BCA Syllabus BGU

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Evaluation Scheme & Syllabus


Bachelor of Computer Application

(Effective from the session 2020-2021)


Three year full time

Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

S. Course No. Subject Evaluation – Scheme Credit

No Periods
L T P Mid Asses Ext Total
Term Test

1. 01BCA101 General English 2 0 0 15 25 60 100 2
2. 01BCA102 4 1 0 15 25 60 100 5
3. 01BCA103 Programming in ‘C’ 4 0 0 15 25 60 100 4
4. 01BCA104 Mathematical Foundation of 4 1 0 15 25 60 100 5
Computer Science
1. 01BCA201 Computer Fundamental Lab 0 0 3 30 20 50 100 2
2. 01BCA202 Programming in “C‟ Lab 0 0 6 30 20 50 100 2
3 01BCA301 0 0 0 30 20 50 100 1
General Proficiency
Total 700 21

Sr. Course Code Subject Name
No. L T P Mid Asses Total Credit
Term Ext

1. 02BCA101 Environment science 4 1 0 15 25 60 100 5
2. 02BCA102 Data Structure & File 4 0 0 15 25 60 100 4

3. 02BCA103 Programming in C++ 4 0 0 15 25 60 100 4

4. 02BCA104 Database Management Systems 4 1 0 15 25 60 100 5
1. O2BCA201 Data Structure & File 0 0 3 30 20 50 100 2
Organization lab

2. 02BCA202 Programming in C++ Lab 0 0 3 30 20 50 100 2

3 02BCA301 General Proficiency 0 0 0 30 20 50 100 1
Total 700 23

S. Course No. Subject Evaluation – Scheme Credit

No Period
L T P Mid Asse Ext
Term s

1. 03BCA101 Computer Networks 4 1 0 15 25 60 100 5
2. 03BCA102 Computer Based Numerical 4 0 0 15 25 60 100 4
3. 03BCA103 System Analysis and Design 4 1 0 15 25 60 100 5
4. 03BCA104 Office Automation Tools 2 0 0 15 25 60 100 2

1. 03BCA201 Computer Networks and Internet 0 0 3 30 20 50 100 2
Technologies Lab
2. 03BCA202 Computer Based Numerical 0 0 3 30 20 50 100 2
Techniques Lab
3 03BCA301 General Proficiency 0 0 0 30 20 50 100 1
Total 700 21

S. Course No. Subject Evaluation – Scheme Credit

No Period
L T P Mid Asse Ext Total
Term s

1. 04BCA101 Multimedia Systems and 4 1 0 15 25 60 100 5
2. 04BCA102 Operating System Organization 4 0 0 15 25 60 100 4
3. 04BCA103 Software Engineering 4 0 0 15 25 60 100 4
4. 04BCA104 Graph Theory 5 1 0 15 25 60 100 5
1. 04BCA201 Multimedia Systems and - - 3 30 20- 50 100 2
Applications Lab
2. 04BCA202 Operating System Organization - - 3 30 -20 50 100 2
& UNIX Lab
3 04BCA301 General Proficiency 100 1

Total 700 23
S. Course No. Subject Evaluation – Scheme Credit
No Period
L T P Mid Asse Ext Total
Term s

1. 05BCA101 Web Technologies 4 0 0 15 25 60 100 4

2. 05BCA102 C# 4 0 0 15 25 60 100 4

4. 05BCA103 Distributed and parallel computing 5 1 0 15 25 60 100 6

3. 05BCA104 Software Testing Concept 2 0 0 15 25 60 100 2

1. 05BCA201 Web Technologies Lab 0 0 3 30 20 50 100 2

2. 05BCA202 C# Lab 0 0 3 30 20 50 100 2

3 05BCA301 General Proficiency 100 1

Total 700 21
S. Course No. Subject Evaluation – Scheme Credit
No Period
L T P Mid Asse Ext Total
Term s

1. 06BCA101 Unix and shell programming 4 1 - 15 25 70 100 5

2. 06BCA102 Compiler Designing 4 1 - 15 25 70 100 5

3. 06BCA103 PHP Programming 2 - - 15 25 70 100 2

1. 06BCA201 PHP Programming Lab - - 3 30 20- 70 100 2

2. 06BCA202 Project 2 2 6 30 20 150 200 6

3 06BCA301 General Proficiency 100 1
Total 700 21
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name- General English Subject Code-01BCA101

Semester- First Credit Value-2 [P=0, T=0, L=2]


Introduction: Theory of Communication, Types and modes of Communication, Language of Communication:

Verbal and Non-verbal (Spoken and Written).

Personal, Social, Business Barriers and Strategies. Intra-personal, Inter-personal and Group communication.

Speaking Skills: Monologue Dialogue Group Discussion Effective Communication/ Mis-Communication

Public Speech, Reading and Understanding Close Reading Comprehension Summary Paraphrasing Analysis
and Interpretation.

Translation (from Indian language to English and vice-versa), Literary/Knowledge Texts.

Writing Skills Documenting Report Writing Making notes Letter writing.

References :
1. Fluency in English - Part II, Oxford University Press, 2006.

2. Business English, Pearson, 2008.

3. Language, Literature and Creativity, Orient Blackswan, 2013.

4. Language through Literature (forthcoming) ed. Dr. Gauri Mishra, Dr Ranjana Kaul, Dr Brati Biswas


(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 20 Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar
Subject Name- Computer Fundamental Subject Code-01BCA102
Semester- First Credit Value-5 [P=0, T=1, L=4]


Introduction to Computers: Computer hardware Components, Disk Storage, memory, keyboard, mouse, printer
monitors, CD etc., and their functions, Comparison Based analysis of various hardware components.

Basic Operating System Concepts: MS-DOS, WINDOWS, Functional knowledge of these operating system
Introduction to Basic Commands of DOS, Managing File and Directories in various operating Systems, Introductio
to internet, Basic terms related with Internet, TCP/IP.
Algorithm development, techniques of problem solving, flowcharting, stepwise refinement algorithms fo
searching, sorting (exchange and insertion), merging of ordered lists.

Programming : Representation of integer, character, real, data types, constraints and variables, arithmeti
expressions, assignment statement, logical expression; sequencing, alteration and interaction, arrays, strin
processing sub programs, recursion, files and pointers.
Structured programming concepts: Top down design, development of efficient programs; Program correctnes
Debugging and testing of programs.

Element of a computer processing system: Hardware CPU, storage devices and media, VDU, input-outpu
devices, data communication equipment software-system software, application software.


Programming languages: Classification, machine code, assembly language, higher level languages, fourt
generation languages.


1. Raja Raman V: Fundamentals of Computers

2. Sanders D.H.: Computers Today


(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016) Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwa

Subject Name- Programming in ‘C’ Subject Code-01BCA103

Semester- First Credit Value-4 [P=0, T=0, L=4]
Programming in C: History, Introduction to C Programming Languages, Structure of C programs, compilation an
execution of C programms. Debugging Techniques, Data Types and Sizes, Declaration of variables, Modifier
Identifiers and keywords, Symbolic constants, Storage classes (automatic, external, register and static
Enumerations, command line parameters, Macros, The C Preprocessor.

Operators: Unary operators, Arithmetic & logical operators, Bit wise operators, Assignment operators an
expressions, Conditional expressions, precedence and order of evaluation. Control Statements: if-else, switch, break
continue, the comma operator, go to statement.

Loops: for, while, do-while.

Functions: built-in and user-defined, function declaration, definition and function call, parameter passing: call by
value, call by reference, recursive functions, multifile programs.


Arrays: Linear arrays, multidimensional arrays, Passing arrays to functions, Arrays and strings. Structure and
Union: Definition and differences, self-referential structure. And address of (&) operator, pointer to pointer,
Dynamic Momory Allocation, calloc and malloc functions, array of pointers, function of pointers, structures and


File: File Handling in C

1. V. Rajaraman, "Fundamentals of Computers", PHI

2. Pater Norton's "Introduction to Computer", TMH

3. Hahn, "The Internet complete reference", TMH

4. Peter Nortton's, "DOS Guide", Prentice Hall of India

(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name- Mathematical Foundation of Subject Code-01BCA104

Computer Science
Semester- First Credit Value-5 [P=0, T=1, L=4]

Relation: Type and compositions of relations, Pictorial representation of relations, Equivalence relations, Partia
ordering relation.


Function: Types, Composition of function, Recursively defined function.

Mathematical Induction: Piano's axioms, Mathematical Induction, Discrete Numeric Functions and Generatin
functions, Simple Recurrence relation with constant coefficients, Linear recurrence relation without constan
coefficients, Asymptotic Behaviour of functions.

Algebric Structures: Properties, Semi group, monoid, Group, Abelian group, properties of group, Subgroup
Cyclic group, Cosets, Permutation groups, Homomorphism, Isomorphism and Automorphism of groups.

Prepositional Logic: Preposition, First order logic, Basic logical operations, Tautologies, Contradictions, Algebra o
Proposition, Logical implication, Logical equivalence, Normal forms, Inference Theory, Predicates and quantifier
Posets, Hasse Diagram.


1. Liptschutz, Seymour, "Discrete Mathematics", TMH.

2. Trembley, J.P. & R. Manohar, "Discrete mathematical Structure with Application to Computer

Science", TMH.

3. Kenneth H. Rosen, "Discrete Mathematics and its applications', TMH.

Subject Name- Programming in C++ Subject Code-02BCA103
Semester-Second Credit Value-4 [P=0, T=0, L=4]

Unit-I Introduction: Introduction to OOP, Basic Concepts of OOP, Applications of OOP.

Introduction to C++, Introduction to C++ stream I/O, declarations in C++, Creating New data
types in C++, function Prototypes, Inline functions, Reference Parameters, Const Qualifier, Dynamic
memory allocation, default arguments, Unary Scope resolution operator, Linkage specifications.
Unit-II Class, Constructors, Friend Class : Introduction, Comparing class with Structure, Class
Scope, Accessing Members of a class, Constructor, Destructor, Const objects, Const member
functions, Friend class, Friend function, This pointer, Data abstraction and Information hiding,
container classes and Iterators.
Unit-III Overloading & Inheritance: Operator Overloading, Fundamentals, Restrictions,
Overloading stream, Insertion and stream extraction operators, Overloading unary & binary
operators, Converting between types, Overloading ++ and --. Inheritance, Introduction, Protected
members, Casting base _class pointers to derived _class pointers Overloading Base class
members in a Derived class, Public, Protocols and Private inheritance, Direct base classes and
Indirect Base Classes, Using Constructors and Destructors in Derived classes, Implicit Derived
class object to base class object conversion.
Unit-IV Virtual Functions: Introduction, Type fields and switch statements, Virtual functions,
Abstract base classes and concrete classes, Polymorphism, Dynamic binding, Virtual destructors.
Unit-V C++ Stream I/O: Streams, Stream Input, Stream Output, Unformatted I/O, Stream
manipulators, Stream format states, Stream error, States.

1. Deitel H.M. & Deitel P.J. – “How to Program C++” – PHI – 2003
2. Al stevenes – “C++ Programming” – Wiley dreamtech – 2003.
3. Herbert Scheldt, “Complete Reference”.
4. E. Balagurusamy “Object Oriented Programming with C++”.
5. Yashwant Kanetkar, “Let Us C++”.
6. C++ Programming by Herbert Scheldt – 2004
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name-Database Management Subject Code-02BCA104

Semester-Second Credit Value-5 [P=0, T=1, L=4]

Introduction: An overview of database management system, Database System Vs File System,
Database system concepts and architecture, data models schema and instances, data independence
and data base language and interfaces, Data definitions language, DMI, Overall Database structure.
Data modeling using the Entity Relationship Model: ER model concepts, notation for ER diagram,
mapping constraints.
Keys, Concepts of Super Key, candidate key, primary key, Generalization, aggregation, reduction of
an ER diagrams to tables, extended ER model, relationships of higher degree.
Relational Data Model and Language: Relational data model concepts, integrity constraints: entity
integrity, referential integrity, Keys constraints, Domain constraints, relational algebra, relational
calculus, tuple and domain calculus.
Introduction to SQL: Characteristics of SQL, Advantages of SQL, SQL data types and literals,
Types of SQL commands, SQL operators and their procedure, Tables, views and indexes Queries
and sub queries, Aggregate functions, Insert, update and delete operations, Joints, Unions,
Database Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second third
normal forms, BCNF.

1. Date C.J. "An Introduction to Database System". Addision Wesley
2. Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan, "Database Concepts" McGraw Hill
3. Elmasri, Navathe, "Fundamentals of Database Systems" Addision Wesley
4. Paul Beynon Davis, "Database Systems" Palgrave Macmillan
5. Bipin C. Desai, "An introduction to Database Systems", Galgotia Pub.
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name- Computer Based Numerical Subject Code-03BCA102

Semester- Third Credit Value-4 [P=0, T=0, L=4]

Floating point Arithmetic: Representation of floating point numbers, Operations, Normalization, Pitfalls
of floating point representation, Errors in numerical computation.

Iterative Methods: Zeros of a single transcendental equation and zeros of polynomial using Bisection
Method, Iteration method, Regula-Falsi method, Newton Raphson method, Secant method, Rate of
convergence of iterative methods.

Simultaneous Linear Equations: Solutions of system of Linear equations, Gauss Elimination direct method
and pivoting, III conditioned system of equations, Refinement of solution. Gauss Seidal iterative method,
Rate of Convergence.

Interpolation and approximation: Finite Differences, Difference tables. Polynomial Interpolation:
Newton's forward and backward formula Central Difference Formulae: Gauss forward and backward
formula, stirling's Bassel's Everett's formula. Interpolation with unequal intervals: Language's Interpolation.

Newton Divided difference formula. Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Introduction, Numerical
Differentiation, Numerical Integration, Trapazoidal rule, Simpon's rules, Boole's Rule Euler-Maclaurin
Formula Solution of Differential Equations: Picard's Method, Euler's Method, Taylor's Method, Runge-Kutta

1. Rajaraman V., :Computer Oriented Numerical Methods". PHI

2. Gerald and Wheatley, "Applied Numerical Analyses", AW

3. Jain, Lyengar and Jain, "Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computations:,
New Ager Int.
4. Grewal B.S., "Numerical methods in Engineering and Science. Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name- System Analysis and Design Subject Code-03BCA103

Semester- Third Credit Value-5 [P=0, T=1, L=4]

System Concepts and Information System Environment: The System Concept, Definition, Characteristics of
Systems, Elements of a System, Open and Closed and closed system, Formal and Informal Information
Systems, Computer based Information Systems, Management Information System, Decision Support System,
General Business Knowledge, and Interpersonal Communicational System.
The System Development Life Cycle: Recognition of needs, Impetus for System Change,
Feasibility Study, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Post implementation and Maintenance.
The Role of the Systems Analyst: Historical Perspective, Academic and Personal Qualifications, the
multifaceted role of the Analyst, The Analyst/User Interface, Behavioral issues.
Systems Planning and Initial Investigation: Strategies for Determining Information Requirement, Problem
Definition and Project initiation, Background Analysis, Fact Analysis, Review of Written Documents, Onsite
Observations, Interviews and Questionnaires, Fact Analysis, Performance Analysis, Efficiency Analysis,
Service Analysis.
Information Gathering: Kind of Information needed. Information about the firms, Information gathering tools,
the art of Interviewing, Arranging the Interview, Guides to Successful Interview, Types of Interviews and
Questionnaires, The Structured and Unstructured Alternatives.
The Tools of Structured Analysis: The Dataflow Diagram (DFD), Data Dictionary, Decision Trees
and Structured English.
Feasibility Study: System performance, Economic Feasibility, Technical Feasibility, Behavioral
Feasibility, Steps in Feasibility Analysis. Input/Output and Forms Design: Input Design, CRT Screen Design,
Output Design, Requirements form Design.

1. Elias M.Awad, "Systems Analysis and Design" Galgotia Publication

2. Hoffer, "Modern Systems Analysis and Design" Addision Wesley

3. Kendall, "Introduction to System Analysis and Desogm", McGraw Hill

4. System Analysis and Design Handbook: V. K. Jain, Wiley dreamtech

(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name- Office Automation Tools Subject Code-03BCA104

Semester- Third Credit Value-2 [P=0, T=0, L=2]


Introduction to MS office, Features.


Word Processing: Formatting Text, Pages, Lists, Tables, and Spreadsheets: Worksheets, Formatting data,
creating charts and graphs, using formulas and functions, macros, Pivot Table.


Presentation Tools: Adding and formatting text, pictures, graphic objects, including charts, objects,
formatting slides, notes, hand-outs, slide shows, using transitions, animations.


Practical: MS-Word, Spreadsheets, MS-Powerpoint.


1. Sushila Madan , Introduction to Essential tools,JBA,2009.

2. Anita Goel, Computer Fundamentals, Pearson, 2012.
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name-Multimedia Systems & Subject Code-04BCA101

Semester-Fourth Credit Value-5 [P=0, T=1, L=4]

Unit-I Evolution of Multimedia and its objects, Scope of multimedia in business and work,
production and planning of Multimedia applications. Multimedia hardware, Memory of Storage
Devices, Communication Devices, Multimedia Software, Presentation and object generation tools,
Video, sound, Image capturing Authoring Tools, Card and Page Based Authoring Tools.
Unit-II Production and Planning of Multimedia building blocks, Text, sound (MIDI), Digital
Audio, Audio File Formats, MIDI under Windows environment, Audio and Video Capture.

Unit-III Macromedia products, Basic drawing techniques, Advance animation techniques,

Creating Multi layer combining interactivity and multiple scenes, Creating transparency effects
using text in Flash, Flash animation.
Unit-IV Digital Audio Concepts, Sampling variables, Loss Less compression, of sound, Lossy
compression and Silence compression.
Multimedia monitor bitmaps, Vector drawing , Lossy graphic compression, Image file formatic
animations, Image standards, JPEG compression, Zig Zag coding. Video representation, colors,
video compression, MPEG standards, MHEG standard, recent development in multimedia.
Unit-V Multimedia Application Planning, Costing, Proposal preparation, and Financing-Case
study of a typical industry.

1.Andreas Halzinger, "Multimedia Basics" Vol-I to VOL-III Firewall Media
2.Tay Vaughan, "Multimedia Making It work" Tata McGraw Hill
3.Buford, "Multimedia Systems" Addison Wesley
4.Agarwal and Tiwari, "Multimedia Systems" Excel
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name-Operating System Organization Subject Code-04BCA102

Semester-Fourth Credit Value-4 [P=0, T=0, L=4]

Operating system- definition, simple batch system, Time sharing system, Real time system, storage
hierarchy, operating system service.
Process concept, process Scheduling, operating on process, co-operating process.
CPU Scheduling concepts, Scheduling algorithms, process synchronization, critical section
problem, synchronization hardware, semaphores.
Deadlocks, deadlock characterization, deadlock prevention, avoidance detection and recovery.
Storage management Resident monitor, Logical versus physical address space, swapping, and
segmentation, SCM.
Virtual memory, Demand paging, page replacement and page replacement algorithms, allocation of
frames, thrashing.
File System: File supports, access methods, allocation methods-contiguous, linked and index
allocation, directory system – single level, tree structured, acyclic graph and general graph
directory, file protection.
Secondary storage structure: Disk structures, disk scheduling disk management, allocation methods,
free space management.
Case study of the UNIX system: design principles, programmer and user interface, process,
memory and file management.

1. Peterson Abraham & Silbesschatz, Peter Galvin: Operating system concepts. .
2. Mandnick and Donovan : Operating system (Mc–Graw Hill) 1996.
3. Tanenbaum A.S. : Modern Operating system, (PHI) 1998.
4. Growley, : Operating system a design Approach .
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name-Software Engineering Subject Code-04BCA103

Semester-Fourth Credit Value-4 [P=0, T=0, L=4]

Unit-I Introduction: Introduction to software engineering, Importance of software, evolving role of

software, Software Characteristics, Software Components, Software Applications, Software Crisis,
Software engineering problems, Software Development Life Cycle, Software Process.
Unit-II Software Requirement Specification: Analysis, Principles, Water Fall Model, The
Incremental Model, Prototyping, Spiral Model, Role of management in software development, Role
of matrices and Measurement, Problem Analysis, Requirement specification, Monitoring and
Unit-III Software-Design: Design principles, problem partitioning, abstraction, top down and
bottom up- design, Structured approach functional versus object oriented approach, design
specifications and verification, Monitoring and control, Cohesiveness, coupling, Fourth generation
techniques, Functional independence, Software Architecture, Transaction and Transaction and
Transform Mapping, Component level Design, Fourth Generation Techniques.
Unit-IV Coding: Top-Down and BottomUp programming, structured programming, information
hiding, programming style and internal documentation.
Testing principles, Levels of testing, functional testing, structural testing, test plane, test case
specification, reliability assessment, software testing strategies, Verification and validation, Unit
testing, Integration Testing, Alpha & Beta testing, system testing and debugging.
Unit-V Software Project Management: The Management spectrum (The people, the product, the
process, the project) Cost estimation, project scheduling, staffing, software configuration
management, Structured Vs. Unstructured maintenance, quality assurance, project monitoring, risk
management. Software Reliability & Quality Assurance: Reliability issues, Reliability metrics,
Reliability growth modeling, Software quality, ISO 9000 Certification for software industry, SEI
capability maturity model, comparison between ISO & SEI CMM. CASE (Computer Aided
Software Engineering): CASE and its scope, CASE support in software life cycle,
documentation, project management, internal interface, Reverse Software Engineering,
Architecture of CASE environment.
1. Pressman, Roger S., "Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach Ed.Boston: McGraw
Hill, 2001
2. Jalote, Pankaj, "Software Engineering Ed.2"New Delhi: Narosa 2002
3. Schaum's Series, "Software Engineering" TMH
4. Ghezzi Carlo and Others "Fundamentals of Software Engineering" PHI
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name-Graph Theory Subject Code-04BCA105

Semester-Fourth Credit Value-5 [P=0, T=1, L=4]

Unit-I Definition, examples and basic properties of graphs, pseudo graphs, complete graphs,

bi‐partite graphs, isomorphism of graphs, paths and circuits.

Unit-II Eulerian circuits, Hamilton Cycles, the adjacency matrix, weighted graph.

Unit-III Travelling salesman’s problem, shortest path.

Unit-IV Dijkstra’s algorithm, Floyd‐Warshall algorithm.

1. Edgar G. Goodaire and Michael M. Parmenter, Discrete Mathematics with Graph

Theory, 2nd Ed., Pearson Education (Singapore) P. Ltd., Indian Reprint 2003.

2. Rudolf Lidl and Günter Pilz, Applied Abstract Algebra, 2nd Ed., Undergraduate Texts in
Mathematics, Springer (SIE), Indian reprint, 2004.
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name- Web Technology Subject Code-05BCA101

Semester- Fifth Credit Value-4 [P=0, T=0, L=4]

History of the web, Growth of the Web, Protocols governing the web, Introduction to Cyber Laws in India,
Introduction to International Cyber laws, Web project, Web Team, Team dynamics.


Communication Issues, the client, Multi-departmental & Large scale Websites, Quality Assurance and
testing, Technological advances and Impact on Web Teams.


HTML: Formatting Tags, Links, List, Tables, Frames, forms, Comments in HTML, DHTML. Java Script:
Introduction, Documents, Documents, forms, statements, functions, objects in Java Script, Events and Event
Handling, Arrays, FORMS, Buttons, Checkboxes, Text fields and Text areas.


XML: Introduction, Display and XML Documents, Data Interchange with an XML document,
Document types definitions, Parsers using XML, Client-side usage, Server Side usage.


Common Gateway Interface (CGI), PERL, RMI, COM/DCOM, VBScript, Active Server Pages



1. Burdman, "Collaborative Web Development", Addison Wesley.

2. Sharma & Sharma, "Developing E-Commerce Sites" Addison Wesley.
3. Iva Bayross, "Web Technologies Part-II" BPB Publications.
4. Shishir Gundavarma, CGI Programming on the World Wide Web" O'Reilly & Associate.
5. DON Box, "Essential COM" Addison Wesley.
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name- C# Subject Code-05BCA102

Semester- Fifth Credit Value-4 [P=0, T=0, L=4]


Language Basics: Datatypes & Variables Declaration , Implicit and Explicit Casting , Checked and
Unchecked Blocks – Overflow Checks , Casting between other datatypes, Boxing and Unboxing ,
Enum and Constant , Operators , Control Statements , Working with Arrays, Working with Methods , Pass
by value and by reference and out parameters.


Features of Object Oriented programming, Exception Handling: What is Exception , Rules for Handling
Exception , Exception classes and its important properties, Understanding & using try, catch keywords ,
Throwing exceptions, Importance of finally block , "using" Statement , Writing Custom Exception Classes.


Working With Collections and Generics: Importance of IList and IDictionary., Using ArrayList and
Hashtable. Understanding IEnumerable and IEnumerator. Sorting Items in the collection using IComparable.
Typesafety issue with ArrayList and Hashtable classes. Writing custom generic classes. Working with
Generic Collection Classes.


Operator Overloading, Partial Class, Attributes, Reflection, Configuration

WinForms: Introduction, Controls, Menus and Context Menus, MenuStrip, ToolbarStrip. Graphics and
GDI , SDI and MDI Applications , Dialogbox (Modal and Modeless).

Form Inheritance, Developing Custom, Composite and Extended Controls Other Misc topics., Working with
Resource Files , Working with Settings.
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name- Distributed & Parallel Subject Code-05BCA103

Semester- Fifth Credit Value-6 [P=0, T=1, L=5]

Parallel and high-performance computers, Models and parallel computers, Basic communication
operations, Performance and scalability.

MPI and open MP programming.


Distributed processing potential, Forms of Distributed processing strategies, Hexagon Distributed

computing, client server model.


1. Kumar, Grama, Gupta and Karypis : Introduction to Parallel Computing, Bejjamin Benjamin
Cummings Publishing Co.
2. Tannanbaum, A.S. : Computer Networks, prentice-Hall.
3. Martin, J : Design and Strategy for Distributed Data Processing, Prentice Hall.
4. Martin, J. : Computer Networks and Distributed Processing, Prentice-Hall.
5. Stallings, William : Local Networks; An Introduction Macmillan publishing Co.
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name- Software Testing Concepts Subject Code-05BCA104

Semester- Fifth Credit Value-2 [P=0, T=0, L=2]


Introduction, Strategic Approach to Software Testing, Test Strategies for Conventional Software, Validation

System Testing, Basic Terminologies, V Shaped Software Lifecycle Model, Functional Testing\ Black-box

Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Class Testing, Decision Table Based Testing, Structural Testing\
White-box Testing.

Basis Path Testing: Program Graph, DD Path graph, Cyclomatic Complexity, Graph Matrices.

Control Flow Testing: Statement Coverage, Branch Coverage, Condition Coverage, Path Coverage.

(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name- UNIX & Shell Programming Subject Code-06BCA101

Semester-Sixth Credit Value-5 [P=0, T=1, L=4]

Unit-I Basic Unix Commands: The Unix editors and vi; Redirection, Piping, Tees and filters;
The Unix Utilities grep, sed, etc. Overview of Unix Architecture: The kernel and the Shell;
Processes and Time Sharing files and Directories; Peripheral Device as files.
Unit-II Introduction the Shell Scripts: The Bourne and C-shells; Shell variables, scripts meta-
characters and environment; the if and case statements; for, while and until loops.
Unit-III System calls and the „C‟ library: Discussion of the Unix system calls and „C‟ library
functions, the standard I/O Package; file handling; math library; command line parameters etc. The
Unix „C‟ interface; „C‟ files and Graphics.
Unit-IV Introduction of systems Administration under Unix: The system Manger OLE and
functions. Different Tools: Debugging language development, System development different print
formatting UNIX Tools.
Unit-V Bourne Shell: Shell meta characteristics, shell variable, scripts, facilities,
commands and environments, shell archive, idea about restricted shell, ROLC program.
Korn Shell: Shell variables and scripts, built in EDITOR, built in integer arithmetic, string
manipulation capabilities, Command Aliasing, Array Job control.
C-Shell: Shell variables and scripts, shell facilities, history Integer Arithmetic Decision making and
job control.
1. Stephan Prata : Advanced Unix – A Programmers Guide – BPB PUB.
2. Kernighlan & Pike : The Unix Programming Environment – PHI.
3. The Unix System Manuals.
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No. 39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name- Compiler Designing Subject Code-06BCA102

Semester-Sixth Credit Value-5 [P=0, T=1, L=4]

Unit-I Compiler Structure: Various Phases of Compiler, Pass Structure of

Compiler, Bootstrapping of Compiler.
Unit-II Programming Language: High level languages, lexical and syntactic structure of a
language, Data elements, Data Structure, Operations, Assignments, Program unit, Data
Environments, Parameter Transmission. Lexical Analysis: The role of Lexical Analyzer, A Simple
approach to the design of Lexical Analyzer, Regular Expressions, Transition Diagrams, Finite
state Machines, Implementation of Lexical Analyzer, Lexical Analyzer Generator: LEX,
Capabilities of Lexical Analyzer.
Unit-III Basic Parsing Techniques: Top-Down parsers with backtracking, Recursive descent
Parsers, Predictive Parser, Bottom-up Parsers, Shift-Reduce Parsing, Operator Precedence Parsers,
LR parsers, Syntax Analyzer Generator: YACC
Intermediate Code Generation: Different Intermediate forms: Three address code. Translation of
Declaration, Assignment, and Control flow, Boolean expression, postfix translation.
Unit-IV Run Time Memory Management: Static and Dynamic storage allocation,
Symbol Table management.
Error Detection and Recovery: Lexical phase errors. Syntactic phase errors, semantic errors.
Unit-V Code Optimization and Code Generation: Local optimization, Register allocation and
code selection.

1. Alfred V Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman, "Principles of Compiler Design", Narosa
2. A.V. Aho, R. Sethi and J.D.Ullman, "Compiler Principle, Tech & tools" AW
3. H.C. Holub "Compiler Design in C", Printice Hall Inc.
4. Apple, "Modern Computer Implementation in C: Basic Design" Cambridge Press
5. Modern Compiler Design: Dick Grune, Wiley dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd.
6. Starting Out with Modern Compiler “ David Gaddis Wiley dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd.
(Approved by UGC & Established by Govt. of Uttarakhand Under Act. No.
39 of 2016)

Uttar Jhandi Chaur, Kotdwar Uttarkhand-246149

Subject Name- PHP Programming Subject Code-06BCA103

Semester-Sixth Credit Value-2 [P=0,
T=0, L=2]

Unit–I Introduction to PHP: PHP introduction, inventions and versions, important tools and
software requirements (like Web Server, Database, Editors etc.), PHP with other
technologies, scope of PHP, Basic Syntax, PHP variables and constants, Types of data in
PHP , Expressions, scopes of a variable (local, global), PHP Operators : Arithmetic,
Assignment, Relational , Logical operators, Bitwise , ternary and MOD operator. PHP
operator Precedence and associatively.
Unit-II Handling HTML forms with PHP: Capturing Form Data, GET and POST form
methods, dealing with multi value fields, redirecting a form after submission.
PHP conditional events and Loops: PHP IF Else conditional statements (Nested IF and Else),
Switch case, while, for and Do While Loop, Goto, Break, Continue and exit.
Unit-III PHP Functions: Function, Need of Function, declaration and calling of a
function, PHP Function with arguments, Default Arguments in Function, Function argument
with call by value, call by reference, Scope of Function Global and Local.
Unit-IV String Manipulation and Regular Expression: Creating and accessing String ,
Searching & Replacing String, Formatting, joining and splitting String , String Related
Library functions, Use and advantage of regular expression over inbuilt function, Use of
preg_match(), preg_replace(), preg_split() functions in regular expression.
Unit-V Array: Anatomy of an Array ,Creating index based and Associative array ,Accessing
array, Looping with Index based array, with associative array using each() and foreach(), Some
useful Library function.

1. Steven Holzner, "PHP: The Complete Reference Paperback", McGraw Hill
Education (India).
2. Timothy Boronczyk, Martin E. Psinas, "PHP and MYSQL (Create-Modify-Reuse)",
Wiley India
Private Limited, 2008.
3. Robin Nixon, "Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5", 3rd Edition
Paperback, O'reilly.
4. Luke Welling, Laura Thompson, PHP and MySQL Web Development", 4th Edition,
Paperback, Addison-Wesley Professsional,2008.
5. David Sklar, Adam Trachtenberg, "PHP Cookbook: Solutions & Examples
for PHP Programmers", 2014.

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