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Philips Price Schedule Miniature & Sealed Beam Lamps 12-86
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Philips Price Schedule Miniature & Sealed Beam Lamps 12-86
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Philips Price Schedule Miniature & Sealed Beam Lamps 12-86
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Philips Price Schedule Miniature & Sealed Beam Lamps 12-86
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Philips Price Schedule Miniature & Sealed Beam Lamps 12-86
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Philips Price Schedule Miniature & Sealed Beam Lamps 12-86
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iahti PHILIPS j ‘ ‘ i 7 " 4 = Price Schedule Miniature, Sealed Beam and Halogen Lamps Suggested Resale Prices PS-201-U Ef. 12/31/86Miniature/Sealed Beam Lamps eS sae = a in ee a Base Designations ‘The base provides electrical contact and suppor forthe lamp. As shown there are many yes and ies of bases. Each hasa pectic purpose Bayonet bases ere reeredto screw bases where vibraton ests, ad flanged bases for exact psionng of he flamer. Musigupose ie fs Candeasa pecans eS Se Je Contact, oubie Contact Double Cotact | 3 ea Toe Boyt Be aes Cage “ange, ‘Soyenee “Seow supiecenuact singe Contact. “cree” ead’) SBMin're) “nS ad SE) “elaphone Slide Base Tel toe Tol Side ves (I 8 semis seein cao pets itn aS) e / \ get Moet S.C ager Sotw Groce Fang ee | vixigs i e Ley \y ® Filament Designations cr ov ow oe The method of mounting ent in a tungsten lament amp is esignated by an dertication made up ofa petx iter or leters al fand an ariary number. The pref eter indicates wheter the flament wire is sreight, cold of coled col and the number Indicates the frm or arrangements ofthe flament onthe supper. — Profi Ltior:S-Svaight The wires uneoled C-Coled The wire |swoundinioahelcal col. CC-Coled Col, The wires woundinio ‘ahebcal colland hs coled wie again wound ino ahaa col. oz ca cz cscs H HAAN «25702 2286 1.06 a8 1.09 105 36156: 215 Ts 0 i os 18 Fr 109 rr 2007-1 aa zaT08 122 ia 216115 116 aT 1.09 158 27616. 1 77856 1.09 18 2600-4 138 M2 iat i 2622. 12 763 iat i 305202 701 160 ia 390 37265 158 7 3202 21 738 122 22855 ‘aa 158 1% S158 378289. 4.90 194 36213. 37807 190 194k 3098-1 3Hti82 35 8 3185 211659 305 199 36008 Ziiets 305 i 2096-0 360682 3.05 a0 209658 6060-0 35 a 716357 6061-8 305 Fi 2260 360626 ——a05 m 216952 71948 205 mz 707 220-4 as m2 7080-1 Bar 7 26 2051055 27250 7 m 740-2 247 170 a 760-0 775-2 212 26 2768: 7573 3.58 a8 365825 7623 a ar 3673 208 it a 360807 ZT 138 am 780-8 23821 70 am 7184 29-2 Zar 3 265865 7138 2 im 216903 295 7 5 7195 207 iat 506i 7696-4 29: is? ii 7160-8 2a 35 am 272 7a8- at SF 20 256 36 we ZT 22 ist sui z70-5 ai Bsr 125 1 3580-4 452 Bae s att 99873 485 a7 128 anim 202 7210 PO) 16 m 2708 570 27193 I Fa 26S 1a 27506: +00 Fm 270-1 580 25280 177 16 BIST 2.95, 2596-7 5 2777 188 7506 a7 85 278 a0 25453 10 0 2787-1 3.96 2551-1 178 w 26 3.06 28 195 i 703-6 TA ‘2967-7 VIZ 455, 34056-2 2.66 7st 125 2 mans 3 20385 177 3028 275.0 a GES 26 sua 20 362 UT 50 78-4 15 so 7900.0 551 0k 5721-8 226 55 ais a Miniature Lamps — Minimum Order Quantiy— 10 LampsMiniature Lamps (continued) 200735 200750 a2 3650-3 19.48 280784 230874 28086-3 280965 280982 28107-4 02t 27000 17.96. 281199 104 296780 164 922718 1034, 2685-5 361 2016518 ioe 279823 10.27 281200 1054 279056 11.38 281253 1061 308508 01 281365 073 20402-4 177 281402 1076 3628046 2.66 281461 1093, 305005 27 2847-7 1129 204082 189 281550 1130. 204040 3.05; 281600 1132 279687 16.54 281605 13 373043 382 251642 1134 379909 5.82 281675 13908 27649 456 331256 14 20405-7 157 28179.0 sca 279602 40 sra082 a 204065 215 285 13, 27901-9 538 24a83.0 113K 350068 a2 281832 ima 27992:7 5.54 281840 1154 204073 221 36555-1 155 2808-1 189 0028 1156, 356903 14 20085 7 2065665 7 28166-1 ish 29665-7 257 281015 1157HA 206731 3.18 75194-9 1188, 3.30) 28197-2 189, 2.02 388726 i168. 251 28198-0 8. 2.10 28199.8 iA 374 73204-6 113, 774 282835 ‘184 751. 28237-6 1195, 200362 B12, 2241-8 1196, 39638-0 a2. 28245-9 103 280404 Or paar 5 Miniature Lamps — Minimum Order Quantty — 10 Lamps 28250.5Miniature Lamps (continued) ‘Miniature Lamps — Minimum Order Quanity — 10 Lamps ‘Al preceding types packed 10 lamps perearton. 100 amps per shipping earn, = 10 Lamps per shipping carton. Miniature Lamp Blister Card Miniature Lamps — Minimum Order Quanity — 10 Cards (20 Lamps) ‘e084 wacsi2 25285:7 2a vaca 26287-5 24a ‘ac-t005 25564 346 2700-7 2a ‘sc-t008 260475 346 oi 260005, 2a woc-1098 Sam. STOR 255068 357 moc-10904 See MC-TISTATOOIA ‘5624 332 ‘moe-1073 SeEMOC-ISB 079 9505-2 Sat aceite 265005, 8 395640 341 ‘MBC-1154 26367-1 jag [585 7 405 wae-11667073 ——__—asseia 38 9506-5 355 Mac-n1S71096 255715 173 255178 224 ‘MBC: TS7ATOG4A 253661 55 2620-2 255 MBc-1157%A 4087 668 750051 220 wae 145 26392:1 200, 2e82e-4 231 “MBC-1651F 25760 Zz 2651-9 230 ‘MBC 1095 25988-7 200 PES 05 wso-2057 765 332 Sie MOC-67ST7 uo 205708 E75 345 See MBC-190158 — =woc:s008 37 3 7is009 80-9005 208160 ss 204028 C9006 28165 cr] 2540 ase: t2n1a 271 307 253608 unc 12629 2i7a13 S07 263880 mn-12396, 2071-8 = 738 26295-6 ‘wBc-12042788 2206-7 3850 ESI Mac fnae 21732 507 257583, MaC-12054 713080 507 ——————— Packod2 lamps por isto car, 10 cards (20 lamp) per container, 100 lamps per outer, “Packed 1 lamp per bister card.Fleet Service Miniature Lamps Miniature Lamps — Minimum Order Quantity — 10 Lamps io. SST = aa 7 as a | tr Tas a @ w “BEES 7.36) 19" 32008 ee 9 362558 14 23 369897 1.12 104 ‘ST505-5 2.03 1088 395905 27 = a oe] i Ss a 12 305 — is: | ime Sai 1 et 362002 1.40 “Alltypes packed TO lamps per carton, T00 Tamps per shipping carton. *Heavy duty or variable load flasher must be used. Telephone Lamps ee 773060 Fase 2 Ta08s 45 wk2 22808 TRE TOS 431 3082 3518 479 62 "aris aR kz 2757 485 202 i a whe aa 478 ek FST 427 waz ait 438 2aRT 27339-1 427 48-2 Eira 4a 2B? THO 497 ws02 PILES} az 202 TT a8 502 ae? 420 202 Ta a0 sanz Ei) 55 ——— eee eee aes EE 27d 405 ‘Telephone Lamps — Minimum Order Quantity —25 Lamps waits 0rees 27085-4 BOTT 2012 07186 254273 307764 290960 ‘Sr 7422 OTEEL 347286 201105 738993 326645 30721 201153 239083 291203 342604 251156 337288 307958 358509 ‘aan, a2 435 436, aa au aus, as ase ro "Ror to Foo &-604 or Tinea Data on Miniature and Soled Beam Lange. ‘Sealed Boam Lamps — Minimum Order Quantity — 12 LampeSealed Beam Lamps (continued) lang = 71a a 5 26:1 7710 Sai ‘35, 2a 7028 art 2088 ‘a7 2138 24065 ari 850 — 478 21678 2.05 amis 4563 21013 sa. 4.68 25 251062 4600 380 506 0004 15.56 7.19 asi ose 17.19 hi 4807 ars 269 i524 4551 2001-3 —aie 1020 88 291005 e112 a7 see 3106-1 11558 1288 “asso 008i 10951 13.48 1554 7681-6 3059 a7 22.00 1588, 00-6 7.00 ‘082 “878 570, ain 79 = He0st iat on 267608 651 728 ZHi63 1490 1583, 300402 26.17 700 21011 1580 200575 27.68 00h 0177 1696, 31059 316 08 05 ‘i 5007038 25. 700 EAE) “it 26647 ra 708 71035 162 200887 5285 ai 3607-3 6st 309807 75.09 Ta 310082 rr Hor0-6 160.58 ass 6055-4 51 3029-7 1876 7513 5056 asi 0182-0 32.56 HTS a7 Haas 2097-0 2359 7m 3063-5 1652 3029-1 822 Ti 2208-4 Haas 6:1 250 8 Hage 205618 46.00 71053 21188 "Minimum order quantiy— 8 lamps. Micimum order quantily — 4 lamps. High Demand Sealed Beam Headlamps: High Demand Halogen Sealed Beam Headlamps Philips European Miniature Lamps Tae. Tae rs fame Name tra ar or Oa err Oa b6rr- cn amp 867 6 18 1500 3847-3 3506-1 192, 12583 435750 2848 129 0 35796-7 cE 1.60 am 35785-8 3552-9 : 481 ‘fast Esra 435537 158Shipping Weights Sealed Beam Headlamps a0 1007 ST Too ‘651 155s a 4652 = “15.0. ine703 - 40s. 200 @ ~ cas 8 6 1600, i001 abe 0 ose ass isto 35s ta To 55s air 5.5 7 es SE bs Philips Halogen Lamps AED Ty Lam Numer Lam Lane Lamp iether Kimber oebor7- Soe vat wat Pecan aa = TF 12258 30870-0 Ht @ 35 7a 1225099 7a Hi 2 5 Tar 12054 306783 areal (area 76 aan 12455 ‘ae 7 it iz 3 i767 ‘13288 306767 HI a 70. E 1389 ent sose4| fee a eae Ss Eg 024 wait 20805-8 2 ra 5 7& ‘507 ‘0886-6 #2 @ 10 72.83 ia 0667.4 ca 2 70 36 8285 3 6 % 1024 — 1296 0085-6 ra 2 = Za 1255, oases #8 2 100 72.80 1396, 063 a a 70 13.83 ae 085 Eatin 5 eos 254 oa ~s0009:3 4 6 e085 ast eC = _ Salus 1% 6055 13.32 24s s-4 Ha 2 e0ss 1352 13342 0954-2 ca 24 6055 | 25.87 5 ase 309567 2 0 1104 Ks 09603 2 0 1024 ‘Minimom Shipping Package Quantity ‘Minimum Order Value — $250.00 Net AUTOMOTIVE LAMP HEADQUARTERS ‘SOMERSET, NJ Philips Square, CN 6800, 08873 (201) 563-3684 AUTOMOTIVE LAMP SALES OFFICES ATLANTA, GA 4875 W. Pak Drive, Atant, 30836 + (408) 346-2124 CHICAGO, IL 440. Medinah Road, Rosle, 60172 (312) 307-3207 DAYTON, Nd. Docks Gomer Road, Dayton, 08810... (201) 329-6940, DETROTT, mi 32605 Twelve Mile Ra., Farmington Hs, 48018 (319) 358.2670 LOS ANGELES, CA. 255 West Carob Stet, Compton, 0220 (23) 605-1720 el aaa anes e@ oes PHILIPS LIGHTING PHILIPS LIGHTING IT’S TIME TO CHANGE YOUR BULB ee eee ae
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