NSTP Review
NSTP Review
NSTP Review
• Conducting capability enhancements for civic welfare The Human Person: Not Real, But Existing, discusses
services the several characteristics of a human person, namely:
• results-oriented social entrepreneurs 3. A human person is unique. He/she possesses an
• Volunteers identify that makes him/her unlike any other person.
• social-economic mobilizing force that serves Generally speaking, even if two persons have the same
communities characteristics and physical features, they are not the
• innovators for progress same because each one has his/her own perception,
• Working closely with a network of organizations and different set of values and priorities in life.
• Creating opportunities Babor (2007)
NSTP-CWTS CORE VALUES The Human Person: Not Real, But Existing, discusses
Love of God the several characteristics of a human person, namely:
Human dignity 4. Every person is intrinsically a social being and cannot
Discipline detach himself/herself from other creatures in the
Truth universe. By nature, he/she characterized by his/her
Goodness relationships with other creatures, objects, or his/her
Social responsibility Awareness fellowmen.
Innovation and creativity Respect Babor (2007)
Synergy and professionalism
Excellence and indigenous learning The Human Person: Not Real, But Existing, discusses
Protection and conservation of the environment Quality the several characteristics of a human person, namely:
service delivery 5. All living things are sexual by nature, but the
uniqueness of expression of a person’s sexuality makes
him/her different. The expression of person’s emotions,
The Nature of theHUMAN attitudes, feelings, action, and thoughts in sexual
PERSON activity best exemplifies his/her uniqueness from
Human Person as having physical, spiritual, emotional, Babor (2007)
and intellectual attributes. Estañol (2009)
Human Person as having physical and spiritual CHARACTERISTICS OF A HUMAN PERSON
substance because he/she has a soul and is created by a • Is a rational being.
Superior Being with divine purpose. • Is free to think and has a capacity to reason and
St. Thomas Aquinas distinguish between right and wrong.
• Is born free.
Human Person as a “self-conscious animal”. • Has the freedom to do or not to do things but
Dictionaries responsible for his/her action.
• Human person is unique.
Character HUMAN of a PERSON
• Possesses an identity that makes him/her unlike any
The Human Person: Not Real, But Existing, discusses other person.
the several characteristics of a human person, namely: • Even if the two persons have the same characteristics
1. A Human person is a rational being. He/She is free to and physical features, they are not same because each
think and has the capacity to reason and distinguish one has his/her own perception, and a different set of
between right and wrong. values and priorities in life.
Babor (2007)
• Every person is intrinsically a social being and cannot • Is a material body and spiritual being.
detach himself/herself from other creatures in the • As vegetarian creature the human person needs to
universe. have food to grow, development, and reproduce.
• Characterized by his/her relationships with other • As a sentient being he/she needs sensory perceptions
creatures, object, or his/her fellowmen. to gain knowledge.
• Expression of a person’s emotion, attitudes, feelings • As a rational animal needs the power of thought,
actions, and thoughts in sexual activity best exemplifies reason, and cognition.
his/her uniqueness from animals.
BIBLICAL VIEW • A perspective is a particular way of looking at and
• The human person has superiority and dignity seeing something.
inherited from the Supreme Being. • A human beings behave in a social way.
• God created man and woman in His own image and • It refers to human behavior
likeness and made them masters of the fish of the sea, • Human persons are social
birds, the heaven, the earth, the wild beasts, and all the
reptiles that crawl upon the earth. PROPOSE COMMON IDEAS ABOUT HUMAN PERSON
• Entrusted the care of creatures on the earth, aware of • Human persons are social animals.
the possibilities, challenges, and difficulties he/she will • Human person’s social behavior is
encounter in his/her life. learned, not instinctive.
• Designated by God to exercise dominion over other • Human person’s social belong to the group of people.
creatures in his/her everyday use of freedom. • Sociology is a discipline that looks into the totality of
relationship in an individual’s life.
• According to Protagoras, a human person is the Hierarchy of Needs
measure of all things that exist and of all things that do • Physiological needs include the biological and basic
not exist. needs such as water and clothing.
• Plato claimed that the perfect human being does not • Safety needs include security and protection from
exist in this world because what is in this world is just an physical and emotional harm.
imperfect copy of humanity’s original self in the realm • Self-esteem needs include affection, sense of
of ideas. belonging, and friendship, which people seek to
• Parmenides posited that a person has knowledge of overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation.
something that exist, for a person who does not exist is • Self-esteem needs include achievement, mastery, and
nothing. confidence derived from recognition, respect, and
• A human person like other animals has external and attention.
internal organs. • Self-actualization means a person has reached the
• A human being evident share thought and ideas with peak of his/her potential.
•Filipinos over the years have proven time and time Flexibility, Adaptability, Creativity
again that they are a people with an industrious Studies show that Filipinos often have an aversion to a
attitude. Sadly, this is seen by others as Filipinos being set of standardized rules or procedures; They are known
only useful as domestic helpers, working abroad to help to follow a Natural Clock or Organic sense of time-
their families in the country. This is also present in the doing things in the time they feel is right. They are
country’s workforce particularly the farmers. Even with present-oriented: which means that one attends to a
little support, technological weaknesses and the task or requirement at the time it is needed and does
country’s seasonal typhoons, the Filipino farmer still not worry much about future engagements. This allows
strives to earn their daily meal. the Filipino to adapt and be flexible in doing the tasks at
times not bound to a particular schedule or timeframe.
Spirit of Kinship and Camaraderie This allows them think on their feet and be creative in
•A Filipino community spirit and cooperation wherein a facing whatever challenge or task they have even when
group of individuals extends a helping hand without it is already right in front of
expecting any remuneration. It is characterized by
communal work towards one goal exemplified in Joy and Humour
carrying a nipa house or pushing a passenger jeepney. This famous trait is the ability of Filipinos to find humor
in everything. It sheds light on the optimism and
positivity of Filipinos in whatever situation they are in so
as to remain determined in going through struggles or
challenges. It serves as a coping technique, the same • “ (The) capacity of mental, physical, emotional, and
way a child who has fallen laughs at himself/herself to social experienced during the five stages of a human
hide his/her embarrassment. being’s life-parental, infancy, childhood, adolescence,
and adulthood. It indicates the behavior as dictated by
Family Orientation culture, society, values, morals, ethics, and genetics.”
The basic and most important unit of a Filipino’s life is • - According to businessdictionary.com
the family. Unlike in Western countries, young Filipinos “ Human beings have a typical life course that consists
who turn 18 are not expected to move out of their of successive phase growth each of which is
parents’ home. When a Filipino’s parents are old and characterized by a distinct set of physical, psychological
cannot take care of themselves, they are cared for in and behavioral features.”
their children’s homes and are very rarely brought by - Encyclopedia Britannica (2012
their children to Homes for the Aged. The practice of ,
separating the elderly from the rest of the family, while
common in Western countries, is often looked down Motivation
upon in Filipino society. Family lunches with the whole \
clan with up to 50 people, extending until the line of “The drive and ambition needed to achieve our goals”
second cousins, are not unusual. The Filipino puts a - Swindell (2012) • It results from the interaction among
great emphasis on the value of family and being close to conscious and unconscious factors:
one’s family members. A. Intensity of desire or need
B. Incentive or reward value of the goal, and
Hospitality C. Expectations of the individual and of his/her
Foreigners who come to visit the Philippines speak of significant others
Filipinos going out of their way to help them when lost,
or the heartwarming generosity of a Filipino family Good Leadership
hosting a visitor in their poverty-stricken home. “Process of social influence in which one person can
Meanwhile, most foreigners who attend Filipino enlist the aid and support of others in the
gatherings abroad (which are frequently organized for accomplishment of a common task”
hundreds of reasons) testify to the warmth and
friendliness of Filipinos as they experience that feeling WHAT MAKES A GREAT LEADER?
of “belongingness.” Indeed, the legendary Filipino
hospitality is not limited to the Philippines. It is Characteristics of a Good Leader
everywhere wherever there are Filipinos. Vision
Leaders know where they want to go and they can
Fair skin is better than dark skin motivate people to believe in their vision for their
Shaming ninong/ninang for not giving gifts country, community and family.
Looking down at the call center industry Passion
Labeling ones selfish behavior as madiskarte They are very passionate and intensely obsessed in
Shaming other for loving pinoy drama whatever they are focused on.
Bringing uninvited people to a party Charisma
Assuming na mayaman lahat ng ofw They excel in building relationships and eliciting
Double standards performance from their group.
Palibre &pasalubong mentality Wit
Bakla & tomboy They can make sound judgements and decisions even
Older insulting younger one in giving advice during crucial situations.
They have a heart for others. Also, they possess
exemplary coaching and development skills.
Training. Characteristics of a Good Leader
Communication Skills
Human behavior They can express their ideas clearly and convincingly.
\ Integrity
They walk the talk, practice what they preach, and keep Behavior of a
their promises. Transformational Leader
Discipline 1. Is articulate in creating compelling vision of future.
Good leaders observe self-control and order. 2. Uses stories and symbols to communicate his/her
Persistence vision and message.
They are determined to attain their goals in spite of the 3. Specifies the importance of having a strong sense of
obstacles and problems. purpose and a collective mission.
Daring 4. Talks optimistically and enthusiastically and expresses
Leaders are bold , risk takers and determined to chase confidence that goal will be achieved.
their dreams amid the reality of fear and uncertainty. 5. Engenders the trust and respect of his/her followers
by doing the right things rather than simply doing things
Traits of a leader (Maxwell 1999) right.
“A leader should recognize, develop, and refine 6. Instills pride in employees
certain personal characteristics needed to be truly 7. Talks most about important values and beliefs.
effective leader, the kind of leader people want to 8. Considers the moral and ethical consequences of
follow” decisions.
CHARACTER 9. Seeks different perspectives when solving problems
Quality of a person’s behavior as revealed by his/her 10. Encourage employees to challenge old assumptions
habits, thoughts and expressions, attitudes and interest, and to think about problems in new ways.
actions and personal philosophies in life. Transformational Leader
CHARISMA 11. Spends time teaching and coaching.
A special spiritual gift bestowed temporarily by the Holy 12. Considers each individual employee’s need, abilities,
Spirit on a group or an individual for the general good and aspirations.
COMMITMENT 13. Is compassionate, appreciative, and responsive to
Engage one to do something as a continuing obligation. each employee and recognizes and celebrates each
COMMUNICATION employee’s achievement
Two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in
which participants do not only exchange information Four Components of a Transformational Leadership
but also create and share meaning Charisma
COMPETENCE Inspirational motivation
Sufficiency of knowledge and skills that enable someone Intellectual stimulation
to act in a wide variety of situations. Individualized consideration
Quality of the mind that enables a person to face From power as domination to power as liberation
difficulty and danger without fear. From war and conflict to peace
From efficiency consideration to
Types of Leadership equality and equity.
From growth to sustainability
What is the difference? From “winner-take-all” norm to sharing and caring
Transformation of values
Based on power From hierarchical to participatory
Make use of rewards and coercion to deliver benefits From corrupt to clean
to members or to force or instill fear From secretive to transparent
Example: colonization, vote- buying , and similar From burdensome to empowering
method Transformation of processes
TRANSFORMATIONAL From bureaucratic to egalitarian, responsive, and
Real leadership Recognition of what the accountable
members need Transformation of institutions
Leads to the steps towards achieving the needs
Relating rewards to effort Three functions of Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership and task function 1. Be proactive
Controlling the task 2. Begin with the end in mind.
Checking the performance Adjusting the time 3.Put first things first.
Defining the tasks-involves others Making the plan- 4. Think win win.
involves others Allocating the task 5 understood. Seek first to understand, then to be
6. Synergize.
Setting the standard Enforcing discipline Promoting 7. Sharpen the saw
team spirit Encouraging and motivating Developing
sub-leaders Communicating with the group Training What is Teamwork?
Transformational leadership and team function • The process of working collaboratively with a group of
people in order to achieve a goal.
Attending to personal problems Praising individuals, • Crucial part of a business
confidence What is Teamwork?
Giving status pride • Try to cooperate using individual skills and providing
Using abilities of the people within constructive feedback, despite any personal conflict
the organization between individuals.
Involving individuals in decision- • Brings people together for a common purpose or goal
making process • Subordinates need of individual vs the group
Transformational leadership and individual function
How do you manage your time?
Leadership Development
1. Develop a pool of leaders The art of arranging, organizing, scheduling, and
Find people with basic leadership qualities budgeting one’s time for the purpose of generating
Widen the “catchment area” Assure a democratic more effective work and productivity.
process Time Management
. Majority Voting
• Most effective way to make a decision.
3. The Minority
• Not consciously organized but few powerful
personalities dominate the group.
. Silent Consensus
• Some group leads to a unanimous decision. • Rarely
5. Clique
• A small group whose members plan beforehand to get
their way in decision-making.
• Bring spirit of rivalry rather than cooperation.
. Handclasp
• Happens when one person makes a suggestion and
another commends it. Without further discussion, the
matter is decided.
• Resentment surfaces later on.
7. One
person Decision
• Quickly-made but later when the decider needs free
or voluntary support from others to implement the
decision, he/she might find trouble getting it.
Difficulties in Decision
1. Fear of consequences
2. Conflicting loyalties
3. Interpersonal conflicts and individual differences
4. Hidden agenda or secret motive
5. Blundering methods
6. Inadequate leadership
7. Clash of interest