Cambridge Lower Secondary English 0861 Progression Grid
Cambridge Lower Secondary English 0861 Progression Grid
Cambridge Lower Secondary English 0861 Progression Grid
This document contains worksheets for each sub-strand in the curriculum. Two of the three
strands (Reading, and Speaking and Listening) have five sub-strands. The remaining strand
(Writing) has six sub-strands. There is no content for the Reading sub-strand Rw Word
Structure (Phonics) in Lower Secondary. The worksheets list the learning objectives for the
sub-strand by stage in three columns (for Stages 7 to 9).
End of worksheet
7Rv.03 Describe how linguistic and literary techniques 8Rv.04 Explain possible interpretations, explicit and 9Rv.03 Develop precise, perceptive analysis of how
are used to create effects in a specific context, and use implicit, of a writer's use of linguistic and literary linguistic and literary techniques are used, e.g.
accurate terminology, e.g. using terms such as techniques, e.g. explaining how hyperbole suggests a explaining how euphemisms conceal bias in a political
assonance or sibilance to differentiate between types of character's attitude, or how an oxymoron is used to statement, or why a particular idiom is used by a
phonetic repetition. emphasise a point. character.
*Where the same learning objective appears in more than one stage an asterisk is added to the code, for example, *7Rv.01
7Rg.02 Show awareness of reasons for using simple, 8Rg.02 Explain how a writer uses simple, compound, 9Rg.02 Analyse how a writer manipulates and adapts
compound, complex and compound-complex complex and compound-complex sentences for effect in simple, compound, complex and compound-complex
sentences. their writing. sentences for intended purpose and effect in their
7Rg.03 Comment on how a writer builds up detail 8Rg.03 Comment on how a writer builds up detail and 9Rg.03 Analyse, in depth and detail, a writer's use of
through the grammatical structure of their sentences. conveys shades of meaning through the grammatical grammatical features and their effects on the overall
structure of their sentences. development of the text.
7Rg.04 Comment on the ways in which a writer uses 8Rg.04 Comment on ways in which a writer uses No data
non-standard English. standard and non-standard English for effect.
7Rg.05 Identify differences between formal and 8Rg.05 Comment on the use of formal and informal 9Rg.04 Analyse the purpose and effect of a writer's
informal language. language in a text and a writer's motivation for making choice of formal or informal language in a text.
the choice.
7Rs.02 Identify and comment on the variety of ways in 8Rs.02 Discuss how a writer organises and links the 9Rs.02 Evaluate the impact of a writer's choice of
which the content of texts can be organised and linked content of their text for clarity and effect. organisational and linking features on the intended
to support the intended purpose, including paragraphs. audience.
7Rs.03 Comment on the impact of a writer's choice of 8Rs.03 Comment on how a writer's choice of No data
connectives and sentence openings on the intended connectives and sentence openings clarifies or
purpose and audience. emphasises connections in a specific context.
*7Ri.02 Read and discuss a range of non-fiction text *8Ri.02 Read and discuss a range of non-fiction text *9Ri.02 Read and discuss a range of non-fiction text
types. types. types.
7Ri.03 Identify and explain the meaning of explicit 8Ri.03 Identify and discuss the impact of explicit 9Ri.03 Analyse the implications of identified explicit
information from a range of texts. information on the reader. information on the meaning of the rest of a text.
7Ri.04 Use inference and deduction to recognise and 8Ri.04 Comment on a writer's implied meaning and 9Ri.04 Analyse and explore different layers of meaning
explain implicit meanings. intended effect. within texts, including bias.
7Ri.05 Identify bias in a text. 8Ri.05 Comment on the impact of bias in a text. No data
7Ri.06 Collate and summarise ideas and information 8Ri.06 Collate and summarise ideas and information 9Ri.05 Synthesise information from across a single text
from a text. from multiple texts. and multiple texts to develop and strengthen a point.
7Ri.07 Use a range of reading strategies to extract 8Ri.07 Use a range of reading strategies to identify and 9Ri.06 Select the most appropriate reading strategy to
relevant information from a text, including annotation. distinguish between main and subsidiary points in texts. locate and extract information and ideas from a variety
of texts.
7Ri.08 Support and inform personal and critical 8Ri.08 Use relevant textual references when supporting 9Ri.07 Use judiciously chosen textual references to
responses to texts with relevant textual references. or disagreeing with a point. develop analysis of texts.
7Ri.10 Begin to discuss how a writer combines different 8Ri.10 Explain how a writer combines structural, 9Ri.09 Analyse how a writer uses a combination of
structural, linguistic and literary features for effect. linguistic and literary features for effect. features to enhance their intended meaning, e.g. a poet
using enjambment to emphasise key language choices.
7Ri.11 Identify and comment on the main ideas, 8Ri.11 Trace the development of ideas, viewpoints and 9Ri.10 Analyse and respond to the range of ideas,
viewpoints and purposes in a text. purposes through a text and relate these to other texts differing viewpoints and purposes in a variety of related
read. texts.
7Ri.12 Show understanding of how writers create a 8Ri.12 Discuss the range of techniques writers use to 9Ri.11 Read a variety of texts by the same writer and
distinctive voice. distinguish between different voices. explore how their voice is consistently conveyed across
the texts.
*Where the same learning objective appears in more than one stage an asterisk is added to the code, for example, *7Rv.01
7Ra.02 Express personal responses to texts, including 8Ra.02 Express informed personal responses to texts. 9Ra.02 Express informed personal responses to texts
preferences and opinions, referring back to specific that take the views of others into consideration.
7Ra.03 Experiment with the choice of books read, 8Ra.03 Make a reasoned choice when reading for 9Ra.03 Give and respond to text recommendations,
including choosing writers or genres which compare or different purposes, including for pleasure. showing awareness of others' preferences.
contrast with previous reading.
7Ra.04 Discuss how readers make choices about which 8Ra.04 Explore how different readers choose and 9Ra.04 Analyse how the meaning of texts is shaped by
texts to read. respond to texts. a reader's preferences and opinions.
7Ra.05 Comment on the different ways texts can reflect 8Ra.05 Discuss why certain texts are important within a 9Ra.05 Explain how ideas, experiences and values are
the social, cultural and historical contexts in which they culture, and show awareness that the context in which portrayed in, and affect, the interpretation of texts from
were written. a text is written and read affects its meaning. different social, cultural and historical contexts.
*Where the same learning objective appears in more than one stage an asterisk is added to the code, for example, *7Rv.01
7SLm.02 Shape talk for clarity and effect, and to 8SLm.02 Sustain an effective organisation of talk in a 9SLm.02 Sustain an effective organisation of talk in a
engage the listener, in a range of familiar contexts. range of familiar contexts. range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
7SLm.03 Use language to express concrete and 8SLm.03 Adapt language to express complex ideas 9SLm.03 Manipulate language to express complex
abstract ideas and opinions in detail. and opinions in detail. ideas and opinions in detail.
*7SLm.04 Use non-verbal communication techniques to *8SLm.04 Use non-verbal communication techniques to *9SLm.04 Use non-verbal communication techniques to
enhance meaning. enhance meaning. enhance meaning.
*7SLm.05 Adapt communication to create appropriate *8SLm.05 Adapt communication to create appropriate *9SLm.05 Adapt communication to create appropriate
impact on different audiences. impact on different audiences. impact on different audiences.
*Where the same learning objective appears in more than one stage an asterisk is added to the code, for example, *7Rv.01
7SLg.02 Identify points of agreement and disagreement *8SLg.02 Explore points of agreement and *9SLg.02 Explore points of agreement and
in opposing points of view. disagreement to gain a greater understanding of the disagreement to gain a greater understanding of the
issues and meet the needs of the task. issues and meet the needs of the task.
7SLg.03 Summarise and develop a discussion, 8SLg.03 Develop a discussion by synthesising and 9SLg.03 Shape the direction and content of a
responding sensitively to the range of ideas. building on the shared ideas. discussion with well-judged contributions.
7SLg.04 Be sensitive to others when turn-taking, 8SLg.04 Balance the needs of others and the task 9SLg.04 Demonstrate the ability to compromise during
ensuring that the intended outcome of the discussion is when turn-taking, showing sensitivity about when to turn-taking to prioritise the achievement of the intended
achieved. contribute and when to listen. outcome of the discussion.
*Where the same learning objective appears in more than one stage an asterisk is added to the code, for example, *7Rv.01
*7SLp.02 Show evidence of reading ahead when *8SLp.02 Show evidence of reading ahead when *9SLp.02 Show evidence of reading ahead when
reading an unseen text aloud. reading an unseen text aloud. reading an unseen text aloud.
7SLp.03 Show insight into texts and issues through 8SLp.03 Demonstrate empathy and understanding of a 9SLp.03 Explore complex ideas and issues in drama,
choice of speech, gesture and movement, within drama. range of characters through flexible choice of speech, establishing roles and applying dramatic approaches
gesture and movement in a dramatic scene. with confidence.
7SLp.04 Plan and deliver presentations confidently in a *8SLp.04 Plan and deliver presentations and *9SLp.04 Plan and deliver presentations and
range of contexts, making choices about the most persuasive speeches confidently in a range of contexts, persuasive speeches confidently in a range of contexts,
appropriate media. making choices about the most appropriate media. making choices about the most appropriate media.
7SLp.05 Plan and deliver a persuasive speech in a *8SLp.05 Make decisions about the level of support *9SLp.05 Make decisions about the level of support
familiar context. needed to deliver a speech or presentation, e.g. needed to deliver a speech or presentation, e.g.
reading aloud, using notes, visual aids. reading aloud, using notes, visual aids.
*Where the same learning objective appears in more than one stage an asterisk is added to the code, for example, *7Rv.01
7SLr.02 Explain features of communication, showing 8SLr.02 Discuss the meaning and impact of variations 9SLr.02 Analyse the meaning and impact of variations
awareness of the impact of accommodating different when communicating. in own and others’ communication.
purposes and contexts.
*Where the same learning objective appears in more than one stage an asterisk is added to the code, for example, *7Rv.01
*7Ww.02 Show understanding of word families, roots, *8Ww.02 Show understanding of word families, roots, *9Ww.02 Show understanding of word families, roots,
derivations and morphology in spelling. derivations and morphology in spelling. derivations and morphology in spelling.
7Ww.03 Use relevant strategies for spelling correctly. 8Ww.03 Use, with confidence, a range of strategies for 9Ww.03 Use the most appropriate spelling strategy as
spelling correctly. necessary.
*Where the same learning objective appears in more than one stage an asterisk is added to the code, for example, *7Rv.01
7Wv.02 Create an effect by using key linguistic and 8Wv.02 Create effects by using a range of linguistic 9Wv.02 Make conscious use of linguistic and literary
literary techniques. and literary techniques. techniques to shape the intended meaning and effect.
*7Wv.03 Use a range of sources to develop and extend *8Wv.03 Use a range of sources to develop and extend *9Wv.03 Use a range of sources to develop and extend
the range of language used in written work. the range of language used in written work. the range of language used in written work.
*Where the same learning objective appears in more than one stage an asterisk is added to the code, for example, *7Rv.01
7Wg.02 Use a range of punctuation accurately to clarify 8Wg.01 Use all punctuation accurately and to enhance 9Wg.01 Use punctuation rhetorically to support the
meaning in sentences and dialogue. meaning. intention of the writing, e.g. using ellipses in a
character's dialogue to show nervousness.
7Wg.03 Use simple, compound, complex and 8Wg.02 Use simple, compound, complex and 9Wg.02 Demonstrate control of simple, compound,
compound-complex sentences accurately, in a variety compound-complex sentences accurately, beginning to complex and compound-complex sentences,
of sentence types, to communicate meaning. manipulate them for effect on the whole text. manipulating and adapting them for intended purpose
and effect.
7Wg.04 Build up detail through the grammatical 8Wg.03 Create detail and convey shades of meaning 9Wg.03 Use grammatical features to shape and craft
structure of sentences, e.g. expanding verb phrases. through the grammatical structure of sentences, e.g. sentences that contribute to overall development of the
controlling order of clauses. text, e.g. embedded phrases and clauses that support
succinct explanation; use of antithesis, repetition or
balance in sentence structure.
7Wg.05 Use the conventions of standard English 8Wg.04 Use the conventions of standard English in 9Wg.04 Use the conventions of standard English
consistently in writing. specific contexts for particular effects. across a range of registers.
7Wg.06 Use formal and informal registers appropriately 8Wg.05 Vary the degrees of formality and informality 9Wg.05 Vary the degrees of formality and informality to
according to context, purpose and audience. when making choices of register in writing, according to enhance and emphasise meaning in relation to the
the identified context, purpose and audience. context, purpose and audience.
*Where the same learning objective appears in more than one stage an asterisk is added to the code, for example, *7Rv.01
7Ws.02 Use a range of organisational features 8Ws.02 Use a range of organisational features to 9Ws.02 Use a range of organisational features to
accurately to link ideas, and clarify and extend support the intended purpose and audience. achieve particular effects with purpose and audience in
meaning. mind.
7Ws.03 Use appropriate connectives and sentence 8Ws.01 Use carefully chosen connectives and No data
openings to clarify connections in writing, e.g. sentence openings to clarify or emphasise connections
connectives for comparison, sequencing, qualifying. in writing.
7Wc.02 Use a range of planning methods to generate, 8Wc.02 Use the most appropriate approach to planning 9Wc.02 Make an informed choice about whether to
organise and shape ideas. writing in order to generate, organise and shape ideas. plan before writing.
7Wc.03 Use relevant features when writing for a 8Wc.03 Use relevant features consistently for a chosen 9Wc.03 Manipulate features and conventions for a
chosen purpose. purpose to clarify meaning. chosen purpose for an intended effect.
7Wc.04 Create content to suit a specified audience. 8Wc.04 Create content to suit a wide range of 9Wc.04 Manipulate content for impact on a specified
audiences. audience.
7Wc.05 Write to express a personal viewpoint in fiction 8Wc.05 Use a consistent viewpoint in fiction and non- 9Wc.05 Establish and sustain a clear and logical
and non-fiction writing. fiction writing. viewpoint throughout fiction and non-fiction writing.
7Wc.06 Begin to develop distinctive voices, both 8Wc.06 Develop distinctive voices, both personal and 9Wc.07 Establish and sustain distinctive voices, both
personal and for different characters. for different characters. personal and for different characters.
No data 8Wc.07 Begin to combine the use of structural, 9Wc.08 Combine the use of structural, linguistic and
linguistic and literary features to create a specific effect. literary features to create a specific effect.
*Where the same learning objective appears in more than one stage an asterisk is added to the code, for example, *7Rv.01
7Wp.02 Use different ways of note-taking when writing 8Wp.02 Use the most appropriate way of note-taking 9Wp.02 Make an informed choice about how to present
for different purposes and use notes to inform writing. for the identified purpose and use notes to inform information when making notes, including the use of
writing. multiple styles, and use notes to inform writing.
7Wp.03 Use different layouts and presentation in a 8Wp.03 Use specific choices and combinations of 9Wp.03 Use the most appropriate text layout and
variety of texts (handwritten, printed and onscreen). layouts and presentation to create particular effects in presentation to create impact and engage the audience.
texts (handwritten, printed and onscreen).
7Wp.04 Evaluate and edit to improve the accuracy and 8Wp.04 Evaluate and edit to improve the accuracy and 9Wp.04 Evaluate and edit to improve the accuracy and
effectiveness of language, grammar and structure of effectiveness of language, grammar and structure of a effectiveness, in relation to identified purpose and
own and others' writing. range of different texts. audience, of language, grammar and structure in a
range of different texts.
*Where the same learning objective appears in more than one stage an asterisk is added to the code, for example, *7Rv.01