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Annual Return Designed and Developed by GSTN

Assessment & Adjudication

 GSTR-9:- Annual Return
 GSTR-9A:- Annual return for composition dealers

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Annual Return Designed and Developed by GSTN

Annual Return

What are different types of annual returns?

There are 4 types of annual returns :

GSTR 9: GSTR 9 should be filed by the regular taxpayers filing GSTR 1, and GSTR 3B.
GSTR 9A: GSTR 9A should be filed by the persons registered under composition scheme under GST.
GSTR 9B: GSTR 9B should be filed by the e-commerce operators who have filed GSTR 8 during the
financial year.
GSTR 9C: GSTR 9C should be filed by the taxpayers whose annual turnover exceeds Rs 2 crores
during the financial year. All such taxpayers are also required to get their accounts audited and
file a copy of audited annual accounts and reconciliation statement of tax already paid and tax
payable as per audited accounts along with GSTR 9C.

. “GSTN Internal Confidential”

Annual Return Designed and Developed by GSTN

GSTR-9 Annual Return

Who should file GSTR 9 annual return?

All the registered taxable persons under GST must file GSTR 9 form.
However, the following persons are not required to file GSTR 9:-
1) Taxpayers opting Composition scheme as they must file GSTR-9A
2) Casual Taxable Person
3) Input service distributors
4) Non-resident taxable persons
5) Persons paying TDS under section 51 of GST Act

. “GSTN Internal Confidential” Parts of Annual Return Information required Designed and Developed by GSTN
GSTR-9 Annual Return
1 Part-I Basic details of the taxpayer. This detail will be auto-populated.

2 Part-II Details of Outward and Inward supplies declared during the financial year(FY). This detail
must be picked up by consolidating summary from all GST returns filed in previous FY.
3 Part-III Details of ITC declared in returns filed during the FY. This will be summarised values picked up
from all the GST returns filed in previous FY.
4 Part-IV Details of tax paid as declared in returns filed during the FY.

5 Part-V Particulars of the transactions for the previous FY declared in returns of April to September of
current FY or up to the date of filing of annual returns of previous FY whichever is earlier.
Usually, the summary of amendment or omission entries belonging to previous FY but reported
in Current FY would be segregated and declared here.
6 Part-VI Other Information comprising details of:-
1) GST Demands and refunds;
2) HSN wise summary information of the quantity of goods supplied and received with its
corresponding Tax details against each HSN code;
3) Segregation of inward supplies received from different categories of taxpayers like
Composition dealers, deemed supply and goods supplied on approval basis; &
4) Late
fees payable and paid details.
“GSTN Internal Confidential”
Annual Return Designed and Developed by GSTN

GSTR-9 Annual Return- (Part-1) Particulars Pre-filled

1 Financial Year Yes, after initial Selection from the drop down


3A Legal Name yes

3B Trade Name (if any) Yes

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4A Supplies made Yes Table 5:- GSTR-9 Annual Return- (Part-2)
B2CL(2017-18) Aggregate value of supplies made to
to un- Table 7 :- B2C(Others)(2017-18) consumers and unregistered persons on which
registered Table 9A:- Ammended of tax has been paid shall be declared here.
persons (B2C) B2CL(2017-18) These will include details of supplies made
Table 9B:-Credit note/Debit note through E-Commerce operators and are to be
of unregistered(2017-18) declared as net of credit notes or debit notes
Table 9C:-Ammended Credit issued in this regard. Table 5, Table 7 along
note/Debit note of with respective amendments in Table 9 and
unregistered(2017-18) able 10 of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling
Table 10:- Ammended B2C up these details.
4B Supplies made Yes Table 4 of GSTR-1(B2B) Aggregate value of supplies made to registered
to registered persons (including supplies made to UINs) on
persons (B2B) It doesn’t Include:- which tax has been paid shall be declared
Deemed exports, here. These will include supplies made
Reverse Charge, through E-Commerce operators but shall not
Supplies to SEZ with/without include supplies on which tax is to be paid by
payment the recipient on reverse charge basis. Details
of debit and credit notes are to be mentioned
separately. Table 4A and Table 4C of FORM
GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these
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4C Zero rated supply (Export) yes GSTR-9 Annual
Table 6A:- Return-
Export with (Part-2)
Aggregate value of exports (except supplies
on payment of tax (except payment to SEZs) on which tax has been paid shall
\supplies to SEZs) It does’nt Include:- be declared here. Table 6A of FORM GSTR-1
Export without payment may be used for filling up these details.

4D Supply to SEZs on payment Yes Table 6B:- Supplies made to Aggregate value of supplies to SEZs on
of tax Sez(B2B) with payment which tax has been paid shall be declared
It does’nt Include:- here. Table 6B of GSTR-1 may be used for
SEZ without payment filling up these details.
4E Deemed Exports Yes Table 6C:- Supplies made to Aggregate value of supplies in the nature of
Deemed Exports (B2B) deemed exports on which tax has been paid
shall be declared here. Table 6C of FORM
GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these
4F Advances on which tax has Yes Table 11:- Advance amount Details of all unadjusted advances i.e.
been paid but invoice has received advance has been received and tax has
not been issued (not Table 11:-Advance amount been paid but invoice has not been issued
covered under (A) to (E) Adjusted Ammendment of in the current year shall be declared here.
above) Advance amount Adjusted Table 11A of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for
filling up these details.
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GSTR-9 Annual Return- (Part-2)
4G Inward supplies on which yes Table 3.1(d) of GSTR- Aggregate value of all inward supplies on which
tax is to be paid on 3b tax is to be paid by the recipient on reverse
reverse charge basis charge basis. This shall include supplies
received from registered persons, unregistered
persons on which tax is levied on reverse
charge basis. This shall also include aggregate
value of all import of services. Table 3.1(d) of
FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these

4I Credit Notes issued in Yes Table 9B:- Credit notes Aggregate value of credit notes issued in
respect of transactions of Registered persons respect of B to B supplies (4B), exports (4C),
specified in (B) to (E) Table 9B:- Credit notes supplies to SEZs (4D) and deemed exports (4E)
above (-) of Unregistered persons shall be declared here. Table 9B of FORM GSTR-
1 may be used for filling up these details.

4J Debit Notes issued in Yes Table 9B:- Debit notes Aggregate value of debit notes issued in respect
respect of transactions of Registered persons of B to B supplies (4B), exports (4C), supplies to
specified in (B) to (E) Table 9B:- Debit notes SEZs (4D) and deemed exports (4E) shall be
above (+) of Unregistered persons declared here. Table 9B of FORM GSTR-1 may
be used for filling up these details.
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4K Supplies / tax Yes GSTR-9 Annual
Table 9A:- Return- (Part-2)
Ammended Details of amendments made to B to B supplies
declared through B2B invoices (4B), exports (4C), supplies to SEZs (4D) and
Amendments (+) Table 9A:- Ammended deemed exports (4E), credit notes (4I), debit
Exp invoices notes (4J) and refund vouchers shall be
Table 9C:- Ammended declared here. Table 9A and Table 9C of FORM
Credit/Debit note ( GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details.
Registered )
Table 9C:- Ammended
Credit/Debit note (
unregistered )

4L Supplies / tax Yes Table 9A:- Ammended Details of amendments made to B to B supplies
declared through B2B invoices (4B), exports (4C), supplies to SEZs (4D) and
Amendments (-) Table 9A:- Ammended deemed exports (4E), credit notes (4I), debit
Exp invoices of with notes (4J) and refund vouchers shall be
Payment declared here. Table 9A and Table 9C of FORM
Table 9C:- Ammended GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details.
Credit/Debit note (
Registered )
Table 9C:- Ammended
Credit/Debit note (
unregistered )
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4K Supplies / tax Yes GSTR-9 Annual
Table 9A:- Return- (Part-2)
Ammended Details of amendments made to B to B supplies
declared through B2B invoices (4B), exports (4C), supplies to SEZs (4D) and
Amendments (+) Table 9A:- Ammended deemed exports (4E), credit notes (4I), debit
Exp invoices notes (4J) and refund vouchers shall be
Table 9C:- Ammended declared here. Table 9A and Table 9C of FORM
Credit/Debit note ( GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details.
Registered )
Table 9C:- Ammended
Credit/Debit note (
unregistered )

4L Supplies / tax Yes Table 9A:- Ammended Details of amendments made to B to B supplies
declared through B2B invoices (4B), exports (4C), supplies to SEZs (4D) and
Amendments (-) Table 9A:- Ammended deemed exports (4E), credit notes (4I), debit
Exp invoices of with notes (4J) and refund vouchers shall be
Payment declared here. Table 9A and Table 9C of FORM
Table 9C:- Ammended GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details.
Credit/Debit note (
Registered )
Table 9C:- Ammended
Credit/Debit note (
unregistered )
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5A Zero rated supply Yes GSTR-9 Annual
Table 6A Return- (Part-2)
of Exports Aggregate value of exports (except supplies to
(Export) without without payment SEZs) on which tax has not been paid shall be
payment of tax It doesn’t include:- declared here. Table 6A of FORM GSTR-1 may
Exports with Payment be used for filling up these details.
5B Supply to SEZs Yes Table 6B of SEZ without Aggregate value of supplies to SEZs on which
without payment of payment tax has not been paid shall be
tax It doesn’t include:- declared here. Table 6B of GSTR-1 may be used
Supply to SEZ with for filling up these details.

5C Supplies on which Yes Table 4B of outward Aggregate value of supplies made to registered
tax is to be paid by Supply attracting persons on which tax is payable by the recipient
the recipient on reverse charge on reverse charge basis. Details of debit and
reverse charge credit notes are to be mentioned separately.
basis Table 4B of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling
up these details.
5D Exempted Yes Table 8 of exempted Aggregate value of exempted shall be
Supplies shall be auto declared here.

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5E Nil Rated Yes TableGSTR-9
8 of NilAnnual Return-
Supplies shall (Part-2)
Aggregate value of Nil Rated shall be
be auto populated declared here.

5F Non-GST supply Yes Table 8 of Non-GST Supplies Aggregate value of Non-GST supplies shall be
(includes "no shall be auto populated declared here. The value of "no supply" shall be
supply") declared under Non-GST supply (5F).

5H Credit Notes issued Yes Table 9B:- Credit notes of Aggregate value of credit notes issued in
in respect of Registered persons respect of supplies declared in 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D,
transactions Table 9B:- Credit notes of 5E and 5F shall be declared here. Table 9B of
specified in (A) to (F) Unregistered persons FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these
above (-) details.

5I Debit Notes issued in Yes Table 9B:- Debit notes of Aggregate value of debit notes issued in respect
respect of Registered persons of supplies declared in 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E and
transactions Table 9B:- Debit notes of 5F shall be declared here. Table 9B of FORM
specified in (A) to (F) Unregistered persons GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details.
above (+)
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GSTR-9 Annual Return- (Part-2)

5J Supplies / tax Yes Table 9A:- Ammended B2B invoices ( Supply to SEZ Details of amendments made
declared without Payment ) to exports (except supplies to
through Table 9A:- Ammended Exp invoices without Payment SEZs) and supplies to SEZs on
Amendments Table 9C:- Ammended Credit/Debit note ( Registered ) which tax has not been paid
(+) Table 9C:- Ammended Credit/Debit note ( shall be declared here. Table
unregistered ) 9A and Table 9C of FORM GSTR-
Upward Ammendment in GSTR-2A with respect to 1 may be used for filling up
Inward suplies on with reverse charge these details.

5k Supplies / tax Yes Table 9A:- Ammended B2B invoices ( Supply to SEZ Details of amendments made
reduced without Payment ) to exports (except supplies to
through Table 9A:- Ammended Exp invoices without Payment SEZs) and supplies to SEZs on
Amendments Table 9C:- Ammended Credit/Debit note ( Registered which tax has not been paid
(-) )( Supply to SEZ without Payment ) shall be declared here. Table
Table 9C:- Ammended Credit/Debit note ( 9A and Table 9C of FORM GSTR-
unregistered )(Exp invoices without Payment) 1 may be used for filling up
downward Ammendment in GSTR-2A with respect to these details.
Inward suplies on with reverse charge
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GSTR-9 Annual Return- (Part-2)

6A Total amount of Yes Auto-Filled based on Total input tax credit availed in Table 4A of FORM GSTR-3B
input tax credit Table 4A(1) to Table for the taxpayer would be auto-populated here
availed through 4A(5) on the basis of

6B Inward supplies No Aggregate value of input tax credit availed on all inward
(other than supplies except those on which tax is payable on reverse
imports and charge basis but includes supply of services received from
inward supplies SEZs shall be declared here. It may be noted that the total
liable to reverse ITC availed is to be classified as ITC on inputs, capital
charge but goods and input services. Table 4(A)(5) of FORM GSTR-3B
includes may be used for filling up these details. This shall not
services include ITC which was availed, reversed and then
received from reclaimed in the ITC ledger. This is to be declared
SEZs) separately under 6(H) below.

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GSTR-9 Annual Return- (Part-2)
6C Inward supplies received from No Auto-Filled based on Aggregate value of input tax credit availed
unregistered persons liable to Table 4A(1) to Table on all inward supplies received from
reverse charge (other than B 4A(5) on the basis of unregistered persons (other than import of
above) on which tax is paid & ITC GSTR-3B services) on which tax is payable on reverse
availed charge basis shall be declared here.

6D Inward supplies received from No Aggregate value of input tax credit availed
registered persons liable to on all inward supplies received from
reverse charge (other than B registered persons on which tax is payable
above) on which tax is paid and on reverse charge basis shall be declared
ITC availed here.

6E Import of goods (including No

supplies from SEZs)

6F Import of services (excluding No Aggregate value of input tax credit

inward supplies from SEZs) received from input service distributor
shall be declared here.

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tablesReturn- (Part-2)
GSTR-9 Annual
6G Input Tax credit received Yes Auto-Filled Aggregate value of input tax credit received from
from ISD based on input service distributor shall be declared here.
Table 4A(4) Table 4(A)(4) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for
filling up these details.
6H Amount of ITC reclaimed No Aggregate value of input tax credit availed,
(other than B above) under reversed and reclaimed under the provisions of the
the provisions of the Act Act shall be declared here.
6K Transition Credit through Yes Auto-filled Details of transition credit received in the
TRAN-I (including revisions from the electronic credit ledger on filing of FORM GST TRAN-
if any) Trans-1 I including revision of TRAN-I (whether upwards or
including downwards), if any shall be declared here.
6L Transition Credit through Yes Auto-filled Details of transition credit received in the credit
TRAN-II from the ledger after filing of FORM GST TRAN-II shall be
Trans-2 declared here.
6M Any other ITC availed but No Details of ITC availed but not covered in any of
not specified above heads specified under 6B to 6L above shall be
declared here.Details of ITC availed through FORM
ITC- 01 and FORM ITC-02 in the financial year shall
. “GSTN Internal Confidential” be declared here.
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tablesReturn- (Part-2)
GSTR-9 Annual
6G Input Tax credit received Yes Auto-Filled Aggregate value of input tax credit received from
from ISD based on input service distributor shall be declared here.
Table 4A(4) Table 4(A)(4) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for
filling up these details.
6H Amount of ITC reclaimed No Aggregate value of input tax credit availed,
(other than B above) under reversed and reclaimed under the provisions of the
the provisions of the Act Act shall be declared here.
6K Transition Credit through Yes Auto-filled Details of transition credit received in the
TRAN-I (including revisions from the electronic credit ledger on filing of FORM GST TRAN-
if any) Trans-1 I including revision of TRAN-I (whether upwards or
including downwards), if any shall be declared here.
6L Transition Credit through Yes Auto-filled Details of transition credit received in the credit
TRAN-II from the ledger after filing of FORM GST TRAN-II shall be
Trans-2 declared here.
6M Any other ITC availed but No Details of ITC availed but not covered in any of
not specified above heads specified under 6B to 6L above shall be
declared here.Details of ITC availed through FORM
ITC- 01 and FORM ITC-02 in the financial year shall
. “GSTN Internal Confidential” be declared here. Particulars Pre-filled Auto-filled
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GSTR-9 Annual Return- (Part-2)
7A As per Rule 37 No
Details of input tax credit reversed due to
7B As per Rule 39 No ineligibility or reversals required under rule 37, 39,
7C As per Rule 42 No 42 and 43 of the CGST Rules, 2017 shall be declared
7D As per Rule 43 No
7E As per section 17(5) No
This column should also contain details of any input
7F Reversal of TRAN-I credit No tax credit reversed under section 17(5) of the CGST
Act, 2017 and details of ineligible transition credit
claimed under FORM GST TRAN-I or FORM GST TRAN-
7G Reversal of TRAN-II credit No II and then subsequently reversed. Table 4(B) of
FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these
details. Any ITC reversed through FORM ITC -03 shall
be declared in 7H. If the amount stated in Table 4D
of FORM GSTR-3B was not included in table 4A of
FORM GSTR-3B, then no entry should be made in
7H Other reversals (pl. specify) No table 7E of FORM GSTR-9. However, if amount
mentioned in table 4D of FORM GSTR-3B was
included in table 4A of FORM GSTR-3B, then entry
will come in 7E of FORM GSTR-9.
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8A ITC as per GSTR- yes Table 3 &GSTR-9The
total Return- (Part-2) for inwards supplies (other than imports
credit available
2A Table 5 from and inwards supplies liable to reverse charge but includes services
GSTR-2A shall received from SEZs) pertaining to FY 2017-18 and reflected in
be auto- GSTR-2A (table 3 & 5 only) shall be auto-populated in this table.
populated This would be the aggregate of all the input tax credit that has
been declared by the corresponding suppliers in their GSTR-1.
8B ITC as per total of Yes Auto sum of The input tax credit as declared in Table 6B and 6H shall be auto-
6(B) & 6(H) 6B & 6H populated here.
8C No Aggregate value of input tax credit availed on all inward supplies
ITC on inward
(except those on which tax is payable on reverse charge basis but
supplies received
includes supply of services received from SEZs) received during July
during 2017-18 but
2017 to March 2018 but credit on which was availed between April
availed during
to September 2018 shall be declared here. Table 4(A)(5) of FORM
April to
GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details
September, 2018
8D Difference [A- No Aggregate value of the input tax credit which was available in
(B+C)] FORM GSTR- 2A (table 3 & 5 only) but not availed in FORM GSTR-3B
returns shall be computed based on values of 8A, 8B and 8C.
However, there may be circumstances where the credit availed in
FORM GSTR-3B was greater than the credit available in FORM GSTR-
2A. In such cases, the value in row 8D shall be negative
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o fille
d GSTR-9 Annual Return- (Part-2)
8E ITC available but not No - The credit which was available and not availed in FORM GSTR-
availed 3B and the credit was not availed in FORM GSTR-3B as the same
was ineligible shall be declared here. Ideally, if 8D is positive,
8F ITC available but No - the sum of 8E and 8F shall be equal to 8D.
8G IGST paid on import of No Aggregate value of IGST paid at the time of imports (including
goods (including imports from SEZs) during the financial year shall be declared
supplies from SEZ) here.

8H IGST credit availed on No The input tax credit as declared in Table 6E shall be auto-
import of goods (as populated here.
per 6(E) above)
8J ITC available but not Yes Auto-sum of
availed on import of (G-H)= I row
8K Total ITC to be lapsed The total input tax credit which shall lapse for the current
in current financial financial year shall be computed in this row
year (E + F + J)

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Supplies / tax declared GSTR-9 Annual Return- (Part-2)
10 No
through Amendments (+) Details of additions or amendments to any of the supplies already declared
(net of debit notes) in the returns of the previous financial year but such amendments were
Supplies / tax reduced furnished in Table 9A, Table 9B and Table 9C of FORM GSTR-1 of April to
11 No
through Amendments (-) September of the current financial year or date of filing of Annual Return
(net of credit notes) for the previous financial year, whichever is earlier shall be declared here.

12 Reversal of ITC availed No Aggregate value of reversal of ITC which was availed in the previous
during previous financial financial year but reversed in returns filed for the months of April to
year September of the current financial year or date of filing of Annual Return
for previous financial year , whichever is earlier shall be declared here.
Table 4(B) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details.

13 ITC availed for the No Details of ITC for goods or services received in the previous financial year
previous financial year but ITC for the same was availed in returns filed for the months of April to
September of the current financial year or date of filing of Annual Return
for the previous financial year whichever is earlier shall be declared here.
Table 4(A) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details.
However, any ITC which was reversed in the FY 2017-18 as per second
proviso to subsection (2) of section 16 but was reclaimed in FY 2018-19, the
details of such ITC reclaimed shall be furnished in the annual return for FY
“GSTN Internal Confidential” Particulars Pre- Annual Return Instructions Designed and Developed by GSTN
GSTR-9 Annual Return- (Part-2)
15A Total Refund claimed No Aggregate value of refunds claimed, sanctioned, rejected and pending for
processing shall be declared here. Refund claimed will be the aggregate
15B Total Refund sanctioned No value of all the refund claims filed in the financial year and will include
refunds which have been sanctioned, rejected or are pending for
15C Total Refund Rejected No processing. Refund sanctioned means the aggregate value of all refund
15D Total Refund Pending No sanction orders. Refund pending will be the aggregate amount in all refund
application for which acknowledgement has been received and will exclude
provisional refunds received. These will not include details of non-GST
refund claims.
15E Total demand of taxes No Aggregate value of demands of taxes for which an order confirming the
demand has been issued by the adjudicating authority shall be declared
15F Total taxes paid in No here. Aggregate value of taxes paid out of the total value of confirmed
respect of E above demand as declared in 15E above shall be declared here. Aggregate value
15G Total demands pending No of demands pending recovery out of 15E above shall be declared here.
out of E above

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Annual Return Designed and Developed by GSTN Particulars Pre-filled Instructions
GSTR-9 Annual Return- (Part-2)

16A Supplies received from No Aggregate value of supplies received from

Composition taxpayers composition taxpayers shall be declared
here. Table 5 of FORM GSTR-3B may be used
for filling up these details.

16B Deemed supply under No Aggregate value of all deemed supplies from
Section 143 the principal to the job-worker in terms of
sub-section (3) and sub-section (4) of Section
143 of the CGST Act shall be declared here.

16C Goods sent on approval No Aggregate value of all deemed supplies for
basis but not returned goods which were sent on approval basis but
were not returned to the principal supplier
within one eighty days of such supply shall
be declared here.

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GSTR-9 Annual Return- (Part-2)
17 HSN Wise Summary of No Summary of supplies effected and received against a particular HSN
outward supplies code to be reported only in this table. It will be optional for
taxpayers having annual turnover upto ₹ 1.50 Cr. It will be andatory
to report HSN code at two digits level for taxpayers having annual
turnover in the preceding year above ₹ 1.50 Cr but upto ₹ 5.00 Cr
and at four digits‘ level for taxpayers having annual turnover above
₹ 5.00 Cr. UQC details to be furnished only for supply of goods.
18 HSN Wise Summary of No Quantity is to be reported net of returns. Table 12 of FORM GSTR-
Inward supplies 1 may be used for filling up details in Table 17. It may be noted that
this summary details are required to be declared only for those
inward supplies which in value independently account for 10 % or
more of the total value of inward supplies.

19 Late fee payable and No Late fee will be payable if annual return is filed after the due date.

. “GSTN Internal Confidential”

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