pure text.

This is very useful when creating HTML documents for a Web page,
because special characters or other formatting may not appear in your published
Web page or may even cause errors.

Notepad is a common text only editor. The files typically saved with .text
extension have no format tags or styles, making the program suitable for editing
system files.

It is easy to use for implementation of shortcut keys for basic editing

functions. Notepad has a very simple and easy to use interface that doesn’t take
much memory and resources of the computer. Notepad offers users the option of
editing and formatting texts especially when removing formatting from texts
copied from a source, example the Internet.

Figure 3.1: Flowchart for Notepad



Step 1: Start
Step 2: Check whether user want to use notepad or exit notepad application, if
yes then end program, if not then go to Step 3.
Step 3:Take user choice.
Step 4:If user choose create a new file, then create a new file and allow user to
edit the created note file.
Step 5: Go to step 10. If not then go to Step 3.
Step 6: If user choose load note file then load not file and open the note file and
go to step 7.
Step 7: Go to Step 10, if not then go to step 3.
Step 8: If user chooses delete note file,then delete that note file and then go to
step 9.
Step 9: Go to step 10. If not then go to Step 3.
Step 10: Stop.

Steps followed to develop the project:

Step 1: Creating JFrame using NetBeans IDE.

Step 2: Forming a design using swing such as menu bar, menu items,etc.
Step 3: Making sure that the menu items are working.
Step 4: Making a report of the action performed by all the components.
Step 5: Identifying and fixing bugs and flaws.
Step 6: Running and executing the program.
3.4: Details of Hardware and Software

Hardware interfaces:

Windows 7 or above
Processor: Intel Pentium III or higher
Hard disk: 156 GB
RAM: 256 MB or more

Software interfaces:

Language: JAVA
Software Development Kit: JAVA JDK 1.8 or above
IDE: NetBeans 12.6
Figure 4.1
Figure 4.2
Figure 4.3
Figure 4.4
Figure 4.5
Figure 4.6

Here we conclude our lines of our mini project on the topic ‘Notepad’ with
the extreme satisfaction and contentment. This report consists brief definition of
Notepad together with its features and functions.

Added to this, this report contains the basic description to create, edit,
save, delete and exit from file through JAVA program. It is user friendly, which
can be used by the user to perform desired operations. It also includes practical
implementation of text editors through complex JAVA program.

The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task

would be incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation
made it possible, who’s constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts
with success. We feel pleasure in expressing our heartfelt gratitude and vote of
thanks to over guide Prof. Kirti Rajadnya, who guided us in difficult situations
and helped us to enhance the concept of our mini project.

We would also like to thank our respected Principal Dr. P. R. Rodge and
our Head of Department Prof. Savita Sangam for allowing us to build and present
this mini project.

Mr. Smit Shetye
Mr. Sarwesh Nandeshwar
Mr. Avinash Tiwari
Source Code & Website :-
Github :-

Gitlab :-

Gitpod :-

Website :-
Smit Shetye, S. N. (2021). Notepad in Java. Shivajirao S. Jondhale College of Engineering,
Information Technology. Thane: Smit Shetye, Sarwesh Nandeshwar, Avinash Tiwari.

Works Cited
Smit Shetye, S. N. (2021). Notepad in Java. Shivajirao S. Jondhale College of Engineering,
Information Technology. Thane: Smit Shetye, Sarwesh Nandeshwar, Avinash Tiwari.

(Smit Shetye, 2021)

Doi:- 10.5281/zenodo.5785860

Site :-

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