Ch7 Financial Operations of Insurers
Ch7 Financial Operations of Insurers
Ch7 Financial Operations of Insurers
Hwang Yawen
1. Property and Casualty Insurers
Financial statements (財務報表) is used to examine the financial operations of an insurer. (p.156)
• Balance sheet (資產負債表)
• Income and expense statement (損益表)
Balance sheet
(資產負債表) Specific date
✓ A summary of what a company owns (assets) and
what it owes (liabilities), and the difference Liability
between total assets and total liabilities (owners’ Asset
✓ Total Assets = Total Liabilities + Owners’ Equity (股東權益)
1. Property and Casualty Insurers
Balance sheet
Financial assets 未滿期保費準備金
1. Property and Casualty Insurers
1. Property and Casualty Insurers
Balance sheet
Liability (負債, p.157-158) (資產負債表)
An insurer is required by law to maintain certain reserves on its balance sheet (法令要求保險公司必
An insurer must establish reserves to ensure that premiums collected in advance will be available
to pay future losses (保險公司必須建立準備金,以確保預先收取的保費可用於支付未來的損失)
Loss Reserves
1. Property and Casualty Insurers
Liability (負債, p.157-158) Balance sheet
(1) Loss Reserves (賠款準備金)
✓ The estimated cost of settling claims for losses that have already occurred but that
have not been paid as of the valuation date (賠款準備金是為了以下三種已發生之損失但尚未
Claims reported and adjusted, but not yet paid (已決未付賠款)
Claims reported and filed, but not yet adjusted (已報未決賠款)
Claims for losses incurred but not yet reported to the company (未報未決賠款)
NOTE:may take a long time to settle
✓ Loss reserves in P&C insurance can be classified as: (賠款準備金由以下三部分組成)
Case reserves (個案賠款準備金)
Reserves based on the loss ratio method (損失率法下之賠款準備金)
Reserves for incurred-but-not-reported claims (已發生但尚未通報之賠款準備金;簡稱
1. Property and Casualty Insurers
Balance sheet
Case reserves (個案賠款準備金, p.157-158) (資產負債表)
Loss reserves that are established for each individual claim when it is reported (依理賠人員或
✓ Methods for determining case reserves include: (決定個案賠款準備金的方法)
➢ Judgment method (判斷法)
• A claim reserve is established for each individual claim (依個案決定個案賠款準備金)
• Based on the judgment of someone in the claims department or estimated using a computer
program (由理賠人員依據經驗判斷或以電腦程式進行估計)
➢ Average value method (平均值法)
• An average value is assigned to each claim (以平均值來估算個案賠款準備金)
• Used when the number of claims is large and the average claim amount is relatively small, such
as auto physical damage claims (有大量曝險單位可使用此方法,例如:車體險損失)
➢ Tabular method (制式法:以一些表定因子來計算, 略)
• Loss reserves are determined for claims for which the amounts paid depend on life expectancy,
duration of disability, and similar factors
• The duration of the benefit period is based on data derived from mortality and morbidity tables
1. Property and Casualty Insurers
Balance sheet
Reserves based on the loss ratio method (損失率法下之賠款準備金, p.158) (資產負債表)
This method establishes aggregate loss reserves for a specific coverage line (針對特定險種建立
✓ A formula based on the expected loss ratio is used to estimate the loss reserve
→(the expected loss ratio (預期損失率) × premiums earned (滿期保費))
Incurred losses (已發生損失) + Loss adjustment expenses (理賠費用)
Loss Ratio =
Premiums earned (滿期保費)
保費,並按險別提存未滿期保費準備金 (保險業各種準備金提存辦法,第6條)
✓ A liability item that represents the unearned portion of gross premiums on all
outstanding policies at the time of valuation (用來代表在評估日時,已收入保費中之未到期部分
✓ Purposes:
• To pay for losses that occur during the policy period (支付保單有效期間內所發生之損失)
• Used to pay the refund to policyholders that cancel their coverage (支付被保險人解除契約之
• It also serves as the basis for determining the amount that must be paid to a reinsurer for
carrying reinsured polices until the end of their terms (用以計算需支付給再保公司之再保保費)
✓ Annual pro rata method (比例法, 課本例子)
(3) Other items: loss-adjustment expenses (理賠費用), commissions (佣金)
1. Property and Casualty Insurers
Balance sheet
Surplus (盈餘, p.159)
The difference between an insurance company’s assets and liabilities (盈餘=資產-負債).
✓ A cushion that can de drawn upon if liabilities are higher than expected (當負債高於預
✓ The stronger a company’s surplus position, the greater is the security for its
policyholders (當公司盈餘越高,保單持有人之安全性就越高)
✓ The level of surplus is an important determinant of the amount of new business that
an insurance company can write (當公司決定是否承接新業務時,盈餘大小會是重要考量因素)
1. Property and Casualty Insurers
Income and Expense Statement
(損益表, p.159-160) Exhibit 7.2 ABC Insurance Company
It summarizes revenues (收入) and expenses
(費用) paid over a specified period of time.
Revenues (收入)
Cash inflows that the company can claim as
income (保險公司之收入來源):
(1) Premiums (保費收入)
• The premiums written reflect the
premiums for coverage that was placed on
the books during the year (簽單保費係指評
• Earned premiums represent the portion of
the premiums for which insurance
protection has been provided (滿期保費係
(2) Investment incomes (投資收入)
1. Property and Casualty Insurers
Income and Expense Statement
Expenses (費用, p.160)
✓ the cost of adjusting claims (理賠處理費用)
✓ paying the insured losses that occurred (已發生損失之理賠)
✓ underwriting expenses: commissions to agents, premium taxes, and general insurance
expenses (核保費用:佣金、稅、一般行政費用)
Loss Ratio
Combined Ratio Larger than 100%?
The ratio of incurred losses and loss (綜合率/綜合損失率) (Example on p.160)
adjustment expenses to premiums earned
2. Life Insurance Companies
Balance sheet (資產負債表)
Asset (資產, p.161-162)
✓ The assets of a life insurer are primarily financial assets (壽險公司的資產主要是金融資產).
✓ There are three differences between P&C and life insurers (產險與壽險的主要差異):
1) The assets of a life insurer have a longer duration, on average, than those of
property and casualty insurers (相較於產險公司,壽險公司之長年期資產比例較高)
2) Because many life insurance policies have a savings element (因為許多壽險保單具有
儲蓄成分), life insurers keep an interest-bearing asset (附息資產) called “contract
loans” or “policy loans” (壽險公司可以從事保單貸款)
3) A life insurance company may have separate accounts (分離帳戶) for assets
backing interest-sensitive products (利率敏感型商品), such as variable annuities (變額年
金) (投資型保單會有”分離帳戶”)
2. Life Insurance Companies
2. Life Insurance Companies
Liability (負債, p.162-163) Balance sheet (資產負債表)
✓ Policy reserves (責任準備金)
• The major liability item on the balance sheet that must be offset by assets equal
to that amount
• Legal reserves (法定準備金): State laws specify the minimum basis for calculating
policy reserves
✓ The reserve for amounts held on deposit (略)
• A liability that represents funds that are owed to policyholders and to beneficiaries
✓ The asset valuation reserve (資產評價準備金) (略)
• A statutory account designed to absorb asset value fluctuations not caused by changing
interest rates
Surplus (盈餘, p.163)
✓ The difference between an insurance company’s assets and liabilities (盈餘=資產-負債)
✓ Less volatile in life insurers than in P&C insurers (壽險公司盈餘的波動度較產險公司低)
2. Life Insurance Companies
✓ The rate charged reflects the average loss experience for the class as a whole
✓ It is simply to apply and it is ideal for the personal lines markets (個人性險種), such as
homeowners insurance (住宅火險), private passenger auto insurance (車險), workers
compensation (勞工補償保險), and life and health insurance (壽險與健康險)
✓ Two basic methods: (略)
Pure premium method (純保費法)
Loss ratio method (損失率法)
3. Rate Making in P&C Insurance
Rate-Making Methods
3) Merit rating (增減費率法;績優費率法, p.166)
A rating plan by which class rates are adjusted upward or downward based on individual
loss experience (保險費率會隨損失經驗而調升或調降)
Loss experience (t~t+1) Retrospective rating (追溯費率法)
• the insured’s loss experience during the current policy period
determines the actual premium paid for that period (依據被保
t t+1 險人當期之損失經驗來調整費率)
• used by the large firms in workers compensation insurance,
Premium(t) general liability insurance,… (通常使用在大型公司的勞工補償
✓ A loading for expenses (附加費用) is added to determine the gross premium (Ch13)