Online Tailoring System: V.Gayathri Dr. Arumugam.S

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International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)

Volume 4, Issue 4 Apr 2022, pp: 836-838 ISSN: 2395-5252

Online Tailoring System

V.Gayathri1Dr. Arumugam.S2
Second Year MCA1Assistant Professor( SS)2
Department Of Computer Science And Application
Periyar Maniammai Institute Of Science And Technology
Vallam, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India

Submitted: 05-04-2022 Revised: 16-04-2022 Accepted: 19-04-2022
to walk to the tailor shops to get their
ABSTRACT: measurements taken for the tailoring of their
The project is aimed to automate the tailoring garments. Their details are taken and kept on
sector which is manually maintained. After the papers. Customers too need to move from their
automation this will mean better services and good offices to go and check for the clothes whether
keeping of records, data integrity, data security, there complete or not. This is time consuming and
quick search and also paperless environment. The costly. Due to the manual systems in use, the whole
project has mainly tackled management of process tends to be slow. Customers too have no
information for the customers and in decision prior information on cost of netting their garments.
making. Every user of the system will have to log
into the system using username and password so II. LITERATURE REVIEW
that security and authentication will be ensured. Literature review is a text written by
Once logged in, a customer can make and order, someone to consider the critical points of current
check dress status or even give feedback. The knowledge including substantive findings as well
system administrator is able to manage customer as theoretical and methodological contributions to a
information and also update records. particular topic. Main goals are to situate the
current study within the body of literature and to
I. INTRODUCTION: provide context for the particular reader.
Online tailoring system is a system aimed A tailor makes custom cloths wear of various styles
to assist in management of tailoring activities like jackets, skirts or trousers that go with them, for
within the industry. It will provide online services men or women. An alterations specialist adjusts the
to customers such as measurement submission to fit of completed garments, usually ready-to-wear,
their tailors, check whether their garments are or restyles them. Designers choose combinations of
finished and also help in proper keeping of records. line, proportion, color, and texture for intended
This will ensure availability of right information, garments. They may have no sewing or
information safety, easy storage, access and patternmaking skills, and may only sketch or
retrieval. The study aims at building a conceptualize garments.
computerized tailoring system that would be more Origins of the Term Bespoke tailoring
effective and efficient than the existing manual. According to English Hardy, a good tailor
The proposed online tailoring system will should be able to overcome all of the potential
eliminate all these manual interventions and shortcomings, and not only create a masterpiece
increase the speed of the whole process. The that fits, but should also guide his client towards a
system will allow customers to register online and style that is better suited to his/her body. He says
successfully submit their measurements. The that a skilled tailor can make simple clothing from
system has inbuilt validation system to validate the common cloth, but with time and practice they can
entered data. The customer can login to the system learn to create garments of great beauty that
to check on the status of the clothes for collection. provide significant protection to their wearer.
The system will show the already completed
garments for client. The system also provides Developments in Tailoring Industry
information about the cost of each garment the In Uganda, there has been development of
customer intends to get knit. This data will be tailoring school where a total number of 50
stored in the database students are currently enrolled. They also currently
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0404836838 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 836
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 4 Apr 2022, pp: 836-838 ISSN: 2395-5252

employ four staff members who are specialized in Admin:

different areas of dressmaking and designing. The admin module is a maintain a staff database
During the last two years, 58 students have like insert, update & delete. And view the customer
successfully graduated from this institution, some & Booking Details.
of which have chosen to team up in order to start
up their own businesses IV. RESULT:
The Online Tailor Management System
III. METHODOLOGY provides online services through all parts of
The term methodology means the Somalia people and other part of the world. It
techniques and procedures adopted by conducting a simplifies all the Online Sales services and saving
research study. It outlines how the data will be their time by making the user requests and services
collected, and the tools for collecting data, system towards their request electronically. The
methodology, the proposed system input and administrator has its own administrative pages to
output, users and system development tools. The manage his/her operations by firstly login to the
way toward tailoring software development system.
methodologies as indicated by and is a rising Result:
pattern rehearsed in many ventures associated with
software development but little research that has
been done around there. In most developmental
associations, the quintessence of development
depends on a rigid methodology, which as a rule
neglects to address all issues emerging because of
mechanical changes. Tailoring is required
exclusively to expand execution and profitability,
which at last guarantees proficiency and viability in
the qualityof a software item.
Modules: Sign In
 Register
 Login
 Measurement or Size Details
 Add Cart
 Payment

If you are a first time user you will need to
register your account or create a new one,
otherwise you can login on module description in
project page with your previous login details.
These results are more helpful for you as these are Login
anti checked and also verified by the system. You
just need to open the login page links and enter
your login details like login id and password and
submit the information.

This screen will help user to generate new user
name according to their wish and user will also
create new password and same will be confirmed
again. User will enter and will click on submit
button to final submit.
About Shop: Booking
The about Tailor module is a tell about Shop
Appointment Booking:
The appointment module is a making appointment
for the customer.

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0404836838 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 837
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 4 Apr 2022, pp: 836-838 ISSN: 2395-5252

This system is very friendly system and it
has a good interface that can be usable by every
person who is computer literate. What is more, if
the user make a mistake it generate an error
message that easily understandable by the user and
it gives you the solution of that problem.

The online Tailoring system will ease the
work of clients by allowing them to send their
measurement online thus cutting on transport
expenses and time. It will ease communication
between the tailor and the client and also to access
each other. It provides information about the cost,
the fabric type the customer want his/her dress knit
from, the urgency at which a customer wants the
dress finished, the type of material to be used,
quantity in terms of pairs needed and most
importantly, the system computes the total cost and
avails that information to the customer. Therefore,
this system will be more beneficial to implement.


DOI: 10.35629/5252-0404836838 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 838

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