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MSMEs have a very important role in the sustainability of the Indonesian economy. The Rengginang industrial centre is one of the
MSMEs in East Java which currently has the potential to develop in the new normal era. The development of the latest technology
causes the competition between businesses is also getting tougher. However, the Covid-19 virus has had a big impact in various aspects,
especially for the craftsmen of the Rengginang industrial centre in Situbondo Regency, namely reducing sales turnover for several
months. Thus, MSME actors must always innovate so that the products produced are in demand by consumers. The purpose of this
research is to determine the role of digital marketing, innovation, and self-efficacy in business sustainability at the Rengginang
industrial centre in the new normal era. This research is expected to provide education about digital marketing to rengginang craftsmen so
that they can create promotional media and sales media to increase sales volume

KEYWORDS: Digital Marketing, Innovation, Self-Efficacy, Business Sustainability


MSMEs have a very important role in the sustainability of the Indonesian economy. Based on data from the Ministry of Cooperatives
and MSMEs, the contribution of MSMEs to GDP in 2021 is 61.07% and in 2021 it is targeted at 62.36%. The Rengginang
industrial centre is one of the MSMEs in East Java which currently has the potential to develop in the new normal era. One of the
centres of the rengginang industry that is currently developing is in Situbondo Regency, East Java. The distinctive feature of the
rengginang industrial centre in Gelung Village, Situbondo Regency is the shrimp rengginang. The rengginang industry in Situbondo
Regency is growing very rapidly, so the competition between craftsmen was very high. The existence of the Covid-19 virus has had a
major impact in various aspects, especially for the craftsmen of the rengginang industrial centre in Situbondo Regency. The beginning of
the Covid-9 virus spreading in Indonesia, that is in March 2020, caused the sales turnover of rengginang craftsmen to become
decrease. So, the way that rengginang craftsmen can do to overcome these problems is to always innovate in developing products or in
marketing to consumers. The rapid development of technology has a great influence on marketing activities, where marketing was done
traditionally by making brochures or installing banners, now it has undergone a very rapid change where marketing is done online by
utilizing the internet network or called digital marketing. . The benefit of digital marketing is to help SMEs in marketing their products
[1]. By using digital marketing, the range of marketing carried out is wider and the costs required are not too large. The application of
digital marketing is quite effectively used to introduce products widely. So, it is hoped that using digital marketing can help the
rengginang industrial centres to increase sales turnover. This can be a stimulant for the sustainability of MSMEs and consumers' needs
for rengginang food can be fulfilled, because social media is considered capable of directly engaging potential consumers.


Digital Marketing The definition of digital marketing according to the American Marketing Association (AMA) is the activities,
institutions, and processes facilitated by digital technology to create, communicate, and deliver value to consumers and other interested
parties.. Digital marketing is the exploitation of digital technology that is used to create a channel to reach potential recipients to achieve
company goals through meeting consumer needs more effectively . Digital marketing is also defined as marketing activities that use
internet-based media . The internet is a powerful tool for business. The characteristics of the internet are as follows:

1. Interactivity, the ability of technological devices to facilitate communication between individuals such as face to face. Communication
is very interactive so that participants can communicate more accurately, effectively, and satisfactorily.

2. Demassification, messages can be exchanged to participants who are involved in large numbers.

3. Asynchronous, communication technology can send and receive messages at the time each participant wants . Social media allows
businesses to reach consumers and build more personal relationships. The benefit of digital marketing itself is to help SMEs in
marketing their products. Social media is defined as a group of Internet-based applications that create the ideological and technological
foundations of Web 2.0 that enable the creation and exchange of user-generated content . Social media applications are available
from instant messaging to social networking sites that offer users to interact, connect and communicate with each other. These
applications intend to initiate and circulate online information about the user's experience in consuming a product or brand, with the main
aim of reaching (engage) the public.

Identifies the Potential Areas of Digital Marketing that are underutilized, determines the needs of the business that Digital Marketing
can address, and defines the priorities to be given to those areas as per their importance





The research conducted is using a qualitative approach. Using a qualitative approach because, through this approach, researchers can
obtain complete, in-depth, credible information so that the objectives of this study can be achieved. While the type of research used is
case study research. Case study research is the researcher conducts an in-depth exploration of the program, event, activity process of
one or more people[24]. The research was conducted at the Rengginang industrial centre in Situbondo Regency, East Java.
Respondents in this research were rengginang industrial centre craftsmen in Gumuk, Gelung Village, Panarukan District, Situbondo
Regency, as many as 67 rengginang craftsmen. The process of collecting data in this research was sourced from informants who were
craftsmen of the rengginang centre in the Situbondo Regency (key informants). The selection of informants was done using snowball
sampling. This study uses three data collection techniques, namely (1) observation, (2) interviews and (3) documentation. Observation
is done by direct observation and trying to blend into the working life of the rengginang craftsmen. Interviews were conducted in-depth
with several informants. Documentation data in this research were obtained through observations made to informants as well as data on
the development of conditions at the Rengginang centre in Situbondo Regency.
Data analysis in this research used the steps of data reduction, data display, verification and concluding. Reduction is done by
summarizing, selecting important things, discarding unimportant data and doing the coding. Data display is done by processing data
into narrative text and brief descriptions. After the data is presented, the researcher will verify and draw conclusions based on the
presentation of the data. Checking the validity of the data in this research using triangulation of data sources and triangulation of
methods. This triangulation of data sources aims to find the similarity of data obtained from informants through different methods.
Source triangulation is done by conducting interviews with the closest people who are considered to know the informants' lives well. The
triangulation method in this research is done by comparing information in different ways, namely by way of observation. Based on the
results of the interviews, the researchers then checked the truth by making direct observations to the Rengginang centre in Situbondo


From the results of the research above, it can be concluded that: Digital marketing has an important role in the sustainability of the
Rengginang industrial centre business in the Situbondo Regency. However, only the second and third generations use digital marketing,
that is using WhatsApp and Instagram. While the first generation of marketing activities was conducted directly where buyers had to
come to the place of production while also implementing a consignment system at the nearest shops. Innovation has a very important role
in the sustainability of the Rengginang industrial centre business in Situbondo Regency because consumer desires are always changing so
that craftsmen must always innovate so that the products produced are always in demand by consumers. Product innovations that have
been carried out by the craftsmen of the rengginang industrial centre in Situbondo Regency include innovations in the taste, packaging
and shape of rengginang. Thus, the decline in sales turnover caused by Covid-19 is not too large because of the innovations made by the
craftsmen of the Rengginang industrial centre in Situbondo Regency. The craftsmen of the rengginang industrial centre in the Situbondo
Regency have high self-efficacy, so they are not easily discouraged in facing problems. In solving problems they always do an analysis
first so that they are not wrong in making decisions, besides that they also carry out self-evaluations to be better. With high confidence,
they can continue their business during the Covid-19 pandemic and the sales turnover of Rengginang has increased


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