Creative - Writing Judging Rubrics 2023

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Judging Rubrics: Creative Writing, 2023

For each criterion listed, score the piece on the scale provided. It is at the judge’s discretion whether a writing piece shall be
evaluated with the poetry rubric (this side) versus narrative/story rubric (reverse). See page 2 for additional “holistic”
considerations and space for total score.

Criteria 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point Score Given:

Organization The form of the poem is The form of the poem is The form of the poem should The form of the poem is
and Overall appropriate to the subject. appropriate to the subject. be more appropriate to the not appropriate to the
Impact The poem enables the The poem enables the subject. The poem enables subject. The poem does
reader to see, hear, feel, or reader to see, hear, feel, or the reader to see, hear, feel, not enable the reader to
think about the subject in a think about the subject. or think about the subject, but see, hear, feel, or think
new way or in a more this is accomplished through about the subject.
potent way than ever clichés, worn-out images, or
before. other predictable choices.
Elements of Sensory details and Sensory details and Sensory details and figurative There is no use—or
Poetry figurative language create figurative language language may be overused, consistently confusing
vivid images that contribute contribute to the meaning underused, or inappropriate or inappropriate use—
significantly to the meaning of the poem; sound to the subject; sound devices, of sensory details,
of the poem; sound devices, devices, such as rhyme, such as rhyme, alliteration, or figurative language, or
such as rhyme, alliteration, alliteration, or onomatopoeia, may be sound devices. Words
or onomatopoeia, are used onomatopoeia, also add to overused or underused, or may be misused or
effectively and contribute to the meaning of the poem. they may fail to add to the unclear.
the meaning of the poem. Most word choices are meaning of the poem. Word
Word choice is vivid and precise. choices may be vague,
exact throughout. repetitive, or imprecise.
Conventions, The response demonstrates The response The poem is difficult to The poem is
Grammar, a very good command of demonstrates command of understand at times because consistently difficult to
and Spelling conventions. Literary style is most conventions. Literary of errors in mechanics, usage, understand because of
completely clear and style is mostly clear and grammar, or spelling. errors in mechanics,
effective, with excellent effective, with good usage, grammar, or
punctuation, grammar and grammar and spelling. spelling.

Rubric based in part on criteria from the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, including material copyrighted by the Regents of the University of
California and independent publishers.
NARRATIVE RUBRIC (Fiction or Non-Fiction)

Criteria 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point Score Given:

Organization Organization of the The organization is The organization is Narrative’s organizational
/Purpose narrative is fully sustained; adequately sustained, and somewhat sustained, and structure provides little to
focus is clear and the focus is generally may have an uneven focus. no focus. No discernible plot
maintained throughout, maintained. An evident Inconsistent plot, setting, points; brief or little attempt
with effective plot, setting, plot helps create a sense of and minimally established to establish setting,
character(s), and/or point unity – though there may character(s) or point of character(s), or point of
of view. Logical sequence be minor flaws in view. Weak sequence of view. Drift in ideas, or few
of events from beginning sequence, setting, and events. strategies for transition and
to end. transitions. sequence, may be evident.

Evidence/ The narrative is thorough Adequate elaboration Uneven or cursory Minimal elaboration of
Elaboration and effective, using using relevant details, elaboration using partially narrative with few or no
relevant details, dialogue, dialogue, and/or developed details, details, description.
and/or description. description. Style, dialogue, and/or Settings, characters, or
Settings, characters, and language, settings, and description. The piece may point of view may all
events are excellently characters are generally include simplistic language, contribute confusion.
developed. Employs appropriate and inconsistent settings, Language and style is overall
creative language and adequately engaging. characters, and point of difficult to understand.
illustrative style and view.
Conventions, The response The response There is a partial command Little to no command of
Grammar, demonstrates a very good demonstrates command of of conventions, and some conventions. Many errors in
and Spelling command of conventions. most conventions. Literary use of correct punctuation, grammar, punctuation, and
Literary style is completely style is mostly clear and grammar and spelling, but spelling that detract from
clear and effective, with effective, with good errors impede understanding the narrative.
excellent punctuation, grammar and spelling. understanding of the
grammar and spelling. narrative.

Rubric based in part on criteria from the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, including material copyrighted by the Regents of the University of
California and independent publishers.

Criteria 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point Score Given:

Organization The response has a clear The response has an The response has an The response has little or no
/Purpose and effective evident organizational inconsistent organizational discernible organizational
organizational structure, structure and a sense of structure. Some flaws are structure. The response may
creating a sense of unity completeness. Though evident, and some ideas be related to the topic but
and completeness. The there may be minor flaws, may be loosely connected. may provide little or no
organization is fully they do not interfere with The organization is focus.
sustained between and the overall coherence. The somewhat sustained
within paragraphs. The organization is adequately between and within
response is consistently sustained between and paragraphs. The response
and purposefully focused. within paragraphs. The may have a minor drift in
response is generally focus:
Evidence/ The response provides The response provides The response provides The response provides
Elaboration thorough elaboration of adequate elaboration of uneven, cursory minimal elaboration of the
the support/evidence for the support/evidence for elaboration of the support/evidence for the
the thesis/controlling idea the thesis/controlling idea support/evidence for the thesis/controlling idea that
that includes the effective that includes the use of thesis/controlling idea that includes little or no use of
use of source material. The source material. The includes uneven or limited source material. The
response clearly and response adequately use of source material. The response is vague, lacks
effectively develops ideas, develops ideas, employing response develops ideas clarity, or is confusing.
using precise language. a mix of precise and more unevenly, using simplistic
general language. language.
Conventions, The response The response There is a partial command Little to no command of
Grammar, demonstrates a very good demonstrates command of of conventions, and some conventions. Many errors in
and Spelling command of conventions. most conventions. Literary use of correct punctuation, grammar, punctuation, and
Literary style is completely style is mostly clear and grammar and spelling, but spelling that detract from
clear and effective, with effective, with good errors impede understanding the narrative.
excellent punctuation, grammar and spelling. understanding of the
grammar and spelling. narrative.

Rubric based in part on criteria from the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, including material copyrighted by the Regents of the University of
California and independent publishers.
Holistic Scoring:

This section is not worth any numerical points, but offers additional considerations that MAY OR MAY NOT apply to an entry. After reading entries
for the scored criteria above, please use these guidelines to help differentiate between entries with the same/similar total score.
1. If an entry includes outside sources, please evaluate whether or not those sources are cited either within the text, or in a works cited section. (Note:
the HCH Survivor Encyclopedia need not be cited directly, since it was an obvious and integral part of the prompt.)
2. Overall “feel” or intangibles within a piece. Does the work read as exceptional according to the student’s grade level, and punches above its weight?
3. Are there unusual displays of effort or creativity that you can discern? Such as unique format, personal or emotive connection to subject material,
or evidence of overcoming exceptional challenges to submit entry?

Total Score: ________________________

Rubric based in part on criteria from the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, including material copyrighted by the Regents of the University of
California and independent publishers.

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