DLL Week 5 Sci 10

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TEACHING DATES & 11:00-12:00 & 1:00-2:00 / SEPTEMBER 19-23, 2022 QUARTER: FIRST QUARTER
I. OBJECTIVES Objective over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and
if needed, additional lessons exercises and remedial activities maybe done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These
are using Formatives Assessment Strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children
to find significance and joy in learning the lesson. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guide.
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake ICL
epicenters, and
mountain ranges.
B. Performance The learner shall be able to: a. Demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, ICL
Standards: tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions;
b. Suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in reducing damage due to
earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions

C. Learning Describe the different Describe the different Describe the different Describe the different
Competencies/ types of plate boundaries- types of plate types of plate types of plate
Objectives: Write the S9ES –Ia-j36.2 boundaries- S9ES –Ia- boundaries- S9ES –Ia- boundaries- S9ES –Ia-
LC code for each In this lesson, the students j36.2 j36.2 j36.2
should be able to In this lesson, students In this lesson, students
.Determine the effect of should be able to: should be able to: In this lesson the
transform-fault boundary 1.Explain the processes 1.Explain the processes students should be able
on the Earth’s crust. that occur along that occur along to:
convergent boundaries convergent boundaries 1. Explain the
2.Determine the 2.Determine the processes that occur
consequences of consequences of along divergent
colliding plates. colliding plates. boundaries.
2. Determine the results
of plates that are
moving apart.
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content in a week or
Plate Boundaries- Plate Boundaries-Two Plate Boundaries -Going
Plate Boundaries-
Convergence of Two Continental Plates Separate Ways
Transform-Fault Boundary
Oceanic Plates Converging
III. LEARNING List the materials to be used in different days. Varied resources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson an in learning. Ensure
RESOURCES that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept
A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Science grade 10 Science grade 10 Science grade 10 Science grade 10
Pages Teacher’s material Teacher’s material Teacher’s material Teacher’s material
2. Learner’s Materials Learner’s material pp 16-17 Learner’s material pp18- Learner’s material pp 23- Learner’s Material pp
Pages 19 24 25-28
3. Text book Pages

4. Additional Four blocks of wood Modeling clay

Materials from 2 blocks measures Blocks of wood
Learning 5cmx5cmx10cm,
resources(LR)Porta 2 blocks measures
l 5cmx5c,x15cm
B. Other Learning Cross-sectional diagram
Resources of converging oceanic
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that the students will learn will learn well. Always
IV PROCEDURES/ 7 be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning
E’s Learning Model systematically by providing the students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes
and draw conclusion about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for
each step.
ELICIT Review of the past lesson- Review of the past lesson. Review of the previous Review of the previous ICL
Divergence of plates Let the students recall the activity activity.
subduction process and
the geologic events that
will take place because of
the process.
A. ENGAGE Let the students simulate *Brainstorm the students The teacher may start the The teacher may start the
how transform-fault about two oceanic plate lesson by asking questions lesson by saying this:
boundary is formed. could also collide because such as: “ In a convergent plate
of plate tectonics. a.What is the highest peak boundary, the leading
*Introduce the Activity: in the Philippines? plates undergo
Convergence of two b.How about the highest destruction process as the
oceanic plates mountain in the world? crust is consumed in the
c.Do you have any idea mantle. But what do you
how tall Mount Everest is? think is happening on the
How do you think most of other end of each plates?”
the tall mountains of the *To find out answer to this
world are formed? question, students will
study the next type of
plate boundary –the
Divergent Plate Boundary
C. EXPLORE Let the students draw a Let the students draw a Introduce the activity: Two Let the students analyze
diagram showing what diagram showing what Continental Plates four pictures: two rift
they think would be the they think would be the Converging valleys
outcome of this event. outcome of this event. And two ocean ridges:

Let the students make or Let the students make or 1. What are
create a model with create a model with common in the
explanation. explanation. four pictures?
2. What do you think
is happening to
the Earth’s crust in
those pictures?
3. If these event
continues for
millions of years,
what do you think
will be the effect
on the crust?

D. EXPLAIN Presentation of output Presentation of output. Presentation of output Presentation of outputs

E. ELABORATE Processing Process questions: Processing End the lesson by asking
1.If the blocks of wood 1.What geologic 1.What happened to the the following questions:
were plates, what kind of events/processes that will strips of clay as they were a.What are the indications
plate boundary is formed occur because of this plate pushed from opposite that the crust is spreading
between Blocks 1 and 2? movement? ends? or splitting?
Between 3 and 4? 2.What geologic features 2.If the strips of clay b.Where do divergent
2. Describe the relative might form at the surface represent the Earth’s boundaries are mostly
motion of Blocks 2 and 3; of Plate A? lithosphere, what do you situated?
Blocks 1 and 3; Blocks 2 3.If the edge of Plate A think is formed in the c.What is formed as
and 4. suddenly flicks upward, a lithosphere? plates continuously
large amount of water may 3. What other geologic separate or split?
be displaced. What could event could take place with d. What is the spreading
be formed at the surface of this type of plate rate at the ridges?
the ocean? movement? e. What happens when
the spreading center
develops within a
f.Compare the length and
depth of a rift valley as the
spreading continues.
g. What geologic events
could take place when
two oceanic plates
h.What geologic events
could take place when
two continental plates
F. EVALUATE Let students answer the Let the students make a Let the students The teacher should
following: venn diagram on the differentiate this type of distribute a drawing of a
a.What are transform-fault similarities and differences convergent plate boundary valley and let the students
boundary? between converging with the other two? make a diagram if rifting
b.Where does transform- continental plate and End the lesson through an continues for millions of
fault usually found? oceanic plate and two animated diagram of how years.
c.What geologic oceanic plates converging Himalayas is formed.
events/processes could in terms of geologic events
take place with this type of or processes.
plate movement?
G. EXTEND Let the students have an Let the students bring the Let the students have an
advance reading on following: advance reading about
earthquakes. *Modeling clay divergence of plates..
*2 blocks of wood

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for


Subject Teacher Principal IV

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