Grievance Procedure
Grievance Procedure
Grievance Procedure
PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd (hereinafter called as PNB MetLife) key focus as a service organization is to provide best
in class customer experience. While customer complaints are part of assessing customer satisfaction levels of any service
organization and is prime concern for all business processes, our philosophy aims at providing best service. Our customer
satisfaction efforts rest on five-pillar approach, which is detailed in our philosophy.
Touch Points
➢ Contact Centre:
Customer may call the Contact Centre by calling at our Toll Free 1-800-425-6969 between 10 am – 7 pm, Monday to
Saturday. A grievance is registered after authenticating the customer by asking the relevant security questions.
➢ E-mail:
Customer may send an e-mail to [email protected] from registered Email ID
➢ Company Website: Customer may register a grievance on the Company website:
1. By logging in to the Policy Information Portal (PIP)
2. By clicking on the Grievance section
➢ Letter:
The Customer can lodge a complaint by written communication through Post / Courier / Fax to PNB MetLife HO @
▪ Submitting a letter at any of the PNB MetLife’s branches (the list of the existing branches is available on the PNB MetLife India
▪ The Customer can also lodge a written complaint through IA / CSO / Channel Partners
➢ Regulator Website:
The Customer can lodge a complaint to IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Authority/IGCC) or Insurance Ombudsman and in
turn that would be routed to PNB MetLife’s Customer Experience Team or Legal & Compliance department
Grievance Redressal Department
A dedicated team reviews all such grievances received and provides a resolution to the customer on priority basis. All such
grievances are entered into our Complaint Management System for further processing.
▪ The Central Grievance Redressal Team handles all grievances received through all touch points including IRDAI,
Escalations to Managing Director/ Senior Management, etc.
▪ An acknowledgement is sent to the Customer acknowledging his/ her complaint/grievance within three working days of the
receipt of the complaint/grievance
▪ Once the complaint is acknowledged team ensures that final resolution/rejection is communicated to the complainant
within 15 calendar days from the receipt of the complaint/grievance. In case of rejection, the reason for rejection would be
mentioned. In case due to complexity of the matter involved, an additional due diligence or investigation is required, an
interim communication is sent to the customers with reason specifying timelines for resolution of the complaint.
▪ In case, the customer is not happy with the resolution provided, he/she may come back within 8 weeks of receipt of the
resolution communication from the company’s end.
Level 1
For any complaint/grievance, approach any of our following touch points: Call
1800-425-69-69 (Toll free) or Email at [email protected]
Write to "Grievance Redressal Department", PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd., Unit No. 302,
3rd floor, Tower-3, Worldmark, Village Maidawas, Sector 65, Gurugram, Haryana-122018
Online through our website.
Our nearest PNB MetLife branch across the country
Level 2:
In case not satisfied with the resolution provided by the above touch points, customer can
write to our Grievance Redressal Officer at [email protected] or send a letter to the PNB
MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd., Unit No. 302, 3rd floor, Tower-3, Worldmark, Village
Maidawas, Sector 65, Gurugram, Haryana-122018
Level 3:
In case customer is still not satisfied with the decision of the above officer, customer may
contact the Insurance Ombudsman