Grade 8 Unit 1 Real Number System
Grade 8 Unit 1 Real Number System
Grade 8 Unit 1 Real Number System
Overview of Unit Know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by rational numbers
Standard 8.NS.1 and 8.NS.2 in this unit are connected to 8.G.6, 8.G.7, and 8.G.8 in which estimates of irrational numbers are
used when developing a conceptual understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem and applying it to find distances on a
coordinate plane.
This is the first time students will be exposed to the radical as mathematical procedure.
In fourth grade, students will learn how to convert from decimal to fractions and place them on the number line.
8.NS.1. Know that numbers that are not rational 8.NS.1 Students can use graphic organizers to show the relationship between the
are called irrational. Understand informally that subsets of the real number system.
every number has a decimal expansion; for
rational numbers show that the decimal
expansion repeats eventually, and convert a
decimal expansion which repeats eventually into
a rational number.
Students expand their knowledge of the Real Number System to include
irrational numbers. An irrational number is a decimal whose expansion
does not terminate or repeat. Irrational numbers cannot be written in
1. Let x = 0.555
2. Multiply both sides so that the repeating digits will be in front
of the decimal. In this case, one digit repeats so both sides
are multiplied by 10, giving 10x = 5.555...
3. Subtract the original equation form the new equation.
10x = 5.555...
-x = 0.555...
9x =5
What the students do:
4. Solve the equation by dividing both sided of the equation by
Clarify understanding of rational numbers as repeating or terminating through discussion about irrational numbers.
5. X = 5/9
Recognize and use the notation for decimal expansions of irrational numbers.
Complete a Venn diagram to clarify their understanding of the Real Number System as the set of numbers made up
What the teacher does: of the rational and the irrational numbers.
Pose questions such as the following: “Will a rational number Convert decimal expansions into equivalent fractions using an algorithm.
eventually repeat?” Can you find a rational number that does Use strategies other than conversions for some decimal expansions; for example, after exploring the ninths, students
not repeat? Use this discussion as an introduction for may remember the repeating pattern
students to discover irrational numbers. ( = 0. 1,̅ 2 = 0. 2,
9 9
Have students reason about the inclusive nature of the Recall common fractions such as ¾ = 0.75.
subsets of Real Number System and complete a Venn diagram .
of the Real Number System. Misconceptions and Common Errors:
between 1and 2, then between 1.4 and 1.5, and 8.NS.2 Students can approximate square roots by iterative processes.
explain how to continue on to get better
Approximate the value of 5 to the nearest hundredth.
Solution: Students start with a rough estimate based upon perfect squares. 5 falls
between 2 and 3 because 5 falls between 22 = 4 and 32 = 9. The value will be closer
to 2 than to 3. Students continue the iterative process with the tenths place value.
Students compare irrational numbers and locate them on a number line
by finding their rational approximations. Find rational approximations by 5 falls between 2.2 and 2.3 because 5 falls between 2.22 = 4.84 and 2.32 = 5.29. The
creating lists of numbers by answering the following question: Between
which two numbers will you find √2? Since 12 = 4, it is between 1 and 2. value is closer to 2.2. Further iteration shows that the value of 5 is between 2.23
To be more precise, is it closer to 1 or 2? Systematically square 1.1, 1.2,
1.3, 1.4... 1.9. Between which two numbers do you find 2? Repeat the
and 2.24 since 2.232 is 4.9729 and 2.242 is 5.0176.
process until you have the degree of precision you are seeking.
Compare √2 and √3 by estimating their values, plotting them on a number
line, and making comparative statements.
Is_____closer to_____or_____?
Students learn that squaring and cubing numbers are the inverse
operations to finding square and cube roots. This standard works with
Is_____closer to_____or_____?
perfect squares and perfect cubes, and students will begin to recognize
these numbers. Equations should include rational numbers such as 𝑥 2 =
𝑥 3 = 1/64 and fractions were both the numerator and denominator are
perfect squares or cubes. 8.EE.2
𝑥2 =
√1 Examples:
√𝑥 = ±
32 9 and 9 3
13 1
1 1 3
1 1
Square roots can be positive or negative because
3 and 3
2 X 2 = 4 and -2 x -2 =4.
3 3 27 27 3
27 3
It is important for students to have multiple opportunities and exposures with perfect cubes. This is a new concept in the
curriculum and many students struggle with finding cube roots. A common misconception for cube roots is that any number
times 3 is a perfect cube. Building larger cubes from smaller ones gives students a visual that they can rely on.
Students are reasoning as they explain how to get more precise approximations of irrational numbers.
Skills of the discipline, social skills, production skills, processes (usually verbs/verb
KNOW phrases)
Facts, formulas, information, vocabulary
There are numbers that are not rational called KNOW rational and irrational numbers
“irrational”. UNDERSTAND decimal expansion
SHOW decimal expansion repeats
Irrational numbers are a subset of the Real Number CONVERT repeating decimal expansion to a rational number
System. USE
o rational approximations of irrational numbers
COMPARE sizes of rational numbers
LOCATE rational numbers approximately on a number line
ESTIMATE value of expressions
o square root and cube root symbols
o square roots of perfect squares
o cube roots of perfect cubes
√2 is irrational.
Unit 1 Test
Unit 1 Performance Task “Rational or Irrational Reasoning”
Unit 1 Performance Task “Let’s Approximate Roots”
Real numbers
Rational numbers
o Natural numbers
o Whole numbers
o Whole numbers
o Integers
Irrational numbers
Repeating decimals
Terminating decimals
Decimal expansion
Square root
Perfect square
Cube root
Perfect cube
Key Learning Activities/Possible Lesson Focuses (order may vary)
Pre-assessment (Recall prior knowledge) and Pre-requisite skills review (if needed)
Use Station 1 activity to group numbers into terminating, repeating, or "other" decimals, discuss
different types of numbers, especially square roots; HW: find 3 square roots that are terminating
and 3 that are not
In cooperative groups, students will develop the definition of rational and irrational numbers by
investigating sets of numbers. (integers, naturals, whole, rational, irrational)
Understand and show the relationship between the subsets of the real number system
(rational and the subsets of rational numbers and irrational numbers and irrational
Identify and know which numbers belong to which subsets of the real number system
Show decimal expansion of a rational number repeats or terminate
Convert decimal expansions (both repeating and terminating) to a rational number
Introduce real number system using graphic organizer, then have students take a given number
and put it on giant number system; "exit ticket" for homework
Teachers will provide students with the area of various size squares and students will find side
Understand and know perfect squares and square roots (up to 144, and including 225,
400, and 625) and that they are part of the real number system
Estimate the rational value of square roots (using mental math)
Using square root symbols, represent and evaluate solutions to equations
Students will use knowledge of square roots to devise a definition of cube roots. With this
definition, students will identify 2 cube roots.
Understand and know perfect cubes and cube roots (including 1 ,8 , 27, 64, 125, 1000) and
that they are part of the real number system
Using cube roots symbols, represent and evaluate solutions to equations
Compare and locate various types of Rational and Irrational numbers on the number line (exact
and estimated)
Using real world examples (baseball statistics, Olympic results, etc.) students will compare, order,
and locate on the number line.
Compare sizes of rational numbers
Use rational approximations of irrational numbers such as the √2 and √3, locate on the
number line, and make comparative statements
Locate positive and negative rational and irrational numbers exactly and approximately on
the number line.
Supplemental Materials and Resources
Literature connection:
The Square Root of 2 By: David Flannery
Square Root By: Derek Beaulieu
Lesson on Repeating Decimals:
Pop up game- Rational or Irrational Number?:
Decimal Expansion:
Properties of Real Numbers:
When not knowing math can cost you $15,000:
This is a clip from a television game show where the contestant answers a question about
square numbers incorrectly and loses $15000.
Number line