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THE BEAR March 30, 2023 WBHS Volume 26 Issue 5

900 W. Main St., West Branch, IA 52358

Swing Show showcases end of CJU45, Jazz seasons

Nora Ziehr Olivia Schilitz, Seth Hosier, Gisele the 2A division at all four competitions, singers, band, and crew! Our goal from
Staff Writer Gross, Grace Vincent, and Cassie made finals at all four competitions, and the beginning of the year was for CJU45
Swisher. won the following caption awards: Best to be one of the most entertaining show
This year’s Fine Arts Swing The high school Jazz Collabo- Vocals, Best Choreography, Best Crew, choirs out there, and we achieved that
Show took place on Friday, March 3 and rative performed “Don’t Miss the Bus,” and Most Entertaining Show. goal. Not only were they entertaining,
Sunday, March 5. Swing Show is an an- featuring Nora Ziehr, Lu Guetzko, Lilly CJU45 placed 4th runner up at they were one of the most successful
nual showcase of the MS & HS jazz Hahn, Lynzi Dykstra, Kyra Robinson, Mount Pleasant, 5th runner up at Pella, show choirs in school history. I chal-
bands and show choirs as well as approx- Wyatt Chapman, Lynden MacGillivray, 2nd runner up at Central Lee, and 4th lenged them every day to grow as musi-
imately 10 different HS solo and duet Jordan Waters, Audrey Watt, Nina Tor- runner up at Fort Madison. cians and performers and to push
performers. kelson, and Kellen Dykstra; and “Cele- Ben Shortt won Outstanding Performer themselves to be better until they walked
“I think it went really well, be- bración del Salsa,” featuring Nora Ziehr, at Pella. Olivia Naber won Outstanding off stage at the end of our Sunday Swing
cause everything ran smoothly and ev- Lu Guetzko, Lynzi Dykstra, Jordan Performer at Central Lee. There was no Show performance. They did just that
eryone who performed did a great job!” Waters, Lynden MacGillivray, and Nina Outstanding Performer Award at Mt. and according to the experts they are one
said sophomore Keegan Hansen. Torkelson. Pleasant or Ft. Madison. of the best 2A show choirs in the state of
“I thought that having the show The high school Jazz Ensemble Overall, Chris Reed was very Iowa.”
choir go last was nice; I like to be able to performed “Back to the Basement” fea- happy with CJU’s season performance,
watch all of the other groups and soloists. turing Jenie Gomez, Lynzi Dykstra, “I am so proud of this year's CJU45;
Friday's show was a little slower, with Olivia Naber, Carver Boelk, and Nolan
much more wait time in between shows Staker; “Running of the Bulls,” featuring
than Sunday. I like having our Swing Maddie Reed, Nina Torkelson, Lynzi Auron Marsh, Ben Shortt, Nolan Staker.
Show for senior appreciation and vol- Dykstra, Nolan Staker, and Carver Boelk;
unteer dedication as well, it gives us a and “Backatown,” featuring Carver
chance to shine the light on the people Boelk, Elliot Hinkhouse, Addi Schultes,
who do so much for our program,” said Olivia Naber, Maddie Reed, and Nina
junior Ashlynne Nash. Torkelson.
Vocal soloists consisted of Nina The middle school show choir,
Torkelson, Diego Carrillo, Jake Swisher, “JiveWired”, performed “Try Every- Diego Carillo.
Ben Shortt, Philip MacGillivray, Karely thing”; “Speechless,” featuring Robby
Staker, and Nolan Staker. Instrumental Boaz, Lilah Pedersen, Eli Farmer, James Emily Coleman.
soloists were Baylee Piegors and Carver Haack, Seth Hosier, Kaleb Rios, Chloe
Boelk on piano, Lynzi Dykstra on alto Branch, Gisele Gross, Chloe Keinmeyer,
saxophone, and Gabby Rushton on flute. and Olivia Schlitz; and “Better When I’m
Torkelson and Jordan Waters also per- Dancin’.”
formed a duet dance. Along with being a showcase
The middle school jazz band for musical talents, Swing Show was also
performed the songs “C Jam Blues,” fea- the last performance of the CJU45 show
Photos by Karina Krall.
turing Grace vincent, Greta Voss, Hunter choir season.
VanDerHorst, Olivia Becker, Hunter “I think that this is the best the
Hamer, Teague Thomas, Sophia Petrin, show choir has performed since I've been
Olivia Schlitz, Harper Driscoll, Camila in high school. It was a really emotional
Meren, Hunter Christoffel, Ben Ziehr, ending to a fantastic season,” said junior
and James Haack; “Cajun Chili Peppers,” Olivia Naber.
featuring Olivia Becker; and “Don’t Poke Highlights of the CJU45 season
the Bear,” featuring Olivia Becker and included, received a Superior I rating at
Olivia Schlitz; and Moondance, featuring State Show Choir festival, placed 1st in

Keaton Norfleet.
Photo by Karina Krall. Nolan Staker. Karley Staker. Lynzi Dykstra.
Photo by Karina Krall. Photo by Karina Krall. Photo by Karina Krall.

Carver Boelk.
Nina Torkelson. Photo by Karina Krall.
Photo by Karina Krall.

Photo contributed
by Jeff Waller.
Keaton Norfleet, Carver
Boelk, Lynzi Dykstra.
Photo by Karina Krall.

Nina Torkelson.
Bailey Walker. Photo contributed by Jeff Philip MacGillivray. Ben Shortt. Photo contrib-
Photo by Karina Krall. Waller. Photo by Karina Krall. uted by Jeff Waller.

T h e B e a r C o m i c C o r n e r : S t . P a t r i c k ’s E d i t i o n

Graphic by Olivia Naber

Student Feature Photo What does WBHS

want to find at the A lovely field of Teriyaki flavored
end of the rainbow? wildflowers! beef jerky...just a
-Amanda Pinnell whole pot of it.
A sloth. -Keaton Norfleet
-Luca Hahn

Baby Yoda.
-Abby Noelk A cure for all
cancers! A four-leaf
-Misti Donovan clover.
-Jerricho Hobbs

What does WBHS

feel lucky to have An accepting
family and safe
in their lives? financial situation. My daughters,
-Gray Baker Penelope and
Good friends, -Rex Connor
family, health, and Luck is a
opportunities! construct of reality
A job that I -Ashlynne Nash
love! and is fiction.
-Jessica Taylor -Seth Cantrell
“Winter in March” by Brooklyn Nash

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