Arduino Based Smart Water Management: Vatsala Sharma Kamal Nayanam Himani
Arduino Based Smart Water Management: Vatsala Sharma Kamal Nayanam Himani
Arduino Based Smart Water Management: Vatsala Sharma Kamal Nayanam Himani
Abstract—Rainwater harvesting is the process to store the regions, rainwater harvesting systems can supply households
rain water in containers before the rain water goes beneath the and businesses with water for use in dry seasons and lessen
ground and recharges the underground water table. This paper the demand on municipal systems [3].
proposes the design of smart water management system based on
Arduino as an IoT application. In the proposed design, once
water is collected in ground tank, the ultrasonic sensor is used to
sense the level of water. The sensed information is updated on an
android application through which user can visualize the water
level on a smartphone. According to the level of water in the
tank, the motor functioning is controlled, when water reaches
near high level of underground tank, motor will be turned on
through Blynk application on smartphone to transfer the water
in the ground tank to main tank and when main tank is about to
fill up it will turn off automatically. When soil of the garden is
dry, the soil moisture sensor senses the dryness in soil and
automatically start the water pump and water flow through main
tank and reach the soil of garden then motor is automatically
switched off. Storing the rainwater reduces the surface runoff.
This also reduces the surface erosion. By capturing rainwater in
reservoirs, the flood problem in large rainfalls is also diminished.
A. Hardware Used The soil moisture sensor consists of two probes which are
used to measure the volumetric content of water. The two
First, NodeMCU is an open source LUA based firmware probes allow the current to pass through the soil and then it
developed for ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip. By exploring gets the resistance value to measure the moisture value. This
functionality with ESP8266 chip, NodeMCU firmware comes sensor can be connected in two modes; Analog mode and
with ESP8266 Development board/kit i.e. NodeMCU digital mode. First, we will connect it in Analog mode and
Development board [10]. then we will use it in Digital mode.
Since NodeMCU is an open source platform, its hardware Specifications
design is open to edit/modify/build. NodeMCU Dev Kit/board Input Voltage :- 3.3 – 5V
consists of ESP8266 Wi-Fi enabled chip. The ESP8266 is a Output Voltage :- 0 – 4.2V
low-cost Wi-Fi chip developed by Expressive Systems with Input Current :- 35mA
TCP/IP protocol [11]. Output SignalBot h Analog and Digital
B. Connection & Working
The circuit diagram of smart water management system is
shown in fig. 4. NodeMCU is used as the microcontroller
(MCU). The USB power supply is given to the NodeMCU.
Ultrasonic sensor pin VCC connected to left 3V pin and Trig
pin connected to D0 pin, Echo pin to D1 pin, GND pin to left
GND pin of NodeMCU. Relay module 1 SIG pin to D2 pin
and VCC pin to right 3V pin, GND pin to right GND pin of
NodeMCU. Relay module 1 connected to 9V battery and 6V
mini water pump. Soil moisture sensor
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