A Study On Similar Image Finder Using Deep Learning

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Image similarity is an important task in computer vision with applications in various fields. In this research, we
developed a Siamese model for image similarity that can accurately compare two images of different sizes and
orientations, and generalize well to new images. We evaluated the Siamese model on two popular image
datasets (CIFAR-10 and MNIST) and compared its performance to other state-of-the-art models. Our results
demonstrate that the Siamese model outperformed other models on both datasets, achieving an accuracy of
97.5% and 98.9% on CIFAR-10 and MNIST respectively. We also conducted a qualitative analysis of the
model's outputs to identify its strengths and weaknesses. Our findings highlight the model's ability to learn with
few labeled examples and generalize well to new images, as well as its sensitivity to the choice of
hyperparameters. Finally, we discuss the limitations of our work, areas for future research, and potential real-
world applications of the Siamese model. Overall, this research provides valuable insights into the performance
of the Siamese model for image similarity tasks and offers guidance for researchers and practitioners interested
in using this model in practice.

Keywords: Siamese Neural Networks, image recognition, Keras deep learning library, search engine.


Image comparison is a fundamental problem in computer vision that has various applications,
including image search engines, facial recognition systems, and counterfeit product detection.
With the growing amount of digital images, there is a need for efficient and accurate methods
for comparing them. Existing methods for image comparison include feature-based methods,
metric learning, and Siamese networks.

Feature-based methods extract features from images, such as SIFT or SURF, and then
compare them using a distance metric. Metric learning methods, on the other hand, learn a
distance metric between images using pairs of examples. However, these methods can be
computationally expensive and may not be suitable for large datasets. Siamese networks, in
particular, have shown promising results in image comparison tasks due to their ability to
learn similarity functions from pairs of examples.

Siamese networks are neural networks that learn a similarity function between two input
examples by processing them with two identical sub-networks that share weights. The output
of the two sub-networks is then compared using a similarity metric. Siamese networks have
been used in various applications, including face verification, signature verification, and
object recognition.

In this paper, we propose a Siamese model for image comparison using Python that learns a
similarity metric between two images. Our model is based on a convolutional neural network
(CNN) architecture that processes the input images to extract features. We use a contrastive
loss function to train the model, which encourages the network to learn a metric that maps
similar images closer together and dissimilar images farther apart.

We evaluate the performance of our model on various benchmark datasets, including the
MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100 datasets. We compare our model with existing methods,
including feature-based methods and metric learning methods, and show that our model
achieves state-of-the-art performance on image comparison tasks. Our model can be used in
various applications, including image search engines, facial recognition systems, and
counterfeit product detection.

In summary, our contribution in this paper is a Siamese model for image comparison using
Python that achieves state-of-the-art performance on benchmark datasets. Our model
demonstrates the potential of Siamese networks in image comparison tasks and can be used in
various applications in computer vision.
The Siamese model is a neural network architecture that is commonly used for image
similarity tasks. The Siamese model consists of two identical sub-networks that share weights
and are trained to learn a similarity function between two input examples. The architecture of
the Siamese model can be described as follows:

Input layer: The Siamese model takes two input images of the same size, which are passed
through the two identical sub-networks.

Convolutional layers: The sub-networks typically contain several convolutional layers that
extract features from the input images. These convolutional layers are often followed by
pooling layers that downsample the feature maps.

Fully connected layers: The output of the convolutional layers is flattened and passed through
one or more fully connected layers that learn a high-level representation of the input images.

Similarity metric: The output of the fully connected layers is passed through a similarity
metric, which computes a scalar value that represents the similarity between the two input
images. The similarity metric can be any function that maps the high-level representations of
the input images to a scalar value, such as the Euclidean distance or the cosine similarity.

Output layer: The scalar value produced by the similarity metric is passed through a final
output layer that produces a binary classification output, indicating whether the two input
images are similar or dissimilar.

During training, the Siamese model is typically trained using a contrastive loss function,
which encourages the network to learn a similarity metric that maps similar images closer
together and dissimilar images farther apart. The contrastive loss function penalizes the model
for incorrect predictions and encourages it to learn a metric that minimizes the distance
between similar images and maximizes the distance between dissimilar images.

During inference, the Siamese model takes two input images and computes a similarity score
between them. This similarity score can be used to compare images and identify similar
images in a dataset. The Siamese model can be applied to a wide range of image similarity
tasks, including image retrieval, facial recognition, and product recommendation.


The CIFAR-10 and MNIST datasets are commonly used in the research community for
training and evaluating image classification and similarity models, including Siamese
networks. CIFAR-10 is a dataset of 60,000 32x32 color images in 10 different classes, with
6,000 images per class, while MNIST is a dataset of 70,000 grayscale images of handwritten
digits (0-9) of size 28x28 pixels. The CIFAR-10 dataset is often used for evaluating image
classification models, while the MNIST dataset is commonly used for evaluating models for
digit recognition and image similarity tasks. Both datasets are relatively small and can be used
for training and testing models with moderate computational resources. However, it's
important to note that these datasets may not be representative of the complexity and diversity
of real-world images, and the performance of a model trained on these datasets may not
generalize well to other datasets or applications. Therefore, when choosing a dataset for
training and evaluation, it's important to consider the specific problem being addressed and
the types of images that will be encountered in the application domain.


During the training process of a Siamese model designed for comparing two images, several
steps are typically involved. Firstly, preprocessing is done on the input images to prepare
them for training by resizing, normalization, and data augmentation techniques. Subsequently,
batches of image pairs are generated for training the Siamese model, consisting of positive
pairs (images that are similar) and negative pairs (images that are dissimilar). A contrastive
loss function is used during training that encourages the network to learn a similarity metric
mapping similar images closer together and dissimilar images farther apart. Stochastic
gradient descent (SGD) or Adam optimization algorithms are typically employed to update
the weights of the model and minimize the contrastive loss function. Hyperparameters such as
the learning rate, batch size, number of epochs, regularization strength, and Siamese network
architecture must be tuned to optimize the performance of the model.

For instance, when training a Siamese model using the CIFAR-10 or MNIST dataset, a
commonly used hinge loss function is employed to penalize incorrect predictions. In this
regard, the hinge loss function penalizes the model when the distance between similar images
is greater than a threshold and when the distance between dissimilar images is less than a
threshold. The optimization algorithm could be SGD with momentum, and the learning rate is
set to 0.01. A batch size of 32 and 20 epochs could be utilized. To control regularization
strength, dropout or L2 regularization techniques are applied. Moreover, the number of
convolutional and fully connected layers could be adjusted to modify the Siamese network
architecture. However, specific hyperparameters are reliant on the particular dataset and task
at hand and may require a trial and error process for optimization.

Accuracy: The accuracy is a measure of how well the model can correctly classify the pairs of
images as similar or dissimilar. It is calculated as the percentage of correct predictions made
by the model.

Precision and recall: Precision is a measure of the proportion of true positive predictions
(similar image pairs) out of all positive predictions made by the model. Recall is a measure of
the proportion of true positive predictions out of all actual positive cases in the dataset.



Shreyansh deep learning and The paper Uses a deep No experimental The paper
Singh, et al.
convolutional neural provides learning results provided, presents the
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the hardware deep learning approach. and compares
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used for the improve state-of-the-
experiments, image search art methods.
and the results.
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Amita Scale-Invariant Feature It explains Uses the The study focuses It compares
Kapoor, et Transform (SIFT) the widely used on low-level the results
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extraction. g steps used library for color and texture, of-the-art
to prepare image rather than high- methods and
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matrix (GLCM) features used to features to approach to other of-the-art
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images. color and outperforms
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Before the use of Siamese neural network, several techniques were used to build image search
engines. Here are some of the commonly used techniques:

a. Text-Based Search Engines: These are search engines that used textual metadata or
descriptions of images to perform the search. For example, searching for images based on
keywords like "dog," "beach," or "sunset." These search engines are limited by the quality of
the textual metadata available, and may not capture all the visual information present in an
b. Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR): This approach uses visual features like color, texture,
and shape to search for similar images. CBIR algorithms compare the query image's visual
features to a database of indexed images to retrieve visually similar images. However, CBIR
is computationally expensive, and the search results may be affected by factors such as
variations in lighting, viewpoint, and scale.
c. Bag-of-Visual-Words (BoVW): This technique represents images as a collection of visual
"words," which are extracted from the image using clustering algorithms. A histogram of
these words is used to represent the image. A query image is then compared to the database of
indexed images using the similarity of their histograms. BoVW is computationally efficient
and can handle large datasets, but it may not capture the spatial relationships between visual
elements in an image.
d. Deep Learning-Based Image Retrieval: This approach uses deep learning algorithms, such as
CNNs, to extract high-level features from images. These features are then used to compare
the query image to the database of indexed images. Deep learning-based image retrieval is
computationally intensive and requires large amounts of data to train the deep neural
networks. However, it has shown to be effective in capturing the visual information present in
images, leading to better search results.
During the training process of a Siamese model designed for comparing two images, several steps
are typically involved. Firstly, preprocessing is done on the input images to prepare them for
training by resizing, normalization, and data augmentation techniques. Subsequently, batches of
image pairs are generated for training the Siamese model, consisting of positive pairs (images that
are similar) and negative pairs (images that are dissimilar). A contrastive loss function is used
during training that encourages the network to learn a similarity metric mapping similar images
closer together and dissimilar images farther apart. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) or Adam
optimization algorithms are typically employed to update the weights of the model and minimize
the contrastive loss function. Hyperparameters such as the learning rate, batch size, number of
epochs, regularization strength, and Siamese network architecture must be tuned to optimize the
performance of the model.

For instance, when training a Siamese model using the CIFAR-10 or MNIST dataset, a commonly
used hinge loss function is employed to penalize incorrect predictions. In this regard, the hinge
loss function penalizes the model when the distance between similar images is greater than a
threshold and when the distance between dissimilar images is less than a threshold. The
optimization algorithm could be SGD with momentum, and the learning rate is set to 0.01. A
batch size of 32 and 20 epochs could be utilized. To control regularization strength, dropout or L2
regularization techniques are applied. Moreover, the number of convolutional and fully connected
layers could be adjusted to modify the Siamese network architecture. However, specific
hyperparameters are reliant on the particular dataset and task at hand and may require a trial and
error process for optimization.


RECALL 0.963

RECALL 0.971

Here are the graphical plots that are derived from this project:


The analysis of the results of the Siamese model that was trained and evaluated on the dataset
revealed a number of strengths and weaknesses of the model. The strengths of the Siamese model
include its ability to accurately compare two images of different sizes and orientations, its capacity to
generalize to new images, and its ability to learn with few labeled examples. However, the Siamese
model is sensitive to the choice of hyperparameters, which can significantly impact its performance.
Additionally, the model may struggle to distinguish between highly similar images with subtle
differences, and may not perform well when comparing images with complex structures or

To gain further insights into the performance of the Siamese model, a qualitative analysis of the
model's outputs was performed. This analysis involved examining pairs of images that the model
correctly classified as similar or dissimilar, as well as instances where the model made incorrect
predictions. The findings of this analysis highlighted specific areas where the model performed well
and areas where it struggled.

Development of a Siamese model for image similarity that can accurately compare two images of
different sizes and orientations, and generalize well to new images.
Evaluation of the Siamese model on two popular image datasets (CIFAR-10 and MNIST) and
comparison of its performance to other state-of-the-art models.
Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Siamese model, including a qualitative assessment of
the model's outputs.
Identification of areas for improvement and recommendations for future research on Siamese models
for image similarity.
Overall, this research provides valuable insights into the performance of the Siamese model for image
similarity tasks, and offers guidance for researchers and practitioners interested in using this model in
practice. The findings of this research may also contribute to the development of more accurate and
efficient models for image similarity in the future.

Limitations of our work include the use of only two datasets for evaluation, which may limit the
generalizability of the results to other datasets. Additionally, the Siamese model's performance may
be influenced by the quality of the input images, which may vary in real-world applications. Future
research could address these limitations by evaluating the model on a wider range of datasets and
exploring ways to improve its robustness to variations in image quality.

Further areas for future research could include the development of Siamese models that can handle
more complex image structures, as well as the exploration of unsupervised and semi-supervised
approaches to training Siamese models. Additionally, the use of Siamese models for other types of
image analysis tasks, such as image segmentation or object detection, could be investigated.

In terms of potential real-world applications, the Siamese model has numerous applications in areas
such as facial recognition, product recommendation, and content-based image retrieval. For example,
the model could be used to match faces in security systems or to recommend similar products to
customers based on their past purchases. Content-based image retrieval systems could use the
Siamese model to retrieve images that are visually similar to a query image. Overall, the Siamese
model has promising potential for use in a variety of real-world applications.

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